Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 321

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The boatman finally laughed.


‘Jal’ is just one letter.

It was natural that there was silence.

It was cold.

It was cold because it was winter.

With a roar, the fire in the furnace blazed.

At that moment, the wind blew in from the entrance of the tent.

It’s a cold winter wind.

If I were an ordinary person, I wouldn’t have felt like a dagger was flying into my heart and stabbing me.

But there were no ordinary people here, including Encred.

“I would say that too.”

Kreis quietly spoke.

It wasn’t wrong.

Naturally, Encred was not embarrassed.

I wonder if Ragna was a good talker.

Her talent in teaching even Rem, who was pushed at her own pace, was just so-so.

So there is no need to panic.


“How do you stop lightning when it strikes?”

For Ragna, this was the best.

Of course, it was the worst explanation for others.

So is it a problem?

Is that possible?

As always, Encred is a really good listener and was able to become a good student.

He knew how to listen properly.

No, it would have been okay to say that he was a listener who would extort by asking questions if the other person couldn’t explain.

“I can’t stop it.”

Encred answered.

“It can be prevented.”

Ragna adds.

“So how?

“Don’t sleep well.”

It would be nice if I could get used to explaining things now, but it was too greedy.

Ragnar can’t find his way, doesn’t speak well, doesn’t like food, and doesn’t have a very good personality.

He doesn’t care about his reputation and is quite arbitrary.

Some days I didn’t even feel like talking.

It’s a mess to say it this way, but when it comes to using a sword, Ragna is the best.

It was truly the best of the best.

“We identify the signs first and strike them down.”

Ragna gave the best explanation.

For him, this is the best.

It was the realm of sense and talent.

Encred was persistent.

I asked countless questions and heard answers.

Ragna spoke as best as he could.

It is not completely established as an image.

Nothing came to mind.

However, this was not the end.

‘If only death could be postponed.’

You will be able to use today more fully.

If you bring Ragna to the forefront for that purpose, you may be able to see Ragna taking the knight’s sword.

Of course, Encred doesn’t do that.

It was one thing to make the most of today, but it was another thing to put Ragnar first, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to endure it.

That is a line that should not be crossed.

It was a line in my heart that arose from repeating the very first day.

For some, it was a belief, and for others, it was a name for honor.

‘It’s an honor.’

Encred had to do everything he could before the messenger who discussed honor arrived.

In the questions and answers, I embodied and devised images.

This wasn’t the end either.


The fairy also tried to take the blow.


How can she do that?

“Do you know how to stop lightning?”

“You just have to avoid it before it falls.”


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“What if I can’t avoid it?”

“You can use it as a lightning rod instead.”

This is something I say abruptly, criticizing people my age.

A pedantic meaning was evident in the half-joking remark.

It is something accompanied by deep realization.

“The old ones are easy to pull out, good to cut, and good to shed and block.”

“What if I had to block the knight’s sword?”

Although it was a question asked out of the blue, no one thought it was strange.

Because Encred was originally like this.

He was crazy about the sword and struggled to achieve a dream that would never come true.

That made him who he is today.

This was something everyone acknowledged.

So I was used to spouting nonsense like this.

Even Kreis just looked at it as if it were an everyday occurrence.

Dunbakeel waited with a look on his face as if he wanted someone to ask him soon.

“I will draw my sword before my opponent takes a step or puts his hand on the sword.”

As Sinar spoke, he felt like he was falling under Encred’s magic.

What is this man?

It was like that before, but now it has become a bigger fire.

It almost seemed as if a spirit of flame resided in her eyes.

‘No, not flames.’

It is a whirlpool of emotions of desire, passion, and joy.

A strong emotion pierced the sensitive heart of the fairy.

If a proc sees a talent, the fairy feels it.

That was a characteristic of the race.

To live on the continent, it was necessary to blunt this trait, and ignore what was ignored.

If Frock had to get used to the word heart, Fairy had to learn how to overcome the waves of emotion with ease.

In that respect, Sinar was a fairy who adapted very well to the continent.

And yet.


Encred did not raise his voice.

I didn’t even act in a hurry.

He didn’t even move his hands or feet.

I just said a few words as I warmed up.

He just approached me and opened his mouth.

But that heat heated up Sinar.

I touched the blood of a fairy.

That made Sinard serious.

The answer came out minus the smile – although I usually don’t have a smile on my face – and the joke.

“The knight’s sword is a disaster.

How can you prevent what you call a disaster?”

Conversely, asking the question is probably the answer we need right now.

If an earthquake occurs, can it be prevented by human power?

What about a whirlwind?

What about floods?

What about typhoons?

Heavy rain?

What about drought?

It’s a natural disaster.

An article is said to be a man-made disaster or a disaster created by humans.

Among dragons, fairies, giants, dwarves, beastmen, and humans, the one with the largest population on the continent is human, so the knight was given the nickname “talented.”

A more intuitive expression would have been disaster.

Of course, there were also fairy knights.

Is it true that the concept of a warrior is similar to that of a warrior?

There were also examples of similar beings among the human clan that were not knights, but were referred to in different terms.

The terminology is not important.

Sinard recalled the past, looked at the present, and drew the future.

‘How to go further.’

Sinar Kirhais saw his limitations when he gave up something in the past.

I lost my way to go further.

However, I was able to come this far because I gave up on that.

It was a contradictory thing.

Does the fish you missed seem bigger?

Or was it because I realized that I needed that missed fish to stand next to the man in front of me?

‘Maybe so.’

How would you feel if you saw the man in front of you being killed by a knight’s sword?

Although it was a coincidence, the fairy’s sensitivity and clarity accurately predicted what would happen next.

‘It’s definitely not a pleasant thing.’

If so, I felt like I would regret it.

You’ll remember a lot of the fish you missed.

‘Useless thoughts.’

Sinar looked calm on the outside, but shook his head on the inside.

These are truly useless thoughts.

Encred was lost in thought after hearing Sinar’s question.

Ragnar spoke of thunderbolts.

Perhaps Sinard would have said something along those lines.

The fairy was at least considerate in her explanation.

After listening to the two, a similar conclusion came to mind.

‘How do we stop lightning?’

Finding the answer came first.

“Why don’t you ask me?”

As I was lost in thought, Dunbakhel came up to me and asked.


“Knight, sword, that.”

“Go and sleep.”

Dunbakhel is still inadequate.

There is no need to ask just in case.

And he was also a prisoner who would tell things on his own without having to ask.

“Just block it with a bang!”

Okay, I got it.

Encrid patted Dunbakkel.

“It was very helpful.”

The tone of voice is devoid of any emotion.

“that’s right?”


I nodded roughly and sent him back to his bed, and Kreis was impressed when he saw that.

“In my view, the captain will be the best employee in the salon.”

Lady Huri had no intention of becoming the best in technology.

Afterwards, until evening, he rested, ate, thought, swung his sword in the air, checked his weapons, and said that he had worked hard.

It’s a mental preparation.

There was no bullshit or anything like that today.

It was because of Encred’s attitude and eyes that showed strange force.

Although he didn’t actually say it in words, those eyes and that attitude struck Sinar’s heart again and again.

Of course, she controlled her emotions well to keep her heart from beating loudly.

And then a knight appeared.

“It’s just one time.

Just block it once.

“Is that the minimum duty to protect my honor?”

Why is that guy saying things that I don’t even ask about?

Encred held his sword and took a deep breath.

How to stop lightning?

First of all, if we cross swords, isn’t that the beginning?

The flowing sword, the first sword style created by Encred, the snake sword.

Just because it’s lightning doesn’t mean it can’t fall.

“… … “It seems like a wait-and-see attitude, but it’s strange.”

said the knight.

Encred did not answer.

Burning with concentration, it breaks the chains of foreboding.

After that, all you have to do is focus your attention on one point and keep an eye on your opponent.

It was to see the beginning of the sword striking without any preparation.

“I know.”

Sinar muttered behind him.

“Was he a prophet?”

Kreis was also taken aback.

“Did you tell me to hold the sword?”

Is it different from Ragna?

Why wasn’t Esther surprised?

Dunbakhel stiffened when he saw his opponent.

“What is that?”

A beastman is a monster that stimulates survival instincts, right?


The sword flies.

First of all, face to face.

The way to prevent lightning was as follows.


Encred had a vision.

I saw a sword bending in front of me.

It seemed as if the sword was shaking and stabbing me before meeting my own blade.

It’s so strange that you wonder if you saw it right.

And my heart was broken.

* * *

The boatman saw both in the world of images and the reality beyond it.

Currently, it was also impossible to avoid the boatman’s eyes.

To see the cursed die.

Is that his only pastime and enjoyment?

However, the target of this curse was truly unique.


Laugh as you die.

Smiling even in pain

Smiling even as pain runs through my body.

Even though he seems to be trapped in a dark cave, he smiles.

Encred was happy to see something new, but it was something completely unfamiliar and unusual for the boatman.

The boatman watched the whole time.

In this repeating day, Encred died and died again.

I laughed as I died, suffered as I died, thought as I died, and worried as I died.

Is there any joy in such repetition?

does not exist.

The boatman knows that.

I know very well.

I know better than anyone else why today’s repetition is a curse.

“That’s crazy.”

The boatman muttered to himself.

“Despair, can’t it become despair?”

The boatman asked alone.

“Anguish, ignorance, and even despair cannot color his will.”

The boatman repeated to himself.

Thus he observed the dying Encred.

I looked.

I watched.

Die and die again.

“Are you still happy?”

Sometimes when we meet face to face and ask.


“What did you say?”

I can’t even listen properly.

I am working wholeheartedly on the current situation.

Do not see or hear anything and focus solely on one thing.

And I also enjoy it.

The boatman recalled a continental proverb he had heard a long time ago.

That was a memory from before he even became a boatman.

Because the gift of forgetfulness had been taken away, it was easy to recall memories of the past.

Those who know are not as good as those who like, and those who like are not as good as those who enjoy.

To know means to understand.

Understanding something means believing what you know.

Therefore, it is a path that leads to stagnation rather than effort.

It’s about stopping and being satisfied with the present.

Being liked gives you the strength to work hard.

Because I like it, I even work hard for it.

Therefore, it is not stagnation but progress.

However, you only put in effort because you expect something in return.

Make an effort to think about the following.

What I like is the power.

Effort was the power of the mind that made me do something.

To enjoy something is to binge it.

It’s about forgetting yourself, forgetting the situation, and being immersed in the moment.

As if I had forgotten time during my first play as a child.

If only I could do that even when I get older.

If only I could do that, I would forget myself and immerse myself in it without even realizing that I am concentrating.

However, can such a person really exist?

does not exist.

I’ve never seen it before.

Usually it wears out.

It wears out.

The mind also disappears.

Efforts also fade away.


I’m sick of it.

I feel tired.

I feel exhausted.

Encroached upon by desolation.

Everyone was like that.

However, the boatman saw someone who did not do that.

This was definitely the first time I had ever seen a child go this crazy.

So I repeat today over and over again.

Repetition did not become a shackle or prison for him.

The bars could not imprison the man named Encred.

Nevertheless, the boatman’s eyes did not dim.

He watched.

Today’s shackles are tight.


It doesn’t break.

So, what should we do?

Encred gave an answer.


Isn’t it okay to just put it on and run?

In fact, it seemed like he didn’t even know that there were shackles attached.


The boatman finally laughed.


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