Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 320

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High praise The second morning dawned today.

Encred repeated the same day again.

The chain of ominousness that went beyond my sense of avoidance still tightened my body.

My limbs became stiff and I couldn’t move.

Meanwhile, today was no different from watching someone dying.

As the evening drew to a close, Encred said what he had to say.

It’s minimal preparation.

“Ragna, hold your sword and rest.”

As I said before, the sword is not the problem.

I’m exhausted.

I got hurt.

Not in the best condition.

Even if you know, you can’t stop it.

So it was a disaster.

It wasn’t called a disaster for nothing.

The knight killed all of his companions again.

The third today has passed and the fourth has passed.

It was repeated.

I encountered ominousness, constricting chains, the death of a comrade, my own death, pain, and sometimes the boatman on the river.

“It is despair.”

The boatman came out again and planted two words, despair, in his head.

Encred did not answer.

“It is despair.”

Twelve days have passed.

The same day was repeated over and over again.

As he stood still, bound by the chains of ominousness, Encred looked at his comrade’s death in his eyes.

Never once looked away.

I couldn’t do that.

Cryce, even though his fighting skills are poor, he dares to block his way.

Why did the guy who talked about running away every day turn his back on me at this moment?

This was a curse.

That’s why it doesn’t become dull.

Physical pain and inner pain are the same.

I always had to endure the same pain.

I had to watch everything all the time.

Encred had no intention of turning away in the first place, but pain is pain.

“This is despair.”

A boatman with a light tone passed by.

Today was the twenty-second day.


Immediately after Sinar’s chest was torn open, Encred’s fingers snapped.

It was a repetition of today, a little different from the last 21 days.


She didn’t die.

At first today, I thought she was dead, but she also didn’t have ordinary skills.

Due to age, the sword’s trajectory was changed and injuries were minimized.

In it, two types of sword techniques were mixed: a throwing sword and a catching sword.

What about Ragna? Instead of competing with his opponent’s sword strikes with speed.

I used the method of raising my sword and holding on with my strength.

These people had a lot to learn.


Ragnar, Krais, Dunbakeel, Esther.

After seeing them all die, Encred found his hands free.

“Now it’s moving.”

And a simple word.


Nevertheless, the blade held by the brown-haired man pierced his heart.

Encred died again.


The black river and the boatman.

They kept showing up as if they had nothing to do.

“It is despair.”

The unfocused gaze of the boatman who conveyed his message turned towards Encred.

Encred looked at the boatman indifferently.

Although he said it was despair every time, he never seemed tired or bored.

Encred’s body, which he had been looking at indifferently, gradually began to blur.

It was time to return to reality.


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I had to live again today, having to watch my colleague die.

It was a moment when I had to turn to today, a day of repeated death.

Then the body and face become blurred like smoke.

The boatman looked at Encred.

He, the boatman, does not speak with his facial expressions.

However, sometimes he would express some of his inner feelings.

It was still like that now.

As the time in the dream came to an end and Encred’s body became blurred, the boatman expressed some of his feelings.

The meaning was conveyed in words.


* * *

The river disappeared.

Encred woke up from his dream.

So, it was the beginning of a repeating day.

It was the thirty-second time.

“The dream is fierce.”

As soon as he woke up, Encred muttered.

The first thing he did was this.

Dismissing the past day as a dream.

In fact, rather than dismissing it as a dream, it would have been better to say that I had taken it as a first step toward moving forward.

Today I can’t do anything.

Quite, no, quite unpleasant, isn’t it?

I also felt like bugs were crawling all over my body.

“What is your dream?

Kreis asked, looking off to one side.

“I dream of you dying.”


Chrys also responded sincerely to Encred’s honest words.

“Ragna, I also had a dream of you dying.

“Hold your sword.”

“That is truly unlucky.”

Ragna also answered with sincerity, so it was a truly lovely morning.

It’s not that Ragnar is superstitious, but what he said at first seemed like something that would bother me.

Moreover, it is Encred who says those words.

“Is it okay to talk nonsense from a barbarian?”

Ragnar rarely let out something similar to a complaint.

Although the tone was indifferent, the content was not true.

Encred showed a natural reaction.

“Is this an insult?

“This is a challenge to a duel.”

Where do you say it is similar to Rem?

Ragna did not respond in particular as he responded with a joke.

Encred moved his body more vigorously than any other day.

Despair was a word that did not reach my heart easily.

It is also acknowledged that this is an extreme situation.

I also admit that the other person is at a ridiculously grotesque level.

But the answer was clear.


If you survive the first blow, it will retreat.

So is this despair?


Even if there was a way to avoid it, I wouldn’t have avoided it.

The opponent was a knight.

Even if it meant becoming a Shinigami, Encred also felt pure joy that his dream had come to fruition.

There was as much joy as there was pain.

Burying a colleague’s death as a dream and moving on to the next, Encred took that as a starting point.

In other words, no one will be killed.

Therefore, only a clear answer remains.

‘You just have to accept it.’

What if it doesn’t work?

Do this until done.

If necessary, do whatever it takes.

Then it was okay.

Have to watch my colleagues die every time?

What if it’s despair?

‘It’s sloppy.’

How many times has this day passed over so far?

There were many ways to break the repetitive today.

Does the same thing have to happen every day over and over again?

I already know that’s not the case.

Now I can do things I couldn’t even think about because my body wasn’t moving right away.

Encred first took his weapons that were lying in the corner of the barracks.

Should I put bandage armor on my body?

No, that wouldn’t make any sense.

Haven’t you seen the knight’s sword?

It cannot be blocked with armor or anything like that.

The thing wrapped around Sinar’s body was not ordinary armor, but it was just broken.

There was something in that blow.

I felt like I knew what that was.


A knight is someone who uses ‘will’.

Encred clearly recognized this.

So, what should we do?

Should I just let it go for now?

Will the snake sword work?

I had already forgotten that my body was a mess.

A similar day passes by.

“Everyone worked hard.”

Encred always said something similar.

There are some things that should not become dull even if they are repeated.

Encred didn’t forget that.

After more trivial words were exchanged, including that they were having a hard time.

“It’s devilish, devilish.”

After Kreis finished speaking, the tent was torn apart and a man with brown hair came in.

It always started the same.

“I’m sorry.”

The man spoke and Encred began to prepare.

“If it’s just one time, I’ll just go.

“That would be the least respect for my honor.”

It’s like you’re doing something you don’t like.

But even so, he couldn’t stop a single sword strike.

While he was saying something, Encred moved.

Actually, I didn’t really listen to what the man said.

I should have heard it once or twice.

If there are things that become dull through repetition, there are also things that do not.

The words I remember are just boring.

Whether it was honor or something, my concentration was burning.

The shackles of ominousness wrapped around my body and tightened, but I had already begun to overcome it.

Command the muscles of the entire body from the tips of the fingers.

Tell me to move.

Encred’s feet naturally fell.

The body moves according to its own will.

The ominous feeling still wrapped around my throat and tightened, but it didn’t matter.

It was negligible.

First of all, don’t move.

The first thing the man noticed was that he was walking away without listening to what he was saying.

His eyes turned to Encred.

Encred opened his mouth.

“Me first.”


Sinar tried to stop him, but it was already too late.

“I guess I’m the target?

is not it?”

He said and took his foot away.

It was right.

I found out everything I needed to know just from today.

In order to go beyond today, you must recognize and face what you need from today.

‘The author’s target is me.’

If you show your courage and come forward, you will never be turned away.

I told him what I found out through reviewing the situation and faced him.

The man, the knight, raised his sword.

A toothless shortsword that is pulled out with a bang, that is the weapon of the Shinigami.

The messenger called Dream took up arms.

“That’s exciting.


He swung his sword.


Encred tried to block, but the opponent’s sword came first.

Is it faster than Lycanos?

Is it similar to Saxony’s non-fatal stabbing?

I’ve seen it countless times, but this was my first time trying to block it.

Encred felt the difference in speed.

The opponent started from his feet and threw his sword without transmitting any force.

It was truly a sword whose timing was impossible to read.

‘I was slow.’

Encred accepted it that way.

It was slow and I missed it, so it was natural that my heart broke.

Death approaches.

Nevertheless, Encred grinned.

Didn’t you achieve the first thing you wanted?

The Shinigami saw that too.

‘You’re crazy.’

He saw through Encred’s true nature at once.

The other person was not normal.

Of course, it was none of Encred’s business.

He was simply satisfied that the trick had worked.

If you didn’t want to see Sinar, Ragna, Krys, Dunbakeel, and even Ester die, you could step forward first.

My eyes close.

Death has come.

It is a flowing, black river.

Even though it is not time to open the world of imagination, he is a boatman who has managed to open the world, even if only for a moment.

He passed by and left a high praise.

“Crazy guy.”

This was already the second time I had received such praise.

Encred also managed to leave an answer.


There was no time to talk at length.

Is it an illusion that the ferryboat appears to be shaking heavily on the receding river?

You never know.


‘The body moves.’

Well, now all that was left was to accept it.

“Huh, okay.”

“What do you mean it’s good?”

Kreis asked what he said as soon as he woke up.

“never mind.”

Encred pondered.

Can you recover your body right away?

does not exist.

Thinking about it, he picked up Ragnar’s sword and placed it next to his bed.

“… … What is it?

“Let’s spar?”

“Keep it.”

It is easier to act than to explain why.

Anyway, it was also important not to stop moving in order to warm up the body even a little.

Next to the furnace, we performed a series of movements to stretch our muscles and stimulate our regenerative power.

However, the thinking did not stop.

‘How do I stop it?’

I was still at a loss.

I didn’t think they would stop me right away just because I could move my body.

However, isn’t it just one cut?


It’s not just one cut.

It is a knight’s sword.

‘That doesn’t make sense.’

Encred was no idiot.

He knew what he had done on the battlefield.

My sword was not blocked by a group of ordinary soldiers or anything like that.

I cut down a mercenary who was said to use a sword, and I also cut down a guy from the Hurrier family.

Among them were wizards and shamans.

Most recently, he was trapped by a group of enemies.

I managed to get out by relying on my senses, but it wasn’t easy.

To someone who does not know that today is repeated, it is a mystery that is beyond amazing.

There was only one sword, three to be exact, but they made it look like they had overcome the hardships with only the sword.

“Was he a wizard?”

It was natural for Kreis to ask this at once.

Even Esther gave him a questioning look.

Of course not.

I didn’t know how to write spells.

I thought about the knight’s sword again.

Now I feel like I’m an ordinary soldier.

The thoughts continued.

If Saxony had been there, would you have noticed?

No, if Saxony had been there, wouldn’t it have been easy for a knight to attack him?

Did he do anything?

What if Ragnar had not been hurt?

It was just a stray thought.

Is this because of despair?

Are there any remnants of the emotions that the boatman put into his head?

Encred didn’t bother to throw away or erase all of that.

I left it natural.

It didn’t matter.

What is despair?

It refers to giving up hope and collapsing because there is nothing to look forward to.

It refers to pessimism about oneself and collapsing.

All of that had nothing to do with Encred.

Are you going to be trapped today because you can’t take the knight’s blow?

Rather, I’m glad to see it.

I would rather live without being able to do anything and just endure each day without any motivation, and watch the dreams I had crumble, tear, and wear out.

“It’s going to be strong today too.”

Why struggle so much, death is coming?

Does not matter.

Anyway, I won’t live to die.

Above all, the past day, the things that the boatman said were agony and ignorance, and the countless days that came before that.

One of Encred’s shells was broken and broken.

Just like when I first faced this day, my mind was straight and upright.

That was a small realization.

It was also a great realization.

‘There’s no law saying you shouldn’t take advantage of today.’

I used it when dealing with werewolves and wizards, and I made full use of it when breaking through spell traps.

It is an extension of the concept.

Struggling, but enduring and taking advantage of the curse of repetition.

This is the moment when my mind recognizes what I have been doing with my body.

Encred opened his eyes.

I remembered something I had to do.


“… … “What is it?”

Naturally, my voice gained strength.

Ragna reacted to Encred’s change in attitude.

Why is it suddenly like that again?

“Assuming you are in good health.”

Encred’s eyes sparkled.

Should I say that the eyes are strangely excited and excited?

As I was opening my mouth like that, Ragna interrupted me.

“I’m still fine.

“Rather than the captain.”

In some ways, bravado may be your most powerful weapon.

Ragnar’s bravado shined as brightly as Encred’s eyes.

Encred naturally responded.

“My physical condition is 9 out of 10.”

Actually it is five.

“I am completely cured.”

“I’m just now fully healed.”

Sinar, who had been listening to the conversation between the two, opened his mouth quietly.

“What are they doing?”

“We are competing to see who is more stupid.”

Kreis summed up the situation.

“I’m not hurt.”

Dunbakhel pursed his lips.

She was hurt too.

Of course, no one responded to her words.

Encred and Ragnar also did not care about what was going on around them.

To be precise, since Encred turned away, Ragna naturally followed him.

The main point was this.

“Can you take the knight’s sword?”

That question, that attitude, the weight in the words, the look in the eyes, something that burns apart from bravado.

All of that was a stimulus.

After receiving the question, Ragnar sank into his own world for a moment.

This fight was an opportunity.

Ragnar saw a path.

It was so easy to see where his talents would lead.

However, just because I saw a path didn’t mean I walked on it.

I couldn’t know for sure because I didn’t have any experience.

But didn’t his brilliant talent show the way in advance?

This is a path that the talent awakened by an opportunity has shown again.

Ragnar was half convinced.

This is the path to becoming a knight.


“I’m blocking it.”

If you take away the bravado, it could have been possible.

If you make a path first with the cutting that contains ‘will’, you can block even the knight’s sword.

It is a vague certainty.

It was also confidence.

At least you won’t be helpless from a single blow.

Thinking doesn’t mean tying one’s head and acting like an asshole.

Also, Ragnar’s change was felt subtly as much as his own change.

In particular, Ragnar’s reaction was slightly different every time he saw the article and repeated it every time.

What does that mean?

Could it be that I see something?

There are doubts and doubts.

Encred saw an easy and comfortable path.

I sought an answer from Ragna.


Now then, tell me how.

Ragna seemed drugged.

Encred’s voice and eyes made it that way.

So I obediently opened my mouth.

He imagined and drew a knight’s sword.

In terms of talent alone, he is a man who can be said to be the best on the continent.

He didn’t worry.

The mouth opened quickly.


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