Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 319

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Encred’s dream appeared as a reaper.

Encred’s eyes reflexively scanned the other person’s body.

Legs wide open, hands hanging down, tangled brown hair and eyes that don’t seem to have any personality, and clothes that look shabby.

It is neither the enemy’s nor our friend’s.

Several questions came to mind at the same time.

First, how did that person get here?

The second is to determine how skilled the opponent is.

Thirdly, what are you sorry about?

“There are circumstances.

So, let’s finish quietly.”

The person speaking drew out his sword.


It’s a cheap short sword.

You could tell just by looking at it, along with the sound of the sword being pulled out of its scabbard.

The teeth of the blade came off, and the leather wrapped around the handle came loose and hung in a line.

The color of the blade was also cloudy.

It’s because it’s rusty.

The funny thing is that the man didn’t recognize the weapon until he pulled it out.

Encred felt an ominous feeling rising in his stance as he drew his sword.

It was nothing compared to the intimidation of the gnoll leader or quasi-knight Acea.

If those were indirect pressures, then this is something.

It felt like an overwhelming fate that no matter what I did, I couldn’t stop that blade.


Through training so far, Encred’s senses have become more sensitive than ever.

The sense of avoidance immediately surpassed a certain limit and gave me the gift of ominousness.

It was unexpected luck, but it was a useless skill now.

Because of that, Encred stiffened.

Chains of ominousness bound my arms and legs.

“Um, fiancé.”

Shinar saw that and opened his mouth.

What else did the fairy’s sensitivity know?

“I have to avoid it.”

Sinar said and the man disappeared.

A long afterimage remained in Encred’s eyes.

My gaze returned reflexively.

The man who transformed into a long line suddenly arrived in front of Sinar.

Even though his eyes were open, the man’s image seemed to be cut off.

It was that fast.

Even with my trained and disciplined vision, seeing it that way was limited.


Phoebe Big!

Then, a sound was heard first.

What happened next caught my eye.

Sinard had already taken his stance.

Encred saw the toothless shortsword that created sparks above Sinar pass from Sinar’s chest to his stomach.

The fairy’s blood spurted into the air.

When they stopped him, he pushed them away and cut himself with the tip of his sword.

It is a combination of power, speed, and technology.

I felt it the moment I saw it.

A completed sword attack is something similar to that.

“I don’t think it will happen if I’m lucky, but anyway, if I’m lucky and survive, I won’t do it twice.

I know it is not honorable.

So, I ask for your understanding.”

The man lowered his shortsword and muttered.

Nevertheless, it was a voice that clearly caught my ear.

I don’t know what was a one time thing and what was just luck.

I couldn’t understand what was being said when discussing honor.

However, one thing is certain.

Sinar has fallen.

She grabbed my chest and slid to the floor.

He tried to hold on by sticking the tip of the knife into the floor, but the tip of the knife cut the floor in vain and Sinar fell headfirst to the ground.

There was a pop sound.

“I feel uncomfortable too.

“I’m serious.”

The brown-haired man turned and said.

Encred looked directly at his opponent.

Even if what was in that hand was a rusty knife, what happened a moment ago would have been repeated.


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It has to be that way.

The answers to the countless questions that arose came down to one answer.

The man in front of me is something beyond a quasi-knight.

This is someone who makes you feel ominous and inevitable fate the moment you see him.

In other words, it is an article.

A thousand reapers alone.

A battlefield nightmare.

A disaster born from human hands.

A strategic weapon that changes the battlefield.

Encred’s dream appeared as a reaper.

“What the f*ck?”

An embarrassed Kreis speaks from behind.


Ragna stepped forward, pulling Kryce’s back.

He didn’t even have a sword in his hand.

He held a spoon instead of a sword.


Dunvakel growled.

She has already completed her humanization.

The man hung down the shortsword in his hand.

After that, we moved towards the next goal.

There is no sound of pounding the ground or a cracking sound tearing the air.

Just move and draw.

It was a simple movement, but it was difficult to even follow it with my eyes.

Next was Dunbakhel.

She drew her scimitar before her opponent could make a move.

If the man hadn’t moved, Dunbakhel would have struck first.




Three sounds overlapped.

That’s how it sounded to Encred’s ears.

The results were visible.

I couldn’t read the short sword’s trajectory.

It was faster than before, and I couldn’t see it clearly because it was hidden by the man’s back.

Instead, I saw Dunbakhel.

Her scimitar split in half, and the broken blade halves bounced sideways and tore through the tent.

And the short sword the man held cut Dunbakkel’s heart open without hesitation.

“f*ck, I should have used a good knife.”

Dunbakeel, kneeling on one knee, muttered.

In that state, she grabbed her cracked chest with her hands, but blood poured out between her fingers.

It was a wound that could not be survived.

“Come at me.”

Behind him was Ragna.

He ran without a sword.

Even if there was a sword, it would have been impossible.

His arm is not fully healed yet.

The opponent was merciless.

He swung his sword without saying a word.

A soundless slash fell on Ragna’s head.

Ragna didn’t act stupid.

He momentarily turned his body and thrust forward with the hand opposite to the injured one.


The hand was held in vain by the other person’s hand.

There was a spoon in his hand.

The brown-haired man held Ragna’s wrist with one hand and raised the sword in his free hand.

“It was the most useful.”

As the man spoke, he lowered the sword above his head.

Ragna resisted until the end.

I tried to turn to the side and push him away with my shoulder, but the sword was faster.


The opponent’s sword only took one of Ragnar’s arms.

Ragnar, with his arm cut off, rolled to the side.

Red blood splattered everywhere.

My arm has been cut off, and if I leave it like that, I will bleed to death from excessive blood loss.

“Yes, never twice.”

The man spoke to Ragna.

Encred understood what the man said.

Not twice.

He said he would use the sword just once and only once.

“If you get stuck, you back out.

This is the minimum condition I can give you.

“That is my conscience, and even if it is a little, it can be said to be an honorable thing to do.”

The sword moved again along with the words.

The knife is aimed at Esther, who was secretly caught from behind.

The knife strike was like a thunderbolt striking without mercy, and it also looked like raindrops falling somewhere.


Esther also has her front paw cut off.

Not only was the front foot cut off, but the chest was also split open.


Lake Panther’s pain-filled voice rang in my ears.

It hit my heart.



The fallen Ragnar spoke.

As he tried to get up, he slipped on the blood and fell face down on the ground.

Squeeze it and rub against the floor.

It was a land full of the blood I shed.

Ragnar’s face was covered in blood.

“Mr. Lee.”

And a small trembling lantern blocked Encred’s path.

The chain of ominousness still bound his whole body, and Encred could not move.

This is what fate is, the goddess of fate, another face of the goddess of luck, seemed to be saying.

You can’t escape, it ends here.

“I thought I would be like this someday, but still, boss, I will repay what I received.”

Kreis blocked my path.

Encred couldn’t raise his hand.

My mouth didn’t even drop.

I just remembered the moment when I blocked Chrys’s path.

“Wangnun, run away.”

Why did you do that then?

It wasn’t something my head told me to do.


“It bites and hangs.”

Wangnuni whispered.

He knew that what he said was meaningless.

The other person also knew.

He showed no emotion.

I didn’t even sigh.

I just picked up my sword.


The sword creates several shadows in the fire blowing in the wind.

One of the shadows became real and stabbed Wangnuni in the heart.


Kreis fell down with a fatal shock and bled.

Bloody tears also flowed from my eyes.

Encred watched it all.

On the outside, it looked grave.

The brown-haired man turned to look at Encred.

The two flames floating above the grave-looking face were truly impressive.

Encred’s eyes burned to a level that could not even be compared to a fireplace fire.

That was what the knight saw.

“Hey, just once.”

The man let out an unpleasant sigh.

I didn’t like this situation itself.

A knight exists with honor.

An article like that is a secret attack.

It was unexpected.

Actually, it wasn’t important.

It happened.

Everyone is dead.

Only then did Encred open his mouth.

“I never thought my mouth would do something like this.”

You can see Sinar, Ragnar, Dunbakeel, Ester, and Chrys.

Sinar fell to the floor.

Ragna is struggling after losing one of his arms.

Dunbakhel with a broken heart.

Esther loses her front paws and cries wildly.

Cryce blocked my path and left a hole in my chest.

The only ones who barely survived were Ragnar and Esther.

Sinar died, Dunbakhel died, and Kreis died.

What about Ragna, who is struggling on the floor?

“come out.”

Ragnar said.

That’s what I told you to avoid.

He said to run away, even if a futile outcome awaits you.

Even if you don’t swing the sword, you will die from blood loss.

Would it be okay if I survived?

He lost his arm.

However, he repeats like a parrot that he is telling himself to run away.

This is ridiculous.

It was a funny and funny thing.

Encred looked at the knight.

After that, he said it all.

“I have to die.”

This is a day that will repeat itself when I die.

I needed that today.

The man nonchalantly aimed his sword.

“I’m sorry.”

Emotionless words continued.

Encred assessed his opponent’s skills.

It’s not visible.


It felt like I was walking down a dark road without a torch.


The blade flew out and pierced my heart.

Instead of avoiding it, I decided to embrace it.

Repeat today, it will be the first time.


It was my first time letting go from the beginning.

I couldn’t help it.

Encred realized something again.

Sinarna is just joking.

Dunbakeel, who often talks nonsense.

Lazy Ragnana.

Chrysna is crazy about Crona.

A leopard and wizard with bad sleeping habits.

‘I won’t let you die.’

It’s not a good feeling to see their death right in front of your eyes.

Encred accepted death.

The sword of the knight who had become the messenger split his heart and fell out.

“I will kill you.”

Ragna’s voice, still holding on, was heard.

The voice gradually became distant.

Encred endured the pain and held on.

He didn’t even moan.

“Okay, you live.


Stop the bleeding well.”

The man kept his word.

I just turned around.

Encred fell down and closed his eyes.

Death consumed him.


Of course, a black river was visible.

Above the flowing river, a boatman holding a purple lamp opens his mouth.

He said.

“I said it was despair.”

Silence fell on the river.

Encred asked instead of agreeing.

“Anguish and ignorance?”

You can’t tell the boatman’s condition just by looking at him.

How is it today?

Should I say fortunately, the boatman answered the question?

He spoke obediently.

As the vaguely visible mouth began to move, the meaning he was conveying reached Encred.

“The first is agony: Should I do something I don’t have to do?”

Was it a test given by the boatman, or was it fate created by circumstances?

I do not know.

However, the child was not saved because he was in need.

Why worry about doing what your heart tells you to do?

It wasn’t worth the trouble.

In other words, it is not agony.

At least not to myself.

“You two are ignorant.”

Encred didn’t notice the wall.

If you don’t know, you’re ignorant.

In today’s world called ignorance, there was help from a boatman.

I don’t know why I helped.

But even if it wasn’t for his help, I would have found out at some point and gotten over it.

Therefore, ignorance must have become known at some point, and during that time, Encred must have walked in silence.

The wall of ignorance is also meaningless.

“The third is despair.”

Those words contained the meaning that you cannot overcome.

The boatman’s intentions were clearly conveyed.

‘Take the knight’s sword.’

I could say that it was the most unpleasant day so far.

Moreover, before that, I have to see all the people I call my comrades die.

I would be lying if I said it had no effect.

“Enjoy despair.”

The boatman spoke without a trace, like any other day.


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