Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 318

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I have to say that everyone worked hard.

When I woke up, my head was spinning.

It was because I had been lying down for too long.

I almost stumbled, but I quickly corrected my posture.

The senses trained through today’s repetition corrected and adapted to subtle differences from usual.

‘not bad.’

I can feel the sea again.

When I stood upright, turned my head to the left and right, and looked to the side, I saw Ragna eating porridge with only one hand, with one shoulder and torso wrapped in bandages.

After swallowing what was in his mouth, Ragna’s eyes scanned Encred’s whole body.

Sinar’s gaze was the same.

They both thought the same thing.

I didn’t notice it when I was lying down, but when I woke up, I felt like something had changed.

It was obvious.

Among the countless repetitions of today, Encred not only learned how to avoid it.

However, there was no need to ask or argue right away.

However, Ragna was looking forward to the sparring.

The motivation I never had before was still maintained.

“Is it delicious?”

Encred asked.

Ragna nodded.

No one fed me, but a friend who came with a soldier called Helma or something made me porridge.

It tasted different from regular meals.

Did you say that this time they added sliced ​​eel flesh?

Encred warmed up little by little.

It’s been two days.

Ragna also stood up.

Isn’t this a chance to be completely lazy?

It was difficult to read the minds of the crazy company members, so I didn’t bother to find out.

“Is it worth living?”

“It was a slight sprain to begin with.”

I had a slight sprain and had to lie in bed for three days. If it broke, I would die.

Of course.

Encred did not put his thoughts into words.

These are the kind of people they are originally from.

Would it be different from Rem, Ragna, Saxony, or Audin?

They weren’t the type of people who would change if you argued with them.

Encred moved his body instead of speaking.

Among the isolation techniques, movements that helped the body recover were performed.

Feel your muscles, extend your arms, and slowly increase your body heat.

Stimulate the uninjured area to make blood flow quickly.

Even though it was winter, steam began to rise gently from Encred’s body.


Move and warm up your body.


Move and warm up your body.


“Moving warms up your body.”

This was Audin’s way of dealing with injuries.

Even Rem, who was listening next to me, snorted at the absurdity, but if you ask me, it’s not wrong.

At least, it is possible to some extent after creating a body using isolation techniques.

Isolation techniques improve basic physical strength.

The body created in this way has the effect of automatically making blood circulate throughout the body quickly even without moving.

Blood has the effect of healing wounds by circulating, so this is stimulated.

Encred has already experienced with his own body that strengthening muscles and strength increases recovery.

Still, this was a bit fast.

So much so that the words “monstrous resilience” come out.

Of course, Esther, who slept with her head on her front paw, also played a role.

Because she slept in Encred’s arms and stimulated his regenerative powers.

That was a talent that couldn’t even be used on a spell axis.

This happened for other reasons, so it wasn’t for nothing that Sinar was surprised when he saw this.

“You really have an amazing body.”

Sinar sat to one side and shared his thoughts.

He was sitting on a chair in the barracks.

The posture was one knee raised and an arm wrapped around it.

Encred nodded indifferently.

As my body heated up and I was wearing only a short-sleeved shirt, Sinar’s gaze swept all over my body.

“It’s kind of like that.”


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Eat, sleep, wake up and recover.

Receiving the attention of everyone while replaying the battle.

It was everyday life for Encred.

It wasn’t awkward for everyone to be gathered together like this.

The medical barracks were quite large.

It was the size of a booklet that could accommodate about 20 pages.

There was a large brazier in the middle, and Esther slept curled up right underneath it.

Ragna sat next to him, and Encrid moved near the brazier.

Towards the entrance of the barracks is Sinarga.

Inside, Dunbakel was dozing off.

Dunbakhel also had quite a few lingering wounds, but there were no major injuries.

When I heard the story later, it was said that as soon as he heard that he had fallen into a trap, he jumped ahead.

You ran like a crazy person all the way to the front, right?

Suin, who once lived as a black sword stooge, has now become one of the unit members.


Encred used to think like that sometimes.

Why are they gathered around me?

Kreis, a soldier nicknamed King-Eyed for his large eyes, was sitting on a chair about two steps away from the brazier.

“It was my mistake.”

He said right away.

Without moving his body, Encred asked again.


“It was dangerous because we could not predict the situation.”

The words were all cut out, but Encred understood them roughly.

Isn’t this the king’s eye struggling to read the enemy’s intentions?

“It’s strange to expect.”

Encred was sincere.

It seems like the other person is crazy.

At those words, Cryce’s eyes turned to Encred.

There was deep emotion in those eyes.

It is a feeling of distrust that arises along with doubt.

“Even though I almost died from that?”

Cryce looked into Encred’s eyes.

How can there not be a trace of resentment in your eyes?

Why are those eyes always straight?

Kreis had doubts.

I wonder how humans can do that.

“I lived.

“It’s not like a ghost or anything.”

It means he’s not dead.

Then that means it’s done.

“Really the boss.”

Kreis felt gloomy for a moment, but quickly buried it.

Okay, so what are you going to do?

It’s not like I don’t know that my captain is that kind of person.

‘Why is he like that?’

See, aren’t you still asking that question with your eyes?

Even though he died and came back to life, there was no resentment.

This happened while he was digging into enemy territory at his own request, but he is not held accountable.

Ragnar next to him was as uninterested as Encred.

Even though Encred asked with his eyes, he just looked at me with his eyes asking what he was asking.

“Ah, that’s it.

it’s okay.”

Kreis shook off the remnants of his emotions.

It’s meaningless to even ask.

That person won’t care anyway, and if he does, he will only lose himself.

Crona didn’t get caught, but I really don’t want to lose anything, so it’s right to shake it off.

Through a process of rational thinking, Kreis came to his senses.

What next?

It’s a repetition as I learned from my captain.

As a result, I heard how Encrid was out of danger, I heard everything about Ragnar, and I even checked the movements of the enemy soldiers.

Kreis knew he had been screwed.

What kind of great strategist would he have predicted all of this?

However, my captain almost died because of this.

That person once saved his life, but he almost killed the person who saved his life.

Even if you take the surprising innocence of the captain aside, it was something that once again sent goosebumps down my spine.

‘Predicting the battlefield.’

It involves a certain amount of risk.

I learned a lot from this incident.

I also learned that anything can happen on the battlefield.

The opponent’s skill once again gave me goosebumps.

The more I thought about it, the more I thought he was crazy.

‘If you send out a group of semi-knights, they will be on guard.’

Capturing a small number of elites through a group of ordinary soldiers?

This is absolutely crazy.

Sacrificing a thousand soldiers to capture one person?

Not even a knight?

No, it could have been.

I had to predict it.

Kreis decided that was the thing for him to do.

But I couldn’t do it.


Because I have no experience.

No, you should not just ignore it as an experience.

This could happen again.

So what should I do?

I had to broaden my scope of thinking.

There should be no limits to what one can imagine.

I had to think of the most bizarre thing the other person could do.

‘Not with a dragon flying overhead!’

That was not a possibility, but an evasive delusion.

It wasn’t Encred’s intention, but Chrys reflected.

More than anything, I felt quite a bit while looking at the captain who was so upright even when his life was at stake.


Don’t make the same mistake.

After organizing my thoughts.

“Let’s open a salon.”

Kreis said something meaningless.

No matter how much I say, Encred won’t even listen to it.

“If it’s ready, I’ll go out and have fun.”

I’ll be back soon.

I was planning on swinging a sword at that time.

Wow, how can you say something like that that you can’t keep?

That’s because I know that I can’t actually open a salon right now.

Well, if it’s really set up, I might stop by for a moment.

I keep what I say.

Because that’s the boss.

However, I didn’t know that I could practice swinging a sword inside the salon.

‘It’s the worst.

It’s the worst.’

I purposely stopped to let my imagination run wild.

Encred, who was just bending down and holding his toes with his hands, looked at Chrys’s ever-changing expression.

It was fun to watch.

Kreis just finished imagining things and shook his head.

Anyway, regret is regret, and if you have learned what you need to learn, you must move on.

It was a lesson I learned from childhood.

Kreis did just that.

There was no particular consolation, but I brushed it off.

What should I do if I made a mistake?

‘Did I do anything?’

Actually there were a lot.

If it weren’t for Chrys, Encred would have fallen into the trap set by Abnier.

Esther also did something.

By killing the wizard named Galaf, she eliminated Encred’s means of stopping his retreat.

Ragnar’s presence also helped.

What was the original role of the quasi-knight he killed?

Sinar and Dunbakhel also performed quite well.

If it weren’t for the two, one side might have been pushed back in the first battle.

The enemy troops striking the rear may not have been just pretending, but really posed a threat to the Border Guard.

Then problems arise from supply.

The escape route is sometimes blocked.

The board may have turned strangely.

The people in front of me protected this battlefield.

Encred truly thought so.

If there are words in one’s heart that should not be hidden or spared, these are the kinds of words.

Encred stopped moving.

I know how to put sincerity and sincerity in my words.

He did so.

Straighten your body.

Lower your hand and look left and right to gather everyone’s attention.

After that, he opened his mouth.

“I have to say that everyone worked hard.”

Ragna, who was eating porridge, stopped his hand, Kreis blinked, and Dunvakel raised his head from his sleep.

At the entrance to the barracks, Sinar looked at Encred and opened his mouth.

“You can say that without even a blush.

“It’s not demonic for nothing, is it?”

This is said by lowering one’s knees and clasping one’s hands in front of the chest.

“I didn’t mean it that way.”

Let’s rebel against fairy jokes.

“Isn’t it the captain who suffered?”

Kreis says, blinking.

The tone was absurd.

Esther looked at Encred for a moment out of sleep, then tapped the floor with her front paw.

It seemed like he was saying nothing.

Ragnar looked at Encred and said, ‘I fought for myself.’

He said and started eating again, and Dunbakkel nodded and agreed.

“Yes, I had a hard time too.”

They are fun fairies, humans, beastmen, and wizards.

Encred truly thought so.

“Where did Saxony go?”

Kreis asked.

“I’ve been somewhere.”


“I don’t know.”

“I don’t know, so are you just sending it to me?”


Well, they aren’t people who will get caught just because they catch them.

From the beginning, Encred’s attitude has been consistent since he was part of the Troubleshooting Squad.

Everyone do their own thing.

I won’t interfere with your work.

Ragna wasn’t interested at all.

What does it matter whether there is a sneaky wild cat or not?

He sat lost in thought.

He was reflecting on what he had gained.

The flame of motivation has not yet gone out.

Sinar observed Encrid, and Dunvakel brought his scimitar to the grindstone.

Evil evil!

Sprinkle an appropriate amount of water from the canteen and push it against the whetstone.

This is the process of sharpening a scimitar blade.

As a former mercenary, he knew how to manage his weapons.

As Kreis sat, he thought that somehow such an unusual group of people had gathered together.

Everyone was having their own time.

It was time for Encred to move his body again and generate heat.


The sound of a tent being torn was heard.

Sinar reacted quickly.


She picked ages without warning.

Before I knew it, I was standing up.

Esther opened her eyes.

Ragna held the spoon like a sword.

“Uh, um, I guess that’s right, black hair, blue eyes, pretty face.”

A cold wind blew in through the cut tent.

It was a voice heard along with the cold wind.


The flames in the furnace moved loudly, shaking the shadows.

It was already past evening, and the sunset time had ended.

The blue moonlight coming from outside and the red light from the furnace met and harmonized with each other.

Someone was standing at the point where the light met.

“I’m sorry.”

And he said.


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