Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 317

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My body wants to recover, so I stir-fry Encred and repeat today.

Dunbakel and Sinar are on their toes to deal with the light cavalry coming from behind, but then they fight to the death with the enemy.

While Ragna was excitedly saying that he had found the opportunity and was talking about brown stool, Saxony was also busy.


For the first time in a very long time, the scent of the same industry reached my nose.

It didn’t actually smell.

Saxony’s five sensitive senses were crushed and combined to stimulate the sixth sense, so he only captured the smell as a ‘feel’.

A silent step, an approaching blade.

What I felt with my sixth sense seems to be visualized.

Saxony withdrew himself from the soldiers.

The opposing group also recognized Saxony.

They were called the assassin clan.

They were the ones who created Azpen’s assassination guild called ‘Monter’s Swamp’ and were the actual owners of the guild.

They are three assassins whose ways are different from the superficial guild leader.

They were all confident in their abilities.

As soon as they recognized Saxony, they moved.

‘There’s a clumsy guy over there.

Let’s kill it and go.’

The will of the three was communicated just by looking at each other.

Saxony deliberately leaked signs, made noises on purpose, and deliberately bewitched the opponent.


This was bewitching.

He urged me to kill him.

It’s a temptation to show with your whole body that you’re good at this kind of fighting, but your skills are less than yours.


Saxony estimated the number of opponents by the faint traces of those chasing him.

As he left the friendly unit, showing movements that were no different from the tango of temptation, the three men who had been following Saxony’s traces began to take action.

One soldier in our unit was out of line.

An old soldier, wearing his helmet clumsily, fell, holding his spear in his chest.

He is a soldier who strangely attracts attention.

The falling motion was loud.

He fell from his knees with a thud and even let out a loud noise.

Leaving the enemy, the eyes of the surrounding soldiers turned to the old soldier.

Funnily enough, when I stole the clothes and wore them, they were Border Guard military uniforms.

Without even looking, Saxony realized that the old soldier had made a sound by hitting the floor with thick gloves, not with his knees.

At the same time, I felt a blade flying behind me.

It was a skewer-like sword.

Saxony saw what the old soldier was doing and used a similar tactic.


It moved as if surprised to see him and then fell forward.

The way he was tilting and falling down made him look like a stupid new recruit.

“You idiot!”

Our commander, who was watching from behind, shouted.

In the commander’s eyes, it looked like Saxony had broken out of line and the enemy soldier who saw him had stabbed him in the back.

Since it seemed like he barely escaped, he could have been angry at the guy who broke away from the line.

And Saxony did not necessarily drag on the fight for a long time.

He was so sick of this type of fighting.

He had already fallen and thrown the silent throwing dagger and silent sword.


The old soldier raised his hand to cover his chest.

A dagger was stuck on top of it like a flower arrangement.

“It’s blocked.”

Saxony muttered indifferently.

He was half-bowed.

In the eyes of the old soldier who blocked the silent sword with his hand, I saw the eyes of Saxony, who lifted his head with his chin pulled in.

The gaze is armed with indifference itself.

A red light surrounds the pupil, and the inside of the pupil is painted a dark maroon color.

The other person looked into those eyes and got goosebumps all over his body.

The clan member who shyly pulled out the sword that pierced the back of his hand moved his fingers.


This is an instruction given in sign language.

It was a reflex action.

An ominous feeling ran down my spine.

Soon the remaining two clan members showed off their skills.

He threw the poisoned dagger and set off the poison at Saxony’s feet.

Our commander stopped while trying to save the new soldier.

He was a guy from the Border Guard.


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When I looked closely at the guy who was about to fall, I saw that it wasn’t some stupid recruit, but Saxony.

In reality, Saxony had deliberately shown his face to prevent him from interfering, but the commander could not have known that.

Even if you do this, if you die while approaching, it will be your fate.

That’s none of my business.

Didn’t you keep your distance enough that you wouldn’t die if you didn’t come closer?

That’s why he left the ranks.

It would have been an easier fight if he had used his own soldiers as shields, but he did not do that.

At this level, Encred and the captain won’t look at him in a particularly strange way.

If you use a friendly soldier as a meat shield, wouldn’t the captain hate it?

‘You care about everything.’

Saxony felt like the sword in his heart was becoming dull.

Of course, that didn’t dull the skills engraved in my bones.


A cracking sound rings out in the air, daggers fly, and the iron thread is suddenly pulled taut, aiming for the ankle.

Saxony figured it all out and avoided it.

It truly was a monstrous sensation.

It was natural.

The sense of avoidance, the door to the sixth sense.

These were all things Saxony had taught.

Moreover, if we only look at Saxony, he is a genius who has surpassed the level of fairies through acquired efforts.

After that, it was obvious.

The assassins rebelled and ran away, and Saxony chased them one by one, either making a second mouth on their necks or putting a dagger into their hearts.

Before we knew it, we were quite far from the battlefield.

In other words, no one, enemy or friend, saw their fight properly.

Even if there was a fight right in front of you, all you would see was something flying around.

“f*ck, is this Geor’s dagger?”

It was the last opponent.

The guy dressed as an old soldier asked as he was dying.

It seemed unfair.

“Would it be less unfair if I knew?”


Blood flows from the corner of the mouth.

If you don’t pull out the dagger stuck in your chest, you will live a very short time longer.

However, there was no reason to do so.

Saxony jumped back, pulling out his dagger.

Then, as a final act of defiance, he shot the needle he was holding in his mouth.

The needle flew in vain through the air.

“You bastard.”

How do you not let your guard down at all?

No matter the assassin’s attitude or the look in his eyes, Saxony was still like that.

He stood a little distance away and looked at the other person with indifferent eyes.

Before the trembling man died, Saxony examined the wounds on his body.

There were clear traces of poison being used.

Black foam appears on the skin.

Although it was extremely poisonous, it was not fatal to him.

It was also a poison I knew.

While the wounds were being examined, the last assassin died.

As was his habit, Saxony searched the assassin’s arms.

There were needles, poison powder, smoke bombs, etc.

And I saw tattoos on their bodies.

It was a single pattern.

It was one of the traces followed by Black Lily, Saxony.

It’s something I didn’t expect to see from Azpen’s assassin.

Saxony looked at it blankly.

It seemed like I couldn’t just ignore it.

That meant it was time to leave, even if it was just for a little while.

‘for a moment?’

It was a strange feeling for Saxony to know that he was considering coming back.

Since when did you live with your own home or sanctuary?

A place to return to.

How full that sounds.

Regardless of his thoughts, Saxony also thought that he would do his best to come back.

For now, I still want to wait and see what Encred will do.

There’s something about that person that really makes you unable to take your eyes off them.

‘I have to say something and then go.’

So, reporting that a short vacation was needed would have been enough.

* * *

Encred went to sleep and woke up repeatedly.

He knew better than anyone else that it was important to eat well and sleep well when you were injured or sick, so he did just that.

Above all, I was always hungry when I opened my eyes.

The body created through the technique of isolation asserted itself for recovery.

It was also a very strong argument.

The gist of the argument came down to one thing.

It’s hunger.

Even though I was really hungry, I was very hungry.

“Is there anything to eat?”

This is what he said when he woke up from half-death and came back to life.


Yes, just wait a moment!”

A medic with a full military uniform stood by his side and ran out.

When he returned, there was thin porridge in his hand.

“I’ll feed you!”


For some reason, I had bandages wrapped around both my arms, but it wasn’t so bad that I couldn’t even eat porridge.

After taking the bowl and spoon and destroying them in an instant, the medic said.

“You shouldn’t eat it in a hurry.”

“I’m okay.”

Even before the technique of isolation, the ability to digest food was an organ.

If you don’t want to get sick, the skills to sleep well and eat well are essential.

You have no skills and no stamina?

It’s perfect for getting away with being a mercenary.

So, now?

Even if it’s not iron, wouldn’t it be possible to digest the soil?

“Brother, it is basic to eat well and eat well.”

The technique of isolation is a technique of building the body.

It was a technique that not only built muscles that tightly wrapped around the outside, but also controlled the inside of the body.

So doesn’t it include how to eat and how to rest?

Encred ate well and closed his eyes.

I was planning on getting some rest.

That’s how you eat and sleep.

When I opened my eyes for a moment, I saw Saxony.

His hair was covered in dried blood and his expression was unusual.

The smell of dirt and blood stimulated my sense of smell.

As soon as the battlefield was over, I wondered where he had gone without seeing me off, and I guess he was somewhere and doing something.

“I need to leave the room for a moment.”

Saxony said.

“If I stop you, it won’t go?”

Encred asked back without even blinking.

It was just curiosity.

It was a question I wouldn’t normally ask, but I was half asleep right now.

Despite those words, Saxony’s expression didn’t change at all.

I’m going.

I could tell even without listening.

“Go and come.”

There are things that members of the unit, including Saxony, cannot compromise.

I didn’t know what it was, but I knew it existed.

Encred respected that.

These were not only members of the unit, but also the people who led him this far.

Based on their technology, we have built what we have today.

Encred, who made eye contact with Saxony, added one word.

“Don’t be late.”

“I am not Gilchi.”

It’s a humorless answer or a joke.

Neither Encred nor Saxony laughed, but instead greeted them with jokes.

After exchanging a few words, Encred felt a sudden surge of fatigue.



When I opened my eyes again, I couldn’t see Saxony.

Now that I think about it, I think it was early morning when I woke up.

When I opened my eyes this time, Sinar was holding a spoon.


A fairy with incredible beauty expressionlessly lifts a spoon and urges the child to open his mouth.

He said he would feed him.

The intention was clear.

“Aren’t you busy?”

What on earth is this fairy doing here?

“My fiancé passed away, so I have to do this.”

It was a fairy joke.

Encred blinked, then opened his mouth in annoyance.

Then the fairy pushed a real spoon into her mouth.

“Would you like me to chew it?”

“What do you chew on the porridge?”

“That’s what the heart is like.”

“Fairy society is promiscuous.”

“Is this an insult?”

“That’s not it.”

“It’s just me.

And only to you.”

Encred still found fairy jokes awkward.

This was the extent to which I was able to get used to it.

“Shall I prepare a fairy-style meal next time?”

Sinar still spoke without a trace of laughter.

“What are the ingredients?”

They say Frog eats bugs.

“Green nutritious porridge full of high-quality fiber.”

“How does it taste?”

“It truly tastes like heaven.”

“I decline.”

No matter how much I think about it, it seems like a taste that bothers my sense of taste.

I also really liked the porridge I was eating now.

Finely grind the meat and onions and add spices on top.

Who is it, the person who made this?

It tasted great.

I had been sick since the evening I returned.

Encred slept for most of the day.

We saw Saxony off in the middle and ate porridge.

While I was awake for a moment, I saw Ragna sleeping.

Dunbakhel came and grumbled.

“This time the fight was boring.

“I can fight better.”

But why are you saying that to yourself?

Yes, I know you are good at fighting.

I know this just by seeing him get beaten up by Rem.

“We will do better next time.”

So, I didn’t know why they kept emphasizing that.

It is a repetition of sleeping, eating, and resting.

The body demanded recovery.

Encred listened to what the body was saying.

Because the time I was awake was short, there was no time to relive the fight.

For a moment, I wondered where Saxony had gone, but knowing nothing would change anything and I had no desire to know.

If I had wanted to tell you, I would have said it vaguely.

Encred focused on eating, drinking, and resting.

“Are you working hard on this too?”

When I woke up briefly, the female soldier asked.

Encred blinked twice and remembered the soldier’s name.


Next to him, I saw a soldier who was a seasoning master.

This friend must have been injured during the battle and had bandages wrapped around his head and shoulders.

Next to him, there was also a hesitant face.

Who was he?

“What is it, why are you hiding your identity?

“I was surprised.”

Helma said and the soldier next to her nodded.

“I committed a deadly sin!”

The third soldier suddenly slammed his head into the ground.

A little dust rose.


“I used my mouth carelessly… … .”

“Ah, that’s enough.

It’s in the past.

“You didn’t even know who I was, so that means I lied.”

“No, no!”

This is a soldier who kept shaking his mouth when someone said something.

The guy who said if you’re going to fight, come forward.

Encred ignored it without much notice.

Rather than that, he looked at the bowl next to Helma.

I could smell a fragrant scent through my nose.

I was hungry again.

‘It really seems like the god of beggars has entered the ship.’

In reality, it just happened because the body needed to recover as much blood as it had lost.

Because his body has already become a regeneration body, a body optimized for recovery.

If Audin had seen it, he would have been proud.

“Brother, it is said that the ground hardens after it rains, so it will become harder after it gets hurt and heals.

“I’ll break your leg.”

He would have told a cruel joke without hesitation.

When I thought about that, I almost laughed.

Because all of the bastards in the unit were bastards who were anxious not to be able to make jokes with themselves while pretending that nothing was wrong.

Among them, Rem was the best.

What would you say if you looked at it now?

“Oh, it hurts?

“Can I stab you?”

Do you think it will be like this?

Anyway, crazy savage.

Rem did nothing and got scolded.

I might be picking my ears with my little finger right now.

After being lost in thought for a moment with a blank face, Helma raised her bowl and asked.

“Would you like some?”

Encred reflexively opened his mouth.

After putting the porridge in my mouth, I wondered why I was like this when I could eat it with my own hands.

It’s because of Sinar that I developed strange habits.

However, after eating it once, I suddenly decided to eat it with my own hands.

Put a spoonful or two spoonfuls into your mouth, it’s a different taste.

Softly cooked beans and savory meat were chewed together.

“I put boiled chicken and beans together.”

A soldier next to me speaks.

The seasoning master, Soldier, also had great knowledge of cooking.

“it’s good.”

“thank you.”

It was a shy face.

“I want to feed you too.”

The third soldier said something crazy.

Did that thing spin?

“Did you turn?”

Helma blocked it in advance.

Well, good job.


Encred opened his eyes for a moment.

After eating and staying for a while, I felt sleepy again.

My body still wanted to recover.

“It was an honor.”

Just before we finished eating and fell asleep, Helma said.

Encred just nodded.

I felt sleepy again.

“I’m going to apply for a transfer.

“I want to fight by your side.”

The soldier who was wiping his mouth also spoke.

Whether he moved in or not was up to him to decide.

Just before I fell asleep, I faintly heard Ragna’s voice next to me.

“Aren’t you going to feed me?”

I also heard Helma’s answer.

“I thought your arm was fine.”

In fact, his arm was also fine.

In his dream, Encred swung his sword with his toes without arms.

Ragna came out and asked why he was like that, and he answered that it was because he had no arms.

It was a dream.

I sleep, wake up, eat, and repeat.

The next afternoon, Kreis came and told me that Azpen was leaving.

“That’s good news.”

“Well, I don’t know if I will pull another trick or not.”

Kreis’ face was filled with doubt.

It’s like looking at a guy who stole my Crona.

Do you think this happened?

Encred went back to sleep without asking.

After two days of rest, I was able to move.

“Thank you.”

Sinar was really surprised when he saw that.

Of course, his expression was as grave as usual.

But what was surprising was surprise.

How is the body structured so that it can already wake up?

If it were an ordinary person, it would have been an injury that would have resulted in death rather than half.

Was the ointment he gave me a medicine that would cure everything as long as I applied it?

I have heard that there is a medicine made from holy water filled with divinity, but the ointment made using the fairy clan’s secret recipe does not contain divinity.

“Did you eat something good without me knowing?”

“What are you saying?”

Encred, who thought it was a trivial remark, ignored it and checked his body.


If the original normal state was ten, the current state would be about five.

My body wasn’t completely healed, but I didn’t have to lie down anymore.

It also stung a bit.


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