Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 315

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Ah, it’s fun.

She also wandered around the battlefield, so she had heard a variety of curses, from her parents’ curses to unspeakable curses, but this was the first time she had heard them.

It was truly the first time that the blood of my people was treated with such insulting language.

Above all, Aya was a knight and loved her own skin.

I was proud to be an Easterner.

“… … what?”

Aya’s head was bent in an angle.

“It stinks.

“Go wash up.”

Ragna just did what he was taught.

Encred was always good at targeting his opponent’s weaknesses.

Especially if you are the one who provokes the opponent, Encred can be said to be the best on the continent.

Even though I’m not a master student, I haven’t missed anything I’ve seen and learned over the years.

“… … “Did you just tell me that was a smell?”

Aya was a knight and also a woman.

The brown stool and the smell were all just a series of offensive words.

Moreover, he says those words so calmly and expressionlessly as if they are true and true.

I didn’t like it any more.


It doesn’t smell.

It smells fragrant.

“The scent of flowers.”

The squire quickly opened his mouth, but the water had already been spilled.

Aya’s face stiffened.

I bit my molars.

His jaw muscles were tense and exposed on his face.

“What the f*ck?”

Even though Aya was angry, she did not completely lose her composure.

To do that, there are things I have accumulated over the years.

She replaced her anger with strength.

I’ll definitely kill that one.

“I’ll cut off your tongue first.”

Aya drew her sword.


Two handles in each hand, one short and one long.

The sword held in the left hand is closer to a regular long sword, and the sword held in the right hand is shorter.

“You’re fine, no.


The squire also pulled out his weapon without saying anything behind his back.


Ragna could tell that it was a long sword in the opponent’s hand just by hearing the sound of it being pulled out from behind.

At the same time, his eyes scanned the weapon in Aya’s hand.

The squire quietly applied pressure from behind.

I aimed my sword and narrowed the distance.

It was like writing things back and forth.

“Did you know how to fight a fair duel?

Watch your back.

“You idiot.”

Aya’s words touched my heart.

It’s because I’m so angry.

Ragna accepted his opponent’s advice.

I was thinking of being careful.

The squire moves his feet.


I move my seat while scanning the ground.

Ragna also moved a few steps accordingly.

In front is Aya, and in the back is the Squire who was running away.

How should I deal with it?

The back and forth was caught.

It started with ouch.

Hook and narrow the space.

The stabbing continued at incredible speed.

Ragna raised his sword to block.


The opponent’s attack was merely a check.

The real thing was behind.

The squire’s sword fell from top to bottom towards the back of the head.


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The trained senses awakened Ragna’s whole body.

Ragna bent his knees and stabbed his raised sword upward.

Junggeomsik is based on power.

Of course, Ragna knew how to apply his power properly.

For example, just such a short movement line and movement could have been enough to cause an impact.

The squire did not bring down his sword all the way.

He fell back, showing only his intentions.

As soon as Ragnar thrust his sword above his head, he flew to the side.

Aya’s sword rose from where she was.

It was an upward move at a frightening speed.


The sound of the sword cutting through the air was bloody.

It was a quick and unhesitating attack.

“My name is Aya, I am the scented Aya of the Knights of the King.”

Aya came up with a nickname for herself and rushed at me.

Ragna felt the slash coming from behind again.

Even though I couldn’t see it, I sensed air waves and life.

Back and forth, there was no way to stop it.


Ragna swung his sword.

If you can’t stop it in the first place, just stop it.

The body of the sword, which was larger and longer than an ordinary sword, drew a spiral trajectory.

The sword slashed the air faster than usual.

In that trajectory were both the Squire’s sword and Aya’s sword.


This time too, the only one who bumped into it was Aya.

If nothing else, Ragna’s grasp of the situation in a battle situation was faster than anyone else’s.

‘The back is a sword.’

It’s also a fantastic sword with ‘will’.

He spoke like a squire, and he had the skills to put down people who were half-decent knights.

It is done with intention and will right up to the actual attack.

After that, an imaginary blade flew out.

Detecting and avoiding is impossible.

It is difficult to distinguish between real and false.

If I were to let my guard down just a little bit, I would really get cut.

Although it is a phantom sword, it is a sword with an actual sword waiting behind it to cut flesh and bone at any time.

Aya’s sword was dazzling.

The focus was on speed, but weight was also added.

It was somewhere between a heavy inspection and a quick inspection.

I was born to have learned properly.

It seemed like he had inherited the swordsmanship faction.

Above all, the two fit together very well.

It was a crisis.

There is no more danger. If you take a wrong step, you will quickly fall to your death.

Because it was such a crisis, Ragna was satisfied.

I listened to the voice inside me. Haven’t I been waiting for a moment like this?

I am more than satisfied with the current situation.


Aya opened her mouth in bewilderment when she saw Ragna’s face.

The feeling created by the other person’s face was more unpleasant than swinging a sword once.

Aya was dumbfounded and laughed.

On the contrary, Ragna laughed heartily.

I smiled.

I enjoyed this moment.

“Do you scream because you like it when you get stabbed?”

Aya asked in bewilderment.

Ragna quietly enjoyed himself.

A crisis is an opportunity and an opportunity.

All I had to do was move on from this point to the next.

Ragna recognized that this was the moment he had been waiting for.

He needed an opportunity.

“Shut your mouth.

“Because it stinks.”

In the meantime, I used the tongue sword that I learned from Encred.

“Yes, yes, I will kill you.

“I will make sure to chop it into small pieces and kill it.”

Aya’s sword moved again.

The sword moves left and right, leaving an afterimage.

It was a different type of quick sword than Lycanos.

Ragna knew he was mistaken.

It is not between the heavy sword method and the quick sword method.

‘Hwangeom was also mixed in.’

Overall, it is a swordsmanship of high perfection.

I liked that more.


Blocking Aya’s sword countless times.


Block the sword coming from behind.

See the gap and cut it out.




Sometimes iron met iron and sparks flew.


I pushed the floor with the soles of my feet and moved my body non-stop.

No, I had to move.

If you catch your breath, you will be stabbed.

So, keep breathing to a minimum.

That’s how I endured it.


This is the cheering heard from behind.

The moment Ragna sensed the attack coming with a force that could not be ignored, Ragna also reacted.

He raised his sword vertically and turned his body to block.


After the fight, the loudest noise erupted.

It was because he blocked the squire’s blow.

He was a guy who not only had a great sword, but also a heavy sword-style slasher.

I had to block it and float away, but the impact was not properly relieved.

My knees were sore.

After that, Aya’s sword fell from above her head again.

It was a cut on the top of the head, like a swift bird catching a fish.

Since I didn’t have time to raise my sword and strike, I turned around.

Phoebe, bubuk!

Aya’s blade grazed Ragna’s shoulder.

Blood splattered into the air.

It was clumsy, but even though he was wearing armor, he was cut without any hesitation.

The sword Aya was holding was not an ordinary sword.

The cutting power was extraordinary.

In that state, Ragna also swung his sword.

The sword, which was about half as long as the others, curved like a whip and tore through the front like a beam of light.


A thunderous sound came from the swinging sword.

Aya dodged without blocking.

She knew too.

This is not the kind of attack that should be prevented.

Her eyes were special and she could see it all.


Ragna took a short break to catch his breath.

When I used all the swords I had learned, I got one stab in the back of my thigh and a gash on my left shoulder.

Open, bearish.

Nevertheless, Ragna did not back down.

There was no assumption in his mind that he would lose.

I was just filled with the thought of approaching something that seemed almost catchable, but could not be caught.

And it wasn’t an illusion.

Ragna faced a wall in front of him that only he recognized, and he encountered an opportunity.

“Ah, it’s fun.”

After fighting again, Ragna muttered.

“You crazy bastard!”

Aya got even angrier.

Aya was the one who won, but she was the one who was nervous.

It was natural.

Aya has a ‘will to see’.

From her perspective, Ragna was catching up with the two in real time.

‘You monster!’

Aya felt the opponent’s sword gradually change.

I saw.

Naturally, she became impatient.


Squire Bill swore.

He was a friend who was usually calm, but became fierce when he was put on the defensive.

The fact that fierce words come out of Bill’s mouth means that something strange is going on in the atmosphere.

The one who should have died right now is holding on.

As I endure and persevere, my superior, a junior engineer, says with a wink.

The situation is turning into something like a dog’s penis.

Bill was upset.

Aya was also similar.

‘Really, what is this guy?’

The swords in both hands of Aya moved faster.

Instantly fools the opponent’s eyes into thinking that he has four arms.

It is an illusion created by speed.

Ragnar’s eyes followed it.


Since I couldn’t block them all, I allowed the blow to the abdomen.

It wasn’t just a hit.

The stab was only half effective.

The guy stepped back and twisted his waist to avoid a fatal wound.

‘Do you pull away while getting hit?’

Ragna turned his body and stretched out his sword.

Aya was also unable to continue the follow-up attack.

Why would you fight back and bite your fangs when you can clearly see the other person’s intentions?

She also took a step back.

A deliberate stab aimed at an opening only ended up cutting into the skin.

Squire Bill moves to take his place again.

While Aya stepped back for a moment, Ragna stumbled a few times.

It wasn’t a move to deceive anyone.

It was literally because he had overexerted himself to receive this blow.

Aya’s body spontaneously responded.

The opponent’s gap was clearly revealed.

Her eyes saw it.

Squire Bill also adjusted his sword accordingly.

‘I’ll finish it this time.’

It had to be that way.

It had to be that way.

An ominous feeling flowed through Aya’s entire body.

Didn’t you personally feel that you had to kill him now?

What happened to the bastard?

‘Does your skill improve while fighting?’

It doesn’t make sense.

What kind of talent can do this?

Just before Aya and Bill stormed in, Ragnar realized.

‘This is it.’

If it was long, it was a long battle. If it was short, it was a short battle.

Ragna reflected on his fight.

I remembered the sword I swung.

Ever since he picked up a sword at a young age, Ragna has been able to see the path the sword will take.

So I knew where to swing the sword.

It was not something I could explain.

If you only swing the way you see, the opponent will be killed or injured.

The one who was born with all those senses was a genius named Ragna.

However, the road is cut off between the woman and the squire in front of me.

It didn’t connect.

I was forcing myself to continue on the broken road.

Then I found out.

I recognized that I had only followed the given path so far.

I just followed the path shown by my talent.

It was a passive and defensive stance.

So, what is the opposite?

‘With a swinging sword.’

make a way

Pioneer your own path.

The sword that started from both hands of the female knight drew two trajectories.

A thunderbolt-like force struck from behind.

Ragna did not bridge the broken path between the two powerful men.

Instead, I took a new path.


The muscles in my arms responded, the muscles in my entire body moved, and my heart beat.


Ragna’s body moved to the sound of his beating heart.

To create a new path, you must first take the first step.

Ragnar did just that.

Block Aya’s first sword with her right forearm.


Strengthen the muscles while being stabbed.

Afterwards, a short blade pierced the abdomen from below.

That is, by raising your knee and striking the opponent’s hand holding the sword, you miss the target.


The blade grazed the skin of my side and flowed to my back.

It is the same as using your knees.

Ragna turned around holding the sword in his left hand.

Ragna was also a human who possessed superhuman strength.

Because strength training is essential for the Junggeomsik.

Aya’s sword is stuck in her forearm.

Ragna used his right foot as an axis and swung his left hand backwards.

It was a backward slash.


Contains ‘Will of Cutting’.


The blade cut through the air and sound.

Before Squire Bill’s sword fell from behind, the sound-killing slash first struck Bill’s torso.



The body is split in half in midair.

Blood and intestines poured out.

Bill’s blade was just about to touch.

His blade struck Ragna’s shoulder with the last of its strength.

A short hitting sound and impact hit Ragna’s whole body, but it didn’t matter.

The newly pioneered path is still continuing.


Blocking the sword with his right arm, he stabs the hand holding the sword with his knee, then turns back and slices the enemy’s torso, right after being hit in the shoulder with the remaining sword.

Ragnar hit Aya’s helmet with his forehead.

Ragnar’s forehead was torn and bleeding due to receiving the face shield from Aya’s helmet.

It didn’t matter.


Aya forcibly pulled out the sword held on the opponent’s right arm.

Ragna relaxed his power and let his opponent do whatever he wanted.

Instead, he pulled his left hand up and raised it.

The sword that sliced ​​through Squire Bill plunged downward.

Aya’s eyes became gloomy.


Although it was only for a moment, the person in front of him showed abilities similar to his own.

Like Will in your eyes.

In every fight, I found the best move and did it.

Aya crossed her swords, but Ragnar’s sword that fell was heavy.


An explosion erupted at the point where the two swords met.



Aya broke both arms.

Therefore, the direction of the fight was different.


Ragna, who was bleeding from his right arm, shoulder and thigh, let out a short exclamation.

I stumbled as if I was going to fall down at any moment.

Ragna slowly shook his head from side to side and tried to stand upright while catching his breath.

The body was still half-tilted.

That means I was so tired.

In that state, Ragna spoke.


I meant it.

Aya knew that the other person was truly crazy.

“You, you, Idae… … .”

It won’t end like this.

Do you know who is behind me?

I didn’t come here alone.

The words did not continue.

Instead, Ragnar’s sword hit Aya’s helmet exactly.


The helmet was crushed and Aya’s head was broken.

Just like that, a semi-knight of the King’s Knights died.

* * *

Encred thought this was not the end.

As I followed the road through the dust, I prepared for what might happen.

Didn’t a rope fly and hit my body just a little while ago?

Of course it was useless.

Technique of isolation, making your body look bigger.

Along with the movement of curling and straightening the muscles at once, he spread his arms to both sides with the heart of super strength.


As soon as he was caught, the rope broke, rubbing against his skin.

After that, the frequency with which arrows flew began to decrease, but it was still impossible to let down one’s guard.

Even if you can repeat today, what happens if you don’t do your best now?

That means Encred will no longer be a human being.

Therefore, I did my best.

The sound of the chasing soldier’s footsteps became distant.

Still, I didn’t let down my guard.

‘to the end.’

Go further.

Whether it was looking for an ally or finding some kind of signal, it was a step of searching and chasing, rather than waiting for change.

There were six Quarrel bullets lodged in its back.

He was also stabbed in the thigh.

That wasn’t the end.

The boot on his right foot was torn off, and he even caught a rock thrown by his opponent with his forehead.

I mean, a lot of blood was shed.

The half-hardened crust on his forehead began to bleed again due to the violent movement.

Every single muscle trembled.

It was a limitation from the beginning.

So is it a problem?

No, it doesn’t work.

Therefore, Encred ran.

Thinking this isn’t the end.

Because you can’t let down your guard.

We run and run again.

Suddenly, a four-legged animal jumped out in front.

Encred took a defensive stance.

The sword held in the right hand is slashed, and the sword held in the left hand is stabbed.

A brief preparation followed reflexively.

In addition to the beast, there was also a guy with a long sword.

Encred instinctively tried to draw his sword but stopped.

The person who saw it said:

“Let’s spar later.

“I have a sprained arm.”

It was Ragna.


The ones standing next to him were Lake Panther and Esther.

We had escaped the siege.

Encred didn’t know when it started.

In fact, I didn’t even need to know.

Run until you die or walk until you escape.

I just had no intention of stopping.


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