Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 314

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It looks like brown stool!


Esther grabbed the opponent’s forearm and broke it.

Galaf was frightened when he saw that his defense shield had been pierced.

Next was pain hitting my brain.


That was the end.

A wizard’s fight is a competition in the world of spells, but since there is a physical entity, damage to the body also has an effect.

To put it simply, when you’re sick, you can’t concentrate.

Even though there was an absolute difference in the amount of mana pumped from the spell world, wasn’t the fight going on at a similar level?

That meant that the opponent knew how to use and use spells much more efficiently than he did.

Galaf endured the pain, breaking into a cold sweat.

The attack method just moments ago was truly absurd.

I chanted a defense spell, but the beautiful witch named Ester created flames in her hands and grabbed the shield and ripped it open.

I felt immense power in that movement.


For a moment, steam obscured my eyes.

It was due to a combination of the Blue Lake spell and the Hot Hand spell.

Although Galaf was embarrassed, he managed to fire a few spells, but his arm was caught and broken.

Why is this witch’s power so strong?

Galaf’s mind was filled with only questions.

Did you always fight this well?

Did she get the nickname “Fighting Witch” not because of her temperament, but because she was really good at fighting?

It would be rare to find a wizard with as many nicknames as the witch in front of you.

Galaf thought it was some kind of expedient.

This is a method of spreading multiple pseudonyms so that the opponent cannot see his true identity.

Whether it was expedient or not, I knew one thing for sure.

Among the nicknames of the witch standing in front of me without a trace of laughter, ‘Fighting Witch’ is the real one.

“You can’t go too thin.”

A witch with hair like black silk spoke with an expressionless expression.

The two disciples were attacked by a summoned beast, and the summoned beast stopped standing on one side.

It looked like a golem made of flesh sewn together, and the perfection was amazing.

The stitch marks on one side of the face and unfocused eyes seemed to reveal the golem’s identity.

It’s a golem that looks like someone spent their entire life creating it.


Galaf rebelled.

Of course, running away was also in mind, but the difference in skill was clear from the beginning.

Esther’s nickname, the Fighting Witch, was not actually something she intended to get.

It was a rumor that spread as people fought like crazy.

Galaf was the opposite.

Building a foundation and taking on disciples were part of daily life.

The difference was huge.

Esther sensed the difference from the beginning.

It is a fight in which there is no opponent in the first place.

The density and solidity of the spell world?

That’s because Galaf is superior.

However, all spells are meaningful only if they are used where needed and at the moment they are needed.

Especially when fighting.

Esther did that, and Galaf did not.

The result was this.


With a greeting that feels refreshing.


Instead of using a spell, Esther drew a knife and plunged it into the wizard’s heart, then pulled it out.

Galaf, who had been stabbed in the heart, gasped, blood spurting from his mouth, and fell to his knees.

“f*ck, f*ck, dog.”

Galaf turned his head to the side and pursed his lips.

Esther gently stepped on his mouth.

Because a wizard’s mouth is something that shouldn’t be left alone.

He squatted down behind him and slashed the knife across the back of his hand.


The blade passed through the back of Galaf’s hand and lodged in the floor.

It was impossible to leave the wizard’s mouth or even his hands alone.


Galaf’s body wriggled.

That was the end.

A pretty great wizard passed away.


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In other words, one of the cards that Avnier believed in died unexpectedly.

Esther took a moment to check the dead body, wondering if there might be some kind of trick.

There was no movement of mana.

After that, he swept up his long hair and held it in his hand.

It would have been nice to have a hair tie.

Blood splattered all over my hair.

The same goes for the black velvet coat and the white skin the coat hides.

Drops of blood flowed from the mound of my chest.

Since it was unpleasant, the first thing she wanted to do was wash up, but Esther thought of something else first.

“What are you going to do with my nest?”

I was talking to myself.

I was curious about what Encred was doing.

You might be getting beaten up somewhere.

Galaf holds the river.

He is a wizard whose name I have only vaguely heard of.

If there is a wizard of this level here, it seems like there must be something more elsewhere.

Esther searched through Galaf’s arms, took everything she could, reverse-summoned the summoned beast, put it back into her spell world, and walked away.

Although it was possible to drive the flesh golem and bone head, Ester’s body was not yet normal enough to use for a long time.

Because the channel that transmits mana was not intact, the operating time was short.

On the surface, it seemed like an easy fight, but the mana I had stored up in the spell world was running low as I was trying to maintain my human form.

‘I guess I’ll just have to live as a leopard for a while.’

Esther transformed into the body of a leopard without any regrets.

* * *

The Azpen unit that had formed a line saw a lone man pushing in like a crazy person.

‘What is that?’

‘Are you crazy?’

‘Should I stab him?’

This is the guy who broke through the battle line at once and took his place at the back of the line.

Some of Azpen’s soldiers quietly turned their spears back.

Regardless of the formation or whatever, the guy coming in from the back looked dangerous.

The eyes of the three soldiers met.

When I quickly killed him and returned back, the squad leader nodded as if he was acquiescing.

I was just about to attack like that.


A platoon leader nearby checked the other person’s face and spoke.

To be precise, his characteristic appearance caught my eye.

‘Blonde hair, white skin, red eyes.’

This is one of the impressions that Avnier personally conveyed to all commanders.

“Leave it alone.”

The tacit agreement between the three soldiers came to an end.

It is an order from above.

It just stopped.

The platoon leader’s eyes turned to the enemy soldier.

The guy who walked in without a helmet walked to one side as if there was nothing to worry about.

It wasn’t running, but it was a very fast walk.

He moves forward with his sword in hand.

It felt like I was walking by condensing another person’s two steps into one step.

And in front of him was an Azpen soldier holding a short sword.

To be exact, it was a friendly soldier wearing hardened leather armor, which was different from the soldier’s uniform.

He said, putting his fingers through his helmet and scratching his head.

“I follow you until the end.”

Instead of answering, Ragna took another step.


An Azpen soldier in leather armor saw this and threw his dagger.

Ragna nodded and avoided it.

The flying dagger stuck on the floor.

Ragnar continued walking without looking back.

The flying dagger did not stop his steps even for a moment.

‘Once I say hello, I have to see the end.’

They only look at your back and chase after you.

There was no need to miss the sight.

The other person didn’t seem to be moving away.

There was nothing in Ragnar’s mind about infiltrating the enemy army.

Encred said earlier that the Mad Company members could do worse than Rem depending on the situation.

Ragnar had a history of cutting down hundreds of enemy soldiers and returning because they had lost their way.

This was nothing to him.

In the first place, no one asked Ragnar for strategies and tactics.

“All you have to do is fight.”

Kreis said:

Encred also.

“Fight on your own.”

He said.

Ragnar did just that.

I fought on my own.

So we’ve been fighting quite a bit so far.

But now it was a little different.

There was a little more added on top.

Motivation is two letters.

“Hey, are you still going to follow me?”

The enemy soldier scratched his head again and said.

Still, the pace did not slow down.

Not an ordinary soldier.

I recognized it at a glance.

‘Catch it.’

Why do you want to hold it?

When asked to give an exact reason, it was ambiguous.

There was just one thing: if he chased that bastard, he seemed to be able to see what he expected.

That alone gave Ragnar the motivation to take steps.

Red eyes that are faithful to one purpose.

The enemy soldiers deliberately moved further away from their base.

To be exact, it was completely outside of both Naurilia’s visible range and Azpen’s visible range.

It is said that he ran to the point where he was quite out of breath.

‘You’re doing a good job chasing me.’

The enemy soldier thought.

I’m more confident than anyone else around me when it comes to using my legs, but that’s about it.

Still, the guy continued to pursue me.

My chest rises and falls, but my breathing doesn’t get that rough.

‘Wow, my pride is hurt.’

His original affiliation was the Knights of the King of Balls.

It was a squire.

He is the best among squires in terms of skill with his legs.

No matter how much of a semi-knight the other person was, this was a blow to their pride.

The other person took less breaths than he did and seemed less tired.

“What are you really?”

The squire asked back in bewilderment.

Ragna glanced at him and asked.

“You are not alone.”

The squire did not nod.

What will change if you know that?

Ragna felt his vague will rise.

Will, desire.

What should I say?

The urge to fight struck my heart, but it wasn’t because of the person in front of me.

Absolutely not.

Ragna raised his sword.

The enemy soldier, the squire of the King’s Knights, took a step to the side.

From among the tall grass, an opponent who inspired Ragna came out.

“Is it any surprise that I warned you so?”

The person who stepped forward spoke to the squire.

His skin was dark and he was tall.

His long hair was tied back and he was wearing a custom-made helmet.

It is a malformed helmet with a raised front flap.

There was a hole at the bottom of the back of the head to allow the hair to pass through, and above it there were protruding protrusions on both sides like the ears of a wild beast.

Judging by the odd difference in their accent, they were not from this continent.

The skin color and appearance also represented that.

He seemed like an Easterner.

And it was a woman.

“You’re really fearless.”

She said.

He stretched out his long arms, and the arm length was roughly the same as Ragna’s own.

Ragna held his sword and calmly caught his breath.

My breathing has already become even.

The squire frowned again when he saw that.

What is that? I have such good physical strength.

In fact, it had to be that way.

Ragnar often got lost.

As a result, wandering was my daily routine.

A one-month journey for some people turned into a year-long journey for Ragnar.

It would have been better if he had carefully looked at a map or had a guide, but Ragnar’s trip was not a wealthy one.

Maps weren’t cheap and I didn’t feel the need to hire a guide.

In the first place, those who had no destination simply lived for today, and there was no presumption of losing their way.

Ragnar therefore thought that he had never been lost.

During unlucky times, I continued my walking tour without being able to stop by the village for over three months.

Running and jumping were naturally something that could be developed to the extreme.

“You said you were a semi-knight, so shouldn’t you be similar to me?”

The squire said, fiddling with the grip of the sword at his waist.

“He is higher than you.”

The brown-skinned woman answered immediately.

His eyes did not take their eyes off Ragna.

“Are you sure?”

“Are you asking this question because you don’t believe my eyes?

Or is it for no reason?

“Neither one is good.”

“… … It’s a mistake.

“I didn’t want to lose, but he was a strangely annoying opponent.”

“It’s safe to say he’s a semi-knight, not a semi-knight.”

Ragna listened to the conversation between the two and tried to find the woman’s loophole.

It was a natural act rather than an intentional one.

There were already four attacks in his mind.

A large horizontal cut from left to right.

Double cut from top to bottom.

A thrust that appears as it pushes out from the front.

Cut a semicircle by drawing a semicircle from the bottom right to the top.

The female knight easily defeated four virtual attacks made in Ragna’s mind.

Afterwards, the female knight’s sword strikes her shoulder or abdomen.

‘Can I avoid it?’

You can avoid it by moving your feet, but then you will be on the defensive.

If you are on the defensive, it is difficult to change the trend later.

No matter what you do, there is no chance of winning.

The vision and talent of a genius were plotting the direction of the fight.

Of course, it could all be a vain illusion.

Because in a fight, you don’t know who will win or lose before it starts.

Ragna spread his palms and rubbed them on his thighs without any change in his expression.

I was sweating.

“But he’s not really a semi-knight.

It seems like you know a little bit about Will, too.

Hehe, I told you to kill him without fail.”

The female knight spoke and took a few steps forward.

After that, he continued again.

“I am Aya of the Azpen King Knights.

“Are you ever thinking of changing jobs?”

A semi-knight of the King’s Knights.

Even the squire next to him.

Aya was full of confidence.

In fact, it had been four years since he became a quasi-knight of the Order.

Aya knew better than anyone else that not all semi-knights were the same.

The Knights Templar is a place where people with similar talents and abilities gather together.

A semi-giseawa who trained repeatedly there.

The difference between the semi-knights wandering the continent was clear.

The intensity of sparring and dueling that could be experienced was different.

Aya proposed because she had no intention of losing.

Ragna wiped the sweat from his right hand twice and then his left hand as well.

Afterwards, he held the sword with both hands and held it in front of his face.

The cold winter wind blows over the sharpened blade.

The sunlight is also different.

The day was nice.

My heart is racing.

The motivation that had been building up from time to time while looking at Encred broke my heart even more.


Why is my motivation so high?

Because you want to cut down your opponent?

Is it a homicidal impulse?

That wasn’t it.

Because the opponent is a strong enemy.

At first glance, it wasn’t enough to see that his movements were not typical, and even his affiliation was like that.

Azpen King’s Knights.

This is one of the reasons why Azpen started a war despite the presence of the Knights of the Red Cloak in Naurilia.

It is said to be a symbol of powerlessness.

That kind of person appears now?

Of course, that wasn’t all.

Ragna’s motivation had been tempered during this time.

The impulse he gained through Encred gave him a thirst.

That’s why I focused on training, even if it was only occasionally.

But once the thirst arose, it was not enough to satisfy it.

Even if you walk a set path, you cannot know everything that will happen on the road.

Only then did Ragnar realize.


I let out a small exclamation inside.

He needed an opportunity.

An opportunity to move forward further than now.

Something that cannot be solved with motivation alone.

Since you can’t kill Encred or the halfpuns around you, you can’t do your best.

But what is it like living here now?

This is someone you can show your best to.

It is an opportunity and an opponent that can be compared in the line of death.

I didn’t even hear anything about conversion.

I just wanted to fight right away.

So stimulating the other person will be helpful.

Ragna also learned something from Encred, so he did what he learned.

“What do you mean, something like brown feces?”


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