Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 313

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If you don’t know, it’s darkness, but if you know, there is something that becomes light.

I understood and recognized it.

So I saw a path made of light.

Previously, today, I placed intention above the sense of avoidance.

That was the best way to save the child.

This time I had to mix intuition with intention.

‘The idea that we must win by force.’

It’s a narrow field of view.

Throw away such thoughts.

The wall is free.

The things that imprison today are not necessarily the spear knives.

Of course, the spear knife was a direct weapon.

It was a physical entity that separated my flesh and bones.

But was that all?

Was that the only reality?

In reality, it is the strategist’s head that has trapped him.

It was like dancing in the palm of his hand.

‘Then, where should I start from?’

Today was repeated again, and Encred opened his eyes and had one thing to do.

How should I struggle to get out of today?

There was an answer among what I had already experienced.

Encred realized that only now and admitted that his brain wasn’t that smart.

Because it felt like a repetition of the same mistake.

Previously, I was deceived by the boatman’s words and my perspective narrowed.

This time, if the boatman hadn’t helped me, I wouldn’t have been able to see the real wall beyond the false wall.

No, it would have taken more time.

So is there a problem?

does not exist.

In fact, even if there was no help from the boatman, this day would have to be repeated dozens or even hundreds of times more.

I would have done that.

I would have struggled forever.

I wouldn’t have known about giving up.

It would have been surpassed in the end.

I suddenly wanted to see the little herbalist.

I received gratitude from the mother of the child I saved, but I did not see the child.

Did the words I said back then come out of nowhere?

Or did I really want to make a living by digging up medicinal herbs?

Isn’t it strange to even ask, “What is a dream?”

Living in a world like this and discussing dreams may be a luxury.


Still, I will discuss it.

Still, I will ask.

I woke up muttering to myself and immediately saw the enemy soldier.

I overslept, unlike any other day.


He couldn’t finish his sentence.

Encred ran at once and grabbed his snout.

Instead, a shout came from the soldier next to him.

“surprise attack!”

It wasn’t a surprise attack, because they came to help me sleep well.

Encred thought and pulled out the enemy soldier’s chin with all his strength.

I felt the sensation of my jaw bone falling through my fingers.

The tricks that Audin would show now felt natural.

The skills I have learned from repeating today have become much clearer and more proficient.


The enemy soldiers rebel.

He grabbed his face and swung his fist.

Encred grabbed the wrist of the flying opponent and twisted it.

Then he turned around and hugged the enemy soldier from behind.


The sound of bones dislocating continued from the wrist that was caught.


The enemy soldier, whose jaw was missing, could not even scream.

Only drool flowed.

It was natural that his complexion turned blue.

Will hostage taking work?

I already tried it.


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It doesn’t work.


It didn’t work as expected.

Doo doo doo doo doo!

Dozens of bolts flew out.

Encred threw the enemy soldier forward and flew to the side.

Bub bub bub!

About a dozen bolts were driven into the soldier’s jawless body.

The enemy soldier who collapsed drooling died.

Encred leapt forward and drew his sword.

In the area that protruded to the side, an enemy soldier could be seen with his eyes wide open.

I swung my sword straight away.

The blue light trace draws a short semicircle.

Whoop, snap!

When the head was slashed in the form of a cut, the helmet and skull split simultaneously.

It looked like a split orange with the skin and core still attached.

The only difference was that what was inside was not fruit, but brain marrow and blood.

Wow, blood splatters on my face.

Encred didn’t care.

Instead, I sharpened my sense of evasion, my intuition, and my sixth sense.

I have already experienced it.

There was a similar day today.

At least that’s how Encred feels.

The basement of the shoemaker’s house located in the Border Guard Market is where the wizard stayed.

That is today.

‘I feel alone.’

I had to feel the spell trap with just one sense.

Although the scale is bigger and the situation is different than then.

He was different from himself back then.

Even though it was different, it was very different.

Is it thanks to the boatman’s advice?

Or was it just luck?

Encred knew one thing, but realized two.

Besides intuition and sixth sense, there were other things that would be even better.

‘Force is also necessary.’

It’s not just about uncovering the enemy’s strategy.

Identifying and avoiding it is not the end.

Force is also added there.

That was the answer.

After honing his sense of avoidance, Encred accepted the ominous feeling as his whole body.

I intuitively took my own strength into account.


Encred began to move.

Afterwards, Encred died six more times.

As always, I didn’t use it for a single day.

Still, seven more days were needed.

It was possible because there had already been nearly four hundred today.

Encred has seen every means prepared by the opposing strategist at least once.

It is impossible to know the process by which they move organically.

I don’t know what kind of strategy it is.

Encred relied solely on his sixth sense and intuition.

I decided based on intuition.

The standard of judgment was not based on reason, but on momentary sensations.

I sensed something ominous and judged its extent.

If there was even a small gap, they would pierce it.

There is no point in disguising yourself as an enemy soldier.

There is no more point in hiding.

If a shaman appears, no matter how well you hide, he will find you.

Hostages are of no use here.

‘As always.’

All you have to do is overcome it with your arms and legs.

Burns remained on his back, and the shock from the previous battle had not completely resolved.

The aftereffects of the previous day’s battle, which seemed like a long time ago, still remained in my body.

“I’m really going crazy.”

I couldn’t help but say something to myself.

Walking when you can see the path.

Encred’s entire body stood on end.

It was thrilling.

I felt like I was going to die of joy.

I felt like I was going crazy with excitement.

Taking a step forward did not necessarily mean growth in force.

The joy that comes from progress and growth itself rushed through my entire body.

When I realized it, it was just fun.


This is the result of rolling like that.

A confident start to the day, Encred’s first move has been decided.

It moves by climbing trees.

Look around to find the target location.

It wasn’t easy to find.

“Over there!”

Being chased.


Step on the head of an approaching enemy soldier with your foot, and cut open the head of an archer next to you with your sword.

As I fought and wandered without hesitation, I was able to see it.


He is a shaman.

The moment you encounter it, an invisible shock wave hits your body.

The sense of evasion activated, and Encred saw the opponent’s spell in his eyes.

Captured with the senses, not the eyes.

This is thanks to the sense of the blade, which is so sharp that it seems as if it will break.

I may have seen it once or twice, but the blade of the sixth sense transformed into a visualization and showed me exactly what the enemy was doing.

Since I accurately sensed the approaching intangible pressure, it was no problem to bend down at the perfect time.

Avoid the shaman’s moves by ducking.

The guy didn’t stop and moved his lips.

The moment Encred lowered his body, he had already strengthened his toes.

I concentrated my strength in my toes.

The frozen dirt floor sank and sank a little.

‘Will’ exploded in an instant.


Break the ground and charge.

Encred kicked the ground, and the dirt came out like a fountain.

Stone fragments broke and flew in all directions.

It was a charge that could safely be called monstrous.

Now, I don’t envy the semi-knight’s charge that I saw a while ago.

With a boom, everything in all directions was pushed back.

I run forward and draw a gladius.

Relaxation, contraction, explosion.

Following the power of the spur, he twisted his waist muscles and transmitted the power to the sword, and a heavy sword-style steel cut split the shaman’s torso.


The knife slashing led to heavy drinking.

The shaman’s upper body rose upward as if it were exploding.

This is thanks to the incredible speed followed by the slash.

Although it was a blow that had not been fully refined yet, its power was incredible.

‘Just one thing for now.’

This is the beginning.

The shaman brings ominousness to the entire process.

Without this guy, there was a next one.

So this is using force.


In the midst of the ominous atmosphere coming from all directions, Encred took a step towards a place with less severity.

From the eyes of an enemy soldier, it seemed like a half-crazy act.

It seemed like they were intentionally running towards a place where the heavy armored infantry was holding on tightly.

Running toward a place with a higher density of soldiers seemed like a crazy person to anyone who saw it.

“Stop it!”

The commander’s shout split the sky today.

Today is a once-in-a-lifetime day for some people.

For others, today was hundreds of times.

* * *

“Nilph, the situation!”

Abneir completely cornered Encred.

In fact, he was.

Killed him hundreds of times.

But for those who repeat today, death is just a postponed opportunity.

Of course, Encred almost got trapped.

The trap that Abnier prepared was that harsh.

Even though I couldn’t see it, it was a dagger that had already become embedded in my heart.

Nevertheless, there were bound to be people who took it out and moved on.

“not good.

“Not even a loach can escape like this, but it moves as if it knows everything that has been prepared.”

Encred’s location was being reported in real time.

That’s how serious Encred was about killing humans.

Abnair’s brow twitched.

It’s a habit when things don’t go as planned.

My fingers tapped my thighs.

Is it nervousness?


It was a movement that came about because I was focused.

Abnier had no intention of losing his prey like this.

“Push it in, never let it slip away.

“What about Gray Dog?”

“I’m chasing it.

“I got lost because I had to wander through an area where soldiers were surprisingly dense.”

‘Do you know what to do?’

Is it possible?

Numerous troops are chasing them.

Then, you should naturally move into the gap.

My feet point towards where I see a gap.

It is human instinct.

Abnair conducted it like that.

He opened a small gap, prepared a gray dog ​​there, and even appointed a wizard and a shaman.

Horses were placed in a mess on the podium.

Abnair quickly changed his position.

‘What if you understand the strategy of strategy in reverse and move accordingly?’

This can also be moved in reverse.

Originally, the Hurrier family prosecutors and others were placed on standby in places with low density.

Now it’s the opposite.

Moved them all.

I had Encred chased after him.

‘You are not a knight.’

Therefore, you cannot break through a barrier created by a thousand soldiers alone.

Where did the engineering corps organize and build stone walls?

What about a cliff?

What are the traps hidden in between?

There are more than 80 holes dug.

This does not mean that the advance was slow for nothing.


Abneir’s hand struck the platform.

“After going this far, wouldn’t it make sense to miss it?”

Ominousness is an ability that everyone has.

Encred’s sixth sense and intuition were closer to premonitions than reason.

He did not understand Abnair’s intentions.

‘Do you think something bad will happen if we go here?’

It was driven by the same simple and ignorant thinking.

That confused Abnair.

Time passes and reports follow.

“It falls back again.”

What is this again?

It’s a trap prepared for someone who has reached the outskirts, but he suddenly returns to the center?

Since you were already out of the range of the spell, you probably had a rough idea of ​​the direction.

However, the road headed towards the original siege site.

Of course it was a trap.

I was ready to catch it if it hit me like that.

But how do you know about it?

“Are you injured?”

“I was shot twice by Quarrel in the back.”

“What about poison?”

“It wasn’t correct.”

Poisoned arrows were given to good shooters, but not to all shooters.

‘Did you get hit knowingly?’

Did he intentionally avoid dangerous arrows?

‘It’s a delusion of grandeur.’

This is an exaggerated guess.

It’s a vain delusion.

No human being can understand it all.

‘Or did he really become a knight?’

No, that wasn’t it again.

If you just look and listen, you can see that your skills have clearly improved compared to yesterday.

It’s not an article.

Still, I can’t catch it.

I definitely placed it on my palm and squeezed my hand, but I couldn’t grasp it.

It slips through my fingers as if I had oil on it.

How is this possible?

The news that came later made Abnaier even more bewildered.


Nilf’s voice was urgent.


After hearing the report, Abnair lost his smile.

A guy named Encred was trapped in the palm of his hand, but he squeezed through the palm and jumped out.

However, this was not the end.

There are still things left to prepare.

“What about Galaf and Quasi-Knight?”

“I sent a messenger.”

“Tell them to come right away!”

Galaf is a wizard who was summoned by pouring in gold coins.

It wasn’t just gold coins poured in.

There are more than one promise made for this matter.

Moreover, it was a precious body that was borrowed with the king’s permission.

Still, he is the commander here, so he will come when called.

It was that kind of promise.

It would be wrong to just send the disciples away and wipe their mouths.

Galaf, a semi-knight there.

If they escape from here, they are prepared as a second barrier.

Of course, before that, these two had their own work to do.

Abnair had a brilliant mind.

He was smart and had a quick mind.

I didn’t just make fun of my power.

That wasn’t the end, I even saw the future after killing a few elites including Encred.

‘Turn everything over.’

Change the flow of the battlefield.

Turn it in reverse.

Overturn the win or loss.

That’s what happens if everyone does their job.

That was Abnair’s intention.

“Bring in the assassination squad too!”

Following Galaf and Quasi-Knight, I use everything I have prepared.

Abnair’s resolve was clear.

However, not everything in this world goes as planned.

* * *

‘It’s all ominous.’

Still, there is a way.

You can call it a gap, but what if the gap is a little smaller?

All you need to do is increase your strength a bit.

At the same time as feeling ominous, force is also mobilized.

Encred deliberately aimed for the stone wall.

I swung my gladius over the artificial wall built by the enemy soldiers.

‘It won’t break like this, right?’

The dwarf who handed the sword wasn’t very confident, but Encred was half-confident.

The gladius I’m holding now is the best sword I’ve ever used in terms of strength.


It was struck with cotton, not the blade of the sword.

Part of the stone wall is broken.

He kicks it and pulls it out with his hands.

Meanwhile, he dodged some of the arrows from the archers and held on to others with his body.

I just did what my intuition told me to do.

This is better than avoiding it altogether.

Isn’t that what I learned from a week of failure?

Indeed, it was so.

When I looked to the side, I saw several longbow fairies holding poisoned arrows.

If you had dodged it quickly, you would have seen a few more arrow decorations.

They are so agile that it is a hassle to chase them.

To begin with, that place is a very ominous place.

The materials and materials obtained from hundreds of todays and hundreds of deaths all helped provide an intuitive answer.

It is a tower built through experience.

It is the source of intuition that feels ominous.

Encred hit the stone wall again.


A second explosion occurred.


Encred, who had barely managed to escape by lying down, hit the artificial stone wall again and again.

In the meantime, the enemy army came again, but Encred eventually found an opening.

On the outskirts of the poorly constructed wall, the wall collapsed sharply at the place where it met the cliff.

It was something that made me think that Avneir had just squeezed his palms together and jumped out.

The stone wall collapsed and dust rose up.

Winter in the North was a series of dry and warm weather.

The dust soon obscured everyone’s vision.


cried LeBlanc Hurier.

They had just lost two companions.

Of the four wizards, only two survived.

The fight back then was also awkward.

Encred took a step back, even though he could have killed the two wizards if he had just overexerted himself.

Of course, if I had hesitated then, I would have been caught behind.

How could you make the decision to step out at that moment?

Among the dust created by the collapse of part of the stone wall, Encred’s eyes glowed blue and blue.

As the sensations continued, the sense of avoidance was opening a new path for him.


‘I can see the road.’

The five senses come together, merge, merge, and become visualized.

The imaginary line was clearly visible before my eyes.

It is a road made of blue light.

It was a way to end a very long day.


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