Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 312

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What is a wall?

“I took a wrong turn.”

Encred picked his ear in the image world.

What did I hear wrong?

“Face the wall.”

The boatman continues.

Although doubt arises first, it is a word that is clearly heard independently of the doubt.

Face the wall.

That means look at it properly.

What is a wall?

This is the number of people who blocked him.

It is the quality of the troops.

He is a swordsman of the Hurrier family, a mercenary, a gray dog, a wizard, and a shaman.

It is the terrain itself.

This was the answer Encred had been thinking about until now.

‘We increase our strength and escape.’

Every time I did that, there was a problem waiting for me.

Just when I thought I had barely escaped.

“Gray dogs never miss their mark.”

To put it mildly, there were even worse guys than Rem blocking our way.

Even if my head flies off, my body hits me.

Gray Dog, the appearance of a persistent lover.

Once they overcame it, they also entered today.

It’s included.

At first there were three mercenaries, the Sent and Huryer families, later there were wizards, after that there were shamans, and after that, it was Gray Dog who made it this far.

Meanwhile, the group of ordinary soldiers kept attacking them again and again.

Even though I repeated what I experienced, each day was different.

The approaching order is different and the way of fighting has changed.

Encred was not knowledgeable in the art of war.

However, one thing was certain.

‘I think I’ve caught something.’

So, what should I do?

What do I need to get out of here?

I still thought the answer was force.

Some days I didn’t encounter a gray dog, and other days I passed without encountering a shaman or wizard.

Another day I didn’t even meet a cent.

Now it was nice to meet you.

Naturally, there were more days when we met.

“Oh, Centji, nice to meet you.”

“Do you know me?”

Valencian mercenary sword, pretending to know.

He was a good friend to use for training with the Hwangeom.

The spark pierced Cent’s neck and broke through the human barriers blocking all directions.

Die again.

Welcome today.

He crawled down the cliff to see if there was a way out and died.

He threw himself into a valley and was severely beaten by a wizard.

At that time, Encred realized that there were five walls in total.

Mercenary Cent and a band of mercenaries.

The three prosecutors of the Hurrier family now know their names.

Roach, Marrier, and LeBlanc.

The four wizards are the ones who summon water demons or shoot water cannons.

The water whip was especially dangerous.

It’s a spinning whip that instantly changes your braces if your arm gets caught, and even these people were out of breath while using it.

I saw his complexion turn pale a few times.

And there is also a shaman.

I mainly use a spell called ‘Invisible Power’, but this one wasn’t difficult to deal with.

Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

It was worth avoiding with a sense of avoidance.

However, there were a lot of methods used that were annoying.

There were a lot of annoying things, such as suddenly making my feet stick to my feet and making them gooey.

In addition, shamans were always accompanied by large infantry units wearing heavy armor and carrying long spears, so it was quite difficult.

Lastly, Gray Dog.

When it comes to power alone, Gray Dog feels the weakest.

But in terms of severity, Gray Dog was the best.

When it comes to perseverance and perseverance, it’s okay to give him a thumbs up, or even double thumbs up.

No matter what, these are the people we meet today.


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So five walls.

Mercenary, Heurier, Wizard, Shaman, Gray Dog.

I think you can drill through all five at the same time.

It’s impossible.

No matter what, it was impossible.

Here were archers, crossbowmen, spearmen, and heavy infantry mixed together.

Among them, there are some fairy soldiers who are good at shooting arrows, and there are also beastmen who attack with irregular movements.

I’m just glad there are no procs, dragons, or giants.

So, should we look at it as six walls?

Including those troops?

‘It’s not good.’

Contrary to what he muttered to himself, Encred still enjoyed himself.

I repeated today and faithfully used the newly given time.

I struggled and struggled.

I took advantage of what I gained and put it to good use.

This was the result of doing everything I could under the warm sunlight for winter.

It wasn’t good.

‘Experience of genocide.’

The experience of dying and killing becomes increasingly familiar.

They kill and kill to the point where the smell of blood paralyzes your sense of smell.

But I couldn’t see a way out of today.

So, the boatman’s words were bound to stick in my ears.

I faced five or six walls.

So is anything changing?

does not exist.

Let’s dream again through today’s repetition, the boatman said.

“If you don’t know, you can’t overcome it.

“There is only one wall.”

Encred listened intently.

Several days continue.

Just because I listened, things didn’t change right away.

I was just wondering.

Afterwards, I met the boatman again.

“Hey, aren’t you tired?”

This time the boatman made a strange noise.

“I think it’s more difficult than boring.”

That’s why it’s not boring.

Is the uncertain future eating away at your heart?

I wouldn’t have even dreamed that it would collapse to this extent.

Encred rolled his head again and again.

What is a wall?

Immediately after returning to square one.

“How much do I have to say, how much do I have to say for them to understand?”

The boatman said sarcastically towards himself.

Encred asked back, amazed at how his emotions could be read.

“Are you being sarcastic, perhaps?”

I wondered if I had misunderstood it.

“Do I have to say that to understand it?”

The boatman immediately looked disgusted with an expressionless expression.

I know that they hated it because the boatman told it to them.

As the road became blocked and he had more time to meet the boatman, Encred tried to satisfy his curiosity.

“Why a ferry?”

Wouldn’t it be more fitting to be a watchman with a hellhound in tow?

Why a river, why a ferry, and why a boatman.

“Because ships go anywhere.”

“What does that mean?”

“I’m not asking you to understand.”

There was something I felt after meeting him over and over again.

Encred recognized that the boatman had multiple personalities.

My personality changed at will.

“You should not be curious.”

There are days when I lift weights for no reason.

“I call you a son of a bitch.”

There is a fluttering tone of speech.

“Did you look straight at the wall?”

There was a boatman who only talked about the wall no matter what he said.

“You have a lot of questions.”

At least there was a friendly boatman who said something.

When asked what he usually does, the friendly boatman answered this way.

“Driving a boat.”

He said something, but he didn’t say he could understand it.


“You will also steer the ship.”

The boatman said, and Encred passed.

Today, for over 300 days, Encred felt the limits of his skills.

‘It’s difficult to improve your skills further.’

This is what I felt when I faced the stabbing pervert.

There is a limit to what can be achieved at any moment or in any situation.

If you don’t face tomorrow, nothing will change.

Therefore, I have to overcome the wall called today.

‘Five or six walls.’

No, one wall.

Five into one?

Why don’t you try to catch them in one place?

I did whatever came to mind, whatever I felt like.

I fought hard with five groups.


The four wizards and the shaman worked well together.

It seemed like we didn’t even know each other, but we quickly hit it off.

I also reaffirmed the Sentran guy’s specialty.

His specialty was stabbing in the back rather than fighting head-on.

They faced each other repeatedly and forced a head-to-head battle.

Now that I think about it, Encred would always find it first because of his senses.

‘You were targeting my back every time.’

I didn’t know.

It was only after 300 days that I found out.

Anyway, that wasn’t the answer.

Next, he kidnapped an enemy soldier.

Originally, ten enemy soldiers moved as one, but those who went to do errands moved in groups of three.

“I pee.”

It was the result of hiding and holding on as soon as I woke up.

“You three go together.”

Encred also followed the words of the man who appeared to be the squad leader.

Among the three soldiers, the one who was urinating had his neck broken, and the other two’s necks were made with sparks.

Encred hid the dead soldier among the bushes and then stripped one of his clothes.

Changing clothes took more work than killing.

After roughly draping the soldier’s clothes over the body.

Encred showed his wit.

“It’s an attack!”

He suddenly shouted and headed to a location other than his original unit.

What will happen if we leave like this?

Do you judge it as avoidance and return to today?

Do you really have to overcome those five walls to be accepted?

But the boatman said there was only one wall.

They said that if you don’t know, you can’t get over it.

‘What do I not know?’

I don’t know about that either.

The joy gradually faded, but despair did not take its place.

Encred wandered around looking for a way.

Wandering, digging, and persevering were also one of his specialties.

“Is that what you shouted?”

This was the moment when I encountered another unit.

The enemy soldiers did not give any distance.

I was on guard.


It’s the same outfit?

Could it be that all the soldiers know each other’s faces?

That wasn’t it.

“Withered flower.”

There was a password.

How many more times will we be able to find out?

Anyway, it was discovered.

It was time to struggle again.

A crazy battle continues.

The next day, he stole an enemy soldier’s uniform and asked for it first.

“Withered flower.”

“It’s the enemy!”

Then the other person suddenly shouted.

What did I do wrong?

Encred knew no difference.

The reality was simple.

Abneir did not look down on Encred.

I dug into him again and again.

I studied a human named Encred.

That’s what I got.

“He is also good at trickery.

“He is good at deception and is an instinctive strategist.”

It was one of the ways to prepare for the possibility of being tricked into escaping.

The key to the secret slogan is not to talk about dry flowers, but to take action.

Words and actions must go together.

All you have to do is look at their behavior and tell them your unit affiliation.

It’s not that complicated, but if you don’t know it, you’ll never be able to figure it out.

Abnair was thorough.

I prevented Encred from escaping by overhearing the password.

At the same time, the close-quarters units got to know each other’s faces.

I also made sure to check it by making a difference in the clothes.

These were things I couldn’t figure out no matter how many times I repeated today.

Above all, I got an intuition after playing Encred a few times.

My intuition is that this is not the way.

‘It’s a bit of a pain, though.’

Encred calmly composed himself.

‘What did I miss?’

devise, reproduce.

He repeated because he had not forgotten his organs.

I recall what the boatman said.

Encred was able to realize this only because he repeated today and experienced death.

‘There is only one wall.’

What is a wall?

It must be overcome.

‘There is only one wall.’

I ended up repeating the same words over and over again.

Now that I know the reason the boatman said.

“I get it.”


This is a realization that occurred right under Cent’s nose.

The mercenary widened his eyes in surprise.

What are you going to do?

Encred struck Cent’s chin with the hand holding the sword.


The jawbone is broken and the teeth are flying into the air.

I decapitated him with my gladius.


The severed head fell to the floor.


We fought again and again.

Just before he died, he overcame his enemies several times to catch his breath.

How to fight for a long time, I had mastered it now.

Every time I took a breath, my thoughts cleared.

Encred had to know the way to move forward.

‘If you don’t know, you can’t overcome it.’

It was natural.

You must first understand the method, not the wall.

It wasn’t five walls.


Or, a wall that should properly be called a tactic, or an art of war.

You must escape the trap set by the enemy commander.


He is not Kreis.

So what should I do?

Encred searched through his memories.

I had a similar story with Kreis before.

As the story came to mind, a method also appeared.

No, there is still a long way to go, but I can see how to find a way.

“In my view, people who use their heads are divided into two types.

One is a person who predicts and prepares for everything, and the other is a person who acts on intuition at the right time.

“You both have to be smart.”

Then Kreis said:

“The leader is the extreme latter.

“It’s far from the former.”

I didn’t ask why.


Encred thought back over the past 300 days, one by one.

There were many moments where I had to just let it go because I was fighting like crazy.

Something that pierced the gaps in my senses and sounded a warning.

Why did you pass it on, why did you ignore it, why did you have to do that?

‘Because I have to overcome the wall in front of me.’

My field of vision did not narrow.

This was different from before.

Since I didn’t know the wall, I couldn’t get over it.

The moment he saw it, Encred realized what he was going to do.

‘Minimum battle, fight to survive.’

Instead of struggling, you had to use intuition, instinct, and sixth sense to overcome the enemy’s strategy.

That was the way.

‘If only I didn’t have to fight at all.’

Something Avnier could never have known.

Also, what he missed.

One is that Encred repeats today.

Another thing was that Encred’s head worked better than expected.


Today is exactly the three hundred and seventy-eighth.

Encred found his way.


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