Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 311

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I heard praise from the boatman.

The two men chanted the same spell.

The current from the stream blocked my path like a wall.

When I hit it lightly with the gladius, the water split but quickly filled up.

It was cutting water with a knife.

The water wall was only five steps wide, but it wasn’t the end.

“Listen, listen, listen to me.”

At the other two’s spells, a round lump holding something similar to a club made of water appeared next to the wall of water.

The area around the head is smooth and the area around the chest is thick.

They had something similar to hands, but instead of feet, they were replaced by a wave of water.

It was something similar to a water spirit.

Or a golem made of water, whatever it is, a part of the spell world is embodied in this world.

“Stop it.”

At the wizard’s words, two footless water demons rushed at him, creating foam from the lower part of his body.

It would be more appropriate to say that it was not a rush, but a rush.

The bodies of the approaching guys rose up and then came down, rushing like waves.

It ignites a spark.

Since it was a fairy sword, there might have been something magical about it.

Of course, there was nothing like that.

The spark is the result of excellent metallurgy, not an object that involved the intervention of a spell.

Sparks pierced the water.

As if it didn’t sting, the spirit swung the water club connected to its hand without the slightest hesitation.

Encred ran to the side, retrieving the spark.


The water club hit the floor.

I saw a hole in the floor.

When I saw the dent, I couldn’t ignore it as a water club.

With one battle, Encred found the answer.

‘The caster.’

There is no answer when dealing with spells.

You must kill the spell caster.

However, the two created a water barrier, limiting visibility and movement.

The other two moved the spirit to interfere.

Moreover, they seemed to realize that they could not kill them, so they devoted themselves to dragging their feet.

When you tried to escape, the spirit inflated its body and squirmed as it approached, making it difficult to ignore it.

It didn’t take too long, but Encred suddenly had to leave the three swordsmen of the Hurrier family behind.

“I didn’t expect to see you again today.”

Encred muttered.

I meant it.

It’s almost like I did the opposite of what I did yesterday, so why is the result similar?

“Don’t mix words.

“He’s crazy.”

“What a foolish move.”

“Do you know me?

see you again?

“I think it’s my first time seeing you.”

There is a warmth that makes all three of them kiss each other to say they are happy to meet each other.

Of course, it will not be done with lips, but a deep kiss with metal where the sword and intestines meet.

Encred adjusted his sword and held it.

My arm muscles are shaking.

I couldn’t even rest properly from yesterday to today.

No matter how trained your body is, the fact that you overexerted yourself doesn’t go anywhere.

‘It’s hard.’

There were once or twice that I found myself completely out of breath.

My heart was pounding like crazy.

I calmed down my intense breathing and looked at the water demon created by the wizard, the three swordsmen of the Hurrier family, and a group of soldiers.

There is no such thing as giving up.

No day goes by easily.

He did so.

He rebelled and killed two wizards and three swordsmen of the Hurrier family.

“Yes, this is correct.


The last dead swordsman vomited blood and said:

Encred got a hole in his thigh from a water arrow instead of a regular arrow or quarrel.

This is an arrow that would have pierced my stomach if I hadn’t been wearing inner armor.

If there’s one thing that’s worse than a regular Quarel, it’s that the water arrows do their job and disappear, causing blood to flow.

If the arrow had been inserted, the bleeding would have been prevented, but the amount of bleeding was significant.


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It was because it hit a bad spot.

Among the isolation techniques, there is also a technique to stop bleeding by strengthening muscles.

He did so, but the blood vessels through which blood flowed were torn.

This is something that muscles cannot do anything about.

My head was spinning because of the blood loss.

Still, my concentration did not break.

Be bold until the end.

As the beast’s heart was beating, Encred did not waver.

The adrenaline was exploding.

“You’re wearing something precious.”

The surviving wizard said.

Perhaps because he was caught off guard, Encred closed the distance and kicked the ground with one foot.

It is a charge made with a limping step.

Blood sprayed from the injured thigh.

Encred entered the gap before blood fell to the ground.

Because I missed the sword right away, I struck his head with my fist.


“100 million!”

The head breaks and brain fluid and blood bleed.

If you are human, you cannot live.

It’s a fist with all its might.

This was normal.

It was an opponent who didn’t even wear a helmet.

The blade of a spear flew behind Encred, who had taken on another wizard as his companion.

Fu bu bu buk!

The heated iron cut through my back, cutting my spine and tearing away my muscles, bones, blood vessels, and internal organs.

You can’t get used to the pain of dedicating your body to metal objects.

But you can overcome it.


“You monster.”



The enemy soldiers even put their fears into the blades of their spears and stabbed them together.

Something crazy could be seen in their eyes.

I felt like I was on the verge of a cliff.

Encred was calm.

He died without a scream or moan.

To be honest, it was true that I didn’t even have the strength to open my mouth and take a single breath.

That’s how he died.

Although I can’t get used to overcoming the pain of death.


With one deep breath, I pushed the pain of yesterday aside.

There was no dream.

The boatman did not appear.

I’ve only just started my third day.

And on the third day, I suddenly ran down another path.

And yet.

“Why is there a cliff here?”

Even though I didn’t climb very high, the cliff welcomed me.

If I jump, will I survive?

If I’m lucky, I think I’ll be half sick.

Even a half-byeongsin is impossible unless the Goddess of Luck decides to woo him.

You don’t have to be that lucky to be an asshole.

It is said that if you fall, you will die.

“That is your grave.”

Behind them were the three swordsmen of the Hurrier family, a mercenary who was still fighting, and a shaman I had never seen before.

‘I came in a different direction today too.’

Encred scratched his chin with his left hand instead of his right hand, which was not raised.

This is something strange.

How come the results are always the same?

I reflexively searched for an answer and fought.

The third and final part of the day was witchcraft.

Encred was hit by a technique called ‘Invisible Power’.

In fact, something intangible was pushing and hitting my body.

Of course, since he had thrown the gladius at the head of the mercenary Cent, the three swordsmen of the Hurrier family, and the last sorcerer, it was a single blow that killed all the people he wanted to kill.


After shouting, the shaman clapped the gladius on his head like a decoration.

Encred fell into the cliff.

Naturally, I experienced that falling death is truly terrible.

At first I was out of breath, and then the shock hit my entire body.

However, he did not die easily and experienced truly excruciating pain.

The fourth today and the fifth today pass by.

On the ninth day, I die again.

This time, the Huryer family swordsman put down his sword and held on to his body.

There was a brief moment, and one of the mercenaries cut my neck with a poisoned dagger.

At this time, I relaxed too much in trying to annihilate the opponent’s heavily armored infantry.

My body gradually stiffened.

There was nothing I could do.

To a certain extent, it is possible to endure with a sense of avoidance.

No human being could survive in front of such a number.

Twenty-five days have passed.

The form of death was different, but similar.

It is a labyrinth that you cannot escape from no matter where you go.

It’s a maze.


It was a prison.

The sky became a ceiling, the wind became an iron bar, and all the executives wished for their own death.

There was something I realized around that time.

It is an extension of what I realized earlier today.

Why did the results always come out the same every time I saved a child?

Even though he always acted differently.

‘Someone was watching and activated the scroll.’

It’s still the same now.

Someone kills oneself by controlling the troops from outside.

So no matter which way you go, the result is the same.

So, how do I get over this?

I knew this was a wall, but how do I get over it?

Today, the thirty-fourth, the boatman asked again.

“I guess I can answer today.

“Okay, are you happy?”

There was now time to answer.

Since he felt like he wanted to talk more, Encred answered straight away.


However, I had a lot to think about, so I just paused for a moment and continued.


A mental world that a boatman can never understand.

Encred smiled.

It was his nature.

People despair when it’s dark and dark and they can’t see what’s ahead.

Encred was always different.

Even though it is dark and gloomy, I feel joy in moving forward.

I know that I can add something new to change.

I haven’t figured out anything yet, but that doesn’t change anything.

Because even if you don’t know, you can greet it happily.

“What a crazy guy.”

Encred heard praise from the boatman.

* * *

The continent’s greatest military expert and strategist once said that five things must be considered before a war.

First, are the hearts of the king and the people the same?

A war in which a king is swayed by his own desires and ignores his people cannot be welcomed.

Second, did you consider the seasons, such as cold and heat?

Third, did you understand the terrain thoroughly?

Fourth, is the commander who steps forward worthy of his abilities?

Fifth, are the military organization, chain of command, and supply system solidly connected?

To summarize, it was five things: the king’s politics, appropriate timing, understanding of the terrain, commander’s ability, and organizational system.

Of these, the ones that Abnair paid more attention to were the third, fourth, and fifth.

The fight started in the cold and from a disadvantageous position, so the second one was lost.

First, it was an issue of the king’s political power, so it was something that needed to be looked into again.

The terrain was created from an originally unfavorable land.

In some places, the ground was dug.

Nets were set up in some places.

Fourth, the commander took a lot of effort.

“Are you going to bury the name Gray Dog here?

Otherwise, do what you have to do here.”

Appropriate stimulation and rewards to follow later.

Even if the Gray Dog unit falls here, it will be reborn.

The current commander decided to make the sacrifice.

He came forward with patriotism and loyalty.

Abnair took advantage of that.

Fifth, the organizational system was what Avnair was most concerned about.

Criminals and those with families in their home countries.

This battle alone gave me the opportunity to change my life.

Desire and threat.

Two arms held the military system together.

Encred didn’t know exactly what Avnire had done.

Because I didn’t even know the name of the enemy commander.

However, one thing was certain.

It feels like you’re standing on a cliff with all directions blocked.

Nevertheless, Encred was gentle.

Wake up, open your eyes and repeat today.

This time, I rushed into what I thought was the center, and the mercenary Cent greeted me first.

I think this is the first time we’ve met each other without getting hurt.

“You can’t go anywhere.”


“I can’t go.”

Cent clenches his molars and takes a stance.

After that, I saw a guy who cut his own neck with a poisoned dagger.

That kid didn’t even know his name yet.

I couldn’t think of any way to escape today.

The future was unclear.

The landmarks that had been visible until now became blurred again.



Sen looked at Encred’s face and raised his eyebrows.

Is it really normal for someone to laugh in this situation?

Cent doubted Encred’s mental state.

He’s truly crazy.

Encred was a bit daunting, but it was fun.

It wasn’t visible, but it didn’t feel stuffy.

Whatever gets in your way will escape.

So where will you be headed?

Because I didn’t give up, because I didn’t back down, because I moved forward even if it meant clinging to a torn and torn dream.

Encred laughed.

Much has been gained before.

Haven’t we already been through countless times today?

What did you gain from all of these today?

Because I have gained experience, I happily accept an uncertain future.


Archers came rushing in from behind Cent and the two mercenaries.

I’ve already met the mercenary Cent several times, and this time, three slashes were enough.

If you can throw a gladius, you can do it no more than twice.

Should I throw it?

No, you can’t do that.

A long fight had to go on.

It’s not a good idea to lay down your weapons in one vs. many.

However, since we met from the beginning, I was still holding a blue steel sword in my hand.

This is worth throwing out.

This is a sword that breaks every time you swing it a few times.

Fortunately, Encred had two more swords in his hands.

Put your left foot forward, draw your sword with your right hand, and throw it.

The subsequent movement is smooth.

This is thanks to having done it a few times.

If I repeated today several times, it wasn’t just fun.

Encred honed what he had.

That’s how I learned how to throw a long sword.

It is an application of the dagger throwing technique, the dagger throwing technique.


Sent, startled by the sword flying away, hastily struck it away.

Encred stomped on the ground and activated ‘Instant Will’.

This is the second proof that I haven’t been playing around all this time.

It was the second ‘Will’ I acquired while learning the fastest sword and the fastest sword strike.

Run with determination in the moment.

Objects around me move backwards.

My thigh muscles swelled as if they were going to explode from the acceleration.

The blood flowing through the veins of my entire body seemed to be pounding.

Blood rushed through my body like a wild horse galloping.

Encred ignited a spark.

The acceleration followed by a sting stung Cent’s neck.

Today I started by killing cents.


Since it was like a stabbing and teasing, Cent probably didn’t even hear it properly, but it was enough to make the mercenary behind him freak out.

“You crazy bastard!”

Judging by the way he starts swearing when surprised, he is indeed a born mercenary.

Stretch out the gladius as if to stab him, and while the opponent blocks it, stab him again with sparks.

By using ‘Instant Will’ twice, I eliminated two mercenaries.

Afterwards, I met a heavy infantryman and three prosecutors from the Hurrier family.

Among the group of crossbowmen and archers, a few fairies were also seen.

Some of them were really amazing at shooting arrows.

I only aimed for the point at which the movement ended.

I was having trouble breathing.

Of course, this isn’t the first time I’ve experienced this.

Encred endured.

Longer than the first time, longer as it is repeated.

While repeating today fifty times.

Encred has properly mastered the ‘Momentary Will’.

I sharpened my sword skills again.

After the snake sword, I also created a second sword style.

‘Should I say it’s a jjakgeom?’

My naming sense was still the worst.

They say it’s over if you stab them, so you stab them.

After repeated battles with recovery, the name was changed.

‘Island of Thunder.’

A lightning blade or a flashing blade would be better.

Lightning Step, I thought about it a few times.

A plausible name gave more power to the technology. Four Swords and Noeseom.

Snake Sword and Lightning Blade or Lightning Stab.

Both are not bad.

In addition to swordsmanship, there was a lot to learn from the ensuing battles.

As I fell into a hole and died from a pile of poisoned arrows, I learned to use my feet better.

After getting tangled in a net and dying, he learned the skill of splitting a thin net in an instant.

‘It won’t work for amputation, though.’

Steel cutting levels were now possible while moving.

The double sword style is a sword technique that shows destructive power by adding strength.

I also learned about it and learned it.

Today repeats itself.

Today continues.

It continued and continued.

Encred trained throughout the hundred and five today.

I reflected on the skills I had learned so far.

Technology has become cleaner and stronger.

However, he could not escape the trap set by Abnair.

Today is the two hundred and fifty-fifth day.

The boatman said something unexpected.

Previously today I said give up, but this day I said something different.


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