Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 310

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What did Abnair do?

Abneir advanced slowly, but not leisurely.

Actually, I was very busy.

Should I say that the swan is elegant on the outside, but underneath it is like constantly moving its feet?

There is a lot to prepare and accumulate, starting with witchcraft.

It was more work than building a mountain fortress.

That was the technique Avnier had prepared.

“Nilph, go first and pile the stones here.

“Build a wall.”

As I spoke while pointing at the map, my subordinate nodded.

“It’s a crazy schedule.”

“Move your mouth when it’s time to move.”

Send highly loyal commanders first.

Nilf is meticulous, so he will take care of it.

Afterwards, some of the troops were moved and disguised as a reconnaissance unit, but in reality, they moved as a unit closer to the engineering corps.

They built a wall between the mounds.

This is the wall that Encred faced.

Afterwards, while maintaining the speed of the main unit, other units were also selected and sent.

Building walls by stacking stones, digging the ground, and setting traps cannot be accomplished in a short time.

‘There is no need to do it on a large scale.’

After all, its purpose is to capture a small number of elite soldiers.

The most is three, the few is two to one.

I had to calculate variables, predict situations, and proceed with work.

Abnair did so.

Abnair was said to be brilliant since he was young.

What was the basis of that clarity?

One of his greatest strengths, said those who knew him, was his boldness.

In other words, it could be said to be bold enough to catch people off guard.

“You seem a little crazy.

“It’s bold, but it only talks about tactics that can’t be implemented.”

It was a time of learning strategy and tactics from a teacher.

What my fellow student said was right.

Abneir’s strategy was bold and unlikely to be realized.

But what if you could?

This is where Abnaier’s second advantage shines.

He was meticulous.

Even when hunting a single rabbit, a second or third trap would be prepared.

They got what they wanted, even if it meant investing excessive resources.

I definitely got it.

“Isn’t this actually a loss?

All we get from rabbits is some skin and meat.

But you spent more than you gained.”

My colleague scolded me again.

One person knows and the other does not know.

Abneir thought differently.

“It has become a habit to be thoroughly prepared.”

He skipped over it, but he didn’t just see a rabbit.

‘Traps placed in the hunting ground can be reused.

Just bring the rabbit this way.’

From the next hunt, rabbit hunting will become twice as easy.

Therefore, it is not a waste.

If you only look at one or two rabbits right now, your preparation can help you catch even a deer.

If you keep maintaining it, you’ll be able to get a few more decent game birds before summer comes.

Developing a persuasive structure along with meticulousness was the process of creating Abneier’s strategy.

Of course, I couldn’t tell you all of this.

The fellow called a nobleman was a member of the Ackkins family that stood next to the royal family.

If Hurrier is Azpen’s body, then Eckins is its head.

Abnair was a commoner.

He was quick-witted and understood the situation well.

‘Even if it’s like this now, the situation can always change.’

I also had ambition.

He was smart from a young age and knew how to get what he wanted.

This is a man who got everything he wanted to get.

There are very few things that cannot be accomplished by stepping forward.

It was enough to fill me with confidence.

Although his skills were mediocre, he was noble and his mentality was the same as why he came under Master Yuhan.

It was also a combination of meticulous calculation and boldness.


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He takes a grudge against a group of vagabonds and shows them fighting with them in front of the teacher’s path.

None of this was a coincidence, but the teacher thought it was fate.

“Follow me.

“A better life than now awaits.”


It was a calculated meeting.

Abnair went his own way from then on.

His wish has been one since he was young.

“Why should Azpen be satisfied with the principality?”

A rich and strong country with greater national power.

It can happen that way.

Although it is a principality, it has knights and knight-level forces.

Even if the neighboring country Naurilia is the problem.

‘Azpen’s enemy is Naurilia, but Naurilia’s enemy is not Azpen.’

It is a desire to prove my abilities.

This was also mixed with the wishes of his teacher, who had truly cared for and loved him since he was young.

Abnair, being a human being, was also influenced by affection.

“I love this country.


A man who eventually adopted him as his son.

A man who didn’t know politics, but was patriotic.

A man who gave me love even though he knew I was deceived.

That was his teacher and father.

Enterprising desire and influence from teachers.

Abnair adjusted the two appropriately and used them as his weapons.

‘I will prove myself on this earth.’

In this way, I will carry on part of my teacher and father’s dream.

‘Therefore you must die.’

No one in Azpen would pay more attention to Encred than Avnier.

I delved into it at a voracious reading level.

As a result, I believed that Encred and his troops would pose a great threat to Azpen and also to my dreams.

‘Knight of the Future.’

Or more.

Although the method was different from Kreis, the results of the prediction were not much different.

Especially in the sense that I think highly of Encred’s future value.

Kreis included this by bringing Encred into his own salon, but in any case, it is similar.

As an article, if you only look at the feasibility aspect, there are many more reasonable reasons than Kreis.

Of course, I couldn’t tell that to the royal family.

I’ll just say it’s nonsense.

But what if, at least one in a thousand or ten thousand, a knight is born on the outskirts of Naurilia?

What if a knight suddenly appears in the border area with Azpen?

One article is a change in national power.

The appearance of a knight from an enemy country is bound to be bad news.

‘It can’t be good.’

Therefore kill.

Abnair came up with a design called the Triangle Seal.

‘Three mounds and artificial structures.’

To win a war, you must have the terrain on your side.

Abnair did so.

They mobilized artificial forces to shape the terrain to their side.

He had the earth and sky as powerful allies.

Mix incantation into it.

It blocks the sky and makes it impossible to determine the direction.

It was easier than the fog of annihilation.

Thanks to this, we didn’t have to use multiple shamans, and of course, the shamans were exhausted from this alone.

They say you only need to keep it for a day or so when you need it, so that’s it.

If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t have even thought about witchcraft.

In other words, after Abnair had driven the opponent inside through calculation, he temporarily blinded them with a spell.

Because I was confident that I could trap the opponent with that.

In fact, it happened like that.

Place the prey in a natural prison and pour in more than a thousand soldiers.

Is it an effective fight?

‘No way!’

This sounds like a no-brainer.

But you can definitely kill one.

You can never lose sight of your prey.

It takes 20 traps and 5 hunters to catch one rabbit.

What if I told you that in the future, that rabbit would turn into a crazy monster running rampant with a knife in its mouth?

Is this a waste or not?

Abneir thought no.

He soon sent out more than a dozen messengers without stopping and gave orders to the flag bearers.

“Move the white flagpole!”

Each flag bearer was a tool to convey my orders.

This method was chosen because in order to be a thorough prison, there should not even be the sound of drums.

This completes the triangular seal formation.

One of the triangles is covered by an artificial wall.

The two practice witchcraft and magic.

The last three are replaced by a thousand soldiers.

‘Even if you’re a knight, you can’t get out easily.’

This was the trap that Avnier had prepared.

* * *

the boatman asks.

A purple lamp swayed on the river in the darkness.

The shadows tilted, curved, and straightened through the shaking purple lights.

“Wasn’t it fun?”

The boatman asked again.

Now I can see a glimpse of his face.

Even while looking at that face, Encred did not open his mouth.

The boatman waited for an answer.

There is no answer.

Time passes.

It’s a world of imagination, so you can’t feel the time.

The boatman knew that their meeting would soon end.

After a while, Encred’s body, which came into sight of the boatman, began to break apart like grains of sand.

It is a return from the inner world to the outer world.

Today’s repetition.

The boatman’s eyes caught Encrud scattering like grains.

He opened his mouth as he left.


It was strange.

It was as if he had finally seen himself.

Was the lack of response not because there was nothing to say, but because it was ignored?

Something stirred inside the boatman, but he buried it.

The person he is now is different from the person he was back then when he called Encred a bastard.

“I’ll ask again next time.”

When Encred disappeared, only the boatman’s words remained.

* * *

Encred had no time to answer.

Until or until you die.

Do not accept any day as a certainty that you will die.

Nevertheless, I reflexively put what happened around me into my head.

It was a habit.

It’s like a habit for recovery and preparation for tomorrow.

There were more than one or two things that happened.

The amount of information that will come into your head, things you naturally memorize, things you remember, things you need.

Pick and choose.

Still, there were a lot.


There are also questions that naturally arise while gathering surrounding information.

Did they deploy these troops just to capture themselves?

I do not know.

Is the reason important now?

It was a moment to accept what had happened and move on, not a time to worry.

After asking a question that seemed like a stray thought, Encred replayed what happened in reverse order.

While I was recalling my memories, I heard a rustling sound.

It was natural because I felt a presence as soon as I opened my eyes.

It’s a repetition of the same thing.

The time for restoration was too short.

As soon as you come to your senses, it’s time to fight.

But it is not a crisis.


Encred didn’t feel this was a wall.

If you spend another day struggling, you will be able to roughly perceive what is happening around you.

Two days at most, the calculation is over.

This is a day that can be overlooked.

I have tried avoiding danger countless times.

It was the same when I fought against the Rose Vine’s Letsha, werewolves, and Azpen’s elite troops.

It was the same when I dug into a group of gnolls.

It was the same when I first turned to the stabbing pervert.

Some things change, but some things don’t.

‘The large ark is the same.’

Therefore, now you know the enemy’s movements through one experience.

‘Do I need a second today?’

Therefore, it is not a wall.

Compared to the repetitions so far, it will be so easy that it feels like nothing.

Encred took his steps.

What would it be like to run in a completely different direction than the direction you went yesterday?

‘There’s going to be an empty spot somewhere.’

Could it be that they really deployed a battalion-sized force just to capture him?

To sum it up, the other person did just that.

Similar struggles were repeated.

It’s a repeat of yesterday.

“My name is Cent.”

Encred was a little surprised.

I ran in a different direction than yesterday, but the same guy blocked my path.


Today is a repeating day.

It is true that things will not change unless you distort them greatly.

A throbbing arm, a broken sword, and a gladius held instead.

The fight wasn’t long, but the path got twisted because a guy called Sent was blocking it.

He cuts off his opponent’s fingers by blocking and striking with the snake sword, the first of his sword techniques.


Blood and fingers flew into the air thanks to the blade hitting the hilt of the sword.

I saw a gap.

The moment I recognized the gap, my body moved instinctively.

Even if it wasn’t ‘Will’, the skills I learned while cutting with Lycanos were nowhere to be found.

It is not a sense of avoidance, but an intentional reflex.


I shoved the tip of the spark into the guy’s throat as he swallowed his screams.

It was almost like a single movement until I hit my finger with the gladius and the next spark came out.

It was that fast and natural.



When he thrust the sword and withdrew it, a line of blood came out from the Centran’s neck.


The other person, who had a hole in his vocal cords, grabbed his neck.

Blood was leaking out thanks to the cut finger.

He fell head first to the floor.

“Let’s not see each other again.”

Encred spoke and lifted Cent’s body.

When he lifted the corpse with his left hand and held it up like a shield, the crossbow flew out and hit the mercenary’s body.

Fu bu bu buk!

‘I’m tired of coming.’

There are so many.

I really don’t know why there are so many.

Afterwards, arrows, crossbows, spears, heavily armored infantry, members of the Hurrier family, and even mercenaries fighting.

There was a rush like yesterday.

I managed to hold on and run to one side, but other guys blocked my path.

“He’s a tough guy.”


It was four men.

In Encred’s eyes, the opponent looked like an ordinary combatant, wearing a Gambison clumsily suited to the cold.

The answer was to see with your own eyes.

They were good at handling weapons, but they handled other things instead.

It was an order.

This is the person who blocked your path while escaping along the stream.

Encred regretted not taking the Whistle Dagger with him.

‘No, even if I brought everything.’

I’m sure it’s all written by now.

Wherever you avoid, there is an enemy ambush, and wherever you go, enemy soldiers block your path.

It seemed like the ghost was playing a prank.

This was the result of running away like that.

“Put them away and lock them up.”


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