Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 31

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31. Start a fire.

‘It seems like setting fire to tents has become a specialty.’

Encred thought about this and briefly explained the strategy while holding a tree.

No one in the squad just listened without adding anything.

Now it was literally like being shot by an arrow.

After that, Encred moved.

“I go first.”

I take my steps very quietly, not even making a sound. Later, she lowered her posture and started lying on the floor and crawling.

The entire squad watched Encred crawl on the floor.

The operation he instructed was simple.

It’s a simple trick: shout from the east and hit the west.

The ones screaming were Mac and the rest of the squad.

The only ones missing from the screaming group were three.

Encred, Andrew, and a gangster-turned-soldier.

“I will do it.”

Mac took the lead in taking on the role of attracting the soldier’s attention.

He speaks freely and without complaints.

Mac’s attitude suddenly changed, but Encred didn’t think much of it.

It’s good if you listen well, right?

While Mac was slowly warming up in the dark, he picked up a rock and threw it.

The flying rock hit the soldier on the head.


The stone that hit the helmet bounced and the soldier who was hit screamed loudly.

“… … Mr. Geese.”


The four soldiers standing guard turned to one side.

Encred watched them with bated breath.

No words were needed.

“It’s an intruder!”

The soldier shouts. There was a commotion.

And Encred tried to stick close to the tent at the right time.

“What a rat.”

It just caught on.

There was nothing to be embarrassed about.

This is what I learned through several todays.

‘You can’t do it alone.’

Next to the tent, a soldier holding a spear glared.

Encred stood up before his opponent could lunge at him.

The dirt on my chest fell to the floor of the booth.

The soldier with his back to the perch without any spirit hurled his spear.

Encred, who had been watching the spear that flew by, turned his body to avoid it.

No, it didn’t end with avoiding it.

I gambled with half my life.

It’s a crazy thing you can do because the heart of the beast gives you boldness.

I avoided it and moved forward.

The blade of the spear grazed my shoulder. She had barely escaped.

I felt a burning heat on my shoulder.

Instead, Encred was able to get right in front of the enemy.

As soon as you gain distance, draw your sword upward.

The enemy soldier, who checked the blade of the sword, lowered his spear and tried to block it by using it as a shield.

And Encred stabbed the opponent’s collarbone with the knife in his left hand, which he had been holding out of sight since he first charged.


The blade cut through bone and flesh at the same time.


The enemy soldier groaned.

Encred just received the bridge of his nose with his forehead.


The soldier who was hit fell backwards without even moaning.

It was a Valenic mercenary sword, a three-sword type.

The first sword trick, the actual attack is a knife held in the left hand and a headbutt.

For this, he risked half his life and rushed towards the window.

The enemy soldier was defeated.

But since they had already been discovered, setting fire to the barracks was a long shot.

Another soldier appeared behind the fallen enemy soldier holding a torch and a sword.

The man with the scar around his eye really looked formidable.

You can tell just by their gait and attitude.

It’s not sewage water.

“It’s not the same.”


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He made a clicking sound and said.

I felt relaxed as I walked.

It was like seeing an attacker jumping out of the darkness, but he didn’t show the slightest sign of fear.

“Wow, it took a long time.”

Encred muttered.

The man frowned at those words.


It was behind the man.

The flames were rising. Before I knew it, the tent was on fire.

“… … turn off!”

the man shouts. Seeing this, Encrid ran in front of him and stabbed his sword.

Push the ground with your right foot and touch the ground with your left foot.

“Everything starts from the feet.”

This is the basics of swordsmanship that the two squad members, Rem and Ragna, said in unison.

Encred did just that.

From your feet.

Kicking the ground and moving forward. In an instant, the image of a soldier holding a sword and a torch in both hands zoomed in.

While looking back. It was all a gap.

Encred stabbed his sword.

This is the stab of the soldier who first killed Encred countless times, full of elasticity.


Cutting through the air, the blade reaches its destination.

It was truly just a moment.

Of all the countless stabbings I’ve done so far, this one was the best.

The same is true throughout the repeated today.

Encred thought he had killed his opponent.

To Encred’s concentrated eyes, things seemed to move slowly.

Everyone slows down. Both his own sword and the man’s hand.

In a slow world, the enemy soldier’s hand moves. Soon the enemy soldiers’ swords shot up from below.



Encred passed the man, bounced sideways, and stopped, clutching his stomach.

The enemy soldier, who had turned his head back, looked ahead at the road.

He looked at Encred and raised his eyebrows.

“You cocky bastard.”

The other person looked very angry.

Of course I was angry, it was no problem.

The problem is because of his amazing sword skills.

‘At that moment?’

The stab was perfect. To the point of absolute satisfaction.

It’s a stab that even Rem wouldn’t have been able to block unless it was an ax that bends like a whip.

But I avoided it.

There was a light cut on the neck, but it could be considered a mere scratch, not a fatal wound.

On the other hand, the sword that the enemy reflexively drew struck the area near Encred’s side.

It’s not a deep wound. Even the bones were not damaged.

Not to the point of death, though.

‘I let my guard down.’

But the result is like this.

Moreover, how familiar was this ‘today’ to Encred?

And yet.

It seems like there is a big river between the enemy soldiers and themselves.

However, the opponent can cross the river at any time and stab and cut oneself.

I felt like I could just barely dip my toes in the river and that was the end of it.

There was a clear difference in skill between the two.

So what should I do?

When did you only fight against opponents weaker than you?

Encred took a deep breath and held his sword.

If this is the turning point today, I just have to do my best.

Although it is a skill gap that feels daunting.

That doesn’t change anything.

For others, the feeling of despair and despair may feel like a cliff.

Encred felt it like stairs.

A staircase that you can climb up someday.

Exhilarating joy fills your heart from your toes.


How repeating today is a curse.

After all these days, I will eventually be able to defeat that incredibly talented person.

It will definitely happen.

I will never settle for today.

That’s why joy fills me.

Encred’s feelings were revealed through his face.


The face of the enemy soldier holding the sword was distorted. If Encrid was joy, this one showed anger on his face.

“I’ll rip it up and throw it to you as dog food.”

Encred had a premonition of death.

Right now, it’s an opponent we can’t beat no matter what we do.

However, I have no intention of being treated quietly.

Be prepared for pain. don’t back down It’s time to grab your sword and make up your mind.


Flames shot up behind the man. It seemed as if the dragon was spitting out fire, as if it was saying that the fire just a moment ago was a joke.

Flames spread throughout the tent.

Sparks flew everywhere.

Several urgent voices could be heard beyond the flames rising from the tent.

“You bastards! “Turn off the lights!”

“Someone poured the oil. “Platoon leader!”

“The perch has fallen!”

Wow, you’re good at your job.

Encred turned his attention twice to light a fire in this tent.

Once as a squad member with Mac.

Another time, in person.

The fire was started by Andrew and a squad member who was a gangster.

The squad member, who was a gangster, put his skills, which he had used in causing trouble in the city, to good use here.

“The flagpole is flying!”

Then, looking at the flames rising right next to the tent, a man shouted.

It was a man with a strange tattoo on his face.

“Platoon leader! “You don’t know what’s important right now!”

He scolded the man in front of Encred.

Seeing that, Encred took a step back.

No matter how much less skilled you are than your opponent, you will not die from one or two slashes.

Even the opponent knows that. If you make up your mind and persevere, you will be able to endure until the flames burn down the tent and the flagpole within it.

To be honest, I didn’t know why Encred would risk his life on just a few flagpoles.

There’s only one thing he knows.

That the other person cherishes it.

Much more than the lives of just a few enemy soldiers.

“You, we’ll see.”

The opponent, the platoon leader of the Azpen unit, glared at Encred and then turned around.

I decided that it was more urgent to deal with the guys setting the fire in the back than to deal with Encred here.

Encred sighed inwardly in relief.

It literally feels like I died and came back to life.

Dying is something you can’t get used to even if you repeat today over and over again.

If this were also a curse, it would be a curse.

Having to go through that terrible moment over and over again.

Of course, the suffering caused by facing all that pain and death was not a big problem to Encred.

If only we could move forward through this.

If your skills improve through this.

Why can’t I endure this?

“I have to go.”

After being wary of my surroundings for a moment, I heard Andrew’s voice behind me.

When I took a quick look, my face was full of soot.


Encred spoke and moved.

After that, a former gangster soldier followed him.

While running, Andrew took out a flute from his pocket and played it.

Beep, beep!

After two long blows, Mac came running from far away, leading the remaining squad members.

Enri was bleeding from his arm, and there were no soldiers following Mac.

The squad that initially consisted of ten people became half.

And the route Encred wanted was opened.

“It’s getting busy, the opponent, there won’t be a large chase group, right?”

It seemed as if Mac was asking if this was what he was aiming for. As if to prove that this was also a difficult time, he also had a torn forehead. I saw blood flowing from my forehead.


Encred answered and played with his feet.

Blood continued to flow from his side.

I thought it wasn’t a very deep wound, but I don’t think the bleeding will stop as it continues to run without stopping the bleeding.

There was nothing I could do about it right now, so I just held it down with my hand and ran.

Since today was an unknown day from now on, Encred was on guard behind him.

There was a pursuit by the enemy. Five guys chased after me.

“You crazy bastards!”

They were relatively cool guys.

They have soot on their faces, but they have no scars.

The five of them, Encred, Andrew, and Mac, were enough.

Enri had a hole in her stomach, and she stumbled probably because of the blood spilling from her abdomen. The thug squad member was unable to fight properly because he was supporting it.

“Damn you, everyone is going to die if you keep doing this, come to your senses!”

Although the thug soldier beat Enri up, he didn’t abandon him.

Encrud’s side wound became wider as he fought with the chase team.

Still, it wasn’t enough to kill me.

Mac cut his thigh while killing two of the chase men.

However, he took out a linen bandage and tied it up, and followed without falling behind.

Andrew seemed to have rapidly improved his skills after only a few battles.


Encred noticed that his skills did not improve immediately.

It would be more correct to say that his true skills emerged through his experience of intense battlefields.

If Andrew’s sword had not swung so violently that it instantly killed the two pursuers, the escape would probably have failed.

Or it was rougher.

Blood oozed out again from the wound on Andrew’s cheek that he had first gotten.

Everyone was in dire straits, but they didn’t die.

As we ran away all night long, Enri spoke in a dying voice.

“Going west from here you find plains fox and snake habitat. “If you go there, you won’t be able to catch me easily.”

Various animals live in this plain, a place called Green Pearl.

Among them were foxes and snakes. However, even if it was a fox, there were many poisonous snakes, so it was dangerous.

“If we go there, we will fight off the enemy soldiers and then die from a poisonous snake bite first.”

Mac said.

Then Enri opened her mouth with a faint smile.

“There are areas where the fox habitat overlaps with the snake habitat. I know. It’s okay because it’s the border between snake and fox habitat. “It’s the hunter’s way.”

Encred looked at Enri and thought that she was smiling easily while looking pale.

How can you give directions like that?

This isn’t normal mental power either.

Everyone looked at Encred.

Because the judgment is his.

“That way.”

Encred spoke and moved. He has no hesitation.

He was lost in other thoughts as he walked.

‘This is the first time I’ve seen him.’

The enemy’s platoon leader remained deeply in my mind.

If that platoon leader had come out every time, I would have been busy dying.

But it was the first time.

It probably appeared because they pushed themselves into this situation.

‘is not it.’

When I thought about it, it felt like I had heard that voice.

After repeating the previous few times, it was time to hide in the barracks that had been set on fire.

When Encred managed to enter the barracks guarded by the enemy soldiers, what he saw was a strange sight.

Flagpole and flag.

A strange smoking bowl, a man with a face full of tattoos.

I thought it was like fortune-telling.

However, the opponent’s reaction was too strong.

“Get it!”

Weren’t you scared when I kicked the flagpole?

Then I realized.

This flagpole means something to them.

And at that time, there was a guy behind him who cut his own throat.

“What is this guy?”

When I thought about it, it seemed like the same guy as the owner of that voice.

As I walked along Enri’s sidewalk, lost in thought, the surroundings began to turn blue.

Blue light surrounds the surroundings from top to bottom, signaling the beginning of the day.

It was dawn.

Before we knew it, dawn had begun to break.

Encred realized that he had surpassed today again.

Encred’s scouting party, which was heading towards the main unit until the sun rose and the surrounding area became brightly lit, encountered the main scouting unit.

“What does that look like?”

As soon as we met, the scout platoon leader asked.

Encred had more things to do than just explaining.

Because more than one person was injured.

It was enough to just report it on the way back.

Just living for now was enough.

“Whew, I’m going to pass out now.”

Enri spoke from behind.

Encred did not reply separately.

No matter what I said to the guy who was already passed out, he wouldn’t have heard me.


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