Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 309

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Cut the cloth by yourself.

A night passed without Encred returning.

At some point, the enemy army began to fall like the tide.

Ragnar has not returned and neither has Saxony.

Kreis recognized that this situation was quite serious.

No, an ominous premonition was constantly gnawing at my head.

“Where is the highest point nearby?

“A place where observation is possible.”

Still, he remained calm.

Maybe it was before it happened, but if it had already happened, there was no time to panic.

What’s more, Encred is missing.

‘I don’t know, but if the captain dies, I won’t die too.’

What would happen if Encred came back dead?

It looks like Rem is going to throw the ax at once.

Of course, this is a joking imagination.

‘not good.’

There was no benefit even if I didn’t die.

There are many problems that will arise if the captain disappears immediately.

If I were to ask you exactly what the problem was, you would have to think about it repeatedly to come up with an answer, but that thought occurred to me.

Oh, one thing was certain.

The Mad Company is over.

A great man who will control Rem, Ragnar, Saxony, and Audin?

does not exist.

In the past, we would have put up a scarecrow, but over time, they have changed.

Nowadays, these are the people who have to be leaders.

Without them, would the Border Guard be able to stop Azpen’s attack next spring?

This sounds like a no-brainer.

‘Then, I’ll leave without looking back.’

What kind of patriot can he be by remaining here?

While Kreis was standing under the shade of a tree, lost in thought.

Nurat said, recalling the surrounding terrain based on the map and memory.

“Follow me.”

Kryis, covered in shadow, gave off a gloomy feeling.

Nurat thought so, but didn’t say anything.

It was a strange feeling.

Because there is no man named Encred?

It was a thought that suddenly occurred to me.

It’s a woman’s intuition.

It was correct.

Krys with Encred and Krys just seemed like different people.

“Let’s go a little faster.”

Kreis urged.

Nurat brought two horses and they rode off.

After passing a few nearby hills, we came across a rough road.

It was a path that had to be climbed while hanging halfway.

There is no lady who would not like a strong body and well-trained muscles.

It was natural for a pretty lady to be interested in physical beauty, so Kreis did not neglect training.

Thanks to that, I was able to quickly climb the steep mountain path.

Nurat was a hardened warrior, so the climb was easier.

After climbing up, Kreis looked away.

“Crazy guys.”

As the morning sunlight illuminated the surroundings, the enemy’s formation came into view.

These are the guys who hid between the hills.

Should I chase more?

Should I hit from behind?

‘It’s a handshake.’

I followed, but what if I get counterattacked?

The terrain is too favorable for ambushes and surprise attacks.

No matter how high your morale is and how big you won in the previous battle.

‘The overall power is not overwhelming yet.’

On the contrary, if you get hit, the situation will turn around in an instant.

No, from the beginning, we decided that if we kicked them out, we would win.

That was the goal from the beginning.

Because winter was on this side.

‘How are you going to survive the cold?

What about supply?’

Why would Azpen be greedy for Green Pearl?


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Beyond the plain occupied by Naurilia is a rough terrain.

It is a land where monsters lurk, along with hills, valleys, and steep mountains.

Surviving the winter and maintaining supplies are not easy.

‘It takes a long time, four to five days.’

This is how long the enemy can hold out.

So, it is a battle won.

Now all you have to do is hide inside, fire arrows, and hold on.

There was only one problem.

Encred’s absence.

‘Could it be that you abandoned this battlefield just to catch a captain?

Are you giving up the battlefield just to kill a few people?’

It’s bold, but it’s too bold.

The purpose of using a small number of elites is to win the battlefield.

But if you give up the battlefield itself, what is left?

It’s about winning the future.

Could it be that it went that far?

Sinister imagination found an answer, but Kreis was not convinced.

Because it was such a bold move.

“one day more.”

Kreis waited for the captain.

Those words sounded ominous to Nurat, but he couldn’t argue with them.

The big-eyed man who lost his captain exuded strange power.

* * *

Abnair stayed overnight.

There is no need to rush now.

He also needed time to prepare.

The place where Encred was driven is a place with a valley and cliffs between three mounds.

It was also a deliberate trap laid.

It was an investment solely to kill a few people.

‘Are there any variables?’

Seeds were planted in the ground and they bore fruit.

Now all that remains is the harvest.

Even though harvesting requires a lot of blood, Abnair thought it was worth it.

So it shouldn’t go wrong.

Abnair thought again and again.

Hold the black tea with sugar in your mouth.

Sugar is the element that makes your head spin.

What are the variables that will arise here?

There are no mistakes until the end.

No matter how fast or long the opponent is, you can never escape unless you are a knight.

I prepared a lot of numbers.

After being defeated in the previous battle, Abneir thoroughly destroyed the Border Guard.

Was this a battle lost because the enemy took out a card called a knight?


He replayed the battle and found the answer.

They were already defeated before the semi-knight came out.

I found the reason for my defeat.

I dug into the battle.

I wandered through the battlefield.

That’s how it got its name.

Crazy company members, including Encred.

The battles they fought in the outskirts, the battles that cut off their supplies, all came together to paint a picture of defeat.

Even after that, it was thrilling every time I heard their performance.

The fur stood up.

These were people who did not live quietly even within the city.

In Huryer’s eyes, the assassin was cut down and nothing but failure was left in front of the name Encred.

They were like undetectable, elusive ghosts.


‘I catch it.’

Abnair was a prepared strategist.

He did so.

He saved his own organs.

I prepared, thought carefully, and cornered my opponent.

At first, there were thieves and fanatics.

By chance, a good card came into my hand.

It was natural to use it.

‘The black sword and the cultists are not easy either.’

There cannot be no effect on the Border Guard’s power.

Abnair deliberately did not fight and waited for them to separate.

It would have been better if a black sword or a cultist had killed a few people, but there was no such luck.

Anyway they split up.

Encred left Rem, Audin, and Teresa behind.

‘It’s a waste to catch something that’s stuck together.’

Above all, Abnair’s ‘art’ was preserved in this land.

For Encred, I made something called a triangle seal and tied it together.

Appropriate knives were sent to the remaining members of the crazy company.

He also took out the assassination clan card.

‘With this.’


My mouth is dry, so I take another sip of tea.

I swallowed and organized my thoughts.

The damage is enormous.

If things go as planned, all you will gain is a few heads.

On the outside, it looks like the head of several elite soldiers.

In Abnier’s opinion, the heads of those who will pose the greatest threat to Azpen in the future.

Once everything was sorted out, the next step was to proceed.

Because the front of the tent was left wide open, sunlight and the winter breeze came in.

It was not a very cold wind.

The weather was nice today.

“Let’s begin.”

Abneir put down the teacup with a click and opened his mouth.

First, it started with the neck of a guy named Encred.

* * *

Encred didn’t think this was a crisis.

This level cannot be considered dangerous.

It’s not like there’s a knife at my throat right now.

Encred hid himself among the bushes and concentrated on resting.

‘No matter what you do, start with your body.’

With his physical strength, it was already safe to call him superhuman.

One night will be enough to replenish lost stamina.

Even if the condition is not perfect, recovery is possible to some extent.

Now I have that kind of body.

The technique of isolation is thanks to Audin.

‘Should I say thank you?’

This thought comes to mind again.

When I return, it would be nice to say that I am indebted to him.

‘Stamina is stamina.’

Apart from recovering physical strength, there was a load on the body.

I swung my sword all day.

It was strange if my body was fine.

Blood vessels burst and bruised on both forearms.

Not only did they swing their swords, but they also struck with their fists and used their feet.

It was impossible to concentrate solely on attacking.

It was like jumping into the enemy army alone.

However, I couldn’t block all the attacks that came my way.

Using his sense of evasion, he blocked and dodged only threatening attacks and then received the rest with his body.

To be precise, the attack was carried out with shoulder armor, gauntlets, and shin guards.

Normally it wouldn’t be crazy, but from Encred’s point of view, it wouldn’t have been crazy since he had the skills he learned from Audin.

‘If it were a real knight, this wouldn’t be difficult.’

Recalling the battle in his brief thoughts, Encred chewed the beef jerky he had brought with him and quenched his thirst by visiting a stream.

The water was clear.

If you drink it without boiling it and still get this much stomachache, it must have been mixed with poison.

I could hear the sound of water flowing in the distance, and it seemed like a valley was nearby.

‘I’ll rest for a day and leave tomorrow.’

Even when you have no direction, there is a way out.

After choosing a direction arbitrarily, you just go straight.

Even if it’s the wrong direction, it won’t be difficult to get out as long as your ability to perceive direction returns.

Encred thought so.

‘What was the battlefield like?’

It was not a fight worth fighting while looking back or scanning the battlefield.

Encred also did his best.

This result was achieved by immediately focusing on the battle.

He didn’t know it, but victory or defeat could have been decided in one battle.

The end of this battlefield would be marked by Naurilia’s victory.

There is nothing we can do about those who died in the meantime.

Encred didn’t know the exact situation of the battlefield, but he recognized that there was no need to go on a rampage here.

Azpen became a deer bitten by a wild beast.

I didn’t coordinate or see the entire battlefield, but I felt the flow.

Encred found a suitable tree trunk and spread fallen leaves underneath.

I found a place to block the wind and closed my eyes.

I needed sleep.

Sleep is essential for rest.

It was early morning when he opened his eyes.

The body, which had been trained for a long time, entered a fighting stance as soon as it woke up.


I heard the sound of stepping on grass.

I was glad I didn’t start a fire.

Otherwise, it would have been like giving away your location.

‘It was rather good.’

All you have to do is find the other person and tell them where they are and how to get out.

Encred held his breath and listened.

Focused on hearing.

Then, starting with one finger, he slowly relaxed his muscles.

I prepared by heating up my stiff body from the cold.

Your ears have identified the other person’s location.


First left.


This time it’s on the right.

I started to feel a presence.

It was that close.

Encred, who had been concentrating on listening, put his head down.

‘What is this?’

It is not a small reconnaissance unit, but a large unit.

They were cutting through the bushes with their spear blades.

A series of thumping and piercing sounds were heard.

The eyes are not one by one.

A quick glance at the surroundings showed that it was full of enemies.

Counting numbers was meaningless.

So it was natural for me to be discovered like this.

“Over there!”

I made eye contact with the enemy.

Your eyes are bright too.

Encred stood up fully, thinking.


The enemy army has arrived.

Fighting all the time is not the answer.

Encred pulled away.

He is not stupid.

Kreis repeatedly said that his captain had a good mind.

It wasn’t wrong.

Encred shook his head.

It’s better to use your feet and escape than to fight… … .

Toad doo doo doo!

While I was continuing my thoughts, a barrage of arrows rained down from one side.

‘You’re crazy.’

If you shoot an arrow like that, your side will get hit too.

Encred raised his sword to block the inevitable arrow, and when he saw a large tree, he moved his feet and used it as cover.


Several arrows hit the tree.



As expected, a few arrows hit my side.

Nevertheless, the arrows did not stop.


“Shoot more!”

Arrows fly.

Encrid glanced at the blade of his sword and swung wide toward the tree.

It was a spinning slash of full power.


A burst of drinking broke out.

When I hit the tree with my sword, half of the tree was cut off.

Along with that, the blade also cracked.

It was because the taste had gone bad after the battle.

This time I drew a gladius on the half-cut tree.

My mighty heart is beating.

The muscles that wielded the sword swelled in response.

Then the blunt but strong blade split the remaining part of the cut tree.

All the way!


The tree tilted.


The enemy soldier right under the leaning tree looked confused.

Soon the tree fell, breaking its branches.



The group of enemy soldiers was shaking.

Encred took advantage of that opportunity and ran with it.

I ran towards a place that I thought was roughly south.

I threw away the cracked sword and switched the gladius from my left waist to my right waist.


Then, a heavy infantryman was seen blocking the front.

They were the ones blocking the road, armed only with thick shields.

The number was well over fifty.

As I tried to avoid it, enemy soldiers came rushing in from both left and right.

‘Why are there so many?’

There are too many.

Were other people tied up here besides yourself?

Encred took a step back.

If you rush at it like this, you can kill the placenta, but what happens after that?

Encred was here today because he didn’t want to spend this day half-heartedly.

He did not walk because it was a path where death was clearly visible.

I took off again and ran.

He ran and kicked stones on the floor.

With a clicking sound, the stone was thrown into the air and struck with the face of the gladius.


The stones flew faster than an arrow, accompanied by a cheerful noise.


The stone hit the head of the soldier who was just holding the crossbow in front.

‘This place is pierced.’

I saw a gap where the crossbow beasts were crowded together.

Encred jumped into the midst of the enemy soldiers.

It was no different from a wild animal jumping into the midst of herbivores.

He cut and hit with the gladius he held in his right hand, and stabbed with sparks.

Spark was a sword that could not be used for cutting in the first place.

After killing five or six guys and breaking through, I saw a path.

It looked like an artificially created path between the bushes.

‘That’s it.’

This is the moment when I thought I had escaped.


Bolts flew from left and right.

It was a trap that used a unit carrying a crossbow as bait.

‘I don’t know who made it.’

It was a terrible trap.

Encred rolled his body forward.

A bolt stuck in the armor.

It didn’t reach my skin, but I didn’t have time to pull it out.

Encred continued running.

Jump to the side and cut down seven or eight enemy soldiers.

I jumped back again and cut down about fifteen guys.

Cutting and stabbing, fighting and running away were repeated.

The fight started when the sun rose and continued until the sun set.

No matter where I went, I couldn’t escape.

I felt like I was trapped in a maze.

Later, even walls made of artificial stones were visible.

When did you prepare that?

It’s just absurd.

It was not a place that could be broken through with force.

That would be impossible with a bunch of enemy soldiers lining up behind you.

“What are you guys?”

I wasn’t hurt, but my arms and legs were shaking.

This is thanks to running and swinging without stopping.

Every person has limits.

It is said that a knight can cut down a thousand people by himself.

So, what about the associate engineer?

You can’t cut cloth alone.

So, he is a semi-knight.

As Encrid was struggling and running, Abneir muttered to himself.

“Cut the cloth by yourself.

Then you will be able to survive.”

Otherwise you will die.

Azpen’s strategist was convinced.

* * *

Pew Boo Boo Boo Book!

Dozens of arrows.

Finally, after shaking off and running and fighting and fighting until the very end.

Behind them are three prosecutors who are said to be from the Hurier family.

The road ahead was blocked by dozens of shield soldiers wearing heavy armor.

Dozens of arrows flew there.

There was no time to dodge, so I was hit once in the stomach and once in the shoulder.

The stomach was blocked by a bandage, but the arrow was blocked incorrectly in the shoulder, so the left arm could not be raised.

The pauldrons were long gone, and only the right gauntlet remained.

The boots were also torn.

A biting wind came through the cut and torn armor.

It was a total mess.

Until the end, Encred killed two Huryer family swordsmen with a single spark, and cut off one’s arm.

The guy with the severed arm glared at Encred with bloodshot eyes.

“I thought it was too much preparation.”

He said.

Encred had no time to answer.

“Kill it.”

The ending was decorated with dozens of arrows.

No, in fact, the number of arrows fired was one hundred and fifty.

One hundred and fifty long archers shot arrows at one target.

Encred ran with a sword in both hands.

It was a struggle.


The Heurier family member who lost his arm threw himself.

While I was splitting the guy’s head with a gladius, dozens of arrows were stuck in his body.

Bub bub bub!

It grazed my thighs, my shoulders, and worst of all, my neck, where it ripped off a handful of flesh.

Suddenly, my knees hit the ground first and I fell head first.

‘You crazy bastard.’

It was only then that Encred realized.

He prepared all these troops to capture him.

It was crazy.

I was a little really annoyed.

This was my first time seeing a death like this.

I closed my eyes, and my body trembled.

I am losing too much blood and cannot control my body temperature.

Death came soon.

Darkness covers my eyes.

Thanks to the falling body temperature, it felt like a cold death.

So I die and open my eyes.


A boatman was seen along with the sound of the river.

It’s on a purple lamp and a swaying ferry boat.

“Are you happy?”

the boatman asked.


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