Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 308

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When talking about a wizard’s rivalry, it is said that they open each other’s world of spells.

The spells they had accumulated in their respective worlds were their weapons.

Galaf drew the river within his world.

“Push and hit.”

A staff suddenly appeared in Galaf’s hand.

A portion of the river poured out, starting from the shining white gem at the tip of the wand.

It soon coalesced into a huge lump and flew away as a cannonball made of water droplets.

“You’re going to beat me while cursed?

“How stupid!”

Galaf shouted as he launched a water cannonball.

Immediately after Galaf told her to hit him, Esther’s hand also made a hand sign.

Instead of showing emotion, she revealed a spell.


Immediately after Esther finished moving her fingers, a fire started within her eyes, and a roaring fireball appeared and flew towards the direction she was looking at.

Two spells made of different elements met each other in the air.


As I drank heavily, steam rose up.

The fireball dissipated, and the chunk of river water deviated from its orbit to the side and hit the ground.


The ground caved in and steam filled the surroundings.

It seemed like there was a lot of fog, blocking my view.

Two wizards do not miss each other just because they are not visible.

In the first place, I looked for the opponent by looking at the flow of mana, so it didn’t matter if I couldn’t see it.

“Stupid bitch!”

Since they kept calling me stupid, I got angry for no reason.

Esther decided what to say when killing her opponent.

It wasn’t something I wanted to say now.

As Galaf spoke, he secretly sent two of his disciples behind Esther.

The rest were sent to do ‘work’, but two were left behind.

Although neither of them were good at magic, they were good at using swords.

‘Stupid bitch.’

Galaf recited the same words in his mind as before and memorized the spell over and over again.

The two disciples moved slowly.

Since the steam was covering my body, it would have been a long time before I could feel the presence of those two.

The two disciples had not yet built a spell world, so they had no chance of being caught by Ester, who could sense mana.

Galaf’s two disciples walked through the fog-like vapor.

One of them strengthened the hand holding the sword and looked for his opponent.

I turned my eyes around, thinking I would stab him if I saw him, but suddenly something came right in front of me.


The disciple who was one step ahead of the two suddenly went dark.

Something wrapped around my face and soon I started to feel pressure on my head.


“You bastard!”

Another disciple who was chasing him pulled out a knife and stabbed him.




It felt like I had been stabbed with a rock.

The disciple lost the sword as the tip of the blade bounced off.

My hands went numb.


A large hand came out of the fog and immediately grabbed the second disciple’s neck.

Reflexively, the student scratched and pulled the hand holding his neck.

It didn’t mean anything at all.

It was also a plate that made the blade bounce.


The two disciples floated in the air without even being able to scream.

I was so out of breath that I couldn’t say anything.

Both the one grabbed by the head and the one grabbed by the neck struggled, but could not escape their grip.

The face of the one whose neck was grabbed began to turn purple.

It’s because I can’t breathe.

The tongue slowly appeared between the lips, which had become a darker purple than the face, and hung down.

Meanwhile, Esther calmly chanted the spell again.

“Demullaire’s scythe.”

Same order for the second time.

As the vacuum cutting spell split the air, the steam that temporarily obscured the surroundings cleared.


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“Same trick!”

Galaf was blocked in the same way.

A blue film blocked the vacuum blade and dissipated.

And then I saw a figure standing in front of Esther.


I saw a monster that looked too human-like to be called a regular golem.

The two dead disciples also came into view.

One died with his tongue pulled out, and the other fell to the floor bleeding from his ears, eyes, and nose.

The skull was broken, and the shape of the face was distorted awkwardly.


“I picked it up when I came.”

Esther still had a smileless face.

Galaf bit his molars.

I couldn’t lose to Banpoon, who couldn’t even open half of the world of spells.

On the other hand, Esther’s opponent was laughable.

What was the reason for the struggle attached to her tinnitus in the first place?

Because we fought well.

Her world of spells began with battles and fighting.

“Ah, it’s been a while.”

It’s a fight against a decent opponent.

After this, I will have to be a leopard for over a month.

The current entertainment will be worth the price.

* * *


If you come close, hit me.

When it gets far away, it approaches and strikes.

Encred was a siege weapon that single-handedly broke down the wall of enemy soldiers.

He was actually showing that kind of power.

Some of the enemy soldiers were seen getting scared and retreating.

“Don’t back down!”

Then the commander from behind pulls out his sword.

If you retreat, you will be killed by your allies.

The soldier, who had made up his mind, bit his molars again.

Encred thought as he watched the enemy soldier’s reaction.

As always, I’m thinking about swordsmanship.

This is how to swing a sword.

It was about how to fight.

‘Captain Shinar saw me and brought a sword to deal with.’

Why did you do that?

I used a method that suited the situation and moment.

So, what should I do now?

It is a process of reflecting on what you have, recovering it, and incorporating it into your body.

It was like usual.

In that immersive state, it was time to swing the sword again.


Living before the wind reaches my heart.

Encred pulled his outstretched sword.

Among the anonymous traditional swordsmanship techniques, he used the defensive style.

I put my right foot behind my left foot, twisted my body, and raised my blade to block the center of my body.


It was an appropriate measure.

The blade struck Encred in the middle of his steel sword.

If it had been a little slower, it would have been a slash that would have cut a large cut in one place.

The blade that hit Encred’s sword retreats.

I saw a man wielding a sword taking a stance.

He was short enough to touch Encred’s chin with his forehead, did not wear a helmet, and had a stocky physique with large feet.

Encred identified the opponent with just one glance.

‘An attack based on an explosive charge.’

In terms of swordsmanship, it is a type of quick sword or fast sword.

In the far southern part of the country, polite healing and healing.

If you do that again in the language of the continent.

A straight sword, a heavy sword, a deceptive sword, a fast sword, and a soft sword.

There are five types of swordsmanship, and when various techniques are mixed and other things are combined, it becomes a new swordsmanship.

The opponent’s swordsmanship was like that.

A combination of quick feet and quick hands.

It is a fast and fast sword.

The opponent jumped in place a few times and then moved again.

It’s a movement like lightning.

He was swinging a sword in his hand, and it was a sword that resembled a scimitar.

It seemed like anything that caught on that curved blade would be cut.

Encred moved his feet and took a step back.




Even after blocking the sword strike two, three, four, five times in succession, the opponent did not rest.

Even though I couldn’t even hear him breathing, the attacks continued one after another.

Moreover, it didn’t even slow down.

It seemed as if he was saying that he could swing it like this all day long.

Encred didn’t mind.

It was slower than Lycanos.

After blocking a total of nine sword strikes and taking ten steps back.

Encred held the sword with only his right hand and tried to block the opponent’s sword strikes.

The opponent seemed to strike, but then pulled back his sword and momentarily lowered his stance by bending his knees.

Encred left his right hand as it was and placed his left hand on the sword belt attached to his right waist to hold the sword.

The name of the sword was Spark, but it was extremely light and rather difficult to handle.

It’s the best option when you only have one stab in mind.

The opponent’s movements were so fast that the guy in front was already floating in the air.

There was no sound of kicking the floor.

It seemed to suddenly appear overhead.

It was a feat that was close to a stunt.

Draw your sword downward in the air.

It was a slash that put weight on speed while keeping the body floating, and the timing and speed were half a breath faster than the nine.

It was a game to win and a game to aim for.

Encred also did not back down.

Instead, he moved his left hand.

A slash from above and a beam of light rising from below passed by diagonally.


The curved sword cut Encred’s chest.

But I couldn’t cut the flesh.

The last strength was lacking.

“Wow, you’re faster than me.”

This is because the opponent was unable to strike properly because the sword was stuck in his chest.

Because of that, he limited himself to hitting the man’s black chest.

The leather armor and Gambison were separated, but the inner armor wrapped inside it could not be separated.

The armor I got when rescuing my partner was useful in many ways.

The one with a hole in his chest fell to the floor and struggled.

“I played with a really fast guy recently.”

Encred spoke to the dying man.

The man blinked a few times and then stopped breathing.

It was a desperate situation.

It was amazing that he was able to speak even though his heart was pierced.

Encrud swung his sword in the air, shaking off the blood.

My chest felt numb from the blow a little while ago.

There were clear grind marks on the Gambison and leather armor that covered the chest.

However, the bandage armor could not be cut, so there was no cut.

Judging by the fact that my bones were aching, I guess it wasn’t my normal strength.

Encred didn’t know who he killed, but Commander Azpen did.

He was a fast-handed man named Janus.

He was one of the most capable mercenaries active in Azpen.

Fast slashes and light movements have been a nightmare for many, but that nightmare ends here.

“Should I finish this?”

Encrud spoke and walked towards the enemy soldier.

There was an ally watching it from behind.

In particular, I couldn’t take my eyes off the soldier who was whining and talking nonsense until the end.

‘I am an asshole.’

It was a damn good fight.

Even though it was really dirty, it was a good fight.

In the first place, I wasn’t at a level where I could say anything.

The approaching enemy soldiers may not be straw bales or rotten trees, but they are busy falling down and falling to their feet.

‘Ah, against someone like that.’

It was because of Helma.

I secretly liked him, but it bothered me because I felt like I was falling in love with that guy.

I was jealous.

I was embarrassed.

I was embarrassed.

I wanted to hide in a mouse hole somewhere.

What kind of bullshit were you spouting about a person like that?

‘Be at the forefront?

‘Do you know how to fight?’

There have been many times when I subtly turned it around.

I was wondering what is this guy that keeps chewing the eel next to me.

“Oh, shit.”

The soldier replaced his anger and embarrassment with strength.

“Kill them all!”

The soldier became excited and went wild.

It didn’t just happen to him.

Encred’s performance drove all the soldiers into a state of excitement.

“Where are you going?”

Helma also shouted.

The enemy is pushed back.

Azpen was good in terms of power, but lost in morale and power.

Of course, the game changed with just Encrid, so Naurilia had the upper hand.

Actually, it was a little strange.

The enemy’s movements were strange.

It seemed like they were fighting but operating under certain rules.

If someone were to look at the entire battlefield from above, it would look strange.

Encred went inside and the enemy soldiers retreated.

Nevertheless, they were quietly retreating in formation, and the number of enemies between our allies and Encred gradually increased.

But no one felt in danger.

It was a fight that was worth winning.

A fight that ends when the enemy retreats instead of holding on.

Encred continued on his way.

Even after the quick-handed Janus, two more well-known mercenaries attacked.

“My name is Joey Hurrier.”

A prosecutor from the Huryer family also attacked.

Encred defeated all of his opponents between five and seven sums.

“You monster!”

The enemy soldier’s cries seemed like an admission of defeat.

This is the moment when no one can talk about the defeat of the Naurilian army.

The Azpen unit, which retreated to avoid Encred, moved slowly within the group.

They were forced into formation and ranks, dividing the gap between Encred and the allies without anyone noticing.

Abneir thought to himself as he watched the flow of the battlefield from afar.

‘More in, more.’

If the front is a plain, the back is a hill.

It is a place where several small hills rise arbitrarily.

If you go towards the river here, you will come across a valley, and if you go to the right, you will come across a forest.

Abnair’s arrangements were everywhere.

* * *

Kreis blocked those who turned back.

It was worth saving the cards Sinar and Dunbakhel.

“I blocked it!”

Nurat approaches and shouts.

Kreis quietly clenched his fists.


Then, you can just create a deadlock like this.

Even in this situation, the enemy fought endlessly.

It seemed like he had no intention of backing down.

It was a stupid thing to do.

‘Let’s fight all night?’

Wouldn’t that only cause great damage to both armies?

To be more precise, Azpen’s damage is several times greater.

Immediately after this one battle, you will suffer irreversible losses.

Still, I don’t remove it.

However, our troops cannot take their first step.

It’s a battle won.

It’s definitely a fight I won.

‘What is it, really?’

Kreis was frustrated because he couldn’t figure out the enemy’s intentions.

Even though he was winning, his face was dark.

* * *

“Block it with your body.”

Some members of the Gray Dog unit fell back and followed Encred.

These are people whose only talent is persistence.

“Push to the end.”

Are they crazy bastards?

Even while thinking this, Encrid swung his sword.

It was time to step back.

Azpen was barely able to survive due to the number of deaths and soldiers.

If one day passed like this, the odds of victory would have been heavily tilted towards Naurilia.

However, the opponent did not give up.

Gray Dog wasn’t the only problem.

Suddenly, the eyes of the surrounding enemy soldiers changed.

It wasn’t normal momentum.



Encred didn’t know.

Some of them were holding their families hostage, while others were criminals.

These were people who gave up the present in exchange for the future.

If you survive here, your sins will be forgiven.

If you survive here, your family will have Crona.

If you kill a man there, you can get Krona that they can’t even dream of.

This is a suicide squad that came looking for a reward.

Of course, they also tried to run away after facing Encred a few times for the first time.

When I dealt with him, it was as if he was just sacrificing his life.

But that couldn’t be possible.

“If they step back, shoot them all.”

As soon as you step back, your allies’ spear blades and arrows will come flying at you.

It’s a solo battle.

This is a unit that mercilessly stabs retreating allies in the back.

If you want to live, you have to move forward.

They did so.

The atmosphere became increasingly strange.

Encred tried to escape without stopping hitting, fighting, and killing, but he could not easily return to his original position.

“It’s Dolce Hurier.”

The Huryer family’s swordsman attacked, mercenaries attacked, and those who disregarded their lives blocked him with their bodies.

Encred’s muscles began to tremble.

The human barrier was too thick to break through with force.

In the meantime, the Naurilia main force also tried to push forward, but Azpen resisted with all its might.

In the end, things went wrong.

Encred was isolated.

There were several reasons for this.

First, the enemy made a sacrifice.

“f*ck, what is this?”

Kreis was the first to realize this.

They gave up hundreds of lives to isolate one Encred.

Some of the Gray Dog troops eventually attacked the Border Guard standing army in unfavorable terrain.

The only thing he did despite the damage was to separate Encred from his allies.

The second was the enemy’s resolve.

That was Abnaier’s resolve as well.

The men holding Encred stretched out their hands as they died.

I held on and held on.

That made the road more difficult than expected.

It’s like risking your life and tying your feet.

Third is terrain, formation, and preparation.

Abnair prepared many things, including this.

Encred tried to shake off the enemy and return, but soon lost his way.

There was also witchcraft mixed in, but no one could notice it.

It was natural.

Because they were prepared one by one while marching late.

It was prepared solely to catch a few people.

Among them were people, and there were also formations made using formations, called formations in the eastern or southern ends.

Even when Encred looked at the sky, he couldn’t find his way.

The magic trick obscured the starlight.

Before we knew it, the sun had set and night had come.

The moment Encrud was trapped in a place filled with lush bushes between mounds.

Abnair spoke as if making a declaration in the camp.



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