Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 307

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307, Saxony, the stupidest commander in the world, stood right behind the vanguard.

Encred catches the eye.

Then, what should you do?

He looked at the enemy soldiers.

To be precise, he read the entire enemy force with his senses.

There is no need to see everything with your eyes.

The trained five senses can judge the other person’s skills just by listening.

A step without hesitation, a confident spirit, an approaching speed, and even a calm look in his eyes.

Saxony, who understood his opponent’s skills in his own way that was different from Audin’s, thrust his sword between the ranks.

A long blade protruded from between my waist and stabbed me in the front.

“Kill them all!”

The first one was a guy holding a heavy battle hammer.

A hammer with a weight attached to the end struck the ally’s shield.

The hammer is recovered by the rebound force after hitting it.

The sharp blade pierced the hammer soldier’s stomach.

I pierced it and it fell out.


What is this?

Well, it’s a blade.

Behind the shield, cold eyes looked at the enemy soldiers.


As soon as their eyes met, a blade curved like a snake slit the hammer soldier’s neck.

This was a technique that I roughly interpreted in my own way after looking at Encred’s Yugeomsik.

If you look at the swordsmanship, it is closer to a sword, so it could be considered a sword different from Encred’s sword sword.


The guy who was about to say something grabbed his neck and fell backwards.

Whether stained with blood or not, the boots of allies and enemies stepped on the soldier who missed the hammer.

Saxony kept doing the same thing over and over again.

He hid among his allies and repeatedly stabbed them once.

They only target soldiers of special rank or higher.

Among them, I left some of the ones that stood out, that is, the ones that were difficult to kill with one hit.

Saxony did its job thoroughly.

Our troops had no idea, but some of the commanders felt a strange trend.

“Why do you think we’re winning?”

These are the words of our platoon commander.

Hasn’t external power been pushed back?

But why do you win?

The reason is unknown.

Does it matter now?



Push it!”

The commander did his job.

I shouted at the top of my lungs.

“Stick together and don’t scatter!”

Infantry battles on the continent are basically melee battles.

The more we came together, the more advantageous it was, but the more we separated, the more dangerous it was.

The fighting between the two armies was similar.

The Border Guard standing army that came as support was also fighting fiercely.

“Turn sideways!

“Don’t let those bastards go!”

“The pain that cannot kill me!”

“It only makes me stronger!”



Those who survived the previous battlefield are all veterans.

This is a unit made up of skilled soldiers.

The quality is different from the battalion stationed at Green Pearl.

They stopped the enemy army bending to the right.

“It’s Gray Dog!”

“Stubborn bastards!”

It was an enemy unit that was famous even to our troops.

They were on a diversionary maneuver.

The Border Guard standing army prevented it.

“Crazy bastards.”

Gray Dog was Gray Dog.

The Border Guard standing army seemed to be pushed back even though it had greater numbers.

It’s okay though.


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There are people running wild at the front.

Encrud went on a rampage with a heavy sword approach, while Saxony hid among the Green Pearl unit’s forces and killed only those who fought well and those who gave orders.

It was thanks to that.

Originally, it should have been pushed aside by Azpen’s strong armies, but it was strangely balanced.

Ragna fell to the left rear of Encred.

I tried to do my job by roughly dealing with each person one at a time.

Ragna was swinging his sword and slowly gaining motivation.

It’s been several years since I lived without motivation.

I still needed an opportunity to move forward energetically.

Ragna’s engine was slow to start.

It was in the meantime.

I felt death coming from my left side, and the moment I felt it, a piece of metal flew next to my face.

Ragna tilted his head back.

It looks like he narrowly avoided it.

This is because the body warms up slowly.

Fortunately, the body naturally responds to such attacks, whether late or early.

Blood spattered on the blade that grazed my cheek.

The leather helmet that covered the cheeks was cut by a sharp blade, causing the bottom to hang down.

“Are you avoiding that?”

The guy who stabbed me with the sword retreated.

Ragna recognized it at a glance.

‘He’s a good fighter.’

I don’t know myself, but the feeling of welcome came first.

Didn’t you want someone who would make you want to meet them?

There is a craving that Encred alone cannot satisfy.

Seeing blood and risking one’s life was what Ragna wanted now.

There was no need to find the way.

So there is no reason to get lost.

All I had to do was chase after the retreating guy.

Ragna took off his uncomfortable helmet and threw it away.

After taking a few steps, an enemy soldier blocked my path, holding a short sword.

“You bastard!”

Where would the guy who stabbed him retreat to?

The back is where my side is.

If Ragnar followed suit, it would of course mean that he would delve into the enemy’s territory.

The enemy soldier reacted.

Ragna reacted faster than that.

As he walked forward, he stabbed and drew his sword.

This is an enemy soldier whose neck was punctured by a sharp blow.

His body leaned forward and fell, as if he still had the strength left to stab the spear.

While he was falling, Ragna cut down five more and broke through the enemy lines.

It was an extremely reckless charge and had the effect of disrupting the enemy’s formation.

Therefore, the allied commanders around him once again felt that the battle had become strangely easier.

‘Is it easy?’

In case of failure, the preparations for a rearward advance, i.e. a retreat, were meaningless.


Fight and kill them all!”

The battle line has been disorganized for a long time.

The fight turned into a melee, and it was enough to kill as many people as possible.

The platoon commander knew this well, so he shouted without stopping.


It was a slogan that quickly spread.

Nu Nu Nu “Our troops are being pushed back.”

Abnair laughed at the adjutant’s words.

How can I not laugh when things turn out the way I thought they would?

“It’s as I thought.”

The adjutant bit his lip.

This operation is incomprehensible.

Isn’t success the same as failure?

“I will become the greatest idiot who killed a thousand soldiers.”

Abnair said.

“Is this correct?”


There is not the slightest doubt.

The genius’s voice was clear and straight.

The adjutant bowed his head.

I couldn’t even stop him now.

‘Now, show me what you’ve hidden.’

Kreis watched the enemy’s movements.

I will do anything.

Isn’t Encred going crazy?

Thanks to Saxony, the enemy soldiers’ momentum was completely broken.

In the meantime, I don’t know where Ragna is going.

‘This isn’t the end, is it?’

Sinar and Dunbakhel were left as trump cards.

In essence, you should not show your own moves until you have seen all of your opponent’s moves.

“Wangnun, do I want to fight?”

Next to him, Dunvakel, who had his hand on the scimitar handle, stabbed him in the side.


“Am I a dog?

“I told you to wait, so wait.”

Beside him, Sinar stood silently with his eyes half closed and his arms crossed.

“Try to be calm like the fairy company commander.”

“Am I a beastman or a fairy?”

While appeasing Dunbakkel, Kreis’ gaze did not leave the battlefield.

The overall battlefield is strangely balanced, but the odds of winning increase in the details of the battlefield.

In the end, those small fights will accumulate and lead to victory for the entire battlefield.

This is a picture drawn by Kreis.

Variables were not limited to just variables, but had an effect on the entire battlefield.

If the other person did something, I had a plan to back off and take time, but there was no need to use it.

That’s the situation so far.

Then, why is Azpen just watching?

Why don’t you take out the hidden numbers?

There is something, there is something clearly.

Otherwise, why did they advance slowly and start the fight at the end of winter?

‘Isn’t there a hidden trick?

Are you just an asshole?’

Of course not.

“All right!

“I’m so excited!”

It is a messenger running from behind.

Nurat, who leads the bright-eyed and quick-witted unit, was intentionally left behind.

Garrett left a symbolic note in the command barracks.

The actual combat commander of the Green Pearl Battalion was Nurat.

She had bright eyes and a sharp mind.

Still, this is the moment when I have done what I need to do properly.

“Some of the troops were diverted, and the number is quite large!”

After receiving the report, a map floated through Kreis’ mind.

Familiar terrain, enemy movement trajectory.

What is the opponent’s goal?

‘Border Guard.’

Aim for the back.

Some troops may have already escaped.

“To the rear!”

Dunbakhel and Sinar moved.

It was time to block the card the opponent pulled out.

“The second diversionary force has been discovered.”

“good night!”

At those words, Abnair clapped his hands.

Not everything can go as planned.

The battlefield comes alive.

But if you aim for at least one goal.

‘It can be achieved.’

The battlefield is dominated by a small number of elites.

This is something Abnair knows well.

Well then, how about killing that elite?

Talent is finite.

It’s not infinite.

How many geniuses are there in one era?

There are not many people called that.

The fact that there are not many articles proves that.


‘Give me a battlefield.’

All you have to do is win the war.

Because of that, Avnier would have laughed even if he was called the greatest slayer and the most foolish commander in the world.

“Are you ready?”

“It’s done.”

“Okay, let’s proceed.”

The adjutant bowed his head and stepped back.

# # # As Kreis expected, Abneir sent part of his cavalry as a border guard.

“It’s the enemy!”

Of course, the Border Guard knew in advance because they were always on guard.

Rem grumbled all day and then jumped up.

It was news that made me forget the cold for a moment.

“Who came?”

Even if a lover who broke up after ten years comes to visit, it would not be more welcoming.

“Brother, it is said that if you are anxious, you will not be able to see the puddle and your shoes will get wet.”

This is what Audin says as he comes out from behind.

“Why don’t you just leave the stick behind?”

“Hehe, brother.

For the Lord says, “The preservation of one body is the beginning of all things.”

He was a worthy apostle of the god of war.

Isn’t this the attitude of beating them all to death?

Teresa tried to get up but stopped when she saw the look in Audín’s eyes.

The injuries sustained while killing Bishop Wolf are severe.

To die in this state was to destroy the body.

Au1kin did not look at that.

“Sister is waiting.”

“… … yes.”

Teresa was very disappointed, but she endured it.

A similarly excited Audin went out to greet the enemy, but their expectations were not met.


The situation was strange.

For someone who had come to attack the castle walls, only a shabby number of cavalry units were visible.

I just watched it from afar and watched it as if I was going to attack it or not.

Rem waited two days.

“These bastards.”

The enemy did not attack.

It just took time.

It was Abnair’s trick.

A while ago, Marcus pretended to go to Cross Guard, a city in Azpen, and gave me a big f*ck. The situation was different then, but the result was similar.

Avneir tied the Border Guard’s feet.

With this much cavalry, they could not attack the walls or cut off the supply routes.

In the first place, supply was more urgent for Azpen’s cavalry.

Moreover, there were not many of them.

Rem looked closely and saw that each cavalryman had two or three horses.

It was a unit full of bravado that used horses to increase its size.

“Don’t you have anything to do, you bastards?”

Thanks to this, Rem became frustrated, but Avneir clearly got what he was aiming for.

The route for reinforcements from the Border Guard was temporarily blocked.

It bought a little time, and that was enough for Avneir.

Esther smelled the scent of the spell.

It smelled like a fairly high-ranking order.

I followed that scent and moved.

As I climbed up the small mountain, I saw people gathered there.

One of them opened its eyes and watched him.


Galaf, who controls the river, is a wizard, a man who has achieved fame in the world of spells.

He had short brown hair and a pretty face.

I don’t know his actual age, but he had that face for ten years.

Did you say that you drank the river of life?

Of course, it’s just a rumor.

Esther looked at the other person blankly.

“They said it was damaged by a curse.

“Was it a rumor?”

Galaf said, surprised to see Esther in human form.

Esther just looked at the other person in silence.

I felt the traces of this man’s spell and came all the way here.

It was a coincidence.

Along with the flow of mana, there are even traces of prepared spells.

That happened to hit Esther’s senses.

Is it the guidance of the stars or the call of fate?

It wasn’t a part-time job.

Because she doesn’t believe in God.

What she believes in is herself and her world of order.

He was a wizard because he only believed in what he had achieved.


One of Galaf’s disciples tried to step forward.

He was famous for raising many disciples.

Even now, there are six of them.

“You guys go.”

Galaf looked at Esther as he spoke.

There was something I could feel just by looking at it.

‘The curse hasn’t been lifted.’

A witch won’t be able to show even half of her original skills.

“Witch of Strife.

Are you going to fight?”

Galaf asked.

You can do the work prepared with just a group of disciples, so you don’t need to have yourself.

But there was no reason to fight the witch.

Esther didn’t know what they were doing here, but it was obvious that it was harmful to the nest she was staying in.

Otherwise, why would there be a wizard of that caliber here?

The nest he is currently in is a man named Encred.

Magic would be dangerous even for that man.

I gained something by staying in the nest.

‘This should be prevented.’

“Demullaire’s scythe.”

Instead of answering, Esther recited the spell she had prepared.

Following her fingertips, a vacuum-type cutting spell was physically materialized and split the air.

Even though it is one of the special spells.

“Vartan’s shield.”

A blue shield rises up to block the scythe wind.

The defense shield rippled like waves.

Two wizards opened a world of spells through a round curtain sprinkling blue light.


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