Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 305

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305. Eat, drink and rest

I asked about the meat that melted in my mouth.

“It’s an eel.”

It is not a snake, but a long-bodied fish caught in fresh water.

This is what a female soldier says as she roughly peels off the skin with a short knife.

Everyone was quick. His hands and feet fit well too.

“When I return to the city this time, I’m thinking of moving the fish from the river here and selling them. How about that?”

The soldier applying the seasoning asked. En Creed quietly gave his thumbs up.

I raised my thumb and thought of the distribution route between the river and this side.

If the road is well paved, it will take two days by carriage.

If you could find a spell object that emits cold air even in the middle of summer, there would be no problem with freshness.

If an artifact is a relic, a spell object is a magic tool made and sold by a wizard guild.

Among them were tools that maintained a gentle coolness.

Taking advantage of this, people used to eat shaved ice in big cities even in the middle of summer.

Of course, it is a tool that is difficult to find in rural areas such as border guards because it is extremely expensive, but we will never know if trade develops further in the future.

I knew that things like silk were still coming in.

If it weren’t for the war, it would have been bigger, but that can’t be helped.

“I’ve never tasted something like this before.”

Encred knew how to speak with sincerity.

There was seasoning on the corners of my mouth, but it didn’t dull the emotion. No, she actually doubled.

The soldier who was putting seasoning on grilled eel grinned. Although he doesn’t really have a good impression, his smile is filled with sincerity.

There was a glimpse of pure joy. It felt like it was fun to have someone eat my cooking.

“Do you think it will sell well?”


“It’s nice to just say something.”

“Hey, are you taking me with you then?”

The soldier grilling eel next to me said. There was soot on his face, which was very natural.

Neither of them looked very old.

“Helma! Did you bake everything?”

A few soldiers approached from one side and shouted. The name of the female soldier who was staring at Encred was Helma.

“Uh, did you catch anything?”

Helma answered without looking back.

I heard the story roughly, and it turned out that they had built a road all the way to the Pen-Hanil River, so they could catch something from there when they were bored.

The approaching soldier put down his thick pocket.

It was a cold day, so a thin piece of ice fell out of a leather bag that was covered with thin ice.



When I opened the bag, a crustacean with pincers came out of it.

The soldier who was making the seasoning stuck out his tongue and licked his lips and said.

“It’s delicious just by baking it.”

Encred hung out with the soldiers. He ate and enjoyed himself as if he were one with them.

“Would you like a sip?”

“It’s good.”

Helma offered me a drink. It was a whiskey with a musty smell.

“It’s not a good drink, but it’s not bad, right?”

It was perfect for warming up in the cold weather.

A soldier with a talent for cooking grilled a crayfish, removed the head, and spread the intestines on the flesh like seasoning.

“If you eat like this, you’ll go crazy.”

I tried it.

I almost went crazy. There was no fishy smell, but the flavor was overflowing.

A sweet, not unpleasant taste enveloped my tongue and struck my brain.

“You must run a restaurant.”

Encred recommended it twice.

Next was trout. Since the intestines had already been prepared at the riverside, all that was left to do was grill them, and once we sprinkled salt and pepper on them, they were also a delicacy.

“But where do you belong?”

A female soldier other than Helma asked. Female soldiers were occasionally seen within the unit, and this was natural.

Naurilia also highly recommended female servants.

Were you born the daughter of a serf? If you want to change your life, commit yourself to the military.

It is a female military system.

It is Naurilia’s third military system, following the soldier rating system and the soldier mercenary system.

It worked so well that it was easy to find female soldiers.


“From Border Guard?”


“What do you think? Is that captain really handsome? I heard there are rumors like that. Is he even more handsome than you? Huh?”

Encred now has a beard. To be exact, I didn’t have time to mow it, so I left it alone. It might look messy, but it couldn’t completely hide the original.

Helma was likely to keep glancing at him.

“No, I’m better.”


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Encred dismissed it as a joke.

Several soldiers couldn’t help but laugh at those words.

Some of them even looked at me with envy.

Also, some people liked Encred’s cool attitude.

“Let’s step forward in moderation, right?”

There were several soldiers who said this. It was an aftermath of jealousy, envy, and complex emotions.

“Yeah, sure.”

Encred accepted it calmly.

What’s the point of fighting?

If it was Rem, he would have cracked his head, but he was not Rem.

After eating and drinking, I entered the assigned barracks and saw Esther sitting quietly waiting.

There was a rumor that some of the soldiers who saw her became lovesick.

The wizard’s appearance, with silky black hair flowing down and clad in thick black fur, was enough to capture the attention of the soldiers around him, along with Sinar.

So you didn’t go out?

That’s probably not the reason. Esther didn’t pay much attention to her surroundings to begin with.

The wizard looked at Encred and opened his mouth.

His tone of voice without any pitch seemed like a model of bluntness.

“I need to go somewhere.”


Encred had no reason to catch her.

Just like that, Esther left. The next day, early in the morning, Kreis asked with bloodshot eyes.

“Well, don’t you think that a spell or magic would help?”

Why did you just send Esther away? This is it. Since you’ve turned into a human, it might be helpful, right?

This is something Encred also thought about.



“If I could, I would have come forward right away.”

This is something that Kreis would have noticed on a regular basis. Esther was transformed into a human for a long time.

If I could have done something with a spell, I would have done it right away.

But I didn’t do it. There is a reason.

Encred knew that, so he sent it. Well, I figured I had something to do.

I didn’t even think I needed it right now.

I felt that if I forced her, it might actually be poisonous if she wanted to.

It’s not a thought, it’s a feeling.

Encred did not ignore his intuition but simply followed it.

“Why do you only become smarter when things like this happen?”

Kreis grunted. It meant admitting it.

Afterwards, Encred warmed up and began training as usual.

I swung the sword after going through the isolation technique, a process of subdividing, tightening, stretching, and tormenting each muscle.

This time, I killed Lycanos and retrieved his sword.

The sword hanging on my left waist became two.

“Isn’t it uncomfortable?”

Sinar, who had been coming and looking since early in the morning, asked.

“It’s okay once you get used to it, and it’s lighter than you think.”


“A light round?”

“Not bad.”


Sinar’s leaf sword was flexible, soft, and fast.

Supporting the ground with his toes, he flew up and swung his sword, and even though it was a light attack, it was difficult to pull it off.

“Are you prepared for my skills?”

“You’re quick to notice, fiance.”

If you try to throw it away, you’ve already hit it and run away.

Encred changed the nature of swordsmanship. It is a heavy sword. Swing heavily and cut heavily. We accelerated there.

It’s not the sword that Ragna showed me earlier, which swings five times in one step.

Two sword strikes per step.

As a result of looking at it, referring to it, and thinking about it, I was able to imitate it.

“good night.”

Sinar was impressed. Her leaf sword also changed. From a quick sword that strikes to a sword that catches.

It’s ever-changing. The fairy’s sword was sharp yet soft.

Encred saw that too and put it in his head.

If you review and reflect on it later, you will learn something.

There will be some left over.

The injury on my right arm wasn’t completely healed yet, but it wasn’t a life-threatening sparring.

Neither of them were very serious.

After fighting swords for a while. Sinar asked, wiping a drop of sweat from his forehead.

“Do you know the name of that knife?”

“Does it have a name?”

He was holding the sword used by Lycanos in his left hand.

Encred scanned the sword with his eyes.

It is a sword shaped like an awl extending from the handle to the back of the blade and to the tip of the blade.

The blade was silver and the handle was scratchy due to what was wrapped around it, but it was not uncomfortable.

It was nice that it didn’t have to be padded with leather, and when I held it, it felt like it was custom-made to use as a light sword, as it fit tightly in the palm of my hand.

Therefore, I already knew that it was not an ordinary item.

There was also a pattern similar to a system engraved on the handle.

As if it wasn’t a secret, Sinar continued calmly.

“It’s a sword made by the fairies. Its name is ‘Spark’.”

“Are you famous?”

“depending on.”

I already thought it was not an ordinary sword.

Hard and light.

This means that it is not made of ordinary iron.

Spark was a sword made by a famous fairy craftsman.

There are two types of fairy swords, Nydeul and Needle, and among them, Needle was created and named.

Giving a name to a weapon showed that one was confident.

I heard it was a sword that was lost ten years ago, and that’s what popped up here.

A light and strong sword specialized for stabbing.

It could be said to be the highest quality needle among needles.

‘How many swords were lost at that time?’

The craftsman who made Spark made several more swords, but somehow lost them all.

It’s a strange thing to say, but in reality, I lost it because of my asshole bloodline.

‘Patience, destruction, spark.’

I think there were a few more besides that.

I couldn’t remember everything. There will probably be well-documented items to look for when you go to a fairy city, and there will also be records of evil human thieves.

They were all lost when the fairy swordsman who was attacked died.

This is because it is a sword given to an unqualified and unskilled person.

I shouldn’t have done that, but I did it.

‘It’s something a qualified person can do.’

So it’s natural that Encred has a spark. That’s how she sees it.

“It seems like a famous sword, but is there anything that needs to be retrieved?”

“If you don’t look close, you won’t even be able to recognize the fairy. There is sparks written in the fairy language right under the guard, so you just have to cover it well.”

Sinar said and turned around. Encred understood what he said well.

‘It sounds like you hid it well.’

I decided to do that. I picked up a good sword. There is no need to return it.

Encred also had a desire for a sword.

After sweating a lot with Shinar, I was hungry again.

Encrid washed his body and walked around the inside of the camp, which was structured like a half-village.

There was no blacksmith shop, but here and there I could see things being baked or made with cloth.

Everyone seemed to have a lot of work to do.

This time, Ragna and Dunbakel were also taken. The two were watching Dalian intently. There seemed to be nothing special to do.

“shall we go together?”

“Of course.”

“It still looked like I ate something yesterday, but it smelled really bad.”

Dunbakhel is a beast. He had a developed and sensitive sense of smell, and Dunvakel himself was said to have a taste for delicious food.

“Follow me.”

Encred settled down again this time and picked up a few things.

The identity was not specifically revealed. Although he didn’t say it in advance, Dunbakeel, upon seeing Encrid treating the soldiers, immediately said that Jassi was one of the reinforcements.

“But who made this? It’s awesome.”

“I made it.”

“Yeah, well done kid.”

Dunbakhel thoughtlessly stroked the soldier’s head, and the young soldier blushed for a moment.

There were a few soldiers who asked Ragna questions, but he kept his mouth shut.

He seemed lost in thought and looked like he was searching for something.

The soldiers kept a reasonable distance from Ragnar.

“Why do they look like they’re a little sick?”

One of them penetrated the essence, but no one listened to it.

Encred heard, but understood.

He himself is fine, but his unit members seem a bit lacking.

“Hey, I told you not to come out, so why did you bring some strange friends with you?”

One of the soldiers acted sensitive, but Encred calmly ignored it again.

“Okay, be careful.”

“This bastard just talks….”

“Hey, don’t do that.”

“No, this bastard…”

“Stop it.”

“Wow, Mr.”

“Don’t be an idiot.”

I don’t mean to just talk and act however you want, but you can’t just decide to cause trouble.

The surrounding soldiers stopped him.

A few of the soldiers who were huffing and puffing also fell silent.

“You be careful.”

That’s all I’m saying.

Encred looked at it and thought that the discipline was well maintained.

I wouldn’t say it was trouble, but I would have been tempted to say no.

If that were the case, he would have had no choice but to massage that soldier like Rem for a while.


After regaining her appetite, Helma looked at Encred with strange eyes.

Encred just ignored it and went on to eat and play after that.

Grilled trout, grilled crayfish, and grilled eel with seasoning made even Ragna look back at the soldier who made it.

It was really interesting to see those eyes sparkling.

Since this is the type of person who usually picks out food, this is okay.

“This seasoning is the secret to home appliances, so this is it.”

It could be said that the soldier’s seasoning was beaver. He looked at Dunbakeel.

He was a guy with unique tastes.

Encred did minimal training, eating, drinking, and resting.

My body has not fully recovered yet.

While the soldiers in the rear were busy making something and cooking food, there were a few soldiers in a different atmosphere towards the front of the camp.

Garrett’s battalion basically had a small number of combat-ready personnel, but this one was the most outstanding.

These were the Plains Scouts and the Green Pearl Rangers.

“Going out on reconnaissance?”

“Who? Where do you belong?”

It is clear that they are allies, but the reconnaissance mission itself is dangerous. I couldn’t give an answer right away when an unknown face came and started talking. A few soldiers looked wary.

“We came as reinforcements.”

Encred said, showing his epaulettes.

This is an epaulet with the high watchtower symbol of the Border Guard.

“I don’t think it’s any of your business.”

Among them, according to the Naurilian soldier grading system, a soldier who was at least special level spoke.

Although he was short, his body looked agile.

Encred looked at the opponent’s nimble body, light armament, and where the center of gravity was usually directed.

‘Go first with your feet and win by stabbing.’

I could see stilettos hanging around my waist.

What I learned through the technique of isolation, what I learned through Audin.

This was a conclusion reached after visually observing the level of training of the opponent.


Encred took out the seasoned beef jerky from his pocket and threw it. The special soldier who accepted it asked without clearing his eyes of suspicion.


“Try it, it’s delicious.”

The soldier took a bite of the end and tore the beef jerky apart.

“Do you have bread? Try it with some bread.”

Encred also handed marmalade to the soldier next to him.

It is a Border Guard specialty. If this doesn’t taste good, your tongue is at fault.

Supply is not lacking, but it is not abundant either.

I couldn’t go out hunting easily because I had to protect a small area, and sometimes monsters caused trouble, so I had to clean up the surrounding monsters.

Excluding some archers guarding the watchtower, the main force of this unit was the rangers.

There was no cavalry at all.

“This is delicious.”

One of the scouts muttered. The man who appeared to be a special level soldier, i.e. a scout leader, snorted in amusement.

“I don’t know why you’re doing this, but are you going around reporting to your immediate superior?”

I didn’t do it. Well, all you have to do is do it now.

Encred reported to his superiors. So he reported to himself internally, received the answer, and then responded.

“It’s given to you because you worked hard. Just eat.”

“What a strange guy.”

Encred continued to focus on eating and resting while looking around the camp.

When I look around, I can find out a lot.

Watchtowers were gathered together in a small area.

Since the defense area is small, it will be easy for Mercury. However, even though it becomes more vulnerable to bypass attacks, you have to take what you can.

On the afternoon of the fourth day after Encred arrived, as the sun was setting, a messenger rushed into the camp.

Everyone’s eyes turned to the messenger.

“The enemy has arrived just around the corner!”

The word the messenger conveyed spread out from the commander’s barracks.


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