Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 303

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303. It’s not ‘really’, it’s ‘why’.

“What kind of person are you?”

In response to the adjutant’s question, Graham adjusted his posture and sat down. A thrilling pain rose from his spine to the top of his head.


I heard that the fairy gave Encred a good ointment for his wounds.

He is the lord of the castle, but even if he wasn’t, wasn’t he like a colleague who had been with him for a long time?

Why isn’t even a single herbal root coming here, let alone an ointment?

Graham answered with random thoughts.


“Green Pearl.”

One is tactless and stupid, but the other is above average. Isn’t the question different?

‘No, it’s relative.’

Maybe he looks smart because he has a stupid lieutenant next to him. However, you cannot dismiss an indifferent lieutenant.

How much can a person do for others?

That adjutant is a guy who will save himself by risking his life but also risking his arm. So he can’t be kicked out.

“Garrett Guy.”

Graham told me the name of a man who had been my superior but was now of the same rank.

The name didn’t stick in my mouth.

Garrett’s battalion was originally the Border Guard’s second reserve unit, but thanks to its victory in the Battle of Green Pearl, it has now become a new battalion, with the Green Pearl Plains as its base.

“He is an opportunist and a man who will do anything for his own gain. There are a lot of rumors that the reason Azpen didn’t invade is because Battalion Commander Garrett has already been taken over.”

Is this a rumor that only Encred heard?

Graham suddenly felt itchy and dug his ear with his little finger.

“Aren’t you cursing me somewhere?”

I was suspicious of the adjutant who kicked me out to stay for a while.

“If Azpen pushes in, the city will be in danger too, Captain.”

Graham, the captain and castle owner, nodded.

“Who doesn’t know that?”

What should I say about Garrett Gairo?

“Did he betray me? I don’t think I did it. If you asked me to bet Krona, I would say I didn’t do it.”

He is the exact opposite of the adjutant bastard who is probably swearing at him by now. He is a cunning and cunning man, but he is not treacherous.

“Why would Marcus put that person there?”

* * *

The battalion commander was a handsome man with dark blonde hair.

He seemed to be around middle age. He strides forward.

Encred reflexively measured the distance.

‘Two and a half steps.’

If you wanted to, it was a distance the sword could reach with just half a breath.

“If you determine that they are an enemy, you must cut them down, subdue them, or grab them by their head and immediately take control of your troops.”

This is what Kreis said before leaving. Encred also thought that was correct.

I slowly put my left foot out and finished ‘preparation’.

Strike quickly, or if the opponent attacks first, strike them away with the snake sword in a counterattack.

Since his right arm was half-recovered, he was able to use swordsmanship by swinging and striking.

The right hand spills and the left hand stabs. Even after completing the mental preparation.

I greeted the battalion commander with all options open.

Behind the battalion commander, some troops with bows, infantry, and guards were visible.

They all looked oddly nervous.

Battalion Commander Garrett approached with long strides.

“Marcus, you pathetic bastard!”

Then he shouted.

There was a strange tone in his tone of voice.

“I missed you!”

Garrett approached and spoke in a loud voice.

A man who is meticulous and opportunistic in everything he does, and will do anything for gain.

That was the assessment of someone who knew Garrett.

No, I don’t think it’s very true.

“You really look better than me, Nurat! How do you think?”

“You look good.”

One of the escorts answered Garrett’s call, and it was a black woman with pitch black skin.

The battalion commander, Garrett, was a man who knew how to laugh. Isn’t that a really bright smile?

And then he says this.

“Now you are the most handsome man in the Border Guard.”


Chrys muttered behind him. The guy, who was clearly nervous and worried, blurted out something irritating.

Encred also relaxed a little.

If the opponent had even calculated this, it could be said that he was truly more insidious than Saxony.

Of course, if Saxony heard this, he would never admit it.

“Go in.”

Garrett turned around. Even if she hid her skills, what does it mean to show her back?


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Garrett has no betrayal. Encred understood both reason and instinct.

“Still, be careful.”

Kreis said from behind.

The question is, what would you do if you planned to bring them inside and catch them after betraying them?

For something like that.

‘I think I’m being too careless.’

Encred scratched his chin and followed after Garrett.

If Rem had been around, I think he would have said that he was a very exciting guy.

Lem, Audín, and Teresa were left behind.

“You also need someone to watch your back. If you mess up, you have to jump out.”

This is the reason Kreis said.

Encred’s reason was a bit different.

“Why don’t you know if you’re planning on getting into a fight?”

Everyone was hurt. When you rest, you rest.

“Is something like this better if I put acupuncture on it?”

Rem resisted, but contrary to his words, he applied the fairy ointment quite aggressively.

I was so greedy about Saxony’s herbal medicine collection that I almost got into trouble.

“There is too much ointment for your body. Put some mud on it here and there.”

Saxony was also verbally scratched.

I’m trying to break up a fight, and now I’m almost doing it in my sleep.

After separating the two, Encred gave an order.


It is a word that cuts off the intention to forcefully chase after you. Even more so, he said this while forcefully bringing up the ‘will’ of rejection.

It shows a lot of willpower.

“If you go and fall, I will personally carry the ax of revenge.”

Rem gives up first and Audin just laughs. She didn’t seem to be smiling because she was happy.

“This problem is caused by my weak body.”

I tried to prick Encred’s conscience with self-deprecating words.

“Yes. So, how about training your body more?”

Encred took the joke gracefully. To begin with, isn’t his tongue already at the level of a knight?

“Don’t you know that if you think you’ll win with words, you’ll end up in trouble? Gomtaeng. I know that, so don’t use your tongue in front of me.”

Rem advised from the side. Of course, Audin did not listen. He just started praying alone.

“Have you seen the arrogance of the poor little captain? Father, even if you get into heaven, don’t be too harsh.”

It was a prayer that walked the line between a blessing and a curse.

“Thank you for the consecration prayer.”

Encred added another word and achieved complete victory.

Audin smiled and shook his head.

Encred was silent because he thought that if he touched him any more, he would be the leader and ask for a fight.

If not for that, there would still be a lot to say.

Teresa was the only one who did not rebel. The injuries were too severe to resist in the first place.

Still, he said he felt relieved because he killed Bishop Wolf.

I don’t know what their story was, but I knew from my feeling that they didn’t have a good relationship.

“Good job.”

I praised him and left Rem and Audin with strength.

So now, the wizard Ester, Chrys who jumps when he gets a suit, Ragna who walks silently without knowing what he’s thinking, and Saxony who says without a smile that he’s glad he left Rem behind are together.

“It looks like you poured oil on your face.”

Oh, Sinard was also there. The fairy company commander also had a few wounds on his forearms, but they were just scratches.

“It looks cool.”

Sinar approached and whispered repeatedly. The words were directed at Garrett, but no matter how you look at him, he doesn’t seem grumpy, but rather handsome.

“Is that so?”

Should I say I’m glad Garrett didn’t hear it?

Even if you listen to it anyway, it seems like you’ll just skip it.

He seemed like an unpredictable person.

“You are my boss now.”

“It’s easier to talk this way.”

Sinarda had been emphasizing that we should speak in a command tone throughout the entire trip.

“Are you the kind of person who likes to listen to orders and be coerced?”

I can’t stand it anymore.

“It’s interesting because it’s coercion from your fiancé. How would you feel if you were subjected to it?”

What crazy talk, really.

Even if it’s a fairy joke, isn’t it a bit over the line?

“It’s a joke.”

Sinar still didn’t smile at all. It wasn’t just for strange and eccentric reasons that he changed his tone. He wasn’t actually forcing it.

“If there is a problem with the command system, it will be difficult.”

This was the real reason.

“It won’t matter.”

Sometimes, it seemed as if Sinar did not know the power of his appearance.

She always gives the right impression by being respected. From their hand gestures, their steps, and their way of speaking, they always make you recognize that they are fairies.

“How old are you? If you’re younger than me, I’ll let you go.”

“The chain of command is none of my business.”

Sinar turned around with the same expressionless expression.

Encred entered the camp created by Green Pearl.

What is this?

“It looks like a small town.”

Large trees were cut down to make wooden fences, and most people lived in tents as their homes, but wooden houses were also seen here and there.

There were also signs that it had been built for a while and then stopped.

It must have stopped because of the war and because it was winter.

“If only we had until next winter, we could have properly built the village.”

This is what you say as you enter the largest tent in the center.

Garrett sat down at the wide table. After that, several escorts stood, including the black woman from earlier.

A few blacks can be seen in the eastern part of the continent, but they were not a common race here.

“You know how much I’ve wanted to meet you.”

Garrett said at once. Encred just tilted his head.

“Wow, I heard everything about that battle. From the Battle of Green Pearl to the soldiers at the end of the war, it was an exciting story. Please tell me more about that….”


Garrett was sitting, Nurat sitting behind him.

Nurat, the black woman, bowed only halfway and called out to the captain.

“Oh, now is not the time to talk about this, is it?”

“Yes, no.”

“Azpen is right around the corner, Captain.”

Another escort also came forward and spoke. He was a large man, but he seemed to be quiet at first glance.

It held its weight with its square jaw and tightly closed mouth.

“Yes, that’s my personal matter.”

Garrett’s mood changed in an instant.

His smile did not change. The expression was the same.

But it has changed. The feeling has changed. The momentum given by the person was strangely distorted.

Just like how Krys reacts when he sees Crona at stake.

Just as Auddin greets those who insult God.

Like when Ragna shows enthusiasm for the sword.

Like when Rem loses his brain and does crazy things.

“I think the best option is to give up and run away. What do you think?”

Encred felt Chrys flinch at Garrett’s words.

You’ll like it. It’s exciting when you hear the sound of running away.


Encred asked back.

“You can’t predict what the other person will do.”

“Is that the reason?”

“That’s why.”

Kreis interjected. Because he thought it was his own stage. Encred did not stop him.

Instead, he even nodded slightly, asking me to say more. Garrett, who saw this, also turned his gaze to Chryce.

“I have a friend who’s crazy. What’s his name?”

“This is Chrys.”

“Even though I have had two beautiful women in my life, there are times when I ask for the name of a handsome man first. So, can you explain why?”

There was a beat to Garrett’s tone. He wasn’t bad to listen to. She had a melodious voice.

Although Kreis had told this story once, he still felt it was necessary to summarize it again.

“Whether it was a black sword or a cultist, Azpen just watched as they fought in front.”

“Is that the reason?”

Sinar, who was just watching, asks. The official general commander was Encred, but honestly, it would have been nice to see Sinar as being of a similar rank.

“The voice of a fairy is like a musical instrument.”

Garrett felt like if he didn’t talk nonsense, needles would pop on his tongue.

Sinar easily ignored it.

“There is a reason. If all we see is everything, Azpen should have attacked us first. It is winter now. We have connected the supply route to Green Pearl, and although it is not stable, we can build a castle. Even without a castle, a defensive battle will not be difficult. How many watchtowers are there?




It was difficult to follow the conversation between Garrett and Kreis. Encred waited. I’m going to explain it again anyway.

“What about Azpen? Supply? Advance? Building a camp?”

Kreis asks again. Rather than a question, it was a question with an answer, that is, an emphasis.

Supply, advance, and establish camp. All three are not easy tasks. This was the difference between those who prepared when the weather was warm and those who did not.

“The time and situation were in our favor, but Azpen just watched.”

Kreis thought so inwardly. Apparently, there is a monster in the opposing camp that uses its head.

Otherwise it doesn’t make sense.

“It means there is something prepared.”

“Yeah, that’s it. To be honest, I thought he would just watch and then leave. No.”

“Are you coming?”

“Oh yes.”

“What is the speed?”


“It’s not good.”

“It’s not good.”

Nurat, who had been listening from behind, bowed and spoke to his captain.

“No one understands.”

“Kreis, speak the common language.”

Encred was also cut off appropriately.

Garrett winked and Kreis explained.

Azpen did not take advantage and did not move in a hurry.

We are determined and pushing forward.

There are two reasons.

“One is that we have a complete understanding of our forces.”

Kreis spoke first.

“You two are confident that you will win.”

Garrett continued.

Kreis and Garrett looked at each other. Then, without worrying about who went first, they reached out to each other and lightly clapped their hands.

A sound rang out inside the tent.


Nurat bowed again.

“Oh, now isn’t the time to be excited, is it?”

“Yes, no.”

Garrett was a strange person, but he had a cool head. It didn’t seem like she betrayed anything.

Encred also didn’t hit Krys on the back of the head.

“So what if I fall back? What if I leave like this?”

“The city fell, we became war criminals and were brought to trial by the kingdom. So running away was the answer, but it ended up not being the answer.”

I asked Kreis, and Garrett answered.

As the two raised their hands again, Encred pressed Chrys’s head.

Then he said.

“Then we have to find a way to win.”

Using your head is not your talent.

That’s Kreis’ talent.

“That doesn’t mean it will come out right away. First, let’s start with the surrounding terrain….”


As Garrett spoke, a map appeared. This is a military map that roughly shows the surrounding terrain.

“Are there any supply problems for our troops?”

“No, you have to break through four narrow watchtowers to access the supply route.”

As Krys and Garrett fell into their own story again, Encred withdrew.

I watched for a while, but it was fortunate that I understood half of what was being said.

Sinar had already left first.

Encred also came out of the tent. I wanted to breathe the fresh mountain air.

I poured oil into the brazier, but the air inside the tent was very stuffy.

When I came out, I saw Ragna who had already come out.

He looked at Encred blankly.

It seemed like he had something to say.

As we approached, Ragna raised his head diagonally and asked while looking at the sky beyond the wooden fence.

“Why do you want to be a knight?”

It was a random question.

It was also a fun question.

It’s not ‘really’, it’s ‘why’.

Instead of asking if you really want to become a knight, I asked you why you want to become a knight.

The meaning behind each question was different.


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