Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 302

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302. Whose side is the Green Pearl unit on?

“not good.”

This was the answer I got when asked if I was okay.

Graham, who was lying on the bed, raised his head and looked at Encred.

Graham was so stabbed in the back that he couldn’t even move properly.

In other words, the Border Guard standing army lost its commander.

Having to fight without the castle lord, battalion commander, and general commander… … .

“You don’t need me.”

Graham said.

The adjutant almost nodded saying yes. No, there were two lieutenants, and one of them nodded.

“That bastard is nodding his head.”

“Oh, no.”

When Graham said a word, the adjutant changed his head from a vertical nod to a tilt.

Encred asked while watching a skit.

“So do I?”

“Otherwise, who will?”

Graham realized something again.

‘Just say the words.’

Isn’t there a real hero in the city?

Although he is not normal as he killed an enemy general and took a group of crazy people under his command during this battle, he is a man who knows how to save a child.

Throwing oneself in at that moment to save the child.

‘It’s useless, though.’

You can trust him because he is that kind of person.

And because he is that kind of person, I have no complaints.

right now.

“Either hand over the position of Lord of the castle.”

Even if Encred said so, I would gladly hand it over.

Of course, the author doesn’t say that. It’s just an auditory hallucination.

Even if you say it is the lord of Seongju, there is no doubt about it. It was a strange thing.

There were no feelings of jealousy towards the man in front of me.

Is it because I saw it rise from the bottom?

Or is it because he knows that he is swinging the sword until his palm explodes?

Now, even though his skills have improved beyond comparison, he is a man who works hard on his palms in the same way.

Being jealous of a man like this is like admitting that you are trash and an asshole.

Maybe that was why.

‘Maybe I don’t want to be trash.’

That’s what Graham concluded. Still, I asked because I was curious.

“Why did you save that child?”

It was dangerous. It was meaningless.

There was a flash of light and an explosion, and if you let your guard down even a little, you would die.

Nevertheless, the man in front of me rolled over while holding the child. He was saved despite suffering burns on his back and part of his shoulder.

why? It’s just a little kid.

With just one arrow, he did something for the child who would have died naturally if he had not stepped forward.

I don’t understand everything I did at that moment, but the bottom line is that I saved the child.

I swung my sword for someone who didn’t care.

He looked like someone from some kind of story.

Encred answered without any sign of hesitation.

“I did it because I wanted to.”

What is more impressive is the attitude of asking what a big deal it is.

This guy must be one hell of a lunatic.

Graham started an argument for no reason.

“Answer politely to the battalion commander. Company commander. Have you been affected by Rem?”

“That’s an insult. Are you asking me to challenge you to a duel?”

“Rem is a mistake.”


“Win and come back. When I come back, I will take the lead in this improvement and welcome you.”

“Should we all like to be welcomed by old men, not even beautiful women?”

It seemed like he was asking because he was genuinely curious, and the stupid deputy nodded again.

Why do you agree there?

“get out.”

Graham sent Encred and his adjutant out together.

As the lord of the castle, I worry about the city.

Encred saw a sense of responsibility in Graham. I really liked that.


“We win and come back.”

Encred said as he left.

Graham didn’t say anything else. However, he didn’t even see any concern in his eyes.

When I came out, the snow had stopped falling. She had to step forward soon because she didn’t know how long Azpen would just watch.


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As a support force for Green Pearl.

“I wish you would stop noticing me, don’t you?”

The tactless adjutant was quite foolish. I don’t know that it was snowing so I had some time to rest.

How did this guy become a lieutenant?

“I need to be more attentive.”

Encred gave some solid advice and turned around.

I saw the child’s mother, and in the city I saw a group of wounded mercenaries.

The mercenary stayed at a city inn.

Some promised to join the army, while others said they would remain as mercenaries.

There were quite a few interesting people.

Among them was Edin Molsen.

“Be careful father.”

To come and say it right away.

“Do you know that it’s the same as telling me to be careful with you now?”

“This is advice, not warning.”

“All right.”

I just listened and ignored it. Is Count Molsen the important thing now?


The sequence of events was clear. The current opponent is Azpen. Azpen attacks with determination.

“Don’t forget what I said.”

As Edin Molsen repeated this, Encrid responded cheerfully.

“And what’s your name?”

“……You forgot again?”

Encrid returned to the barracks, teasing Edin to put his feet up before he had a seizure.

“Don’t you have anything to eat? Anything to eat? Don’t you know that injured people need to eat well?”

As soon as I entered the barracks, Rem greeted me. It was like a baby bird waiting for its mother bird. Revealing that food is dirty.

I just happened to take a walk around the village.

It was to recover, and also to look around at the mercenaries who stayed and fought after seeing him.

So, I did bring bread, marmalade, seasoned beef jerky, etc.

“They say that if you eat it and die, its color will be pretty.”

“It’s a western joke, but you know it, right?”

Rem chuckled and stuffed bread into his mouth.

Looking at it, I thought of Gilpin, whom I met just before returning from the market.

There was something strange about that guy.

“We had several spies coming in, and we lost track of some of them.”

It was something that came right away.

“We will monitor more thoroughly.”

A resolute will could be seen in the clenched molars.

I didn’t answer anything. However, I just wondered why they wanted to hunt down spies.

Isn’t that the job of the city police?

is not it? I think that’s right.

Anyway, Gilpin’s eyes lit up. He showed passion and enthusiasm. It seemed as if this was my calling, as if I had been called by God.

It must have been Chrys’s command to start it, so it had nothing to do with God’s call.

“Uh, okay.”

“There are people who say they use swords in Meelun, and they are doing everything they can. We will increase the number of guild members and completely control the city at night.”

Encred didn’t know it, but Gilpin also saw the battlefield. He watched the battle. I especially paid attention to Encred.

I knew that Encred was a great person, but something was different in this battle.

Stand at the forefront and face the blade.

Fight face to face with the enemy. That was surprising, but what left a deep afterimage in Gilpin’s heart was the scene of him rolling around with his child in his arms.

What I saw then stayed in my mind for several days.

‘Was there a reason to save the child?’

does not exist. Nevertheless, I save it. It was his own mistake that the child was kidnapped. He decided to hunt down his spies and guard the city at night. Even though there was help from a proc named Meelun.

‘I missed it.’

That day, Gilpin bit his molars so hard that his gums bled.

Over a hundred years ago, there was a man who single-handedly unified the Thieves Guild.

He was not a thief, but a righteous thief.

I made it my goal in life to help the poor and needy.

A man who rose to the top of the world because all he saw, heard, and learned from a young age was stealing.

The only Rogue Master on the continent.

A bard who sang about the romance of the night.

Kyuselas, the emperor of the alleys.

As a child, Gilpin’s dream was to be the Guardian of the Night.

The Guardian of the Night was a concept created by Kiuselas.

It is said that by guarding the night, people sing of peace.

As Gilpin watched the laughter of those around him, he thought that he was becoming something other than a thief.

From a young age, I believed and acted like I was helping to protect the city where I was born and raised.

‘This is the city where I was born and raised.’

Let’s protect it. If not me, who will protect it?

I lost my child. Missed a few of her spies.

No one blames Gilpin.

Even the child’s mother wouldn’t blame him, but Gilpin blamed himself.

‘It’s my fault.’

It’s okay to criticize a foolish thief for discussing a sense of duty.

‘If I’m just dreaming.’

Gilpin wanted to pursue his childhood dreams again.

And just before it was torn apart, Encred saved the child.

I saw my mother’s gratitude.

That’s how Gilpin caught a glimpse of something extraordinary in the man in front of him.

I wasn’t talking about swordsmanship skills.

Was Kiuselas like this?

Encred is a person with a different mind and a different will. Gilpin recognized it.

“Why is that?”

When I asked Kreis who came back, wasn’t his answer a masterpiece?

“I guess he did it because he felt bad. It’s the same thing that a bastard called the enemy commander does. How angry he would be if I saved him.”

Is that really the reason?

no. I saved someone. The city was protected by saving it.

What Encred did was unintentional, but it completely captured the old thief’s heart.

Gilpin made a new decision.

‘Even if I have to throw away my life.’

I will protect the city at night, and I will even take on the role of clearing away small rocks on this man’s path.

Despite all the care and effort Cryce had made, it was as if he was pledging allegiance to the wrong side, but even when Cryce later found out about Gilpin’s intentions and thoughts, nothing changed.

Well then, that’s the attitude. It was calm.

Anyway, all you have to do is do your job well. Rather, I’m just grateful that you told me in advance.

What you’re saying is that you won’t hit me on the back of the head when I make a mistake.

Of course Encred didn’t know all this.

However, it was just fun to see people showing enthusiasm.

“I’m rooting for you.”

“I will even remove stones from the roadside.”

I couldn’t fully understand what he said next, but I understood that he was talking about making the city’s alleys clean.

Although I only stopped by the city for a short time, various things happened and I met quite a few people.

I even saw Graham on the way.

After a brief thought, I turned my gaze and saw Dunbakhel with swollen cheekbones. Anyone who saw it looked like he had been beaten.

“If it stops snowing, I’m competing, but what if I turn the kid into an asshole?”

Encred scolded. This is a beast that will become a force right away.

“This will get better in half a day. What am I doing? Do I look like someone who beats up kids without even thinking about it?”

Encred almost nodded, but held back well. He couldn’t act like the tactless lieutenant from before.

“Does your chin seem to be down a little now?”

“It looks like your eye was hurt too.”

As I ignored it, I saw Kreis, who had slept well all day and had done his best to take care of his skin, sitting in front of the fireplace with a dumb expression on his face.

If you look at it from the outside, it may seem like you are having a leisurely time, but it is not. I’m shaking my head.

I am looking at it with that belief.


Kreis drooled and took it back.

“Oh, I fell asleep.”

It’s really rolling around leisurely.

Encred thought about going and slitting the back of his head.

Just then, Kreis stood up, stretching.

“Are you here?”


“I’ve been thinking about it.”

“Have you thought about it?”

If something useless comes out of that mouth, how about hitting it first?

Cryce, who did not know Encred’s thoughts, continued speaking in his usual tone.

“The Azpen guys must have dug a trap.”

The pouring snow gradually decreased, and Kreis was rolling his head.

‘It would have been better if I had hit him from behind.’

It would have been a difficult fight, but it would have been expected. Azfen had to take advantage of her advantage and pounce.

But it wasn’t like that.

Winter battles are already difficult, so what is the reason for taking time?

Azpen waited without attacking.

Even though the snow is stopping, there is no surprise attack. He said he is now slowly preparing to move his troops.

It’s as if he was waiting for this battle to end.

That’s very uncomfortable. The back is dirty. Very, very bad. My anxiety soared again.

‘If it were me, I’d hit it.’

It is said that there is no fight as easy as stabbing someone in the back during a fight, but Azpen did not do that.

There is something. It’s unpredictable. This is the worst situation.

As a result of repeated thinking, Kreis came to one conclusion.

“It will be more difficult than the Black Blade and Cultist alliance. There might be a knight hiding somewhere. Even if a knight force is released right away, we don’t know whether our allies will send knight-level force. They will turn some of their troops around and target the city directly. Maybe.”

“What do you want to say?”

“They can do anything.”

“What is the response?”

Encred asked and Kryis answered. Although it was a calm and casual tone across a brazier, it was no different from a conversation with a soldier under his command.

Why not?

Graham lay down after being attacked by the assassin. He had handed over full authority to En Creed.

The flames of the brazier made Kreis’ face look reddish.

“Do you know the battalion commander at Green Pearl well?”

Encred shook his head. He was a human being I had never met before. However, what I heard from many sources was that he was an opportunist and would do anything for gain.

It is excellent for supply and building a position, but it is not a long-term battle.

In many ways, it was not good news.

“At the worst moment, we will face the magic doubling our enemies.”

Esther next to me snorted at the sound of magic.


Today it is in human form.

While I was talking, the snow stopped completely.

Now that the snow has stopped, it is time to reorganize the battle lines and advance.

My body is half recovered.

Without Graham, Encred himself will have to take the lead as general commander.

“I’ll have to check that out.”

Whose side is the Green Pearl unit on now?

Could it be that Azpen has been waiting for some reason because he already had her as an ally?

There was some reason to doubt it. No, I had to doubt it.

“From the start.”

A few days of sweet rest have passed.

After killing a few wolves, it was time to face the tiger that was stalking us.

Ready to compete, then advance.

I couldn’t relax until the moment I checked the fences and watchtowers all over Green Pearl and entered the inside.

And the Green Pearl Battalion Commander greeted Encred fully armed.

The moment he saw his expression distort, Kreis’ ominous imagination seemed to become a reality.


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