Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 301

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301. It’s not wrong


As soon as I entered the Border Guard, cheers hit my ears.

My whole body trembled. You come out and scream without me doing anything, don’t you think?

“My ears will drop.”

People cheered among the exhausted soldiers and between the falling boots.

The black sword threatened and the cultists came rushing in.

To the outside world, they were Viscount Tarnin, but it was like putting a ghoul in human clothes.

It’s an obvious trick. Everyone knew. Even the inn owner knew everything.

There is still Azpen left, but there are still moments that cannot be overlooked.

When is the most valuable moment in life?

It’s time to overcome the threat. It’s time to get out of danger. This is when I realized I was alive.

Now border guard Young Ji-min did that.

Everyone escaped the threat and overcame the danger.

There were some who could not bear it and ran away at night.

There were some who could not bear it and ran away.

Conversely, there are some who remain in the city.

They did not spare their vocal cords. I screamed as if my heart would explode.

“You! To you, I give you what I’ve kept for twenty years!”

cried innkeeper Vanessa.

Vanessa, who lost her first husband at the age of 25 and had not met any men, cherished her body.

If someone tried to trick him, he would swing a cast iron pot.

“Who’s got that!”

A mercenary standing next to him shouted. His face, which was covered in bandages from his left eye to his chin, was also seen to be stained red, as if he had been injured during the battle.

The mercenary laughed and shouted as if it wasn’t even painful. It was obvious that the wound would open because of that.

“I didn’t say that to you!”

“Come to your senses! Inn lady!”

Everyone laughed.

The mercenary shouted loudly without stopping.

“You fight so well!”

“You fight so well!”

The harsh voices of men burst from the mercenary’s dock.

Shouts similar to women’s screams are interspersed. Everyone was intoxicated with the joy of victory.

“Oh my, you’ve forgotten everything that’s left of Azpen. I wonder if now is the time.”

Kreis grunted.

Rem saw that and patted the back of Kreis’ head.


I was in a hurry to stroke it, so the speed at which I reached the back of his head was a little fast.

When Krys, who had been hit, turned his head awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head with his hand, Rem laughed and said,

“You should enjoy it when you have fun, kid.”

“Are you going to enjoy things even before you die?”

“Look, you’re enjoying it too. I’m about to split your head into six pieces with an axe.”


Encred stopped him. If you leave it alone, Kreis will get hit a few more times, even if his head isn’t split open.

“It is not good to have the habit of persecuting the weak just because you are weak.”

Ragna said after seeing that.

As it happened, those on the left with Encred at the center were injured and those on the right were fine.

So, on the left are Lem, Audin, and Teresa.

On the right are Ragnar, Saxony, and Dunbackel.

“Huh? What? It’s hard to hear because it’s the words of an idiot who often gets lost?”

Rem spoke with his hand behind his ear, and this time Saxony responded.

“Persecuting the weak is a bad habit. Don’t do it.”

Saxony said and added a hand gesture. It looks like a hand drawing left and right. It is the attitude of explaining things to the animals you keep.

Whether people cheer or not, or whether they call him Immortal Rem or not.

Rem took out an axe.

“Would you like to come closer and talk to me?”

“No, wait. Write, no.”

Saxony crossed his hands and gestured.

If I leave this alone, it will explode.

Ragna saw that and spoke again.

This was like pouring dozens of barrels of oil from somewhere on a fire.

“The one whose arm was broken by a dog, or the one who barely survived.”

Ragnar’s tone of voice did not show any intention of provocation.

So, these were Ragnar’s strengths and weaknesses.

Speaking sincerely is an advantage, and not bothering to hide it is a disadvantage.

Of course, this is a disadvantage now.

“Hehe, brother. Do you want to go to rest?”

Audin wasn’t upset. He just moves quietly.


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Ragna truly thought these people were weak.

This is a story that Encred heard in full.

If I left it alone, it seemed like I would be greeted with cheers and see blood on the way in.

Everyone subtly lifted their spirits.

It’s been a long time.

If you think about it, we got along well with each other so far.

In some ways, it seemed like a big improvement.

At least this time we’re splitting sides and fighting.

Rem and Audin are on one side, and Ragnar Saxony is on the other.

No, looking at it this way, it seems even messier.

“Aren’t you going to stop me?”

Chrys, who has good sense, must have been dizzy, so he subtly stabbed Encred in the side.

Encred is now an expert at stopping them. One word was enough.

“I think I’m faster now, Rem.”

The heated momentum subtly subsides. what is this sound? Rem asked back.

“What did you say just now?”

“Check later.”

The bloody atmosphere is gone.

Encred’s eyes turned to the leading horse.

The leopard that went in first after seeing its face for a moment wasn’t hurt, but it looked tired.

Even without holding the reins, the wild horse walked confidently and was busy observing its surroundings. When you see a lot of people gathered, it’s easy to feel scared, but you’re calm.

Horses tend to be timid, but this one was calm, perhaps thanks to the fact that it survived even after receiving blood from a demonic beast.

It’s an attitude that can be shown because you believe in your abilities and are confident that you will get out of it if you mess up.

Watching him run and fight on the battlefield, he seemed trustworthy.

“He’s also a member of the unit.’

Encred admitted it inwardly.

Entering the city, leaving behind the cheers, Rem stood in front of Encred.

“It’s time to go, check it out. Let’s see what’s faster.”

“Are you feeling okay?”

Encred asked with genuine concern. It wasn’t meant as a provocation.


Rem responded. Stretching your mouth from side to side when speaking is a skill that involves using your face to express no. It was excellent.

The expression was bizarre.

It was a conversation with a gentle and harmonious atmosphere.

“Let’s see. It won’t be fun if you’re slower than me.”

Ah, funny bastard.

Encred took a stance.

I repeated the enlightenment process in front of the barracks while everyone watched.

Is it still immature that you can’t stretch it out all at once and put your will into it?

As long as it was loaded, it was faster than Lycanos.

It was similar to the ‘will’ of rejection.

Although the technique used is immature, it is overwhelming when activated.

Relaxation, contraction, explosion.

Repeat the same process as before and extend the sword.

The straight black space was folded and the sound was split.


Rem tried to remove the sword with the axe, but failed.

I had no choice but to block the sword with the side of the ax.

The result was the sound of metal.

“You block well.”

Encred said with deep admiration.

Although he didn’t intend to take his life, it wasn’t at a speed that was easy to block.

“…What did you do while I was gone?”

Rem did not hide his surprise.

Is it just Rem?


Ragnar cleared his throat briefly.

Saxony opened his eyes wide.

Audin’s face froze with a smile on his face.

It looked like a well-made statue.

At least I was calm because I saw Ragnar once.

Just because you saw it once doesn’t mean you’re used to it.

Rather, it proves that killing Lycanos was not a coincidence.

The surprise was no different from others.

Two words flashed through Ragna’s mind.


It looks fast even now. Speed ​​is relative. From that perspective, how many people can stop that stab right now?

A barbarian, a religious bear, and three wild cats would stop it.

It’s difficult if you’re a prisoner or Teresa.

Ah, if it were Teresa, she could decide and raise a shield.

Prisoners are not allowed. It is not because of the difference in skill between the two, but because of the difference in fighting style.

Other weaknesses are also visible.

‘But it takes too long after being stabbed once.’

The instantaneous acceleration stands out like never before.

“Let’s attach it to the body properly and reattach it, okay?”

What Lem said is correct. He didn’t fit properly.

My arms were shaking, my posture was slightly broken, and my balance was off.

Of course, that doesn’t mean we can disparage the current blow.

‘Will focused on being fast.’

In other words, Encred’s stab was at a level that could be seen by a semi-knight.

If the fragments of ‘Will’ were not realized, such technology that exceeds the limit would not be developed.

‘Rejection and stabbing.’

There are two fragments of ‘Will’.

It’s amazing, but it’s probably not impossible. Still, it is true that this is the first human being seen.

Well, if that person had been an ordinary human, he wouldn’t have stayed by his side until now.


Encred was calm.

Amid the pouring snow, everyone entered their own world.

Everyone here was the same. As I was looking at Encred, I felt a rush of stimulation.


Auddin says it in prayer, and Dunbakkel’s eyes burn.

Teresa forgot about her injuries and was anxious to fight.

And Kreis watched it all along.

“Are you serious? You’re just sparring at your leisure?”

“Then, shall we at least shovel some snow?”

Rem accepted.

Instead of sighing, Cryce took a deep breath and turned his eyes to Encred.

“Captain, let me ask you one last question.”


“Bite it off.”

When Dunbakeel was talking nonsense next to her, Rem kicked her in the butt.

“You got hit less, right?”

“Why do you only treat me like this?”

“Why would you do that?”

Leaving the two behind, Kreis opened his mouth.

“Are you going to fight again?”

There was a lot contained in that question.

You can run away like this. If only Green Pearl was given up, Border Guard Mercury would not have been a problem.

Now that the critical juncture had been overcome, the Martai forces were also able to move.

Because of the cultist’s actions, I couldn’t step out, but I’m sure he’s competing and coming this way by now. It will probably arrive tomorrow.

Still, will you step up and fight?

“What if I leave it alone?”

Encred asked back.

“Heh, I’m saying this because it seems like you know what to ask, but if you leave it alone, it will be difficult to protect this city.”

Kreis decided that way.

It’s noisy inside Naurilia. Otherwise, even if reinforcements came, they had to arrive soon.

At least Count Molsen shouldn’t be able to ignore me like this.

‘The power of the center does not reach here.’

At the same time, Battalion Commander Marcus was taken away.

No matter how you look at it, there is no good signal.

The conclusion was the same.

If you want to survive and protect.

You have to hit it first. It was advantageous to attack when on this side due to the advantage of terrain and timing.

“Over there, what do you think the Azpen kids are doing?”

Encred asked after retrieving his sword and catching a glimpse of the pouring snow.

Before I knew it, the snowfall became heavier.

If we leave it like this, the surrounding area will turn into a pure white country.

It was unfortunate for the group of soldiers, but they had to get rid of the fatigue of battle and all.

If left unattended, the drains will freeze, and the roof of the wooden building that has been clumsily raised will collapse due to the accumulated snow.

It may not be a problem since the barracks are stone buildings, but if the fence is broken, it takes more work to repair it.

Before doing so, it is right to clear the snow.

While Kreis thought about the harmful effects of falling snow, he also wondered why Azpen had waited and what they wanted.

The conclusion was bland.

“I don’t know. If you wanted Green Pearl, you should get it right away, but I guess we still have to look further.”

There are predictions made by ominous imaginations, but they are all unlikely to come true.

“Once it stops snowing, that’s when we have to compete.”

Kreis finished speaking.

Encred nodded. What else is there to do after this?

It’s a break.

ate and slept But as the snow fell by evening, discontent broke out among the soldiers.

“Let’s have a drink and have some fun, you damn eyes!”

Kreis said it was a complaint of being full.

Since it’s snowing right now, I’m taking a break like this.

Meanwhile, everyone who drank and rested rested.

Instead of drinking alcohol, Encred reflected on what he had gained. He recovered the fight. He recalled what had happened one by one.

Did I miss anything? Is there anything to learn?

If you reflect and review, you can learn something.

I’ll just rest my head for a day and start slowly warming up the next day.


Sinar came and threw the ointment made by the fairy.

I don’t know how it was mixed, but it was a good drug.

After applying it, small wounds healed quickly. It was especially good for back burns.

“I’ll apply it.”

The company commander even personally spread ointment on his back.

A sharp pain and a cool sensation hit my back at the same time.

Recovery was quick thanks to the isolation technique activating the body’s natural healing power.

The god of regeneration, a body that heals easily even when broken.

“Please give me a few more, there are a lot of people hurt.”

In response to Encred’s request, Sinar looked left and right and said.

“If it’s that bad, it’ll be better if you apply saliva.”

After saying those words, the company commander walked out.

No matter how you look at it, it seems like Rem is more seriously injured than you.

“This is a reason for discrimination, discrimination. Why do they only do that to the captain?”

“You’re not asking because you don’t know, right?”

Next to me, Dunbakel spoke seriously.

“I don’t know, I don’t know. Since I don’t know, let’s train. Suin. Suin, let’s have some fun.”

As Rem growled, Dunvakel quickly ran out of the barracks. The movements were truly outstanding.

He kicks the ground with a loud thud and rushes out the door like a white shadow. My skills have improved. It is clearly visible.

In front of the barracks, Dunbakel stuck out his tongue amidst the pouring snow.


Her words reached Rem, but Rem did not run away.

Since the heated leather was worn out, it was patched again and made into a vest. Rem thought as she put on her vest.

It’s snowing and cold. Should I go out and kill that prisoner or not?

It’s easy to stick out your tongue and chase after the fleeing beast.

I got hurt here and there, just let it heal for a bit.

“Be patient, brother.”

Rem lay down happily thanks to Audin’s gentle dissuasion. He will come back someday. When it comes back, you can just beat it then.

Seeing that he wasn’t hurt on his own, it was clear that he hadn’t yet lost the habit of pulling out and fighting.

So it’s right that we need to learn how to fight again.

That is the duty of the person in charge of training. Rem swore to himself.

I will definitely beat you up.

Audin, who had one of his arms broken, inspected the wound on Encred’s shin.

“I’ll get better soon.”

In fact, Audin’s arm didn’t seem to be getting better any time soon.

Even in this situation, divinity does not work. There must be a reason. I didn’t need to ask.

Encred nodded roughly and went out.

I wanted to warm up my body a bit.

I heard that there were several other mercenaries who fought for the city, so I was about to see their faces.

The snowfall has already decreased slightly.

Some of the soldiers recognized Encred and showed military courtesy with their faces stiffened.

When you think about what they showed on the battlefield, you can understand the soldiers’ attitude.

Although it is currently limited to the battlefield, it was definitely not noticeable on the battlefield.

As I came out of the barracks and looked around, I saw a woman standing at the entrance of the barracks with her nose red from the cold.

As Encred left, the woman raised her face.


It seemed like he recognized Encred.

She came over, knelt down, and bowed her head.

“I learned that no matter how humble you are, you cannot ignore grace.”

said the woman. He seemed to be over forty.

“Thank you for saving my son.”

The woman cried and said hello.

Everyone told me to give up. He saved that child. It was his child.

Encred was a god to her. It was salvation. It was grace. It was everything.

This was a child who could exchange his life.

Encred felt a strange sense of elation. My heart trembled. It felt like someone was whispering in my ear.

“You are not wrong.”

It sounded like the voices of the dead Ger and Pete.

“I support your dream.”

The child’s voice also overlapped.

We want to end the war on the continent.

Encred wanted to become a knight and achieve the end with his own hands.

The reason I wanted to become a knight was to prevent any mother from losing her child in war.

Encred raised his mother and calmly sent her back.

My fight and dream had just begun.

If you were to walk down the street, you had just reached the starting point.

No, we haven’t even reached the starting point yet.

I want to become a knight.

The faded and torn dream was now gleaming and tilted before my eyes.


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