Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 300

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300. It snowed heavily.

‘Well, he does say shit at the end.’

A body trained as a strong body and skills perfected through many years of experience.

The eternal madman was truly formidable.

Only after part of his head was broken did he grab the spear and attack.

Blood was pouring out and we stubbornly narrowed the distance. So it came within reach of her hand.

“This guy, me, this me! Did you think I would be defeated so easily?”

Rem was secretly impressed. Yeah, it should have been like this from the beginning.

What followed was a blood clot. It was literally a bloody fight.

The javelin punctured the heated leather and pierced my thigh.

I’m glad I avoided it by turning my foot, otherwise I would have ended up with a crippled Rem.

Instead, he took two of the opponent’s fingers with an axe.

I managed to avoid it and got two fingers. Originally, they were going to cut off his wrists.

A regret is a regret, and a fight was a fight.

Rem was excited. Joy filled me.

Isn’t this an opponent I’ve faced for a long time?

He is an opponent who shows strength comparable to that of a giant even though he explodes with a heart of great strength.

It also shows continuous strength through Gangshin.

“How can you do it without magic?”

The immortal madman was surprised many times. The first of them was the Heart of Superpower.

“Good luck!”

I didn’t stop my tongue again and again. It must have meant that she was that surprised.

Rem also somewhat got along.

“Hey, is that what you said?”

To catch it.

You may be a fragment of a reinforcing spell, but your opponent is catching you by mixing magic together and using a strange technique? Self aapgiyi?

If it was a provocation, it would have been a good thing.

“Such a motherless cub.”

Rem got angry.

“My mother died a hundred years ago!”

“Uh, so it doesn’t have a mother.”

The madman was also angry.

Both of them got angry and fought. Rem felt threatened several times. The opponent was Sangjae, but he wasn’t the only problem.


The evil beast with a venomous scent attacked without stopping.

Even though it was circling around, it kept looking for an opportunity and baring its fangs.

In the end, one of his arms was bitten, and the immortal madman took advantage of the opportunity and struck down the spear he held in both hands with all his might.

Rem swung the ax with the wolf attached.

It hit the spear that drew a large semicircle above its head and changed its trajectory.

Even though I struck with all my might, a spear grazed my side.

I was in so much pain that tears came to my eyes and the hair on my whole body stood on end.

It was the broken rib.

The immortal madman deliberately put all his strength into one of the two spears and struck Rem, but he did not stop.

While holding the axe, he smashed the wolf’s head with his remaining fist, and dodged the spear blades that came his way by repeatedly throwing them away.

I was moving like crazy without even having time to catch my breath.

In the meantime, something sticky grabbed my foot.


It is a sticky spell. Do you even do things like this?

I heard that the old fox is really spicy.

Isn’t the immortal madman making it a reality?

Among all the prey, the old man was the most difficult.

Rem strengthened his thighs. It was a sticky spell and whatever it was, it must have been spread in a certain area.


It’s an ax strike while kicking the ground and flying sideways.

With that, he killed the three demon beasts that were targeting him.

To be exact, two were killed by cutting off their necks and chests, and the third had his forehead cut off.

Rem still remembered the rough fight afterwards.

I was disappointed here, but at the same time I had a chance to win.

So the immortal madman escaped. She took her foot away. He jumped back.

The attacks that came after that were lackluster.

It also blocks the blade of the spear that was wielded directly.

In the end, it was that trick again. It is a javelin with a thread attached.

‘Ah, this bastard.’

The excitement that was at its peak cooled down.


When I hit the spear with the face of the axe, I saw my senior from the same direction quickly retreating. After that, the spear flew around like it was flying.

The guy shouted.

“Next time I see you, you will definitely die.”


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‘Hey, that’s terrible. Would I rather die the next time we meet? ‘Would you like that?’

Rem slashed the ax straight into the head of the approaching demon with a sad expression.


The beast’s body was split vertically by the ax blow that went in starting from the head.

“f*ck, I understand. Until now, if you make a mistake, you jump out, so you’ve probably survived.”

Should I chase him and kill him? Maybe so, but it was annoying. The steam leaked out. I wasn’t excited.

Rem was just not excited.

For Bishop Wolf, it was a completely different story.

“Hey! Where are you going!”

I was so shocked that I couldn’t even hide my embarrassment. The wolf’s eyesight was filled with confusion.

It was enough to make Teresa blush.

I was so shocked that I opened my mouth and spoke, and the wound on my head, which I had patched up with my hands, opened again and started bleeding.

Dark red blood ran down his cheeks and dripped from his chin to the floor.

There was no answer.

The immortal madman was just thrown out.

There wasn’t a single word of apology. Of course, even if he said he was sorry, his blood pressure would rise and blood would pour out of his head like a fountain.

“Brother Bishop, it’s time to go.”

The bishop turned around, frowning at the title he was being called.

There was a half-blooded giant limping there.

The shield was broken in half, only half remaining, and the sword was cracked in the middle.

“You traitorous bitch. I will curse you even when I die.”

Bishop Wolf cursed. He was mortified.

It was definitely a fight to be won. No matter how great the opponent is, he has come to the point where he is an immortal madman who is famous on the continent and a cultist bishop.

I also brought my soulmate, the dire wolf, there.

But what is this?

Teresa should have easily won by about a year.

But no. It was out of sync.

Instead of sighing or looking up at the sky, the bishop muttered one last resentment.

“You damn bastards.”

In the middle, I also felt the death of the direwolf that was tied to my soul.

There was no hope.

“I will curse you all for the rest of your life. Your flesh will rot and crumble, and you will not be able to die easily. The God of Demonic World will not forgive you! You, the madman of immortality, will not forgive Nenem either!”

The last grudge was directed at a former colleague.

My stomach turned when I saw the person who was supposed to save me and fight get kicked out.

“Yes. Take a dip in the river of hell. I’ll see you there later.”


Teresa ended up smashing the bishop’s head.

The fatal blow was struck with the pommel of the broken sword.

As Teresa, putting on her blood-stained mask, stood up, she saw Rem limping towards her.

“Are you here?”

“Then, Oji, will you go? Who will be the captain?”

There is no beautiful picture of people supporting each other. The two trudged on.

Neither of them are in good health, but neither are they dead.

The support was a mess.

A wild horse came next to the two.

“Did you fight too?”


Rem stuck out her lips in response to the pair of eyes.

“Anyway, even horse calves fight, but human calves fight.”

I was still full of dissatisfaction. The excitement was at its peak, and the steam leaked out. This kind of experience is very rare. Especially since the opponent was of the same race and the opponent had the advantage.

‘See you next time. gaffer.’

Rem made a promise.

And there were people who watched the fight between the two.

Heavy infantry and cavalry.

The mercenary leading the cavalry once again realized his position.

‘Let’s not mess around.’

Let’s never complain because it’s hard.

If you attack, you will fall. It is certainly. I understand because I see him fighting the enemy.

Let’s be careful about that quiet-looking big girl.

I never looked down on him, but now my perspective has changed.

In the past, people might have gotten sick of the fight between Rem and Theresa and backed off.

There were many cases like that. That’s because it shows such overwhelming power. Because this thing didn’t look like a person.

I felt relieved because they were allies, but I still felt a sense of distance. He brought something similar to fear to his allies.

But this time was different.

They both limped. The horse I was walking with seemed the most healthy.

If it weren’t for those two, I might have been killed.

Emotions such as relief, joy, ecstasy, and even the joy of victory were all mixed together.

“Lunatics Company.”

“Rem, Rem of the axe.”

“Rem of the crazy axe.”

“He’s not dead.”

“He’s not dead.”

“Immortal Rem?”

Someone’s mumbling turns into a nickname. In the process, Rem picked his ear.

What is he saying now.

The soldiers immediately shouted together.

“Immortal Rem!”

I thought he was dead, but he came back and chased the enemy away.

This is a nickname that has come a long way from ‘Rem with the dog-like temperament’.

“Immortal Rem! Rem that never dies!”

“A madman who never dies!”


The demonic beast has already killed most of the people. Because this was the most advantageous battlefield.

The remaining demonic beasts also dispersed after the deaths of the dire wolf and the bishop.

If there is no central point, the demonic beasts will not unite.

They moved to the center of the battlefield, cheering and cheering.

“Wow, it’s so noisy.”

Rem continued to pick his ears.

“Theresa the wanderer!”

The soldiers cried out for the identity that Teresa had always spoken about.

She held the mask in place with one hand and raised her other hand.

I wanted to do that. It is an action done by the mind.

When I was in society, I was so blunt that there were times when I didn’t say a word for an entire week, but not anymore.

“I am Theresa the Wanderer.”

It was different here. It has changed. Once I knew joy and joy, everything seemed different.

“Theresa the wanderer!”

Everyone chorused her murmurs in unison.

That was really nice to hear.

“What are you doing? Immortal Rem!”

Rem said he was upset for no reason.

The group of soldiers shouted that again.

“Immortal Rem!”

It was a childish thing to do. Anyway, where the two headed, Encred, Ragna, and Audin were there.

Ragnar was relatively fine, but Audin was not.

His entire body was full of small wounds.

The left arm was completely hanging down. Did it break at all?

“It’s a sprain. You can’t use all your might to catch one dog, so you must have been beaten a lot.”

“Oh, I passed by. I was respecting the old man.”

Teresa remained silent.

Ragna looked at them blankly and then opened his mouth.

“They’re all weak and lost. If you take kids like that around, it’s just a lot of work, boss.”

“……f*ck, why did I keep that thing alive?”

Rem grunted and Audin clenched his fist with a smile.

“It seems like you miss God’s embrace, brother.”

Encred, who was looking at that, stroked his head.

Because it’s all nonsense. Then she looked at Rem and opened her mouth.

“Just go out and have fun.”

“W-why? Could it be that you just went around throwing a tantrum because I wasn’t there?”

“Aren’t you the one who exploded?”

“They looked at me because I was old.”


“What? But why does it end as soon as I get back? I was just going to have some fun from now on.”

With that body? Encred said with his face. It was expressionless, but it sounded that way. Rem screamed.

“I don’t know? This is just the beginning? You don’t know who I am?”

Extend your palms backwards as you speak. A few quick-witted commanders quickly opened their mouths.

“Immortal Rem!”

Those who heard that shouted again.

“Immortal Rem!”

Oh my, I’m excited.

Encred chuckled and shook his head.

“The enemy’s territory is strange.”

Graham’s adjutant spoke between them. Encred spoke without even looking.

“This is the work of a soldier under my command.”

“that is?”

What can I say? It was Saxony.

He could have killed Viscount Tarnin right away, but he was timing.

When is it most effective to kill?

Saxony was smart.

Will the battle end immediately after killing the enemy general?

no. There are those who remain.

Among them, there were several mercenaries called Nandagin.

Compared to Encred and the Madman Company, from a general perspective, their power cannot be compared to that of a soldier.

they thought

‘The cause is here.’

All you have to do is save Viscount Tarnin and retreat.

Then, you can secure your cause and maintain your threatening position. Some of them even knew of Azpen’s existence.

Leave for now and let the Border Guard fight Azpen. All you have to do is start a territorial war again later.

You’re dealing with a border guard who has exhausted his power in an advantageous position.

The smart ones came to a conclusion. First of all, I was planning to visit Viscount first.

Viscount Tarnin’s neck was already hanging from the pole.

“……When did that little pig get kicked?”

The clever mercenary was absurd.

And it was unlucky.

There was no need for Saxony to go around killing everyone with magical artifacts.

I disguised myself in the uniform of an enemy soldier and inspected the person.

Among them, he found those who could rally the unit again and gave them red necklaces around their necks.

I likewise gave a gift to a clever mercenary whose name I did not know.

All you had to do was hold the unusually shaped dagger, which had a blunt outer blade and sharp only on the inside, to your neck and pull it.

I grabbed the surprised mercenary’s wrist, but my right hand made a semicircle and stretched his neck.

A red necklace appears on the blade that is pulled, and the mercenary bleeds to death. There were already seven people killed this way.

This was enough. Saxony just pulled away.

Thinking that the captain wouldn’t have fainted just because he was away for a moment, he returned as he had seen.

Encred was seen, and a ghost was seen next to him.

“It’s a ghost. Hurry up and do the exorcism. I think a few daggers will do.”

“…Why does that wild cat bastard say something to me?”

said the ghostly barbarian. Saxony once again made a strong claim to exorcise ghosts, but it did not work.

Instead, I only heard the blessed words of a crazy barbarian with an axe.

“You and I are together, you and I are together.”

I ignored it. He did his job and the captain was fine.

“This time I really thought I was going to die.”

Kreis said. Encred looked at the wide-eyed soldier without notice. Kreis, who had not slept well for several days, smiled.

“I’m lucky. Really. It’s like Lady Luck gave me a kiss.

The goddess’s kiss brings good luck.

White snow fell heavily on the head of Kreis as he spoke.

It was near the end. The sleet turned into a pouring snowstorm.

“Do you like this?”

Rem said gruffly. The devil’s excrement powder was falling in abundance.

Saxony and Audin also have the same look in their eyes.

It wasn’t Encred. He understood at once.

“I heard the captain has a good head.”

When Kreis said this, Rem got angry and said, ‘Okay, let’s gouge out that eye today,’ but it was only a small commotion.

Snow is pouring down. Those who were in the midst of fighting also needed to reorganize their battle lines.

in other words.

“It bought me time.”

Kreis spoke in his heart.

The pouring snow was lucky enough to keep Azpen moving.

It gave me time to recover and regroup.


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