Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 3

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3. One day

Same day as yesterday.


It was so vivid, was it a dream?

I was dumbfounded.

Is it a dream or is it real?

A battlefield we arrived at after spending a day similar to yesterday.

Another melee, as we were fighting in a similar position, I felt like I was reflexively seeing illusions overlapping.

‘Wasn’t it like this yesterday too?’

I shook my head without thinking.

It’s a stray thought. It must have been a dream.

Did I get lucky and have a precognitive dream?

‘Is it right to have precognitive dreams because you are lucky?’

I do not know. I can not know.

Encred was confused.


The oiled shield splits.

“Damn it, I almost fell.”

It was even more so when Belle said that.

“Belle, did you lose consciousness because your head was split open?”

I spit out the words I remembered reflexively.

“What crazy talk?”

Bell wakes up. Encred looked at Bell and thought.

Belle dies soon after.

Should we wait and see?

I waited and watched.

It was unrealistic, so I left it at that.

A flash of light exploded Bell’s head, and an eyeball popped out and hit Encred’s chest again.

“What are you going to do if you lose your mind?”

Rem saved himself again.


“Have you finally turned around?”

Rem twirled his fingers in his ears. I saw an ax in his hand.

“Today, something that looks like a hawk or a claw comes and I have to go catch it, so come to your senses. “I’m worried about this. It looks like it will fall apart quickly if I leave it alone.”

“Just worry about yourself.”

As I spoke reflexively, Rem tilted her head and took her foot away.

“I told you to concentrate, but you didn’t listen.”

Rem muttered and left.

Instead of using a shield in my left hand, I picked up the ax that had fallen on the ground and stood on the battlefield holding a sword in my right hand.

I felt uncomfortable.

I’m still holding on.

An enemy soldier in front narrowed the distance.

It was an instant. He was a guy who knew how to use his feet.

There was a swordsman teacher who said something like that.

They say that in swordsmanship, the feet do the trick.

The blade was visible and Encred faced the moment of death again.

In a split second, your concentration shines. I saw a dot.

The dot became small and then quickly grew larger.

Encred watched it until the end.

That point turned into a blade and pierced my neck.


There were no screams or moans. Because his throat was pierced.

The only sound that came out of my throat was a whooshing sound.

Terrible pain spreads from my throat to my entire body. Encrid fell to the floor, clutching his neck.

Let’s just let the blood flow.

“It is mercy.”

The enemy soldier who had been watching him for a moment spoke and stabbed his head with the tip of his sword.

With that, darkness came again.

And Encred heard it again.

Bang, bang, bang.

The sound of hitting a pot with a ladle.

“I want to ask why your eyes are like that this morning.”

This is Rem sitting next to me.

he said, holding up his boots.

It’s another day. Same day.


“Did you have a f*cking dream?”

“Right, it’s a dream, right?”


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“Oh, shit, bug.”

Rem shook the bugs off his boots, spat them out, and trampled them.

It was my third time watching the scene.

Encred wasn’t wearing any boots or any equipment. I was sitting there silently.

‘This is a dream?’

The day begins again.

Belle dies and Rem saves herself.

Rem sets off to find Archer, whose nickname is one of the body parts of a falcon.

An enemy soldier who is good at using a sword blocks his path.

“What are you?”

Encred asked.

The enemy stabbed his sword without replying. That sting that makes me admire every time I see it.


My heart is racing. Concentration is demonstrated. Encred could see the tip of the sword more clearly than before.

I twisted my body to avoid it.


I didn’t get very good results. The sharp thrust did not pierce Encrid’s neck, but it tore open the side of his neck.

A burning pain spread along the back of my neck and throughout my body.

I fall to the floor again.

Blood is pouring out.

“It is mercy.”

A blade falls into the head.

Bang, bang, bang!


I woke up screaming.

The pain is palpable. En Creed stroked his neck.

“Nightmare? “Did the witch even get a bachelor’s ticket?”

Rem told a lame joke.

“There’s a bug in my boots.”

Encred said, covering half his face with his hands.

The pain of dying is also pain.

I couldn’t figure out what was going on.

“what? “What, how did you know this?”

Rem threw the bugs in his boots on the floor, spat on them, and trampled them.


“Were you a prophet?”


He said and waved his hand.

Encred finished preparing as usual and went out before stopping.


“Why are you doing that?”

“My head hurts so much. Take care of your own meals, and if anyone finds me, tell them I’m sick in the barracks.”

“If you want to be lazy.”

Rem chuckled. He is a friend with a big smile.

What if this isn’t a dream?

What if it repeats itself after death?

Is that correct? Could this happen?

Encred needed time to organize his thoughts.

I went back into the barracks, unpacked my gear, and sat down.

I thought and thought again.

How can this happen?

‘What is the cause?’

Something came to mind at first glance, so I fumbled around in my arms. There wasn’t. The necklace I received from the slash-and-burn village chief was missing.

‘Is it because of that?’

craving? wish?


No, can you call this a blessing?

Is it just another day repeating itself?

Furthermore, Encred also picked up something about blessing-type artifacts, that is, Blessing-type artifacts, but I have never heard or seen anything like this.

‘Isn’t it closer to a curse rather than a blessing?’

Thinking, Encred stroked his neck.

It hurts so terribly. It hurt terribly every time I died.

My head felt like it was going to explode with complicated thoughts.

As I skipped lunch, Rem came in with something to eat.

“What are you doing this for? “Do you really want to be lazy?”

People are wondering if that will happen.

Encred was a hard worker who was recognized even here.




Encred nodded twice.

“It’s no big deal, then take a break. They say there will be a battle later in the afternoon, so get some rest. “I will take good care of you, so take care of yourself until then.”

Rem went out.

Time passes. I couldn’t organize my thoughts.

Because this isn’t the kind of thing that can be sorted out just by organizing it.


I hear shouts. The ground is shaking. The battle has begun.

Encred had no intention of leaving.

Because if I go out, I will die from that stab.

So I tried to hold on.

However, I couldn’t hold out forever. As for consumables on the battlefield, you can’t ignore the battlefield just because you’re sick.

“Everyone get ready and go! “It’s a battle!”

There is a guard walking around the barracks.

Encred equipped his equipment and went out.

We fought again.

We fought further from the rear than yesterday.

I endure it without even looking at Bell or Rem.

Whoosh, the army in front shook.

The enemy’s movements were unusual. Our team was pushed back.

Before we knew it, Encred was at the forefront.

And then I met him again.

Is this a coincidence or an inevitability?

I do not know. However, it was certain that no matter where I went on the battlefield, I would either die or meet this friend.

Therefore, now was the time to think about ‘how’ rather than ‘why’.

It’s not about why we meet, it’s about how to survive.


Blades fly.

‘What was the name of the technology?’

Rem once told me about technique and told me to concentrate. They say that even if you know how to do just this, you won’t just roll over on the battlefield.

He also said that even if you are trapped in a monster’s den, you need to calm down and catch your breath.

What Encred is trying now was something Rem told him about.

What kind of heart did you say?

The name passed through my mind as if it would not come to mind.

That talent whose name I can’t even remember shines again. En Creed looked at the blade and realized he was holding his breath.


My heart is pounding. I see the timing and angle of the blade digging into my neck.

I threw my body to the side. I rolled on the floor unsightly, but I survived.

It didn’t take long for me to be that happy.


A shock hit the back of my head, followed by terrible pain. His head went blank. He didn’t even know he had fallen to the floor.

Another enemy soldier from behind hit his helmet with an axe.

After getting hit like that, I looked up with blurry eyes.

“It is mercy.”

The stab cub sheathed the blade again.


Bang, bang, bang!

Open your eyes again.

A day that repeats itself.

‘Let’s not think about it.’

Don’t think about whether the necklace is a blessing or a curse.

Let’s not even think about what this is.

There are two things to think about now.

Surviving on the battlefield.

And doing anything for it.

“There’s a bug in my boots.”

“huh? “Is it a prophecy?”

“What was that? “What you tried to teach me a long time ago.”

Sigh. Sigh.

Rem blinked and then said.

“Heart of the Beast?”

right. It was that kind of name.

The heart of the beast.

How can a mere human heart keep its eyes wide open in a battlefield where spears, swords, and axes are flying around?

If you have the heart of a beast, you can do that, so do it.

I remembered what Rem said.

“Teach me again.”


Rem was taken aback.

Encred understood Rem.

At one point, he was eager to learn, and Rem, who fell in love with his passion, was determined to teach him.

In the end, Encred gained nothing and Rem learned nothing.

They say not closing your eyes for a split second is the basis of training.

Keeping my eyes open until I was on the verge of falling was not something I could normally do with courage.

It’s not something that ends with just opening your eyes.

In Encred’s opinion, Rem’s skills were better than most top-notch mercenaries.

The goal of the training was to watch and avoid his ax until it was halfway through his neck.

“Let’s try, training.”

Passion burns in Encred’s eyes.

A flame lit in my chest.

‘Is there a need to consider whether it is a blessing or a curse?’

I have no talent. I know that.

And time is fair to everyone.

Therefore, a dull person cannot defeat a genius.

So what if time isn’t fair?

Even a curse is fine. This was a string. A string that moves forward.

“It’s good. “I’ve been feeling weak these days, like a dog who lost his bones, but seeing him full of strength today makes me feel stronger too.”

Rem said as he got up.

“Right after breakfast.”

“Well, let’s do that.”

After eating breakfast and washing the dishes.

They exchange trivial words about how it was their dream to become a knight, and Rem laughs at that.

After that, it was class time.

“Did you forget how to train?”

“at all.”

It was so impressive that Encred even had nightmares because of Rem’s training.

The nightmare of that damn ax cutting my throat.

“Let’s go.”

The gist of the training is simple.

When an ax tries to cut off your head, you widen your eyes and avoid it.

If Rem makes a mistake, Encred dies.

Originally, I wasn’t able to do it properly because I was scared.

Things were a little different now.

‘Even if you die, you’re still alive again.’

It is a time of fearful loss. It awakens the concentration I learned from my first death, and the heart of the beast.

Encred’s heart began to beat.

My heartbeat, which was startled and shaking, becomes calm.

Beasts are not easily surprised. A slower heartbeat brings calmness.

Equilibrium is the core of the heart of the beast.

A calm mind allows you to see the trajectory of the ax blade.

It’s training to control your body, and I’ve been doing it non-stop.

It wasn’t difficult to avoid after seeing the trajectory.

The ax blade splits the air. En Creed put his right foot back at the right time and leaned his body back.

The ax passed before my eyes.

“… … “Did you practice without me knowing?”

Rem asked.


“It’s good. good. But now the timing is a little early. “Dodge it right before.”

It is training to thicken the skin of the heart.

Rem swung the axe.

Encred waited until the ax was about to cut his throat and dodged it.

“Well, there are only a few people in our tribe who have learned this. that’s interesting.”

Morning training is over.

Rem tapped Encred on the shoulder.

“Well done. “At this level, you should be able to deal with clumsy guys in real combat.”

“What if they are beyond clumsy?”

“What do you want to ask?”

“What would it be like to face a guy like that?”

“Are you asking because you don’t know?”

As Encred glanced at him, Rem continued speaking. The look in his eyes makes me wonder why this guy is like this today.

“It has to jump out.”

Yes, run away.

It’s crazy to face and clash with an opponent stronger than yourself on the battlefield.

Encred has survived until now because he is clever and knows his subject.

And now.

“It would be better to practice against someone who is not clumsy, right? this?”

“If you train like that, even a hundred lives won’t be enough.”

Rem chuckled. Encred thought while listening to that laughter.

He said he felt like his life had just become hundreds.

Either a blessing or a curse.

‘If I can use it, I use it all.’

Encred lived like that until now.

That’s how I lived, and that’s what I still plan to do.

That sting, face it.

That was my intention. Isn’t this a good training partner?

The pain of death is terrible, but the payoff is great.

Encred felt the joy of growth for the first time in over ten years.

The joy of satisfying your heart to no end.

It was a feeling of satisfaction that could not be compared to drugs.


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