Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 299

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299. Thief Lycanos

Lycanos watched as the cultist’s advance was blocked.

There was a man there fighting a direwolf with his bare hands, so there was no way he could avoid being noticed.


The man took the dire wolf’s paw once to the chest.

“Hehehehe! It’s cool!”

What is that body made of that only scratches and bruises remain after being hit by a monster’s paw?

Although it was bruised yellow, it looked more abnormal.

If it were normal, it would have been a blood clot.

Anyway, after enduring the monster’s front paw, the man used the front paw himself.


“Are you cool!”

What on earth is cool?

It seemed so strange that the monster that was hit stumbled.

‘Are you crazy?’

It’s not just him. The advance of the cultist group is crowded.

It means you’re not fighting a proper fight.

what is the reason? I knew it by feel.

There is a problem at the command center.

There are cultists and cultists, but this one is also full of formidable things.

There’s also a guy named Encred that I couldn’t kill.

There was also a swordsman who single-handedly cut, slashed, and killed the unit I had raised.

‘That bastard is really formidable.’

I tried it once, but no matter how I looked at it, it wasn’t beneath me. Will the fastest sword work?

I was curious, but I didn’t feel like trying it.

No, whether it worked or not, I didn’t want to share my last sword with that bastard.

Is this the last act of selfishness?

Or is it the fighting spirit of a warrior who eventually turned away?

‘What can I do about it?’

I didn’t know the end would be like this.

“Let’s finish this together, just the two of us.”

Lycanos said. These are words directed at Encred, who has stepped aside.

It’s not that the blonde opponent didn’t catch my eye. However, I wanted to decide my final decision myself.

‘The guy who first blocked my sword.’

It’s just that the guy who caught up with the fastest sword never left my mind.

This is the first time I have tried to kill myself but failed.

No, it’s the second time. But wasn’t the first guy I avoided a knight?

So I felt like it was my first time.

It would be correct to leave the article aside.

Encred looks at himself blankly.

I saw him stand up on wobbly legs, hold the sword a few times, and then hold it again.

That posture, what is seen in that attitude?

This is the image of a human being who moves forward without retreating.

‘I wasn’t going to leave it to my subordinates in the first place.’

That’s a mistake.

‘let’s fight.’

Since it was the last one, I didn’t necessarily intend to kill Encred.

After hanging out with him, he’s just someone I want to hang out with again.

The fighting instinct and the spirit of youth that I thought I had forgotten suddenly reawakened.

Did you follow the fastest speed? A genius?

Then, take the swords I have accumulated. Let’s compete for speed.

That’s it.

Lycanos’ eyes lit up. It was like a twinkling star. These are not the eyes of a man who has given up.

After regaining his breath, Encred gripped his sword again. I finally feel comfortable now. It was a minor preparation.


Encred did not refuse. There was no reason for that.

I also want to see you again.

Ragna, who saw Encred step forward, cut down the surrounding subordinates to prevent anyone else from approaching.

That was enough.

Encred stood limping. My legs are already not normal.

Lycanos was not in good health.

He rushed to block Ragna’s sword and was cut on his right shoulder.

Blood was flowing.

The two stood facing each other.

Sleet fell between the two. The snow was getting thicker.

“You’ve got something nice wrapped around your stomach, right?”

Lycanos asked. En Creed nodded his head.

During that time, I had something wrapped around me that prevented my stomach from puncturing several times.


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Lycanos nodded and thought.

‘The place to aim for has been decided.’

Let your arms hang down. He will stab you with explosive strength in an instant. Aim for one point, just one point. Points are drawn with the best route of movement. That’s it.

end? Is that the end? Dying after winning? Looking at it now, the opponent doesn’t seem that great.

So, should I end this? Why should it end?

Lycanos changed his mind.

‘I’ll fix it again after I’m done.’

Because I didn’t think the end was the end, there was now. The will to live, what has been achieved, what remains to be achieved, what is left behind, and what will become yours in the future.

Lycanos’ eyes became cloudy.

The pure white eyes became cloudy as if mixed with the blood and dirt on the floor.

Nevertheless, the momentum was like a well-honed blade. Sharp and sharp.

Lycanos also dealt with ‘Will’. His ‘will’ was limited to his arms.

The moment your will is invested in the power of your outstretched arm, it becomes the fastest sword.

Lycanos realized that preparations were complete and waved his sword back and forth.

Lycanos realized that preparations were complete and shook Gem back and forth.

The strange movement of the pendulum caught my attention.

Encred was a little different from usual.

‘How fast was it?’

There was a time when Rem’s ax looked like a beam of light.

However, it surpassed the opponent’s black beam of light and pierced his body the moment it flashed.

Because of that, I couldn’t use my right arm properly.

Encred suddenly remembered the moment he saved the child.

I want to become an herbalist.

The child was saved thanks to his knack for hiding his intentions.

So, should that still be the case?

Oh, that’s not it.

hate. Encred wanted to fight with his sword.

I wanted to clash my sword with the fastest sword.

‘It’s fast too.’

I want to hold it in my arms, understand it, and learn it.

There was a repeat of today.

It allowed them to take turns chasing and catching two rabbits running in opposite directions.

Now was the time to catch the second rabbit.

The beast’s heart beats. The moment I recognized the opponent’s speed, my tense muscles relaxed.

This is possible because of boldness.

Arms and hands with appropriate strength gently held the sword and aimed it forward.

The tip of the long sword rose diagonally from bottom to top and pierced the sky.

Next is sensory skills. Add intention to the sense of avoidance. The only thing I can think of now is stabbing.

The concentration you have developed by concentrating on one point will be used explosively the moment you swing the sword.

The body created through the technique of isolation was the foundation that supported all of this.

Encred recognized, acknowledged, and forgot all of this.

I completely eliminated everything from my mind, leaving only the opponent in front of me.

Who you are, who your opponent is, and what it is for.

There was only one thing left, a fast sword.


The wind pushed back. The sword, faster than the rushing wind, had already reached the front of the uvula.


The sound of destruction erupted and Encred collapsed as if torn apart.

As he fell to the floor, the boatman appeared like an illusion.

The boatman, with his upper body floating in the air through the snow, asked.

Is it that good?

Encred’s face was suddenly filled with smiles.

At the moment of the last stabbing, I felt something similar to rejection.

So, it is will, ‘will’.

It stayed in my arm and didn’t help. This ‘Will’ dwells in the ‘moment.’

Although it was only for a moment, it spread from the toes, down to the knees, through the shoulders, elbows, and down to the fingertips.

Just for a moment like that. Encred’s sword was faster than Lycanos.

* * *

Graham did not spare himself even when attacked by assassins. He did not retreat from the battlefield and showed his might.

“Don’t back down!”

In the middle, Dunbakel invaded and turned the battlefield upside down, and Sinar went around picking off the mercenaries who were the enemy’s main force.

So, we are in the midst of a fierce battle.

“Hey, it’s the enemy commander.”

said the guard and adjutant. The enemy commander was indeed visible behind the adjutant’s helmet.

Encred also stood in front of him.

The two were facing each other, and Ragna was fighting, cutting into the surroundings, but there was an atmosphere between the two that immediately caught their attention.

Graham stopped after attacking his enemy.

Even though they weren’t swinging their swords at each other or holding their swords to the other person’s neck.

As soon as I saw it, my hands started sweating.

My hair rose from the tension.

The flowing sweat felt cold.

There was no snow falling. Graham looked at the two with concentration without realizing it.

Most of the soldiers watching the two were in a similar state.

It was like a storm that sucked in all the surrounding attention.

It happened because the ‘will’ of the two was activated, but few people knew the reason.


Graham felt sinister inside. His enemy’s sword was that scary.


Encred’s death seemed to be visible.

It hasn’t moved yet, but if the enemy commander moves, it’s Encrid who will get his neck slit. It was clear.


It must be dried.

I’m not the one who will die there. Let’s live, is there really a need to risk our lives here? does not exist.

Naturally, Graham had no chance to step forward.

The enemy commander and Encrid suddenly moved without any signal or sign of starting.

He stabbed his sword and crossed it.

No, it has passed. Even though Graham didn’t blink once, he didn’t see the two swords serving each other’s purposes.

It ended as soon as it started.

The process was not visible.

The results were visible.


Graham let out an exclamation.

I was that surprised. It was so unexpected, and there was also a sense of relief mixed in with it.

I saw a guy named Lycanos fall.

Encred was not unharmed either. He too was bleeding from his neck. However, he only showed that he was fine by calmly stopping the bleeding with one hand and turning his neck.


Graham unconsciously slammed his fist into his thigh.

“Crazy company commander!”

“Ugh, pain company commander!”

The soldiers and Graham’s guards who were watching also let out similar cheers.

Everyone’s hearts were full.


Graham thought the fight was going nowhere.

It’s over.

It may have been natural to let down one’s guard. No, Graham wasn’t caught off guard. The guard was caught off guard.


Suddenly, dirt rose up behind Graham’s back.

There are three assassins hiding on the floor.

Whoosh whoosh.

The three assassins stabbed Graham in the back.

Of the three, only one achieved its goal.

Puff poop!

Three of them burst through the ground at the same time, and the heads of two of them were blown away by swords resembling leaves.

When it appeared, it flew through the air and swung its sword. The bent leaf sword flew in and cut off the heads of the two assassins in one fell swoop.

“Don’t let your guard down.”

These were the words spoken by the fairy company commander while swinging his sword.

She stayed around Graham at Kreis’ request.

The fairy did her duty like that.

However, the third assassin had good persistence. He held out his arm with the fairy sword. In return for cutting off one of his arms, he used his remaining hand to stab Graham in the back with a short spear.


It is a spear blade coated with poison at the end.

“Holy shit.”

Graham bit his molars and retreated hesitantly.

It wasn’t a penetrating wound, but it was quite deep.

“For a new world.”

The assassin left his last words. Sinar swung his leaf sword without hesitation.

The fairy leaf decapitated the assassin.

* * *

Lycanos collapsed and watched it all.

He felt death.

I couldn’t remember the reason, situation, or process that brought me here.

I just have regrets.

‘older brother.’

he said to himself.

There was a hole in my throat, so no words could come out of my mouth.

He stabs the enemy commander in the back and lies down watching his subordinate die. Naturally, I look at the sky, and when I look at it, snow falls. Blood filled my eyes and even my white eyes turned red. Everything around began to turn red.

As he was dying, Lycanos recalled a moment from the past.

“If we are going to become thieves, we will become thieves who steal the throne. We will create a new world. We will rob freedom.”

Should I sacrifice my life just because I was born a serf?

Should we take it for granted that we are persecuted because we have nothing?

Is it natural to be taken away by someone powerful?

If so, I too will live the same way.

“We will be kings.”

A group of thieves who steal the throne.

The beginning of the Black Knife Bandits.

Lycanos was the leader’s sworn brother and a symbol of military power.

He thought as he was dying.

‘Is this the world we wanted? older brother?’

The deterioration was quick. Now that I have power and Crona, I have power.

Let’s steal the throne and open a new world.

The promise to prevent others from suffering the same pain suddenly disappeared. It dispersed like melting snow.

Lycanos saw a shining door through the falling snow.

Soon the door opened and my sister and siblings who died when I was young came out.

My sister couldn’t pay taxes, so the lord took her in and killed her.

His parents were killed by robbers because they had nothing.

They all welcomed him with blood dripping from their eyes and noses.

late. Son.

Let’s go to hell.

Lycanos’ eyes closed.

I could see where I was going, right below where my family was. A dark red river flowed under the shining door.

He surrendered himself to the river heading towards hell.

A river of blood flowing beyond the door greeted him.


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