Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 298

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298. I will not give up from the beginning.

“You damn bastard, you can move a little now.”

Rem got up after swearing at a guy who wasn’t even in front of him.

My ribs are still a mess and my ankles are creaky.

‘I will definitely kill you.’

This is enough for the body. It’s not like it sticks and rubs.

Above all, if we are late here, that bastard will be killed by someone else, or kill someone else.

It doesn’t matter if a wild cat, a lazy person, a giant, or a beastman die, but not the leader.

‘It’s a shame if it’s still gone.’

It would be a shame for a crazy person who dreams of becoming a knight to die here.

It’s fun to watch them run wild and struggle. Not yet. I wonder if that author will actually become a knight.

‘Well, I won’t die easily.’

But the opponent is bad. Should I say that the compatibility is not good?

I think there’s a high chance that I’ll die if I catch it now. There was a high chance of losing, so he had to deal with it himself.

Above all, even a person who goes crazy because he doesn’t want to grow old and is called an eternal madman will be conscious of himself.

‘You won’t let me go and go on a rampage.’

I guess I can’t do it because my back feels bad? Because if there is an opportunity, you will be attacked.

Thinking, Rem looked around. Fortunately, I saw a good tree.

Peel the skin, rub it with both hands, make it into a rope, and twist it long.

The same thing was repeated.

When I was hungry, I caught and ate things like snakes and badgers, and I was lucky enough to meet a bear that hadn’t hibernated in the winter.

To others it is a vicious bear, but to Rem it is a vicious bear.

“Is it a special meal?”

It was just high quality meat and strong leather.

Whirling, he threw the remaining ax into the air, caught it, and suddenly threw it forward.

The ax flew out in a flash and hit the bear’s head, splitting it in half.

The bear’s body, hit by the axe, staggered and collapsed with a thud.

The ground trembled. Isn’t he as big as Audin?

I would like to skin a bear skin and wear it, but I don’t have the energy to tan it right now and my ribs still hurt, so I couldn’t use my strength for this kind of labor.

That’s how they catch and kill the bear, eat the bear’s gallbladder alive, quench their thirst with the blood, and then grill the meat and eat it.

It smells really fishy, ​​but what can you do?

A part of the leather was cut into squares, put on two or three layers, and holes were drilled in the corners.

The ax made by cutting off the centaur leader’s halberd was more useful in times like this.

Because of the weight, a jagged spear blade was placed above the ax head, but it was useful.

I used it to make a hole in the leather.

A string made of tree bark was woven there.

The long hanging ends were trimmed to a length equivalent to the length of the arms spread out to the left and right.

I picked it up and spun it around in the air a few times.

not bad.

During that time, the poison obtained from catching snakes was roughly carried around like a pouch.

Afterwards, I picked up several stones of the same size and took them with me.

They also made bags out of bear skin and snake skin to wear around the body.

It was in the form of a slim bag worn diagonally from the shoulder.

‘It’s just labor, it’s labor.’

It’s been a while since I worked up a sweat.

Even though it was winter, sweat was dripping from my forehead. Only then did I find the stream.

I hate the cold, but if I leave it like this, I will get sick. Cleanliness is basic.

After lighting the fire, Rem took a deep breath.

“Huh, let’s go.”

This is something that requires determination. As I dipped my toes into the cold water, my whole body tingled.

‘Ah, damn you bastard.’

The more this happened, the more the hostility grew. He remembered the guy who pushed him all the way here. It’s because of that bastard who is an eternal madman.

‘I will definitely kill you. ‘He is treated like a dog.’

The more I soaked myself in cold water, the deeper my resentment became.

I washed it while clenching my molars, crushed silk grass, etc., applied it to my body, and warmed myself in the bonfire I had lit.


My chin was shaking. Her front teeth clashed mercilessly.

Rem possessed abnormal strength, but that did not mean he could overcome the cold.

‘I’m going to get a spell.’

At times like this, I felt regretful.

That’s because it’s so damn cold. If there was even a part of the spell, it wouldn’t be this cold.

There is nothing we can do about it now.

Rem held on while holding the heated seat. When his body dried a little and he was wrapped again in heated leather, he felt like he was alive.

‘Wow, I will definitely kill you.’

Of course, the resentment remained the same. No, on the contrary, it became deeper.

After the things called preparation are over.

Rem headed to the base. He is not Ragnar. It was no task for him to retrace his steps, and chasing traces was a skill for him.

Gradually, battle cries were heard.


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After assessing the distance and examining the situation, I left the forest and quickly approached the battlefield.

It was full of demonic beasts. A red-eyed wolf looks at himself.

A few of them rushed towards me, creating an atmosphere of fear.

He expressed with his whole body that this was a combination of wild energy and demonic energy, resulting in ferocity.

Not only an ordinary person, but even a somewhat trained soldier would have been appalled, but not Rem.

“go away.”

Rem looked intimidated. Although it was different from what the semi-knight had shown, it oppressed the surrounding atmosphere in a similar way.

Let your momentum show who you are.

A few demonic beasts hesitated due to the momentum, but they did not run away. Rem walked and swung the ax in as many small movements as possible.

Vertically, horizontally, diagonally.

Four demonic beasts were cut down with three short ax blows. There are four, not three.

Thanks to the second horizontal ax strike, two heads were caught.

After killing a few demon beasts, I found the one I was looking for.

The guy who was throwing a javelin in the air.

I realized the true nature of the prank right away.

It is used by wrapping elastic thread around a javelin. It is a thread that does not exist in the West. No, I didn’t know what they were doing, imitating a Naelim weapon with such a prank, so I couldn’t recognize it at a glance.

Of course, now that I know that, I have figured out the opponent’s personality and fighting style.

When you step forward with confidence, there is a reason.

That weapon was the author’s strength and weakness. At least that’s what Rem thought.

‘I only learned to catch on the continent. young.’

At first glance, it is an invisible thread, so it appears as if it is floating in the air.


Rem called him. The guy who was running forward looked back.

The guy’s head was half-bent, and his pupils got bigger.

‘That bastard, when I chased him, he ran away and came back on his own?’

It seemed like he was saying that.

“You’re a loser.”

As Rem spoke, the immortal madman showed an absurd smile with a half young and half old face.

Bishop Wolf was about to run away as if he was about to be attacked.

A few fanatics were nearby and rushed at Rem.


“Ooh, for the Lord!”

The ax held in Rem’s right hand moved again. With two swift strikes of the axe, two heads rose into the air.

The madman’s eyes examined Rem’s movements in detail.

There is no way he could have fully recovered from his injuries during that time.

Did you set the ax blade separately? It’s extremely sharp.

The immortal madman stopped in his tracks as he smiled an absurd smile.

Then he turned around. One of the Wolf Bishop’s strengths is his persistent vitality. You won’t die easily. While I’m holding on, I’ll deal with that one first. You can’t fight with your back open.

A few fanatics noticed.

No matter how I looked at it, it didn’t seem like he was my opponent.

Rem stroked his ribs and checked the condition of his ankle.

I put my toes on the ground and turned around.

not bad.

“You came to die.”

said the immortal madman.

“Uh, I came to kill you.”

Rem did not lose with words.

* * *

The immortal madman launched a spear into the air.

If you look at it from the side, it is a mystery itself.

Witchcraft is called the magic of the West.

To achieve this level, it was worth saying that it was in the vein of witchcraft.

of course.

“Hey, you’re not even using that as a weapon, are you?”

If you see a trick, it doesn’t seem that great.

“Crazy guy.”

Rem’s senior from the same class denied it. She said so and she threw the spear.

Even if you can’t see it, it’s not difficult to understand the movement if you know the principle. At least that’s the case for Rem.

An invisible thread throws the spear forward. It must be a thread connected to the forearm, fingers, etc.


As I struck the spear blade with the axe, my side throbbed.

As I lowered my posture as if to attack, the madman took out a second spear.

It didn’t end there.

The window has expanded. From two to three, from three to four.

I lifted all the spears I was wearing behind my back.

You’re talented too. The medicine is a baby.

Rem added to her resentment the throbbing pain in her side.

The pain caused by blocking is all because of that bastard.

“Die. Halfpun.”

Four spears, bear forearms and table legs.

Just because you haven’t inherited witchcraft doesn’t mean you can’t recognize it.

It is a trace of Kangshin. The art of wielding a spear was sublimated into an art that incorporated magic.

“A dog, clucking from afar.”

When Rem expressed his admiration and praise for his senior’s skills, the madman laughed at him.

The half-puni bastard had poor fighting sense. He was also a bad guy.

Has the level of warriors in the West declined? Maybe so.

He killed too many people who asked him to leave.

Aside from that, too much blood was shed as they fought among themselves.


‘If you want to win, you should have won.’

It should have been so.

Of course, there were also preparations for that time.

This is the guy who failed to block two spears in the previous fight.

This distance, about 15 steps, is the distance where my spear can fully demonstrate its capabilities.

In other words, the immortal madman had never lost a fight like this.

Rem slowly took a step back. The madman watched.

It would be better if it was a little further away from here.

The attack range of the thread-tied spear is more than twenty steps.

‘It’s not a lowering weapon?’

You idiot, with experience and training, my spear has become more than just a lowered weapon.

The madman was confident of victory.

The four spears moved in response to the thread attached to my finger.

It flew lightly, and a total of four spears, two on the left and right of the head and two on the left and right of both forearms, flew through the air.

As the spear moved back and forth, it seemed as if it was flinching because it wanted to jump out quickly and pierce the opponent’s body.

‘A guy who attacks me without even using a spell.’

The immortal madman was a wanderer who spent his entire life wondering how to avoid dying.

In reality, his age is over 100 years old.

There was quite a bit gained during that time.

The reason it has become my favorite weapon now is thanks to some of the magic I acquired in the past.

Although the process of engraving the spell on the thread was difficult.


It has become a weapon that puts pressure and kills the opponent just as much as the lowering weapon.

Rem quietly observed his opponent.

‘I think I won that one.’

I am confident of victory. I let my guard down and think that this street is my own street.

“Hey, you idiot.”

With those words, Rem took out the weapon he had prepared.

There is no magic or invisible thread. However, if you can fire a projectile ten times faster than your opponent’s javelin using pure strength alone, this distance could also be your distance.

What he took out was a weapon made by twisting bear skin and tree bark.

It’s something called a sling.

Rem took out a stone from the makeshift leather bag wrapped around her body, placed it on the leather, and began to spin it.

The leather that was whizzing around the shoulders, arms, and hands was moved over the head.

A sling containing a stone subjected to centrifugal force created a disk above Rem’s head.


The noise rang out as if tearing the space.

For Rem, the sling was a toy he had been playing with since he was a child.

It sounds like a familiar weapon.

So there was no way I could have missed it.

Aim and extend your arms. A stone sling whose destructive power was doubled by centrifugal force flew.

Even Rem couldn’t see the flying stones clearly.

No, there was no way that anyone here could see it clearly.


The madman was surprised and raised his four javelins vertically to form a wall.

It is a momentary wit and judgment.

Moreover, he was lucky.


A rock flew and hit the spear blade.

A fist-sized stone broke into dozens of pieces and fell on the madman’s body.

Stone fragments hit and scattered across the thick leather armor.

“You crazy guy!”

The madman’s hands moved urgently.

With just this blow, the javelin wall was pushed back. A simple stone showed tremendous power, more powerful than magic.

No, is this possible?

No matter how talented you are, can you only use one stone?

Strength is not something that is good.

It is a miracle that cannot be seen unless you literally treat the sling as if it were your own hand.

How can you accurately throw a sling at that speed?

They stop and are surprised.


A second disk floated above Rem’s head. A terrible noise struck my ears.

“Did you see it?”

A second stone flew in at the same time.

The madman lowered himself. The javelins were scattered to the left and right accordingly and floated low.

No matter how you try to hit it, it will be difficult to hit it if you lower your body.

They also threw two spear blades there.

The spear blade flew across the ground. ‘Dragonfly wings’ was a javelin throwing technique that involved throwing a javelin soaring upward from the bottom.

Two of the javelins that flew away were left behind to protect myself just in case.

The immortal madman is a nickname given to him because he neither grows old nor wants to die.

He valued his body more than anything else.

Rem struck down the flying spear with an axe.

It was different from before.

It was deflected and shed with minimal movement.

It was an ax attack close to Yugeom-style.

Originally, Jeong Jeong-Hwan Kayu was a technique for handling weapons, and was not limited to swordsmanship.

However, the technique itself did not really suit Rem.

“Where did you get that?”

The madman muttered.

“There is. There’s my ax-slinging bastard that I’ll meet in front of me.”

Rem is a genius. It is a technique that I have seen dozens of times before my eyes, and it is a technique that I use on myself. He had no reason not to learn.

There was no reason to make it the main force, so it was just not visible for the time being.

Now, I took it out for defense with minimal movement.

If there were four windows, two of them had already been blocked. It is weak to call it a threat. It was an attack I experienced once.

After throwing down two javelins with ease.


The third disk floated.

The madman’s complexion turned blue.

No matter how strong the bear is or how fast the leopard is, I feel like I can never be as fast and strong as that one stone.

Rem assessed the outcome of the fight from the beginning.

Is there any reason to engage in close combat with injuries all over your body? does not exist/

The fact that the other person was an idiot also played a part.

‘Hey, you idiot.’

If you fight closely, risking half your life, you don’t know how you will win or lose. In the first place, the bear’s arms and leopard’s legs were spiritual arts for that purpose.

But what is this?

Are you showing yourself that this is what being an asshole is like?

If you close the distance with determination and swing the javelin in your hand and throw it, you never know what will happen.

If you close the distance by running while giving up your lower arms and part of your body, it is not easy to hit with a sling. Especially since the Spiritual Leopard has legs.

However, the opponent valued his own body and was only focused on blocking.

We kept our distance and fought like shy little kids.

No, even kids from the West don’t fight like that.

A madman who has lived so long and has so much that he cannot give up anything.

The difference between winning and losing was the difference in mindset.

‘Ah, you idiot.’

If it had been Encred, he would have rushed in, risking his life.

The other person was half a penny. Banpoon forgot how to fight properly.

“To Banpoon who can’t even use magic!”

The madman got angry, but it was a lie. That wasn’t anger, it was fear.

Encred showed no fear in any situation.

He is a pilgrim who moves forward, a wanderer who does not stop walking, a wanderer who wanders in search of a milestone.

So, I am also a crazy person who walks in search of his own path.

“You can’t do it.”

Rem said. Isn’t it too much to compare?

This is the guy who blocked the third stone by placing the spears side by side again.

Due to the impact, stone dust and sleet met in the air, creating a strange gray whirlwind and then disappearing.


Make the fourth disk. Pop! However, it could not complete its role and the string broke in the middle.

It is a weapon that can withstand the power of Rem. Also, by adding centrifugal force.

This was normal.

The broken rope hung to the side, and joy instead of fear appeared in the madman’s eyes when he saw it.

“You idiot! A great weapon is also your power! You can’t even fight with a weapon like that! Hahaha!”

What is he saying now.

Lem left the excited guy behind and took out a second sling from his arms.

You sure didn’t expect this to break?

Diagonal sling bag full of stones.

There were five slings of the same shape in his arms.

‘But that’s three.’

I thought it would break if I just threw two.

“Huh? Huh? There’s more?”

The madman’s eyes trembled.

“You idiot.”

Rem laughed at his opponent.


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