Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 296

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296. I ask your father in heaven.

‘I ask your Father in heaven.’

Auddin knelt down and quietly prayed.

In that position, I saw Encred’s ridiculous head turn.

Afterwards, I also saw running, charging, sword strikes, scrolls, spells, and explosions that made me doubt my eyes.


As soon as Esther saw it, she ran away, but Audin didn’t bother to catch her.

It was not a leopard that could not take care of itself.

I also saw Ragnar step forward after that.

The foolish swordsman who often gets lost ran in a straight line toward where Encred was.

The steps seemed very light.

‘Are you jealous?’

Is that the stupid blonde soldier running over there?

“Teresa the Wanderer says: When will we fight?”

You are like a sheep thirsty for this battle.

Still, Audin did not ignore his feelings.

“It is said, ‘Any unripe fruit is sour and bitter.’ The Father said, ‘Waiting makes the fruit ripen and the heart ripen.’ He said, ‘I want to give you good things,’ but to be patient and patient.”

“Patience, yes.”

Teresa quietly knelt next to her.

Nevertheless, it is not small compared to the soldiers around it. It was the same for Audin.

It looks like two bears are quietly waiting for their moment.

‘Learn patience and move on.’

Audín recited a short blessing to Teresa and calmly continued his prayer.

‘What is the shepherd and crazy sheep leading the company of madmen doing now?’

In the temple, it was said to help the young and weak. As he became a shepherd leading the sheep, he told God to protect and lead the sheep.

It seemed like my captain was doing that right now.

After rescuing the child, he somehow noticed it and cut off and exploded something ominous wrapped around his body.


While quietly reciting a prayer, a group of demonic beasts suddenly raised their heads from a distance, and soon began to swarm.

Yellowish-brown dust rose under the dark sky.

“If the demon beast penetrates, everyone will die! Stop it!”

At Graham’s words, the heavily armored infantry took part.

Auddin began a new prayer. It was a short and bold prayer.

‘I ask my Father in heaven. ‘Maybe you don’t need a dog to guard your side?’

There is no answer. But I thought it was necessary.

Being sent to the side of God is the greatest blessing for a demon beast.

Auddin stood up.

“I must go and give my blessing myself.”

“Wandering Teresa will also be with you.”

Audín stepped forward and Teresa followed him.

The two took long strides toward the group of demonic beasts. Our soldier waiting behind us naturally made his way.

The two large men walked along the open road.

* * *

Aww! Crumbling! Wow!

Three or four wolves, who had grown in size due to demonic transformation, attacked the soldier as if to block his path.

“Hold on!”


The wolf struck the square shield that covered more than half of its body with its front paw. The shock rang through my forearm.


Block and stab. It is the basic of the basics of heavy armored infantry company tactics.

Several demonic beasts were impaled on the spear blade of a strong soldier. With a thud, his head exploded and a hole appeared in his chest.

There were too many demonic beasts. It was dizzying. It could be said to be a wave of demonic beasts.

Paul, a soldier from a coastal town, knew well the fear of the sea.

He usually flirted with his colleagues and said that even if high waves crashed over his head, he had to overcome them to be a sea man.

That was it now.

This is neither the sea nor the coast.

The monster was turning into a wave and crashing over my head.


Paul drew strength from deep within his stomach.

He was so powerful that it was a shame to be the second child in the village.

If I hadn’t become angry and turned the village chief’s son into a half-baby, I wouldn’t have come this far.

Now, the power that turned the village chief’s son into a half-baby was a tool and a bulwark to protect himself.

I swung the metal piece in my hand with all my might, even with all the strength I had gained.

It was a mace with a round sphere at the end.

Hung, wow!

The wolf’s head, the top line of the wave, was caught in the mace and blown away.

Blood and brain fluid sprayed out from between the shattered skulls and splattered on the face.

Paul blinked once, drew his mace, and swung it again.


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Together from top to bottom.

thud! Okay!

The mace breaks the beast’s shoulder blade and falls to the side. This time the mace stuck in the ground rose up from below.


This time, he was looking for an opportunity from below and broke the jaw of another guy who soared up.


The guy with the broken jaw rolled to the side. Another demon took his place.


Paul, who had slain the three demon beasts with all his might, let out a roar.

“f*ck you, Paul!”

“Good job, country bumpkin!”

Stop it! Stop it!”

Paul was fighting, even throwing a wooden shield.

A few fellow soldiers next to him used their shields to fill in the gap between Paul.

This was the moment I took a deep breath and decided to do this damn thing again and again.


One of my normally quiet and courageous companions flew through the sky looking for his mother.

Half of the body was torn off.

Patter. Victims and blood fell from the sky mixed with sleet.

What is this again?


Among the beasts, Paul saw something terrible.

What is that?

Bae’s body is bigger than the others. No, there is no comparison. Even though I lowered my body, my eye level did not match. You have to raise your head to see your face. Large demon beast?


He wasn’t that kind of guy.

A demonic beast is an animal that changes by being imbued with demonic energy.

What I saw now was a monster. A monster with demonic energy that has been handed down since time immemorial, a natural enemy of humans.

It’s a monster, a dire wolf.

The gray-furred monster looked down at Paul with red eyes.

A colleague who was blocking the way trembled.

Just looking at it fills me with fear. The desire to run away like this suddenly rose up.

Nevertheless, they stopped and raised their shields.

They endured it because they had years of training to the point of vomiting blood.

It was right to be praised for that alone.


As the dire wolf let out a deep, low-pitched cry, the soldier’s legs began to shake faster.

Even though I wanted to resist, my whole body was shaking because I couldn’t overcome my natural fear.

Paul was like that too.

The hand holding the mace trembled. My stomach was numb. Bumps rose above the skin. My eyes turned black from fear.

‘Am I going to die?’

Paul thought of a weaver.

‘I loved it.’

I was planning on proposing to her when I got back.

I tried to say that if a country like this is okay, let’s live together.

I wanted to leave my hometown, settle down here, and live a peaceful life.

I wanted to show you the sea someday.

I also wanted to have a child.

I wanted to teach my child to fish.

There were so many things I wanted to do.

Paul felt death.

will die

So, if there hadn’t been a bear-like human stalking behind Paul, he would have died.

The bear’s hand approached and touched Paul’s shoulder.

“The Lord protects.”

Funny enough, with that one word, the pressure that was weighing down Paul’s whole body disappeared.

“Whoo, whoo, whoo.”

As I sweat and catch my breath, the bear opens its mouth again.

“I bless even the smallest creatures tainted by evil.”

blessing? What blessing?

It’s only for a moment that I have doubts. Audin, a large, crazy soldier, rushed forward.

The speed is unsuitable for his size. In Paul’s eyes, it seemed as if Audin’s appearance suddenly faded and disappeared.

Fifteen wolf beasts were blocking the dire wolf’s path, but it was useless.

bang! Wow! Wow! Jump! simplicity and honesty! thud!

What is that?

A look of puzzlement appeared in Paul’s eyes. It was worth it.

Audin, who had disappeared, was suddenly standing in the middle of the demonic beast.

Only then did I notice movement.

He stretched out his fists and feet at the same speed he was running.

It was like seeing a war carriage.

It looked like an assault wagon made of iron armor.

The two clubs stretched out from the carriage turned the group of demonic beasts into mere wild dogs, or rather, bastards rolling around on the market floor.

My head looked like a tomato. Crush, burst and crush.

Paul showed off his might and killed three of them, but Audin killed five or six just by passing by.

Some of them even flew into the air.

Audin’s body, which had been running wild, faded and disappeared again.

There is an instantaneous acceleration as if you are showing it to someone. It seemed to show that this is what speed means.

Right, boom!

Footprints remain where he was. The ocher-colored floor caved in, leaving traces of the owner’s disappearance.

It was a charge accompanied by tremendous force.

The dire wolf’s eyes followed the missing Audin.

Whoosh, its front paw moved. The monster also showed movement at an unsuitable speed.

The large feet moved dynamically.

Soon, the bodies of a monster disguised as a human and a monster disguised as a wolf came into contact.


A shock wave was created when the two monsters collided.

The dust spread around Dongsinwon.

The scene where the wolf monster and the human monster faced off caught everyone’s eyes.

The moment I saw that, what should I call the emotion that replaced fear and fear?

There are great people who are difficult to get close to in normal times, but there are people who can be extremely reassuring if you stand by their side on the battlefield.

Encred’s mad squad was like that.

“Bless you!”

Auddin shouted again and swung his fist.

The direwolf also dodged with uncharacteristically fast footwork and immediately tried to bite.


Fists and claws collide with each other. The club has long since been thrown away. But why does it make that sound when the fist and the monster’s claw collide?

What’s the blessing there?

The blessing that Auddin spoke of was, of course, something that would send the wolf up to heaven.

So, what I have in my hands right now.

It is violence based on physical strength.

The greatest blessing for monsters is to die and stay by the side of God.

Audin was planning to do so himself.

“Are you just going to watch?”

The commander leading the infantry corps shouted.

Paul lifted his hanging mace upward at the sound.

“Let’s wipe them all out!”

“That’s crazy, form a formation! Whoever jumps out first will die!”

“Paul, you bastard. If you want to go back and do Desiang, shut up and stay in formation!”

The platoon leader suddenly got angry.

Paul complied.

The joy of being alive once again fills me.

Of course, it’s not time to enjoy it yet.

The battle is underway and you are in the middle of the battlefield.

However, it seemed like Paul would not die.

Even though I was faced with a dire wolf a little while ago, I survived just fine.

How can you possibly be killed by a demonic beast that barely resembles a wild dog?

“Raise your shield!”

“Raise your shield!”

The unit, which was proud of its heavy armored infantry and border guard standing army, once again put up an iron wall of defense.

Since they were not the actual strong attackers, the best thing to do for now was to form a defensive formation.

Their efforts were soon rewarded.

“I spend everything I have.”

This is what Kreis said during the third battle.

Graham did as he was told.


With one word from him, the blade of a spear flew into the side of the demon beast.

“Are you the only ones with a secret trick?”


This is a cavalry unit that has never been shown before.


A former mercenary soldier in the lead blew a long whistle.

The horses ran following the signal.

Those who had been hiding within the walls came out in a row.

Doo doo doo doo doo!

As the horsemen galloped one after another, the ground rang with the sound of their hooves.

This is a hastily constructed unit that includes mercenaries who are confident in horseback riding.

Even if it was made hastily, it did not mean that it lost its mobility.

Although they lacked training and skills, charging and hitting them was enough.

More than anything.


Suddenly, a wild horse, larger than the regular war horses that had joined, took the lead and did something crazy.

‘What is this again?’

The mercenary was surprised, but his hands and feet, which had been eating knives for a long time, did their job.

I swung my sword in sync with the wild horse’s charge.

The beast’s head was caught in the blade that was swung diagonally at the running speed.


The demon with its head cut off flew to the side.

The wild horse was so excited that it hit the beast with its forehead, retreated to the side, then accelerated and charged again at a short distance.

I repeat that several times, what can I say?

This was my first time saying something like this.

‘Is it a stunt?’

The mercenary was taken aback, but he knew that the horse was an ally and that Encred had brought it with him, so he let it go.

Even if I tried to understand, it only made my head hurt.

During the melee, Teresa passed by the group of demonic beasts and headed toward the back.

There were a few demons who were looking at her as she walked alone and attacked her.

Teresa dealt with it calmly.

He blocked it with his shield, grabbed his blade, swung his sword like a club, and roughly struck him away.


Several of the demonic beasts that were hit started circling around. They were fearless.

Should I kill him?

Teresa thought for a moment, but knew it was too late.


In front of me was Bishop Wolf. When did he come here, and is he really born and raised in Magyeong as rumored?

This is a question that comes to mind again.

Above all, he was the one who sent me here.

“Apostate bitch.”

The bishop said, and Teresa said.

“I am Theresa the Wanderer. What do you mean suddenly?”

He denied knowing anyone. Teresa was more shameless than I thought. At least not the Teresa the bishop knew. Because she is dead.

Therefore, it is okay to be shameless.


“I don’t know you, so I don’t understand why you say that.”

Bishop Wolf was furious.



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