Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 293

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293. Training has begun.

“So what’s the reason?”

Well, he hasn’t gone yet.

Kreis was still in front.

Raise your palm and wave it in front of your eyes. That’s what I’m saying.

“Can you see? Oh, can you hear me?”

“What are you doing?”

“I see you can hear me now.”

“Your ears are fine.”

“I don’t think it’s the head, though.”

If it’s a gear, should I hit it?

Is Kreis going on a rampage because Rem is out having fun?

Before I could do anything, Kreis opened his mouth.

“If it’s about that strange question you asked earlier, you should ask Esther. And do you know that there are a lot of more urgent things to do right now?”

“I’ll delegate full authority to you, so you can handle it.”

“Oh, shit, then I’ll run away!”

“Except for that.”

Kreis muttered an unheard curse and turned around.

“What’s wrong with me?”

The lament sounded endearing. I didn’t mean to run away right away.

Encred put his hand on Esther’s head again.

Even if it cannot become a human, the knowledge contained within it will not go anywhere.

The Esther I had seen so far was no ordinary wizard.

He seemed special among spellcasters who embodied mystery.

Then wouldn’t you know something?

I didn’t ask with high expectations.

“Ester, did you hear?”

I just said one word.

Esther slowly raised her body from the upper body.

If it were a human, it would have sounded like a crunching sound, but the flexible leopard’s body could only bend and straighten like a bow.

Esther woke up and drew something on the floor with her fingernail.

Ssuk suk.

It was a simple picture.

After drawing a shape, three lines follow it.

What is this? It’s a drawing skill that makes you think.

Is it an abstract painting?

Esther drew something long and pointed a little distance away from the shape I drew.

Abstract paintings.

Encred took a moment to appreciate Esther’s art world.

You didn’t learn how to draw. Orders and drawings are separate. I heard there was a wizard who said that spells were art, but that was bullshit.

Ester tapped the long, pointed shape with her palm and traced the shape on the other side with her palm.

The dirt floor quickly became disheveled.

The easel that represents her world of art became the original dirt floor.

Encred knew how to listen and was quick-witted.

Even if the person teaching is a mess, he or she can learn. It was like that this time too. I read the hidden intention between abstract shapes and lines.

“Before it’s activated, Vera?”

Esther let out a low cry and rolled over.

Since it’s cold, I think I should sleep more.

Encred seemed to be whining that Esther was cold, so he packed her up and went back into the barracks.


As the leopard lay down next to the perch and twisted its body to relax and stretch its muscles, Auddin came in.

Kreis, you must be running around here and there, wanting to do whatever you can.

Ragna is more motivated than ever before, so he will do some sword training nearby.

I don’t know about Saxony. You’ll be fine somewhere.

Thanks to that, it was just Audin and himself.


Auddin called to himself. Encred knew what to say without having to listen.

This is a story related to recovery.

Since he possesses divinity, he will be able to heal the injuries currently remaining on my body.

If only my right arm and left leg came back right away.

‘It would be much easier, though.’

Is that right? Can it really be said to be the right path?

Encred was really quick-witted.

So, I found out something.

Although Audin did not tell us about his past in detail, it was not difficult to guess something by considering his actions, his usual attitude, and what he had said so far.

‘You cannot freely use your divinity because you were kicked out, banned, or for other reasons.’

He had previously pretended to remain calm after using healing power on himself, but he also vaguely noticed the aftereffects of using divine power.

“There is no complete recovery, but we can reduce the pain.”


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“it’s okay.”

Rejection was quick. Above all, it was meaningless.

There is no complete recovery and pain relief is meaningless.

Pain is proof of being alive.

Even more so now.

When the scroll or something surrounding the child’s body exploded, I felt my body being torn apart.

Was it just me?

‘I think the child was in more pain.’

Thinking about that got me excited.

I don’t know who the bastard was that came up with this.

Because I never want to let that bastard have his way.

I don’t want to avoid it, thinking it’s a ridiculous modification.

I wanted to cut, hit, stab, cut, and hit from the front.

The method was also revealed in one day. Thanks to Esther.

‘You just have to cut it first.’

It couldn’t be easier. It was almost bland for a wall.

I took the seasoned beef jerky out of my pocket and put it in Ester’s mouth.

The leopard held the beef jerky in its mouth and chewed it thoroughly.

“Brother, do as you wish.”

Auddin spoke and turned around.

‘Funny brother.’

It seemed like he sensed his condition.

Things like prohibition and restrictions on sacred power.

It is impossible to know perfectly. I never told you.

It’s probably something you only know by sight.

But are you considerate of yourself?

In this situation?

If you decide to fight instead of running away, you might want to take care of your injuries.

There is no sign of that whatsoever.

That’s why he’s a fun human being.

‘I ask my Lord and Father in heaven, what is it that calms the writer’s heart?’

Of course there is no answer.

But I don’t need an answer.

Auddin prayed inwardly without anyone hearing.

‘Little precious brother, if you wish, I will also contribute in a small way on this battlefield.’

It was also clear who my opponent was.

Audin thought it was a God-given task to destroy the head of the man leading the pack of wolf beasts.

After Auddin left, Encrid thought about a fast sword. He thought again and again.

Restoring and organizing things was one of his specialties.

He did so.

‘Fast sword.’

There was also something that Zimmer of Martai showed, and there is also a version of it.

Rem was fast, and Ragna was also fast.

“I will move forward through the pain. I will not offer my prayers to the Lord to forget the pain, but I will move forward by enduring the pain that the Lord has given me.”

Gomtaeng, who suddenly recited a sermon in front of the barracks, was also quick.

Who was slow?

What about the prosecutor who seemed intimidated by him?

Fast and fast again.

The most recent one I saw was the sword of a bastard named Lycanos.

‘It was too fast.’

I swear, it was by far the fastest.

It’s fast. All we need now is speed.

Encred fell in love and swung his sword as he faced the same day.

“There is no pain that can kill me!”

“It only makes me stronger!”

Encred stood among the soldiers who were chanting loudly.

It is a path to move forward by incorporating something that has been explored and obtained.

‘It exploded around there yesterday.’

I go out to meet him before that.


As I suddenly jumped out in front of the front lines, I heard the startled voice of a soldier next to me.

I ignored it and ran.

As I increased my speed, my left shin started throbbing, but it was okay. It’s not to the point where I can’t walk.

I saw the child’s eyes widen as he ran out like that.

Cut it.

I saw a scroll. It is a dull red parchment wrapped around the body.

It is not difficult to swing a sword and cut through sheepskin.

It was something I couldn’t even dare to do in the past, but now it’s easy.

We are on the verge of doing so.

Encred’s blade was just about to touch the child’s body.

Pod, a light flashed. The order went out again.

It was definitely faster than yesterday, and I jumped out and swung my sword before it arrived, but it exploded before that.

Someone behind the scenes was adjusting the scroll activation time.

The light exploded, burning and crushing the child’s eyeball. Her skin burst and tore, and her internal organs and broken bones flew out in all directions.

My head was hot. The heat reached my eyes. My concentration was activated and I was able to see each and every one of them.

After seeing and enduring it all, Encred died again.

‘It looks like shit.’

As a new day began, what I saw seemed to remain on my retina.

Anyway, now I know everything I need to know just by repeating it one more time.

The same morning dawned for the third time.

“Yes, I will.”

“Just like that, yes? Eh?”

I answered what Kreis was going to say in advance and stood up and grabbed my sword.

Esther, who was in my arms, cried and expressed her dissatisfaction and went back to where she was lying.


Encred took a breath and walked out of the barracks.


Kreis looked at me in bewilderment.

“Well, it’s training.”

Dunbakhel gave an excellent answer.

I saw Encred and decided to follow him. Dunbakeel saw Encrid’s gestures and guessed what he was going to do, so he got up too.

I was going to swing the scimitar violently.

Since there is no RAM, my body is starting to feel itchy.

As Encred went to the front of the barracks, he erased and shook off anything from his retina and organized his thoughts.

Since you have seen the way forward, you just have to move forward.

“What? Really?”

Cryce’s mesmerized mumbling could be heard from behind, but Encrid looked away cheerfully, as usual.

Then he grabbed his sword and stretched it forward.

It’s crazy because it’s the same as usual. He started training.

* * *

Do your best on the given day. Encred did that even if he didn’t intend to.

I started with a concern and realized it with my body.

As usual, Auddin said he would heal my body.

“it’s okay.”


It’s everyday life. If there are things that change in this repetitive day, there are also things that do not change.

Such was the spirit of Auddin.

Every time I refuse to recover, I recite some sutra or pray and take a posture.

There were signs that something might happen, but from what I observed, he went about his day calmly.


“That’s it.”

It’s a repetitive day.

Every time, Audin moved on without asking why.

Encred also accepted it as part of his daily life without really thinking about it.


One day, I threw Esther against the wall and chanted something similar to a spell.

I thought things would change when I got scabbed, but the nail marks on my face only increased.

To be honest, I didn’t even expect it.

In addition, I wandered around the battlefield like crazy.

I also asked an archer who had outstanding archery skills.

“Is it possible to just separate the cloth wrapped around my body from this distance?”

If you can’t do it well, you can shoot an arrow and hit it only at the end of the cloth with the tip.

“Is that okay?”

The soldier asks how absurd this is. I gave up with that.

If that’s the case, then we have to stick together somehow.

So what about sneaking in before the scroll delivery man leaves?

What if we rescued it before it all starts?

“Where did Saxony go?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen you since last night.”

After listening to Kreis’ answer, Saxony has not been seen since last night.

Now that I think about it, even though I repeated today, I couldn’t see the Gulf of Saxony.

Throwing away esters or snooping around in other places was like a habit.

There is a gap in the wall that makes today repeat itself.

How many times have you used it before?

That’s why I confirmed it.

I also inquired about whether there were any other wizards in the unit.

Where are wizards so common?

‘It seemed like we met often, even though it wasn’t that common.’

I find myself scratching my chin for no reason.

Except for a brief look around during lunch, I only swung my sword.

There were times when I forgot time, forgot today, and forgot my purpose.


I stabbed and swung and fell into a state of selflessness and self-forgetfulness, but I never succeeded.

Nine days have passed like that.

I didn’t take any time off today.

Still, it is a failure.

It seems like it can’t be reached.


Be skeptical and ask yourself questions. There must be a way. There is no wall that cannot be overcome.

Encred pondered what he found out.

Thanks to repeating today nine times, I confirmed and became certain of some things.

First of all, scroll, the order is correct.

Ester emits a warning before it explodes.

Someone reports it remotely.

Even if you rush out and try to save the child, you can’t be faster than the magic.

If that’s all we’ve figured out, there’s still something we don’t know.

Is it true that if you just cut that scroll, it won’t activate?

Is this the right way?

On the fifth day, doubts and distrust rose, but Encred easily ignored them.

Right or wrong, if this is all you can do now, you should do it.

“Run while you’re worrying. If you don’t have talent, you should at least have stamina.”

This is what a swordsmanship instructor I met at a small and medium-sized trade territory said.

He was the first decent teacher Encred met.

It was natural that physical strength was the foundation of everything.

It was also natural that the body that would embody it had to be in good shape.

“Don’t get hurt. If you’re lazy about taking care of your body, you’ll struggle at that important moment. If you struggle, you’ll fall.”

He was the one who taught me the mercenary style of sword fighting based on countless battles.

The son of a merchant family who was listening next to me said this.

“Let’s cut through the obvious and do it right.”

However, Encred listened carefully to what the former mercenary teacher said at that time.

I didn’t turn away just because I learned it for a few krona.

I went the opposite way to the son of a merchant who criticized me for being nothing but platitudes.

He listened and acted.

While I was thinking about it, I swung my sword.

I incorporated their words, advice, and lessons learned from swinging the sword into my life.

‘Don’t neglect taking care of your body.’

Those words have also been kept quite faithfully.

I hurt my shin and right arm, but I was fine.

Ever since he was forced to use his left hand, Encred also tormented his left hand. He never stopped training.

If you hit one hundred times with your right hand, you did one hundred and fifty times with your left hand.

Because I did that, my left hand doesn’t feel awkward now.

“This is training in case you lose a leg.”

There are also things I learned from Rem. You never know what might happen when you fight. What should you do if one of your legs suddenly stops working?

“That’s how we fight back then.”

It’s a joke with no name. It was a skill of changing posture and position by moving and straightening only the sole of one foot.

It was so difficult that I felt like I was going to die when I put it on my body completely, but what I did back then was really not in vain.

“It’s a good way to kill time.”

Didn’t Saxony, who was watching, praise him like this?

If I thought it was really useless, I would have told you to dodge the dagger during that time.

After learning how to kick the ground with one foot, I was given a name.

“Let’s call it a lame walk.”

I put what I learned into my body and refined it again.

Through nine days, Encred was in the process of realizing a sword that was faster with his left hand than with his right.

It wasn’t easy.

There were repeated failures. There was a time when the sword narrowly touched the kid’s body, and I don’t know where I was watching, but the scroll immediately exploded.

Encred pictured hypothetical situations in his head several times.

‘I need to be ready.’

I applied what I learned from Saxony.

What should I do to draw the fastest sword?

Can’t you cover the watching eyes?

The fifteenth day had passed. It is a time when anyone can think of two words: despair, as a wall that seems easily surmountable stands in the way.

“I will take pity on you and tell you the way. There are two ways for you.”

said the boatman.

Pity? It was truly an unsuitable word for a boatman.


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