Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 292

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292. Customized modifications

‘What is that bastard?’

Lycanos had heard the name Encred and had a vague idea of ​​his skills. No, he decided, he knew.

So, didn’t you reveal a hidden move?

It was a fight that was guaranteed to be won.

But I avoided it.

I barely got one arm. It wasn’t even cut, it was just sore that I couldn’t use it for a while.


For Lycanos, it was just embarrassing. This is the first time that I took out my sword and failed to achieve my goal.

It is a sword with a name that only two people in the world know about.

Speed-based thrusts, blades hidden inside the mace, the opponent is not even a knight, can you avoid this?

The cutting wasn’t even over.

Lycanos sent a hand signal even though he lost an eye.

This is the second blade I prepared just in case.

“Kill him.”

The troops I had raised rushed in, but they were also unable to kill him.

‘I also lost an eye.’

Half of the world was covered in darkness.

I put crushed herbs over my eyes, but that didn’t relieve the pain.

It sounds like it hurts.

Unless a high-ranking priest showed up immediately, it was a given that I would become one-eyed, so it was even unpleasant.

Failure and injury.

When the two bad news overlapped, I became irritated.

“The situation is so outrageous. Whoa.”

Lycanos controlled his emotions by cursing once and taking a deep breath.

“Are the kids moving?”

Afterwards, I asked.


The answer came back right away.

Lycanos calmed his mind, recalling what he had been told to do.

Nothing changes when you get excited.

If the hidden technology and hand-raised troops failed, wouldn’t there be a next time? Of course, there is.

Lycanos is a mere human being and not a genius in strategy, but there were things he learned and mastered during his time surviving on this land.

‘Humans are animals with weaknesses.’

There is no such thing as a being without weaknesses.

No matter how good a person is, there are also those who are labeled as geniuses.

They also have gaps. How do you find out?

Just poke around here and there. You can use any means possible. Just try this and that. If only one of them worked, it was a success.

Because there is no one who doesn’t have a blade stuck in his body.

That was the same even if it was a knight. If you are not careful, the blade can pierce your skin, penetrate your muscles, and pierce your internal organs.

“Shoo. No matter what he does, find out what he’s doing.”

Even before standing on the battlefield, the black sword collected information.

The hands of the bandit group that had taken root in the kingdom were secretive and persistent.

They got rid of Marcus, brought in Azpen, set up a cultist next to them, and dug into the so-called elite of the Border Guard.

At that time, I also dug up a guy called Encred.

‘Just being good at cutting is not enough.’

At first, I tried to appease him.

The black knife could give anything.

Beauty, gold, power.

It’s training. If it was tamed like that, it would become a slave to the sword.

But I couldn’t even hear it. It was an unthinkable sound.

‘It doesn’t work?’

I wondered if there were all these guys.

If it doesn’t work, just get rid of it. It’s the easiest way. It was a waste, but I thought it wouldn’t be a problem to stick a piece of metal in my belly button.

But the result was again a failure.

‘Isn’t this working too?’

The assassin’s blade, poison, and appeasement all failed.

So there are no weaknesses?

Danju with the black sword stepped forward.

After researching and understanding Encred’s past and present attitudes, emotions, and peculiarities, he molded a person in his head and conveyed it to Lycanos.

“Are you crazy?”

Lycanos was dumbfounded. This bastard was a romantic bastard.

A servant who takes up a sword to save people.

This is truly a crazy bastard.

I wasn’t called crazy for no reason.

I also heard the last of Jebikal.

For a few pennies, there are many people willing to share what I have seen.

There were many people who would gladly tell you that you wore a bard’s mask and collected stories.


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‘Can you please just listen to me and tell me that a few hostages have been taken?”

Are you confident in your skills?

Additionally, he may have said he was going to save people.

Things that were achieved using all kinds of means.

A human being who discerned based on that.

‘Will this work?’

Lycanos is also not sure. He was just trying.

I didn’t even think it was the answer in the first place. If he had died by his own sword or by the swords of his subordinates, he would not have taken it out.

It wasn’t much. After infiltrating the Border Guard and kidnapping several children, he wraps scrolls around their bodies and sends them away. The scroll worn around the body is a mobile explosive magic.

It was one of the tactics of the now ruined old kingdom.

There was a flash explosion spell that had great power, but only worked at close range.

There was a spell that even the wizard who created it said was a failure, as it dealt severe damage to the caster at close range.

If you don’t protect yourself well before chanting the spell, the person who used it will fall first.

But what if it doesn’t matter if the caster falls?

What if I turn it into a scroll and have it wear it around my body?

What if you only control scroll activation?

It’s a lot of work. Considering the resources used, it is inefficient.

However, it is a small elite that changes the battlefield.

Even if you couldn’t kill them, it was a success even if you could just hold them on their feet.

It was a tactic that came into the world like that.

Lycanos chose to act rather than worry about whether it would work or not.

There were times when it was more important to take action than to use your head.

Now was the time.

Lycanos again used the tactic first introduced by the old kingdom’s strategist.

“Will this work?”

One of the subordinates expressed doubt.

In a world full of death and death, what can a little boy with barely a facial expression do?

This is a world where most people value their own lives more even if they kill their own mothers.

No, do you even know that kid? There are more than one or two little children running around the estate.

“Shall I wrap it around your body and send it to you?”

Lycanos said, baring his fangs. The herbal essence flowed and a green liquid flowed down the corner of the mouth.

That looked bizarre.

The subordinate lowered his head and moved.

‘What an idiot.’

Lycanos was disgusted by his subordinate’s timid determination.

This is what it means to not choose any means or methods.

The idea is to poke around until you see a gap in the opponent.

The black knife did just that.

During the night, several bandits infiltrated the Border Guard.

Some of them were caught by a frog and were crushed to death and ran away.

Some kidnapped a little boy.

Fortunately, I barely managed to do this.

At that sound, the back of Lycanos’ head felt stiff for a moment.

‘Are these guys the Black Knife Bandits?’

In any case, from the kidnapped perspective, the sky would be split in pieces. Will something like this shake the battlefield? Will there be an impact? It was out of the question.

A mother who has lost her child is devastated, but even she knows that her child will never return. Deep down, she understands. It was that kind of world.

‘f*ck. ‘Will this work?’

One of the subordinates rolled a scroll around the child’s body, not even believing it himself.

A spellcaster muttered something behind him with wide eyes.

The words were unintelligible. He was a terribly gloomy bastard.


“Send it.”

He was an old wizard with a strawberry nose full of black dots on the bridge of his nose.

As he said, he pushed the little boy he had caught forward.

“Please buy, buy, save me.”

Hearing the words of the child covered in tears and snot, the thief pulled out his dagger.

He lightly stroked the little boy’s cheek.

I picked it and blood splattered out.

“If you don’t want to be fooled, do as I tell you. I’ll send you over there.”

The little boy, whose legs were shaking, ran forward.

The little boy didn’t even cry, but just clenched his molars and held on. He moved, dragging his shaking legs.

Viscount Tarnin saw that the child had been captured, but passed by without notice.

What a great thing it is for children to die one by one.

It wouldn’t have mattered even if he was a citizen of my territory, but he was a rebel squire captured by the Border Guard.

What if you could win the war and become a great lord who rules this area through the sacrifice of your territory?

Of course, sacrifices will be forced.

Tarnin was greedy.


Vague desires and desires become reality and are on the verge of being implemented. His heart boiled.

Therefore, joining hands with a group of thieves was out of the question, and it was none of my business whether to wrap scrolls or iron thorns around the children’s bodies.

Why would you do that even if you wore a crown made of thorns?


The thief urged. The child walked forward.

It went beyond the arrow’s hit range and headed towards enemy territory.

Even though I was shaking, I ended up walking and running.

Toward the territory where he originally lived.

The arrow didn’t harm the child either.

No one blocked the child’s access.

On the contrary, someone steps forward. It didn’t matter who it was.

The wizard had connected his world of spells to the scroll wrapped around the child’s body.

If I make even the slightest mistake, my spell world will take a huge hit. It is that dangerous. Even if you succeed, a trace will remain in the world of spells. That’s how ignorant it is. So it’s a method that works.

What kind of crazy wizard would do something like this?

This was possible because he was an old and sick wizard. He was a man who became a tool of a group of thieves because he was dominated by greed rather than the quest for spells.


The wizard muttered.

* * *

The boatman’s eyes are visible. He said, waving a purple lamp.

It’s a voice that’s still stuck in my head.

“Are you enjoying this too?”

I didn’t yet realize what had happened. Encrid only acknowledged his death.

He spoke directly to the being in his dream.

“Long time no see.”

Even though he greeted me warmly, the boatman showed no emotion. He said it indifferently.

“It won’t be fun.”

As the black river recedes, I open my eyes and face a repeating day.

“Are you really going to do this?”

Listening to Kreis, I got up and ate breakfast.

I ate well and checked my health. The injury remains the same. This means that I have to live with this body for more than a day.

I thought back to the last situation.

The black knife kidnapped the child and put something in the child’s hand.

To be exact, it was sent around the body.

I have confirmed where the light originates.


Otherwise it doesn’t make sense. Just before the child’s body exploded, a dizzying sense of ominousness struck my mind.

A light, a flicker, a pain that burns the whole body.

It felt like my body was being split into pieces of flesh.

It’s an ominous feeling I’ve experienced before. A trap made with magic, something you have already experienced when you open your sixth sense.

The problem this time is that they inevitably run towards you.

This is ridiculous, what if I just avoid it? What if a child approaches you and you shoot him with an arrow?

But for something like this, you use a scroll, an expensive scroll at that, to infiltrate the Border Guard and kidnap the child?

It couldn’t all have been easy, right?

“It’s absurd.”



“I’m even more absurd.”

Kreis said with a sigh.

“Uh, okay.”

I ignored it and rolled my head.

It was absurd, but Encred had no intention of turning away.


If there is something given in front of you, go through it and get through it.

Same as usual.

Encred deliberately focused his thoughts in one direction.

So, how to face the exploding magic, how to overcome it, and how to overcome it.

In the meantime, how to save the child.

What should I do?

It was a familiar experience to face a repetitive day.

The first thing that came to mind was Esther.

The wizard embodies mystery. Because that scroll was also a spell.

I thought that half of the problem would be solved with Ester.

The problem is that the leopard has to change people to be able to use the spell. These are the words she said with her own mouth.

Encred’s eyes moved down to the side of her thighs.

I saw a Lake Panther lying calmly on the ground.

When I put my hand on its back and gently stroked it, it purred as if it felt good.

‘Isn’t it time to become human?’

Encred said, running his hand from Ester’s head to her back.

“Turn into a human, yap.”

I just tried it. I didn’t attach much significance to it.

But everyone seemed to have heard this, and all eyes were gathered.

Among them, Dunbakeel approached, placed his hand on Encred’s forehead and muttered to himself.

“…Do you have a fever?”

Kreis, who was watching it in front of him, quietly shook his head.

“Ehyo, ehyo, I’m crazy.”

Then he lamented.

Esther just looks at herself with listless eyes.

What are you doing?

It seemed like he was asking that.


Encred pressed Esther’s head again. With gentle pressure, Esther lifted his head and returned to its original position.

It wasn’t something I did with great expectations.

Esther still spends more time as a leopard than as a person.

When she was a human, Esther said that the time she spent as a human was very short.

‘Because it seemed like it wasn’t even once a week.’

How great would it be to become a person now, rather than when giving a speech at the podium?

‘Sounds like you’re full.’

When we were raiding the village where Black Knife’s business was located, Esther immediately beat up a magician who used lightning.

Let’s leave aside her help.

Since when did you say you escaped today with someone’s help?

‘What I need to do.’

I thought about it all day.

When that spell is activated, the baby explodes.

I pulled up a chair, sat down, bent my back, and rested my chin in thought.

Dunbakkel was next to him, muttering to Esther to become human, and then biting his hand.

“it hurts!”

Theresa was quiet, and so were Ragna and Auddin.

In a short silence. As I was lost in thought, Kreis asked in a weak voice.

“What are you thinking like that?”

Encred knows Krys’s excellent wit. Encred’s mouth opened when he only raised his eyes and saw Chrys. I roughly explained the situation.

What would you do if someone put a scroll on their body and attacked them?

“What should I do? If I know in advance, I should avoid it or intercept it with arrows.”

“That’s not allowed.”



“Why do you keep saying no? Ah, what is it really?”

Kreis grumbled, but ignored it.

What Wangnun, who has cold blood, was right.

It’s something that can be avoided.

But it can’t be done.

He held up a sword and swung it, slashed and killed people. Cut down the monster. The demonic beast was also cut.

It was for responsibility and duty.

I can’t say it’s not fun, but if my only intention was to go on a rampage with slaughter, I wouldn’t have dreamed of becoming a knight.

‘You said you would watch my back.’

This is why I swing the sword. This is my personal reason. It is the source of my desire to become a knight.

If I have to sacrifice my child, I have no choice but to do so. If you have to.

Encred will do the same.

But what if you have to abandon your child in a struggle to escape today?

This is unacceptable. An oath begins with belief, and belief comes from the heart.

Encred could not achieve his dream even by breaking his heart and ignoring it.

Because the dream he hoped for was not the knight he wanted.

Therefore, there were some things that could not be given up.

The move the other party showed was truly ridiculous, but

It was valid for me.

It was a custom modification.


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