Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 291

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291. Duties and responsibilities (3)

“I don’t think you jumped at me because you wanted to die.”

The boss said. In the meantime, I heard what they were saying and it turned out to be appeasement.

He suggested that we should steal together under him.

Oh, and did I tell you to wait on me at night too?

I don’t know. Encred’s gears occasionally broke down. This is especially true of my wife’s memory.

The thieves in front of me just looked like dog heads.

They looked like horny bastards.

They giggle among themselves. Her mouth split open and stretched, reaching up to her ears.

My vision was blurry.

Among them, the head of a dog approached with its tongue lashing out.

After everything was suppressed. Originally, by now, the following should have been promised.

All you have to do is not die. Then tomorrow comes. The opportunity may come again.

This is the moment when I think of tomorrow, not today. She saw the child’s body and heard what her boss said.

After that, it seemed like he said something more, but I didn’t listen.

The last thing I remembered was the head of a dog taking off the clothes of a dead child.

Why are you taking off those clothes?


Valencian mercenary sword. A blade without a handle.

Encred was holding only the blade of the knife with the handle removed. His palm was torn and bleeding, but no one thought it was because of the blade he was holding.

I picked it up and stabbed it.


Stab deep.




The leader swung his fist. Encred’s body floated in the air and fell to the side.

When I fell from my shoulder, my joints were twisted. Her left arm felt shaky.

I raised my head just like that.

I saw the leader holding his stomach with one hand.

All of the dog’s head disappears and its original face appears.

“If you want to get like that, yes, die.”

“Ger, now is the time.”

Encred’s tongue worked its magic. He speaks as if he saw Ger alive and swinging his ax behind the boss guy.

The leader was startled, cowered, and rolled forward.

Of course, there are no gers. He is already dead. When a dead man comes alive and wields his sword, he is undead.

This was only possible if you became a zombie or skeleton soldier.

Encred laughed when he saw that. In the eyes of the boss, he was young and had a fierce life.

Because of the hasty movement, the wound on my stomach opened further and blood flowed.

“You will not die well.”

I don’t think I bought it well in the first place.

I think it would suit me quite well.

Encred was indifferent. He did everything he could. If someone approaches, all that remains is to bite them.

I was thinking of doing that too.

‘I feel so good.’

It looked like a penis. It was like a dog. It was a plague.

Due to my lack of skills, I couldn’t protect the little girl whose dream was to become a private citizen. Two colleagues died. Villagers also died. You too will die.

“What did that bastard believe in?”

One of the thief’s subordinates said.

“There is no faith.”

Encred answered as usual, and the leader and thieves who heard that said that Encred was definitely crazy.

Would you say something like that in a situation like this?

It was clear that he had suffered a serious head injury when he was young.


And suddenly the noise continued.

I saw flying heads, blood pouring out, and headless corpses collapsing.

It was the guy who took off the kid’s pants.

Swish, swish, swish, swish.

The heads of the two people standing next to him, as if waiting for their turn, were also blown off.

I couldn’t see anything that was happening.

“What the f*ck!”

A mercenary unit? No, even if they came back, this is unlikely. This is ridiculous.

It was literally as if the wind blew and blew off several people’s heads.

It was that fast. It wasn’t even visible. The protagonist of the wind opened his mouth. Before you know it, you are a man standing calmly among thieves.

With a hood covering her entire face, only her eyes were barely visible, and Encred knew that she was a woman dressed as a man.

Of course, that didn’t matter at all.

“They are the ones who touched my camp, right?”

A cross-dressing woman with a long sword over her shoulder said.


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He wore black leather armor on his body and looked slim overall.

Of course, despite his physique, his cutting skills were brutal.

Cutting off a person’s head is not easy. Even now, only a few people have died by having their heads cut off at once.

However, no matter how many of the three thieves were caught, he cut off the heads of the three sturdy thieves with a swish.

“You’re right.”

The sword moved along with incomprehensible words, and the number of bodies increased each time.

Encred swallowed the blood flowing from his swollen and burst lips and wheezed.

During the fight, I was accidentally hit in the lung and my internal organs were damaged.

Still, it wasn’t enough to kill me.

Having been beaten so hard, I know very well what kind of injuries can be life-threatening. This was worth enduring. It doesn’t die.

Encred forgot all about the pain and looked at the rampaging swordsman.

“Kill! Arrow!”


Several arrows flew and aimed at her. Of course she had no idea.

I couldn’t even see her movements properly. It was just that through the falling rain, the villagers’ messengers and Encred’s messengers began to fall.

“I lost a baby rabbit that I was just baking!”

The leader shouted.

The prosecutor answered with his sword. So, I cut it.

“You bastards. You should have attacked them without warning.”

There was no hesitation or forgiveness in the hands of the prosecutor. He cut, cut, stabbed and killed all at once.

As he watched the rest of the thieves running away, Encred fainted.

There was already a lot of blood and the injuries were severe.

“Isn’t he a guy with blonde hair and red eyes, but at this height, he looks kind of languid?”

I fainted, but came back to my senses every now and then, and that’s when I heard this.

The prosecutor looked at himself as he fainted for a moment.

When we made eye contact, she said.

“Not if you don’t know.”

I heard that he left after receiving a few gold coins from a villager.

It was not the price that was saved. He took what he said he would give, and did not give meaning to what he did.

In other words, it wasn’t to save them.

I didn’t save it and protect it, but I cut it off because it was annoying on the way.

That was it.

After Encred woke up, he buried the dead man with the villagers.

They buried Ger and Pete, and they buried the child.

“Why did you do that?”

It seemed like a dead child was asking.

Encred, who was left alone among the tombs, answered indifferently.

After he recovered and returned, he was nicknamed ‘the guy who kills his colleagues.’

It was a fight where nothing was gained and nothing was saved.

But it was a fight I couldn’t back down from.

* * *

“It’s because you twisted it.”


“It’s not what they’re doing. I want to hit them. It feels like I’ll lose if I run away from here. Oh, I can’t stand that.”

It was a word that really had no heart at all. The pace was constant and the tone had no pitch or pitch, making it seem like the height of indifference.


“Uh, really.”

“You say that so casually?”

“I am naturally a man like a cold flame.”

“Oh, yes, you are.”

Kreis gave up.

If I was a person who could be persuaded in the first place, I wouldn’t have come this far.

Encred stood up. It’s been a while since I remembered that day.

“I’m not going to tell you to run away. Talk to me. Why?”

Somehow, it was the same question that the little boy had hallucinated at the grave.

“Because I want to do that.”

It’s the same answer I gave back then.

What is an article?

They said they were those who kept their oath.

Encred grew up listening to poetry and dreaming of stories.

The dream at that time led to the current dream.

To Encred, knights were people who kept their oaths and did not betray their hearts.

After that, I often encountered situations like that.

I don’t know if it was really the goddess of luck who blessed me.

I barely survived.

Then, in a slash-and-burn village, I received an amulet that made me repeat this day.

‘I don’t know what will happen to the world.’

So, do your own thing. I will do what my heart desires and what I have sworn.

“Ah, in the end, you’re going to protect our backs, right? Because if we leave here, most of the Border Guard residents will suffer? There will be people who die and there will be cultists, so there will be chaos. You’re saying you’re going to protect that. Now.”

“No, it’s just that I don’t like the way they look.”

“Oh, really! That’s not true! You’re doing this to protect people!”

“You keep speaking informally.”

“It’s okay. It’s okay. Oh, I’m Jim. Let’s say that’s the case.”

Kreis truly gave up. Encred laughed.

Yes, I want to protect it.

Isn’t that your responsibility and duty?

If I can’t even protect those standing behind me, then what is the purpose of wielding this sword?

What and who can we protect in the future?

If you can’t take responsibility for your own back, you can’t do anything. Such was Encred’s oath.

“May the Lord bless you.”

Auddin prayed without a smile.

Ragna silently cleaned and oiled his sword.

Saxony had already left the place.

Neither Teresa nor Dunbakkel have anything to say.

There was nothing to say about Esther.

The leopard said he had no idea what you were talking about.

“Ah, is everyone really crazy?”

Only Kreis grumbled, but no one, including him, seemed to have any intention of leaving.

As the night passed, Encred decided that he could not use his right arm right away.

Well, I’ll use it if it’s urgent, but for now, I’ll put it on hold.

The shin injury was surprisingly fine.

‘Because you don’t have to move much.’

Auddin asked during the night.

“Can you treat me?”

Encred was quick-witted. I’ve often been lucky, but there have been many times when I’ve been lucky.

Therefore, I knew roughly what would happen if Audin displayed his divinity.

Above all, should he be forced to do something he doesn’t want to do?

Should I sacrifice something of being a faithful soldier resembling Gomtaengi just to get my arm healed a little faster?


I pushed it away. Audin laughed again at those words.

A strategy meeting was held during the night. There was a lot of urgent work to do.

“You have to accept it. You have to let the enemy use his moves first.

“We will hold on for one more day and compete on the third day.”

Graham also nodded. He thought of a moment to utilize the heavily armored infantry, and Kreis imagined all the ominous things that would happen on the entire battlefield, including everything, and dug them out one by one.

After staying up all night, the area under Kreis’s eyes turned black.

“Staying up all night is the enemy of your skin.”

Kreis showed his dissatisfaction but shook his head.

The battle resumed early in the morning the next day.

“Kill them all!”

Lycanos shouted instead of stepping to the front of the battlefield.

“You have to hold on. Stay fine.”

Cryce spoke, and Encred himself followed his feelings and headed to the place where his heart led him. In front of the front line, at the forefront.

Encred held the sword with only his left hand.

“Hold on!”

“The pain that cannot kill me!”

“It makes me stronger tomorrow!”

The distorted slogan is returning to its proper place.

As soon as the battle began, the stabbing unit threw itself at Encred.

Lycanos just watched. One of the one-eyed bastard’s eyes was shiny, but he couldn’t even see it.

Encred barely survived that day.

You won’t die, but you can’t force yourself to move forward.

As Encred endured, the morale of the allies soared.

Injuries won’t stop the Mad Company.

Moreover, Encred’s crew had not yet fully stepped forward.

It was like fighting with each other hiding their last move.

“Kill them all!”

“f*ck you!”

The soldiers struggled between swearing and cheering.

Encred did not die this time, but he was allowed to be stabbed in the abdomen three times.

That was also the intention.

Fighting with only my left hand was difficult because my movements were twisted.

The armor obtained from the explorer’s tomb was a treasure. He believed it.


Encred hit his stomach and said with a smile.

“It’s reassuring.”

There are all kinds of crazy things. really.

Kreis said this with his face, sighed, and spent the second day.

The next morning.

“Do you really need to do this? Really?”

My face, forearms, and other parts of my body were all messed up with small scratches.

This is the medal from the previous day.

It didn’t matter because it was cured by applying acupuncture.

But as if it didn’t look good, that’s what Kreis has been saying since morning.

“The kids keep hitting me and jumping around. They told me to just block them.”

In return for giving me the boat, I killed two guys.

One with a snake sword, one with a heavy sword strike.

“……Let’s stop talking.”

When the battle started again, Encred saw something unexpected.


A child who could not scream or shout properly stood at the forefront of the enemy army on the battlefield.

Instead of being at the leader’s level, he stood for a long time within the range of the arrow, as if asking for the arrow to hit him.

It is not a group of thieves, Viscount Tarnin, or a cult.

It’s a familiar face. She was the child I vaguely saw in passing.

It was a kid within the Border Guard. There was a child protected within the territory, a face to be protected.

“It’s a gift! You bastard!”

Lycanos shouted from behind. As he spoke, he didn’t show any sign of great anticipation.

It was literally a modification designed to break morale.


Vengeance immediately understood Encred’s words.

“Don’t shoot!”

Venjens shouted and the archer let go of his hand. The enemy also did not fire arrows.

The child came running. I managed to run with shaky legs.

Encred took a few steps forward.

If an arrow came flying from behind, the intention was to hit it and block it. He was holding a round shield in his left hand.

This is the moment when the child, running steadily in front of him, arrives.


Light erupted from the child’s belly.


“Do you really need to do this? Really?”

I opened my eyes after being scolded by Kreis.

Today has begun.

It was today that I experienced yesterday.


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