Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 289

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289. Duties and responsibilities (1)

For Kreis, this was a very natural thing.

Why risk your life in an unwinnable fight?

Why do I have to risk my life and fight here?

‘I wonder if reinforcements come.’

Considering the circumstances, it seems unlikely. But it’s low. It’s not like it doesn’t exist.

I had to give up what I had to give up if I could even see the strength of the reinforcements.

Green Pearl or Border Guard Fortress.

There are watchtowers that have been built and newly dug moats, but if they are beaten back and forth, they will all be useless.

‘What I have now is meaningless.’

Making a promise for the next time is also a wise attitude. Because holding on is not the answer.

Kreis spoke because he had reached a conclusion based on these reasons.

Let’s run away.

Encred thought as he stared at the big guy.

‘I think my eyes are fine this time.’

It didn’t look like he was scared or consumed by anxiety.

So, you’re asking this while remaining sane, but you’re asking without knowing what will happen if you run away from here.

Encred broadened his perspective and looked around the hall.

Aside from Wangnuni, everyone else’s eyes are focused on him.

No matter what choice you make here, they will follow their word.

It seemed that way.

Even the pair of eyes snooping around in front of the barracks would do the same.

Needless to say, Esther.

If Rem, who had fallen asleep somewhere and was away, is not there when she returns, won’t she come after her somehow?

Ragna also split in the middle and lost his way, and even if he lost it again, it seemed like he would find it again.

why? What do you say yourself?

What did you see in yourself that made you follow it like this?

You can’t force your will on them.

You cannot force something you have decided to keep.

Encred couldn’t do that.

“Can go.”

That’s why it came out. Kreis smiled happily and waited for the next words.


Saxony, whose words become short when he is in trouble, immediately asked.

It seemed like that guy was just watching for an opportunity and spoke informally when he felt like it.

“I’m not going.”

“Why? You’ve done enough.”

Kreis also spoke quietly. Encred didn’t argue.

Instead, I said what I had to say.

“If you sell a sword for gold coins, you are a mercenary.”

Everyone looks on in silence, wondering what kind of nonsense this is. Looking at their posture waiting for the next words, Encred realized that although he had learned from them, they also learned something from him.

It is an attitude of listening.

Everyone’s ears were opened. Just because your ears are closed doesn’t mean you can’t say what you have to say, but it would be better if you listened.

“And I will become a knight.”

I swallowed. Everyday thoughts, thoughts I had on certain days in the past, were carved and refined to become a solid pillar.

Encred sat up diagonally. Pain shot through his shin and right arm.

It wasn’t painful. It was bearable. At least it’s a lot better than dying, isn’t it?

The constant pain only made me realize that I was alive and that I had not spent the day in vain.

“I hear this often.”

Saxony said as if he was saying something.

Encred pulled his legs and sat down in a more comfortable position.

“If you are not willing to sell your sword for a mere gold coin, you must sell it for duty and responsibility. And this is my duty and responsibility now.”

What is an article?

He is the guardian.

What should I keep in mind?

Legends and myths, knights of the past shining like the sun spoke.

Protect the weak.

Defend justice.

Keep your oath.

What comes first among them? Encred came to a conclusion alone.


Is sacrificing one’s life for a lady chivalrous?

If he has sworn, then yes.

If that is his chivalry, he will be able to admit it.

However, the sword will not be sold for just gold coins.

You won’t become a murderer who enjoys killing people.

Intangible value. Standing up for what you believe in.

Those who swear for it and keep their oath.


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To the general public, he is a very foolish person.

That is Encred’s dream.

This is the path he has looked at and walked down until now.

This is why he did not give up even though he died countless times and did not settle for today.

If Encrud leaves like this, how many people in the Border Guard will die?

Regardless of children, women, the elderly, and young people, there could have been a triple-digit massacre.

Fewer people may die.

Otherwise, more people may die.

One of the opponents was a cultist. A group of crazy people were included.

Of course, even taking all that into account, it could have been seen as efficient to step down right now.

It may be better to first give up what you have to give and then get it back.

But it won’t.

Encred’s emotions did not fluctuate.

That wasn’t the case.

I decided to do it, so I will do it.

There was a border guard at my back, and Encrid swore to protect them.

Although he is not a knight, Encred has kept his oath ever since he swore one day in the past that he would live that way. He has lived like that until now. That was a man named Encred.

Kreis’ complexion turned blue again. The corners of her eyes drooped. He didn’t seem to like it at all.

“It’s foolish.”


While answering Kryce’s words, Encred recalled a day in the past.

* * *


“It’s raining so disgustingly.”

The mercenary leader didn’t particularly dislike rainy days, but as he passed through the sticky swamp for a request, he became irritated.

It was fortunate that the road went through a small forest next to it rather than through the middle of a swamp, but that didn’t mean it was enjoyable.

The small forest surrounding the swamp frequently presented long bugs between the armor, and fearless mosquitoes even bit the backs of the hands of walking mercenaries.



One of the mercenaries who hit the back of my hand got angry.

It’s pouring rain, but where on earth do the mosquitoes come from?

“Are we still far away!”

A mercenary with fierce eyes shouted.

The guide said, brushing up his wet, flowing black hair.


“You said it was just a moment ago?”

The captain approached. He was big and scary-looking, so I felt intimidated from his appearance. Even as he looked directly at the leader, the guide’s blue eyes were calm.

“The rain slowed me down.”

“Huh, okay, let’s go, go.”


The captain tapped the guide on the back of the head and shook his head.

Then he appeased his mercenary unit.

“You damn bastards. Wipe out your mouths before you throw them into the swamp.”

The captain spoke and struck the long vine blocking his path with a thick knife.

With a thud, the cut vines scattered left and right, opening a path.

The captain’s words were harsh, but they quieted the complaints. The guide, Encred, looked at it and thought that this mercenary unit was a pretty good place.

First of all, despite his appearance, the captain takes care of his subordinates with care, and the mercenaries are also guys who protect what they need to protect.

At least they weren’t the ones who would stab their colleagues, friends, or clients in the back during a request.

If you don’t have this kind of awareness, you will often act as a guide and become food for insects or trees.

If you didn’t want to die on the streets, you had to choose your people carefully.

It seemed like I made a good choice this time too.

“But why are you using that guy instead of a proper Pathfinder?”

Are you asking this knowing you can hear everything? Or are you telling me to listen?

One of the mercenaries came up behind the captain and asked.

Shoot aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?

Their conversation was audible even through the pouring rain. Thanks to the trees covering our heads, less rain fell.



“That’s cheap, that bastard. But his guiding skills are a bit lacking. On the other hand, he knows how to cut with a knife.”

It is good to use half as a combatant and half as a guide.

So, you can get additional combatants while only spending the original cost of the guide. The mercenary leader said that considering everything, Encred’s price was cheap.

Of course, the stupid subordinate said, ‘It’s not cheap?’ He said things like that.

He said that among the guides he knew, there were several who were cheaper.

“Is there anyone among them who finds the way properly?”

A co-worker sarcastically scoffed behind him.

“Should I kill him? He’s so picky.”

After that, it was a feast of lame jokes.

A joke that kills and saves.

A common conversation between tough mercenaries.

The request was something that had to be done while staying in a small village located in the forest.

It was a safe village in its own way as there were very few monsters and demonic beasts around.

Surrounded by swamps, there could be a lizard colony. Did you say that a dozen years ago, some wandering prosecutor came in and cut them all down?

After that, when the demon Lizard gathered, the village hired mercenaries.

For a few gold coins a year, one could be free from threats.

Shoot. pouring rain. Shaky vision. My clothes and armor were uncomfortably wet, and if I got this wet, I would have to throw away the Gambison I was wearing.

The weather was fortunate that I wore cheap clothes.

However, as soon as the rain lessened, bugs were rampant and it was hot.

Why is this tree shaped like this? It seems like a totem that maintains humid energy instead of refreshing air.

It was the same request as usual. Lizard extermination and repairs around the village.

Encred, who had already been training for more than half a year in a nearby village, was acting as a guide to make a living.

“Im here.”

Although it was clumsy, it was a village we arrived at after taking a roughly familiar route.


A middle-aged male village chief welcomes the mercenaries and later deals with the lizard that was entangled by the scent of the swamp.

They hung ropes made of bark, which had an odor they disliked, all over the trees in the swamp.

I also planted stakes on the floor, and I thought this would be effective.

“It’s wisdom passed down from the past.”

The village chief seemed to believe it completely.

Because there were many things to do, the help of mercenaries was needed.

If the Lizard you couldn’t chase came out, you’d need a sword again, but there were very few people who were not mercenaries who would step forward.

Some of the villagers could fight as combatants, but most seemed far from fighting.

Since he followed me as a guide and had no particular need to go out, Encred was always swinging his sword in the open space at the corner of the village.


Some kid started talking to me. She was a child with sad eyes and white skin.

He must have been twelve years old at best.

I’ve been defeated by someone his size before, so I don’t look down on him because he’s young, but he doesn’t look like he’s capable of using a sword.

“Why are you working so hard?”

What follows is an obvious story. Encrud became friends with a little boy who spoke casually and came by frequently, a young girl to be exact.

“I’m leaving town in three years.”

“Is the guesthouse a dream?”

You say it’s your dream to go out to the village and live a life. That’s a big deal.

Where would you go alone at that age?

“No, sir, that’s not it! Have you seen the herb that drives away lizards? Is it only here in the world? The herb that comes from this swamp is something different.”

I heard that the main source of income for swamp villages is medicinal herbs.

“Oh, so the guest house was a dream?”

“Ah! Really!”

So, what are you doing going out?

“I’m going to find a really great herb. And instead of going alone, I just have to join the mercenaries that will come later!”

He said it was a dream. People disguise unknown herbs as medicinal herbs and sell them.

Encred doesn’t laugh at other people’s dreams. However, I was worried.

“So, your dream is to find medicinal herbs and die as a guest?”

“Oh really!”

I don’t think it’s a very close relationship. It’s an appropriate way to spend your spare time.

It was meant to kill time while resting a body tired from training.

Didn’t the little girl have similar thoughts?

Among the mercenaries who visited the village, the others had scary faces, but he seemed a bit gentle, and he was swinging a sword in a corner every day.

I tried talking to him, and he seemed like he wasn’t a bad person to flirt with, that’s about it.

The mercenary team’s work continued for over a month and the two had a trivial conversation.

“Do you dream of becoming a guide?”

“No, knight.”

“Knight? That battlefield is a nightmare?”


“…I think it would be good to dig up herbs together, but you can follow me later.”

“Let’s not talk.”

“No, I respect you. It’s true. This is sincere.”

“Look me in the eyes and say it.”

Why are you talking about distant mountains?

“Huh? What?”

“I even pretended not to hear.”

He was such a ridiculous kid.

And crises always come without warning.

“Hey, if you guys fight with us here, what will be left? I’m telling you bluntly, if you’ve received everything you’re supposed to get, then go and get out. You didn’t even receive a request.”

In Encred’s opinion, the mercenary leader was a good person.

That was true for a mercenary leader. I meant it.

Fifty thieves appeared from nowhere.

I heard a rumor that there was some kind of jewel hidden in the swamp village.

The mercenary leader had to be chosen.

The villagers were in despair.


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