Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 288

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288. Let’s run away

The moment Saxony grabbed Encred, an ominous sixth sense was activated.

‘Crazy bastards.’

As soon as the thief named Lycanos, whose mother was unknown, left, others rushed in to fill the empty space.

It is a trained movement. It was also a promised attack prepared for situations like this.

The sound of a blade cutting through the air first reached my ears.


I don’t know how long I’ve been waiting, but the guys dressed in black stabbed me with skewered swords.

Each one was a hand-to-hand attack without concern for one’s life, and each one was fast.

It is a stab aimed at piercing only one point.

It was a heavy and fast strike, an attack that literally burned one’s life for a single sword strike.

Saxony grabbed Encred with his left hand and swung the sword with his right hand.

At the same time, I made a more sober judgment than ever before.

‘You can’t stop everything.’

Saxony’s sword moved as if dancing. It was reminiscent of the light flapping of a butterfly’s wings.

The tip of the sword was raised and a butterfly flew through the rain of blades.

The butterfly’s wings hit the pole blade and showed irregular movements. It bounced and bounced again, changing the trajectory of the pole blade.


I couldn’t hit everything. Two sword strikes were missed.

One of them grazed Encred’s left shin.

To be more precise, Encred twisted his waist to avoid it.

The fabric and leather of the guard were torn and fluttering.

The last one hit Encred on the waist.

There was only a popping sound, and the blade did not pierce the body and was thrown out.


It is the power of the armor obtained previously. I’ve seen the captain wrap it up like a bandage.

Saxony put more strength into his left arm. He was planning on throwing En Creed back and chopping up the rest.

But as soon as Encred was thrown back, they dispersed.


Fighting while protecting someone was not Saxony’s specialty.

I fought with the enemy behind me, but I had very little experience fighting while protecting my allies. It was safe to say that it was a very rare experience. It was that fault.


I should have taken a little damage and put Encred behind me, or moved him far away out of the opponent’s reach, but I missed the timing.

Guys dressed in black jumped overhead, attacked from below, and rushed left and right.

It was a blind sword that was disgusting.

Let’s divert our attention to the back.

“are you okay.”

I heard Encred say something. His right arm is injured and he is exhausted, but not yet dead.

However, if it is a problem.

‘These crazy bastards are real.’

A black-clad assault force that attacks without caring for its own body.

I couldn’t easily ignore the guys who wore thin, elastic leather clothes instead of armor.

Where did you learn it? The strike aimed at one point was even more wonderful.

Saxony kept swinging his sword and moving his feet.

Peek, puck, puck.

The blade cuts the forearm in half and makes a hole in the thigh. Saxony’s sword faithfully fulfilled its role as an emotionless metal object, but as long as they were not killed, they turned around and continued their attack again.

It was like a group of crazy people whose personalities had been castrated in order to pierce their opponents with only a fast sword.

When I used my foot to dodge, a sword flew towards where Saxony was. This is thanks to foresight and avoidance one step in advance. The blade pierced the cold dirt floor.


The guy who put his sword in the ground and raised his head had a ghostly look in his eyes.

Of course, all of that meant nothing to Saxony, so he just stuck the knife in the forehead of the guy who failed to hit him.

An ordinary knife flies by and becomes a reaper, taking a person’s life.

Although Saxony thought that revealing himself and fighting was not his specialty, he gradually reduced his strength one by one.

Encrid caught a glimpse of Saxony’s fight and took in the sight of the guys running towards him.

‘It’s not good.’

My right arm was hit by Lycanos, and the area around my shin was scratched by a blow a while ago, but it wasn’t an injury that could be cured by just a scratch.

The leather of the protector was cut cleanly, leaving clear marks on some of the skin and muscles.

The armor blocked the blow aimed at the torso, but the impact remained.

My insides trembled. This is because I held on with my abs. If it were an ordinary person, it would have been an internal rupture.

In addition, Lycanos’ final blow made his right arm half sick.

The only thing that can move is the left arm.

Encred did what he could.

He put the gladius into the scabbard and swung it with his original sword in his left hand.

Minimize leg movement and hold the sword gently.

It’s Yugeomsik.

Accept and accept again. Breathing was fine. It could be said that he was a monster whose physical strength was not lacking compared to anyone else’s.


This is right after he deflected three or four blades with a split-second decision. The next blade arrived right in front of me. It was a blade that had been forged and forged, shining coldly.


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‘You can’t stop this.’

The heart of the beast opens the eyes and one-pointed concentration sets the brain on fire.

Even if he did the best he could at the moment, he thought he would lose an eye.

The opponent’s tactics were superior.

As soon as they failed to capture and kill the main force with Lycanos, they deployed the sword fighting unit they had prepared.

The result is this.

I can clearly see the future of losing my eyesight. Even though I couldn’t avoid it in the small amount of time I had, I was able to ask and answer questions to myself.

Losing an eye? So does that matter?

Nothing changes even if you have one eye missing.

Encred turned his head. He tried to swerve and dodge.

In his mind, there was no option to die here and start over.

If I had just given up and started over with something like this, I would have stopped repeating today and been eliminated.

This is the moment when the tip of the sword enlarges and the point looks like a thick club.


With a cheerful noise, the club that had been blocking my eyes disappeared.

The owner of the sword that was aiming at him flew through the air. It was natural that the sword flew in the sky as well.


It comes with a scream. It flies well. I won’t envy the bird at that moment.

Of course, his flight was finite and its end was anything but auspicious.

The one that flew fell between the Border Guard standing forces, and was stabbed to death in the air by a soldier who was startled by the suddenly flying body and raised his spear.

Encred was blocking, holding on, and falling backwards to avoid falling. He just hit his butt.

As I looked to the side, I saw a wild horse that had just kicked a human into the sky with its hind legs.

Hee hee hee!

“Single eyes?”


It felt like I was screaming that I didn’t like that name, but at this point, I couldn’t even remember the name I had forced myself to give.


And before I knew it, Esther was by my side.

As if he couldn’t change into a human, he has the body of a Lake Panther.

The silky black fur covering its body reminded me of the hair it had when it was human.

The person who suddenly flew next to the black-clad stabbing unit was a man who would somehow survive even if he got lost as long as he had a sword.

Hook, puck, hook, pick, hook, puck, hook, pluck.

Encred’s eyes rolled constantly. It was to follow the series of sword strikes that took place before his eyes.

Ragna lunged to the side and slashed the five people in front of him by swinging his sword five times at a time.

‘What kind of talent is that?’

There is only one step, but there are five sword strikes.

How is this possible?

It’s an unpredictable cut.

It is faster than the opponent’s, and is a sword of preemptive attack. Ragnar’s sword has shown that now.

“I’m going to kill them all, so go first.”

He speaks bluntly and has flowing bangs that obscure his eyes.

Dry red eyes stared forward silently between blond hair.

He shoots down arrows flying over his head and kills those who approach him.

Ragnar’s sword began to move so fast that it seemed broken even to Encred’s eyes.

As the arrow fell on Encred’s head, several soldiers holding shields approached from behind.

“You write so damn well.”

This is Dunbakhel, which I was looking at from the side.

These were the words he said while smashing the head of an assassin who was attacking him from behind with two daggers.

As soon as he recognized the movement of the approaching assassin, he stepped on the ground with only his right foot and struck the head with his left knee.

Of course, Encred also reacted and held up his sword.

Anyway, her gaze also turned towards Ragna.

Encrid saw arrows raining down on his head, a pair of eyes running to save him, and when he saw Ester, Dunbakeel, and their allies surrounding him with a large round shield, it seemed like he would not die.

My gaze suddenly turned forward.


Ragna’s sword is fast now, but at the last moment, the sword of that guy called Lycanos was even faster.

And the swords of those who were currently charging at him were similar.

Those who were rushing forward with determination retreated after several of them were cut down by Ragna.

Ragna also scratched his thigh in the meantime.

Although his armor was torn and blood stained his clothes, Ragnar returned unharmed.

“Don’t spare your arrows!”

“f*ck you!”

“The flower of the battlefield is the infantry!”

“The end of pain is pleasure!”

These are people who fight in all directions, swearing and cheering.

There was someone who died after being hit in the head by an arrow.

There was someone who fell forward instead of running after being hit by a throwing axe.


An enemy mercenary wearing strange leather armor made of fur beat his chest and let out a strange cheer.

Bell suddenly appeared and threw a javelin, hitting the guy and knocking him down.

“If you don’t want to be defeated, fight!”

Bell’s cry was heard.

Encred was carried back. Three soldiers came forward and helped him. Because the wound on his left shin was serious, he gave up on walking.

“f*ck, it’s so f*cking strong.”

Graham said while looking at the far end of the battlefield.

Lycanos was there.

Encred also saw him.

I didn’t get hit in the end.

I punched him in the face.

Thanks to that, even though half his face was covered in blood, he remained courageous.

Lycanos silently looked at Encred and the group without smiling, then turned around.

As he fell back, a customary quick sword melee assault force dressed in black gathered together.


Graham muttered.

“I see.”

Behind him, Kreis, whose complexion turned blue, agreed.

A unit that risks its life and kills its opponents with just one stab.

At first glance, it seemed like the remaining number was over fifty.

Considering that the number of dead is quite high, let’s say that they even block the attacks of hidden assassins.

‘That must be a pain in the ass.’

Encred thought so, and Kreis agreed.

The battle was short.

Oudin himself did not come forward because the wolf bishop did not come forward, and Ragnar did not go any deeper.

Saxony also came back before we knew it.

The commanders of both armies seemed to have no intention of ending the fighting in just one day.

Before the situation could be resolved, Graham, with a pale complexion, came to Encred’s side, who had roughly applied a bandage to stop the bleeding.

Kreis saw that and opened his mouth.

“I knew from the beginning that it wouldn’t work once. You can finish it within three times. All you have to do is destroy the main force. Above all, the battlefield is originally decided by the military power of a small number of elites.”

The voice was somehow weak.

It was inevitable that Cryce believed in Encred’s power.

I decided that even if I couldn’t hit my opponent’s head with one punch, I would win in the end.

But no.

The first battle was no different from defeat.

Moving the camp back to the castle was the worst move, so it had to end here.

And that too in the shortest possible time.

That’s three fights in that limited time.

‘If you hold on, you lose.’

Behind the Border Guard, Azfen had not even drawn his sword yet.


Kreis appeared calm on the outside and was thinking about running away on the inside. Now he really had to find out.

‘Are you going to end up as a hole?’

I made some preparations just in case.

“It seems like the cultists just watched? Only a few wolf demons attacked?”

Graham reviewed the entire war situation and postponed the deployment of heavy armored infantry.

If the other person was conserving his strength, he had to conserve it too.

If you put in all your strength and are pushed back, you will be annihilated.

If the battle between a small number of elites is close, the rest will be up to the main infantry.

Among them, the role of heavy armored infantry will definitely not be small.

“That’s right. I’m not sure if I’ll just watch tomorrow as well.”

Krys said and looked at Encred.

The captain was always calm. He had a calm expression.

‘Ha, I’m dying, really.’

You can’t just leave it and run away. Kreis was a merchant, a thief, and even a pickpocket.

Among them, I never turned a blind eye to the person who saved my life.

It’s a question of personality before a job.

Moreover, with just a little effort, he could have been saved. It wasn’t something I would risk my life for.

“Next time, I can cut it down.”

“It was fast.”

I heard Ragna speak and Encred reply with the same attitude.

“If that’s all you have to do, just cut it and that’s it.”

At Ragnar’s firm words, Encrid was lost in thought for a moment.

It was pretty fast, that one.

I can’t use my right arm right now and my left shin is also uncomfortable.

Although the armor prevented it, there were bruises on my stomach as well. My internal organs weren’t damaged, but they were throbbing.

The technique of isolation is the art of building up repeated days.

I was able to endure it thanks to the strength I maintained, trained, and continued.

So, I just got hit in the torso. If I eat well and get a good night’s sleep, I’ll get better.

But not the right arm.

“Let’s rest for now and call it a night. Be careful of night attacks and keep the scouting party moving without rest!”

exclaimed Graham.

Today’s guard will be carried out by heavily armored infantry units.

Although it was a short battle, casualties were higher than ever before.

The number of dead exceeded double digits.

Encred was deep in thought.

Cryce stopped looking at that and stood in front of Encred.

Thanks to the perch behind his back, his shadow swayed and moved above Encred’s head.

It was inside a newly built tent, and there were wild horses outside and Ragnar, Auddin, Dunbakeel, Teresa, and Esther inside.


A cold wind blew into the half-open barracks and shook the torches.

Chrys’ shadow, staggering and shaking, grew into two and then merged into one again.


Encred was leaning back at an angle.

Kreis had just changed the bandages on my entire body.

Kreis swallowed his saliva and opened his mouth.

“Let’s run away.”


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