Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 285

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285. Language of the West

As Encrid attacked the cultist unit, Sinar also moved.

She marched around the outskirts of the battlefield with only twenty of the quick-footed and agile troops under her command.

Their role was sniping.

The group of twenty did not participate in an all-out battle, but moved by watching the flow and understanding the enemy’s composition.

The fairy’s sensitivity, having experienced the battlefield hundreds of times, read the flow of battle.

Sinard distinguished, differentiated, and found the sounds he heard.

So the first target is confirmed.


A carefully selected group of troops followed her.

Sinar’s troops circled around the outskirts of the battlefield and rushed to one side.

“f*ck, crazy things!”

The enemy soldiers responded fiercely. Twenty people took it and held on.

Their combat abilities were at an excellent level, but they were mediocre.

They can be called elite, but they are not at the level of frontier guards.

But Sinar was different.

While the enemy’s attention was being taken away by the 20 friendly troops, she launched her body and stepped on the enemy soldier’s head.

Kicking off the ground and rising up was as easy as if someone was pulling me from above.

It seemed like it had wings.

So he stepped on the enemy soldier’s head and hit his uvula with his toe.


After making a hole in the soldier’s neck, which was used as a stepping stone, with a blade attached to the bottom of the boot, the soldiers were pulled out.

The visor and leaf sword reflected the light and revealed themselves. Then he pointed downwards and roughly stabbed them a few times.

Bang, bang, bang.

The guy who was lucky enough to be hit by the helmet stumbled and fell sideways.

The guy who was luckier and was hit by the helmet raised his Gotjang javelin and stabbed it upward.

The third and final one was hated by Lady Luck and fell to the ground with his eyebrows torn and blood streaming down his face.

It all happened right before the dead soldier fell as she stepped on it.

Sinar pulled out the spear and cut off the middle of the javelin.

Ages separated the windows. The short spear lost its blade. It became a short wooden bar.

The soldier who held a wooden baton instead of a spear held a shield.

Instead of striking the shield, Sinar stepped on it. He ran forward.

She was a sniping arrow.

Shield, head. He stepped on three more people’s shoulders and lightly touched the ground, and there was a goal in front of him.

This is the commander, the target found by distinguishing between sounds. To be exact, he was the commander of a small unit, the head who controlled the entire army.

“Stop it!”

The commander’s cry was empty. Because as soon as he cried out, there was a hole in his neck due to age.

It is a sword that is fired by twisting the waist and shooting it from the shoulder to the fingertips. The water swallow stabbing was one of Sinar’s losing skills.

They were one of the reasons why Viscount Tarnin’s troops were able to survive.

It was the presence of a commanding authority located everywhere.

Sinar killed three more such commanders in the battle that day.

“Crazy fairy bitch!”

A high-ranking commander who was watching the battle gritted his molars and shouted.

Of course, the escorts had been doubled.

Simultaneous hitting. Kreis aimed for this.

One side is supply. On one side is the commander.

The intention was to inflict the greatest possible blow against the hordes of troops coming from two places.

Sinar did his job, getting a few scratches.

‘Are you doing well?’

These are my thoughts as I wipe away the blood from my old age.

What are Encred and his subordinates doing?

Did what started out as a joke actually become reality?

‘I can’t believe his face came to mind as soon as the battle was over.’

Sinar felt something dull within him, but he smiled.

This is also part of life and part of the joy.

That man had a strange magical power. He is not the element that makes the spell happen, but he makes you watch and cheer. So, I can’t help but think of him again and again.


On the way home from work, when the noon sun shines on the ground, the fairy thought about humans.

It wasn’t just some heterosexual feeling. Rather than that, it was closer to an expectation of what one person could do.

‘How far will we go?’

The fairy asked in her heart. Of course he had no answer.

* * *


If you are always in a state of tension, your body becomes stiff. A stiff body makes it difficult to change your usual skills.

“The growth of muscles and physical strength are the same. Resting is as important as training without training. Only after resting will your strength and stamina increase.”

These are the words of Audin.

Encred pondered those words. Through the battle, I gained another small clue and reflected on it.

It is tension and relaxation.


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How about taking the time to relax your body even during battle?

I felt it when I saw Ragnar, and I also felt it when I saw Saxony.

Saxony didn’t seem to put any strength into his body except when swinging his sword, and Ragna didn’t seem to put much strength into his body even though he was constantly swinging his sword.

The same goes for Audin.

Dunbakhel and Teresa also had similar habits.

Even changes in elasticity and rhythm that occur by controlling tension and relaxation.

Your physical strength increases by resting.

Muscle strength also improves with rest.

Couldn’t swordsmanship be similar?

“Rest is important.”

Even though Audin said so many times, it did not reach the skin completely. That small word has now seeped into my skin and settled into my intestines.

I did it because I could think and do it at the same time. This battle was a place for study.

‘What if I relax more deeply?’

Contemplating and understanding oneself was important, and to Encred, it was as natural as breathing.

What I learned through contemplation.

This is the beginning of relaxation.

It was thanks to the first ability I gained by repeating today.

‘Heart of the Beast.’

Boldness gives your muscles and breathing an appropriate amount of rest even when the sword is on the line and Quarrel is aiming for your head.

It was also a way to fight for a long time. If you want to deal with the majority with a small number of people, you have to allocate your physical strength.

Of course, Encred’s physical strength was like that of a monster.

Compared to ordinary soldiers, he possesses the endurance to communicate.

But that doesn’t mean I’m not tired.

If you look at it from that perspective.

‘Rem is fine.’

This is a thought that naturally follows.

Who was it that revealed the heart of the beast?

Who is the best at spouting nonsense in between battles?

He could be called a master of relaxation.

“That’s not mastery of relaxation, that’s just mindlessness.”

When Encred expressed his thoughts, Saxony answered from next to him.

“That’s stupid.”

Ragna said it too.

“When you hit me, it seems like your muscles are just full of tension.”

Dunbakkel lashed out, and Teresa said nothing.

And Auddin said:

“Are you worried about Brother Savage?”

worry? Grem? A monster with gray hair? Even if you meet the devil, who will chop it up with an axe?


Encred took a moment to decide what to say and then asked back in a serious tone.

Did he look like he was worried? This is it.

Audin smiled softly.

“If you have grievances in your heart, your eyes will be clouded and your thoughts will go in that direction. Think only of the Lord and erase the grievances. Praise and honor the Lord exclusively. In this way, you will find peace in your heart. la.”

Auddin recited the scriptures. Beside her, Teresa recited Audín’s last words, ‘Find peace.’

Although his face was not visible because he was wearing a mask, he seemed to be thinking about something.

I didn’t even know that it felt awkward to meet a cult member again.

Isn’t this where she originally belonged?

I heard that it was where he was born and raised.

My mind could be confused.

Encred glanced at Teresa and wondered if he was really worried.

‘It’s a no-brainer.’

Why are you worried about that crazy Rem?

However, something bothered me. It was subtly unpleasant.


It’s falling backwards. There is no sign of being caught behind. No unit member was hit by a blind arrow. Of course, no one was hurt.

Everything happened in an instant.

Surprise, raid, arson, retreat.

There was no need to move at night, so this was done in broad daylight when the sun was shining. That’s okay though. They moved quickly enough to finish it off before the news of the deaths of those sent as scouts was reported.

But why does anxiety seep in?

Since I was accustomed to contemplating myself, I was also familiar with reflecting on what had happened.

‘It was too weak;

Originally, dozens of wolf beasts were enough to be threatening.

‘Did the cult come here without any knowledge of our military power?’

That won’t be it.

So why do I feel so vulnerable?

Encred recalled the times when Marcus had kept himself and his company well hidden.

‘What makes you look weak is that you have something hidden.’

That’s not all the power of a cultist.

That means.

‘I also have a black knife hidden away.’

After thinking about a few things, this is a conclusion that came naturally. Doesn’t Kreis know about this?

‘No, I know.’

Because I know this, I structured my strategy like this.

Before your opponent brings out all the hidden numbers, cut down what you need to cut and take out what you need to omit.

That was the core of this supply arson operation.

“Even if you desperately want him to die, he will still come back.”

Saxony added to the word worry. Those eyes were indifferent. En Creed nodded his head, looking into the red eyes.


No need to worry. Who am I worried about now? The one left behind was the crazy barbarian Rem.

* * *

Lem admitted he was excited.

Everything starts with awareness.

There can be change only when acknowledged and recognized.

If you have a personality that gets excited easily, you need to know that to be able to stay calm.

“Are all beasts the same? No. But the surviving beasts all have the same characteristics.”

This is what I heard when I first learned about hunting.

Longer canine teeth do not mean survival is better.

It didn’t matter that the claws were sharper.

Whether it’s a lion running across the plains or a tiger roaring across the mountains.

The reason they survive is because they know something.

And if you need to know, it starts with yourself first, of course.

I recognize the length of my toenails, the length of my legs, my physical strength, etc. That’s the beginning.

‘In that respect, the captain is very unique.’

Even though he is clearly aware of what he knows, what his level is, and what he can do, his body does not follow suit. No, I didn’t.

But not anymore. His skills have increased to a threatening level.

What can I say, I felt lucky at times to be able to watch it.

The reasons were complex: knowledge, change, and the blood that rose after being still for a few days.

Rem was filled with joy and became a little excited.

That’s how I grasped the situation, recognized myself, and didn’t bother to hide it.

“You stupid dog-headed bastards.”

The three wolf beasts that rushed in were different from before.

These guys had extraordinary speed, strength, and use of their heads.

Are all demon beasts the same?

Among them, there are bound to be outstanding ones.

The three demon beasts did that.

He was damn fast and damn smart.

In order to quickly cut them down, Rem allowed himself a finger-sized gash on his side.

I let my claws graze.

At that moment, the fiercely swung ax split the head of a nearby demon beast in half.

Blood and brains splattered out, blocking Rem’s vision, but Rem cut off the man’s head with his spare axe without even blinking.

I hit the tattered head, which was split in half, with the back of my hand and threw it to one side of me.

As the head that had become a flower in full bloom flew towards me, one of the demonic beasts dodged to the side, and Rem, who had expected this far, then threw an axe.

Hook, bang!

The ax, which turned so quickly that it turned into a disk, burrowed deep into the skull of the wolf demon who had just escaped.

It seemed like the throwing of the ax and the wolf demon raising its head happened at the same time.

This was possible because the intention was to avoid the magical beast.

There is only one left.

Rem twisted the corner of his mouth. A smile on all faces.


“You monster!”

“Ahh, be cursed by the devil. The master of the devil himself will chew you up and swallow you!”

The group of cultists guarding the side kept making fun of their mouths.

“What are you talking about, you crazy fanatics? Just attack me.”

Rem grunted and moved the ax in his left hand to his right.

“Hey, mutt, aren’t you coming?”

One of the remaining demonic beasts lowered its posture. She raised her eyes by revealing her murderous nature to no end. Meanwhile, one of the cultists threw a dagger.

Rem didn’t even take his eyes off the wolf beast and just nodded his head to avoid it.

In that gap, the demonic beast attacked.

There wasn’t even a sound of kicking the ground. The wind hit the tip of my nose first.

It flies in with a swoosh, but it is fast and fierce for its size. The large body was lowered closely and there was a nose in Rem’s estimation.

As Rem watched the wolf demon rush at him, he swung the ax twice as fast as he had swung it a moment ago.


Among those watching, there were few who could clearly see Rem’s movements.

As if he didn’t even blink, the missing right arm and ax moved from upper right to lower left.

I deliberately swung around gently to get these bastards used to it, but this time I hit them with a proper axe.

The demon beast could not react. As he was running at him, his head was cut in half and blood poured out.

However, the power from the charge remained and it attacked Rem.

Rem swung the ax and moved to the side, pushing the wolf’s body away.

The body of the demonic beast fell with a thud and blocked the muzzles of the group of cultists.

Rem spoke to them with the same smile.

“See you later.”

It was an ordinary greeting, but it sounded harsh to a group of cultists.

Do I have to see that again? That monster?

Rem pulled out just like that. As I went, I picked up the ax I had thrown and ran.

‘Let me see.’

Did you have a dent in your side and a crack in one of your ribs?

Rem calmly checked my condition. It’s not a major injury. It was okay to cut down three monster-like beasts that would have been treated as demons if they appeared in any area.

Some of the cultists chased after him, but it was only a pretense.

“Do you want more hits with the axe?”

Weren’t the words Rem said while looking back really cruel.

Rem quickly visits Encred and tries to tell him an anecdote about cutting down three magical beasts that would otherwise be treated as demons.

‘I’m so surprised that I don’t know what else to ask you to teach me.’

While he was thinking random thoughts, Rem’s body moved to the side. He places his right foot on the ground, puts pressure on his thumb, brakes his forward body, and turns it to the side. He showed off his ridiculous movements with inhuman leg strength and sense of balance.

Instead of running, I moved sideways at a right angle.


A forearm-length javelin hit where Rem was running.

The javelin stuck in the middle of the spear trembled.

It wouldn’t have been possible to pull it out with any amount of force.

The shape of a javelin appeared in Rem’s eyes.

It’s familiar, that is, not anymore, but it’s a form that was familiar in the past.

It was a javelin favored by western tribesmen.

“You see all your people here?”

Then a voice came in.

It was not the imperial language, but the language of the West.


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