Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 284

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284. If you don’t have experience, build it up, and if you have weaknesses, get rid of them.

A few small battles strangely changed the atmosphere of the battlefield.

‘Does this mean you’re going to fight or not?’

The Black Sword and the Cultist Army wanted to ask this.

I expected a fierce battle, but the steam leaked out. There have been dozens of such battles.

But let’s rush in first.

“The Lord of the Demonic Scriptures said, ‘Do not trust thieves.’”

It looks like a black knife is going to do something behind the scenes. Viscount Tarnin was no different.

“Don’t attack first, just hold on for now.”

“Ah, are you going to fight again today? Aren’t you tired of those things?”

In response to Lycanos’ words, Tarnin said as he stuffed a piece of beef jerky between the bread.

He was a guy who never stopped eating for even a moment.

There was no tension like before.

Since the Border Guard standing army was doing so many strange things, the tension naturally eased.

Of course, Lycanos was different.

‘What’s there?’

I don’t know for sure, but Gam, who lived on the battlefield for many years, said.

The other person’s work is unusual.

It was ominous. And very, very badly.

Next to me, Viscount Pig said something again.

It seemed like they were talking nonsense, saying that it would be better to just attack them like this and that our troops were much more numerous.

“Close your mouth.”

Lycanos was not a fool to ignore my intuition.

At those words, the Viscount squealed and said something again, but he ignored it.

“In a defensive posture.”

Lycanos still had to stick to the same strategy.

I couldn’t help it. I can’t trust either the cultists or the Azpen guys.

Did you get hit in the back of the head?

‘The name Black Sword cries.’

The place he belongs to will become the greatest bandit group on the continent.

I couldn’t get caught up in something that was obvious to such a group.

On a winter day with clouds clearing and clear sunlight falling, a new battlefield day dawned.

* * *

“The pain that will kill me lies ahead!”

“Kill the pain!”

Belle began to feel that the chanting was becoming increasingly strange, but she had unknowingly contributed to the strangeness.

“The pain that kills!”

Something had changed into something more bizarre, but the relief wasn’t the only thing that had changed.

The movements of the soldiers changed.

There was no need to spit out a mixture of half swear words and half instructions like before.

It was natural.

These people had already been trained. These are people who were bullied and squeezed by crazy company members.

Those who had not even received training in the first place were not even included in the organization.

This was also Kreis’ idea.

‘Still, we don’t have enough troops.’

Bell thought that was novel bullshit. He also wanted to say that the real battlefield is not like that.

Of course, in the end I couldn’t say a word.

“Do it that way.”

Encred was behind him and Graham gave permission.

“The point is this. If you don’t have experience, you can build it up. If you have a weakness, you can eliminate it. That’s what it’s for.”

If poorly trained soldiers are mixed in, the overall strength will be weakened.

Only those who have been trained through training are gathered together and knocked on. Just like iron that becomes stronger when struck, we hit it with a hammer called practice.

It was people like Bell who made the theory that came out of Kreis’ head become reality.

Soldiers, and soldiers again, are troops who have overcome the hellish training and have been quenched by the hammer of actual combat.

“The flower of the battlefield!”

“It’s infantry!”

“The flower of pain!”

“Fearless fun!”

Contaminated slogans, heat, cheers, and something boiling over burned my chest.

“Kill them all!”

cried Belle.

Did they say that if the previous fight was one step, this fight should be two steps?

It looks like he is boldly taking the lead in a battle that has been long overdue.

Bell was the leader.

I could see the eyes of the approaching black sword mercenary. Through the pressed iron helmet, eyes shining with murder looked at him.

He swung a large sword above his head.

A blow carrying weight and force falls from above the head. Bell didn’t react.

If things continued like this, it would be perfect to die.


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Instead of blocking, Bell planted his left foot on the ground, turned his waist back, and strengthened his arms.

I felt puffy and the muscles in my arms swelled. Concentrate and gain more strength. He thrust the spear forward.

It was a blow that I had been thinking about for several days. It is a thrust that is thrown by twisting the entire body.

Are you crazy? Although the mercenary was embarrassed, he held out his sword to the end.

Isn’t it like we should die together?

Just cut it first. The mercenary was planning to dodge the powerful spear while cutting.

However, the sword that was struck down could not perform its duty.

Before he knew it, two soldiers came up next to him and covered Bell’s head with a thick round shield.


The blade struck the top of the shield.

And a blow that could not be blocked by any Gambison, leather, or chain armor exploded into the mercenary’s torso.


The well-sharpened spear blade pierced the gambleson and leather and made a hole in the stomach.

The spear flew like a nice decoration in the middle of the body.

“Sigh… you crazy bastard.”

The enemy soldier spoke with blood pouring out of the corner of his mouth.

I lost my sword and stumbled backwards, clutching the spear that pierced my body.

Suddenly, the blade of the spear pierced the body, scratched the floor, and the mercenary’s body tilted to the side and fell.

He died while sitting at an angle.

“It’s a strategy. You stupid monkey.”

Belle said and put down the spear.

It took more effort to pull it out. He stepped back and picked up a new spear.

There were three of us in a group.

One stabs a hole in the enemy’s body, while the other blocks and holds on.

“One spearman and two soldiers who know how to use a shield become a group.”

It is a hastily constructed tactic of units below the squad.

There was no reason why it couldn’t be carried out just because it was made hastily. Most of the training I received while sweating blood and rolling my body like a golem was aimed at improving my personal physical abilities.

It wasn’t even a difficult rescue tactic.

The first large-scale battle between the Border Guard Standing Army and the Viscount Tarnín, which had been adapted for ten days, clearly pushed the enemy back.

“Cut the f*ck up! Hit it with the whole shield! Hit it with the mace!”

“Arrowers! Are you just going to watch?”

It was a fight that was implicitly fought between infantry and infantry. The enemy army deployed archers first.

“Damn it, kill me.”

And then the Vengeance archers who had been waiting for that moved.

A platoon made up of quick-footed and sharp-eyed people quickly fired arrows at the protester and then let go of the protester, who was very angry.

Toad doo doo doo!

There are fifty longbows alone.

A rain of arrows poured down the sides of the enemy soldiers.

“Get out! Get out!”

Belle stopped fighting and shouted. The border guard standing army retreated quickly.

If anyone were to watch this, they would be amazed.

There was no significant difference in the number of troops on both sides.

The number of standing troops barely exceeded 1,000 men.

Viscount Tarnin’s army now numbered over 2,500.

Troops flocked from somewhere and gathered together.

Of course, not all armies fought.

Both armies deployed only appropriate numbers.

The Border Guard standing army had about two hundred and fifty troops, and the opposing Viscount Army had close to four hundred troops.

There was a difference in numbers, and the Viscount Tarnin army also had several mercenaries who were said to be wandering around here and there.

The soldier was fiercely holding a sword behind him, making them look like soldiers fighting with the determination to die.

Nonetheless, the outcome was clear.

“A disciplined army defeats the individual.”

On top of the hill, Cryce muttered.

Finn, who was in charge of the escort, answered.

“What bullshit.”

It wasn’t something she understood.

“That’s just the way it is.”

“I’ll only give it to the captain, what’s the point of being an escort?”

Finn grumbled.

And at the same time, Encred was also doing his job.

* * *

“Here we go.”

Encred’s mouth opened as he heard Saxony trudging along.


“Why are you calling me?”

Welcome, if you have Ragna, you have everything.

Therese, wearing a helmet covering her face, caught my eye.

Is he okay?

I said I could leave, but I didn’t want to.

“I am Theresa the Wanderer, my sword and shield will only follow their path.”

The madman company, led by Saxony, moved without even bothering to hide.

There was no need for that.

Everyone’s eyes turned to the large-scale rotation.

Just like that, I killed all the scouts I met along the way.

If there were no eyes to see, there was no tongue to convey.

While the Black Sword and the standing army were fighting bloody battles, Encred’s company reached the place where the cultist unit was stationed.

“I thought you were bored.”

Rem says. His eyes were shining. It felt like I was contracting a disease that would cause thorns to grow in my mouth if I didn’t hit someone’s throat every three days.

“let’s go.”

Encred spoke and approached the half-made wooden fence.

When I went to the side, I heard a rumbling sound. A stinging odor stung the tip of her nose.

The gaze returns. I saw yellow eyes.

It is a wolf beast that stands on the ground with four legs and exposes its fangs.


As soon as they ran into each other, they ran towards me, kicking the ground with a nominating thud.

The wolf became a single line, baring its fangs from the front.

Since it appeared from the left, it was where Dunbakhel was located.

As soon as the wolf demon struck the ground, the sound of metal rubbing against metal rang out.

The wolf demon met a silver solid line in the air.

Of course, it was Dunbakkel’s work.

The scimitar drawn from her belt drew a half moon.

The silver blade flew diagonally and cut the beast from his right shoulder to the bottom of his left leg.

‘Pwaaak~’ The body of the demon beast, divided in two, writhed and fell to the ground, spilling blood and internal organs on the floor.

Blood splattered everywhere.

“Kill me cleanly.”

Rem, who saw that, said something. Dunvakel shook his scimitar into the air. Blood dripped onto the floor. That’s what I’m saying.

“This is neat.”

“What does he not know?”

Rem snorted.


As soon as Rem finished speaking, yellow eyes appeared everywhere.

They had invaded in one fell swoop, wiping out the scouts not in the middle of the night but in broad daylight.

The stink bug is so strong that it paralyzes your sense of smell. At first, the smell of excrement came from all over the place, which made my nose hurt.

The cultist army had not read the movements of the Mad Company.

This is something that no one expected, a question like, ‘Will they come here?’ It was a dagger stabbed at a time when the thought occurred to me.

Therefore, it was not a prediction that a group of wolf beasts came rushing out here.

It was just a wolf demon guarding the fence.

The cultist’s camp was located between curved hills, and the surrounding terrain was uneven.

It is a small hilly area that is rugged and has many places to hide.

Meanwhile, packs of wolves appeared one after another. The yellow-eyed head popped up. Beasts imbued with demonic energy showed their fangs everywhere.


Rem lifted the two axes so that they were level with the ground.

“Look, this is neatness.”

Then he jumped off the ground.

There was no time to say anything. The charge was half a beat faster than the wolf demon’s reaction.

He immediately narrowed the distance and suddenly approached the nearest demon beast.

Rush in and cut down. The arm holding the ax appears to bend, and with a thud, the wolf’s head rises in the air. Afterwards, several heads appeared in succession floating in the air.

Rem did as usual.

So, I cut, cut, and split whatever I could.

“How neat is that?”

Dunbakhel looked at it and said: Encred agreed with that.

It wasn’t clean at all. But it was devastating.

“You’re so cheerful, brother.”

Audin muttered. It was exactly as it was said.

The wolf beast was faithful to its guard duty and was cut down countless times.

Encred later adjusted his sword belt as he watched the cultist appear beyond the wooden fence.

Little preparations are preparations for the best, no matter the opponent or fight.

He adjusted his sword belt and held it.

“It’s an attack!”

I looked at the shouting enemy soldier and prepared to draw my sword.

Anyone who looks at him looks like he’s about to pull out his sword and attack at once.

Some of the enemy soldiers saw this and raised their crossbows.

“The master of the devil is looking down on you!”

With a cry of fanaticism, the cultist loaded his crossbow and tried to aim.

Encred spread his hands left and right in a posture as if he was about to draw his sword.

It seemed like a sudden move, but the result was not.


The sound of the whistle tore through the air and tore the throats of the four soldiers holding crossbows.

It was a whistle dagger.


I saw a guy grabbing my neck and falling down. The new throat, which had been opened so large that it was visible from the outside, was leaking blood instead of air.

A total of four, the heads of cult soldiers holding crossbows hit the ground.

“You’re so good at deceiving me.”

Saxony muttered behind him.

The tone of voice was unclear whether he was admiring or teasing.

Encred didn’t care.

Pretends to draw a sword and blows a whistle dagger. It was a great tactic.

Even adjusting my sword belt and adjusting my posture were all for this move.

Your posture is also ready. Deceiving the other person is also preparation.


A horrifying wolf howl was heard from inside the cult’s garrison.

It is a cry imbued with magical power that instantly strengthens the body.

“Well, let’s stop the dog from barking.”

Rem heard that and spoke while covered in the black blood of a demonic beast.

He smiles with his front teeth exposed, and the strangely white teeth, axe, and black blood combine to make him look like a symbol of fear.

There was no one here whose body was stiff from crying or anything like that.

Even Dunbakhel just grumbled.

“Just because your hair is flying doesn’t mean it’s clean.”

“Ma, Ma, God of the Demon World.”

One of the fanatics’ chin trembled when he saw that.

“Huh? What? I can’t hear what they’re saying because they worship a sick god?”

Rem spoke with his hand next to his ear while holding the axe.

After that, I started to get even more excited.

From the enemy’s point of view, it was like he was starting to go crazy.

Encred and company also did their job.

Saxony set fire to the barracks and supplies, and Ragnar appropriately cut and slashed the enemies running behind Encred.

Teresa and Dunbakel also ran left and right, smashing the heads of both magical beasts and humans.

There was no need to fuss for a long time.

Encred saw black smoke rising and gave a signal.

He threw the whistle dagger towards the sky.


The long-lasting sound of the whistle causes the entire company to fall back. From the beginning, the goal was to hit one hit and get out.

When the commander increases the number of guards to protect himself, this side sets fire to the supplies and scatters them.

It was a simple but effective strategy.


Encred shouted as he retreated.

“Gashu first!”

Since Rem didn’t follow, I called out and this was the answer.

Is it because you’re so excited?

That’s half the reason, and the need to block the back is half the reason again.

Before I knew it, another demon beast and four demon beasts twice as big were rushing towards me.

You either need to cut them all down, or you need someone to block them and get out.

“Let’s hope you don’t fall for this opportunity.”

Saxony said something he didn’t even mean to say.

“Or I can stay.”

Ragnar said something unacceptable.

If he stays, I wonder if he can come back before the winter is over.

Encred wasn’t worried about Rem.

It’s no one else, it’s him.

It wouldn’t have been a task to lose even one piece of my body.

“I go first.”

Encred said.


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