Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 283

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283. Fortunately, I was stupid.

‘Uh, um, does it sound good?’

Encred stood on the podium and announced that he would send an assassin.

Of course, that doesn’t happen. To be precise, not now. Sending it now is a waste of time.

Kreis knew this all too well.

That’s why I used Encred’s words.

What would happen if you tried to take down the enemy commander right away? What if this reaches the ears of the enemies?

‘What if it were me?’

It would be burdensome to take the first step. We will increase the number of escorts and guards.

If that happens, there will be no need to order an all-out attack.

‘I guess I’ll move more carefully.’

He even pretended to secretly move his unit at night. He even secretly told the spies to report it.

Cryce took full advantage of Encred’s words.


It is a strategy based on the premise of not attacking each other just to see what other people think.

It was originally supposed to work well, but Encred’s words made it work even better.

‘As expected, my head works well.’

He himself seems to be very bothered about using his brain, but the captain is thoughtful.

The base is also good.

It still worked well without fail.

The guys who were already only paying attention to each other didn’t attack and just kept their guard up.

The number of perches that light up the night has increased.

Our scouts running in all directions were running so hard that even horses and riders were speechless.

Despite this, Kreis still couldn’t let go of his anxiety.

If so, what should I do? If I see it with my own eyes, my anxiety will go away a little.

Now all I needed was eyes.

Of course, the eye on the battlefield was reconnaissance.

“The scouting party will determine victory or defeat.”

Kreis said, and Venjens nodded more loudly than ever.


After that, he frantically destroyed the scouting corps under his command.

“Everyone, run. If you are lazy, all the other soldiers will die! The pain!”

“Kill me!”

Although the chanting seemed to become increasingly strange, the effect was clear.

They moved.

All our troops gathered together, reorganized, and spent the day.

As dawn broke, I went out of the castle gate with the dark sky in the background.

“All forces forward!”

The voice of a veteran soldier, who was the core of the unit, rang out from all directions.

Kreis was still ominous as he watched it.

It was always like that. It was always ominous and unsettling.

‘are you okay.’

This is what you say to yourself.

If you make a mistake, you just bounce. It gave me a little relief and anchored my head to do its job.

A ship at anchor was not easily pushed around by the waves.

To the west of Border Guard, troops advanced out onto wasteland that could not be used as farmland.

A little further south, on a small hill, Kreis watched the battlefield while being escorted by two squads.

What will happen?

Will it work out as expected? Or will something unexpected happen?

Or will the enemy read his intentions and counterattack?

‘What if both sides launch an all-out offensive like this?’

Well, it’s the worst. There’s no way to stop that.

Even if Encred had ten people, it was not possible.

“I’m bored. Wangnun.”

Rem, who followed as an escort, grumbled.

With the ax on one shoulder, he slowly lowered it, giving a life-threatening look to his eyes.

He said with his attitude and eyes that he wanted to go out and fight right away.

Kreis wasn’t the same as usual.

He said without heeding anything.

“Wait. We’ll have to fight to the point where you’ll say you don’t want to fight.”

Right now, I’m busy racking my brain.

The enemy’s intentions, the enemy commander’s thoughts, their personalities, their tendency to judge, everything was crammed into my head and rolling around.

It was safe to say that the answer was harsh, but Rem uncharacteristically kept his mouth shut.

Even to him, Kreis looked different than usual.

‘This bastard is also useful.’

Rem is also a fool on the outside. He also knew how to use his head.

However, he just puts everything together in his own way.

Kreis didn’t even realize that Rem was acting calmly.


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My mind was still spinning violently.

Anyway, the core is a small elite group.

How you use them will determine victory or defeat in battle.

Amidst the ominousness and anxiety, Kreis felt a strange sense of pleasure.

‘If it goes as planned.’

You might be able to stop it well. Variables are not taken into account. Micro variables are something that the military must directly resolve.

Kreis’s mind naturally drew the following.

What should I do to win more easily? What do you need?

‘What if the classes were unified and the equipment was also unified?’

Thoughts continue to draw the future. Based on unified equipment, the organization was changed to soldiers using the same tactics.

Strong soldiers who move like the hands and feet of a commander, an army of unified standards created through training.

I heard that imperial soldiers fight like that.

So wouldn’t a standing border guard army be possible?

A small group of exceptional people is kept separate.

However, other units have uniform strength. It is the unity of the troops.

‘If only there were unified classes and equipment.’

Even soldiers who can lose in a duel.

‘We win in battles above the company level.’

Battles between a small number of elites are important, but aren’t large-scale battles just as important?

Unity was important to win large-scale battles.

Even if you lose one-on-one, ten-on-ten, you can win 100-on-10.

This is something I newly realized as I watched our troops gather together.

Cryce quietly organized his thoughts, naming sword soldiers, spear soldiers, and shield soldiers.

I thought there would be a place where I could use or sell my current idea at some point.

* * *

Viscount Tarnin became scared when the Border Guard standing army came out.

“Pain to me!”

“It’s a joy!”

“Come on!”

At first glance, it looked like the number of our troops was greater than that of our troops and their equipment was better.

“Don’t be scared. That’s what they want.”

Lycanos, the warrior from the black sword, spoke.

The handle of the weapon was sticking out from his shoulder, and he was wearing a mace at an angle behind his back.

The round weight attached to the end sticking out from the side of the buttocks was full of sharp needles. It was a weapon that felt heavy just by looking at it.

Lycanos’ forearms were as thick as the thighs of a decent woman, and he wore gloves made of metal glued onto leather.

He was a great man who could destroy a person’s head just by looking at him.

In fact, he could do most of the things Tarnin imagined.

It’s like crushing a head with your bare hands.

In other words, he is a talented person who is recognized even within Black Knife.

He was a man who could not give orders to anyone except Danju.

“No, what are these cultists doing?”

“Those bastards will notice.”

Lycanos fights well and is an excellent warrior. But he wasn’t very smart.

Tarnin was even more so.

A nobleman who was watching quietly opened his mouth.

“There are bad rumors within the Border Guard. There are people lining up to run away at any moment.”

A noble who ran away from the territory.

Tarnin frowned at those words.

If they are so rotten and broken on the inside, what do they look like now?



“I want to be sick!”

“Hurt me!”

Are they just crazy people?

Where did you get some medicine from a group and take it?

“……When I came out, the military was not properly controlled.”

The nobleman quietly trailed off.

Lycanos wanted to suck the guy’s head off right away, but he held back.

It doesn’t matter anyway.

“Just respond appropriately!”

If we launch an all-out war now, will the cultists react?

What about Azpen beyond the territory?

I didn’t think I would do it. They’re all dirty guys.

If our troops are reduced here, there may be no next time.

I couldn’t get stabbed in the back by those cultists.

“We only destroy those who attack the damned things!”

I said this thinking it was an appropriate response.

One of Viscount Tarnin’s subordinates pursed his lips.

‘If we carry out an all-out war like this, the cultist units and Azpen will also join us. Then it’s over.’

He thought for a moment and then closed his mouth.

If I said something like this now, I would immediately be accused of being a spy obsessed with a cult.

“You, you’re a spy!”

Right now, Viscount Tarnin Pig was slapping the cheek of the nobleman who had come over from the Border Guard.

The thick palm met the moderately thin man’s cheek, creating a refreshing harmony.


“Ah! Oh no! No! No! Absolutely not! When I came out, the morale of the army was a mess!”

The nobleman who was hit fell to the floor, cried, and said:

“Don’t talk nonsense!”

Tarnin’s anger exploded at the nobleman.

The nobleman begged for his life later.

When I saw one person being stepped on, the words caught my eye.

We’ll take care of it from above.

He gave up his mind.

Lycanos did as he was told. It is a battle that can only be accepted in moderation.

“If they fight among themselves and bleed a little, then it’s time to go.”

Bishop Wolf did as Lycanos thought.

‘There is no need for the believer’s blood to flow first.’

The cult unit held its breath.

The assassination squad didn’t come yesterday, but it might come today.

A messenger came from the Black Knife and told me to help right away and said some bullshit.

“We must keep the Martai garrison in check and prepare for assassinations.”

Lycanos flatly refused. Hearing this news, Lycanos raised a blood clot on his forehead, but there was nothing he could do right away, and only the sound of Tarnin’s throat ringing.

“If you keep doing this, it’s the end!”

Lycanos was overcome by the urge to immediately rip off the noisy pig, but he was the reason and excuse for this war.

It was a pig that should not be killed.

* * *

Azpen invested resources to find out the situation beyond the territory.

Starting with spies, scouts, spells, and even magic were used.

“Are you moving?”

In response to the subordinate’s question, a man brushed his hair.

The green hair covering his forehead swept and fell.

The man said as he felt the texture of his falling hair.

“It’s not our turn yet.”

His eyes shone coldly.

The name of Azpen’s genius strategist, a man who had been demoted for a while due to defeat in the previous war, was Abnair.

He clearly set the goal of this battle.

One person’s head was the priority.

Expanding the territory was a later issue.

There are a lot of things prepared for that.

My heart was racing. How long will it last?

I’m not the type of person who gets pleasure from tormenting people, but as a strategist, it was a great pleasure to see how well my preparations would work.

* * *

“You crazy bastards! What did I say? My words are the words of God! I said they were light! What? Come on! Listen!”

In response to the squad leader’s shout, the squad members shouted together.


Everything was supported by evil. It was worth it. In a short period of time, they learned to absolutely obey orders.

The more new a soldier was, the more he was harassed.

It wasn’t done out of malice.

Veteran-level squad leaders and platoon leaders were called. They just did what they were told.

“I will fight hotly but coldly so that you are not caught up in the heat of the battlefield.”

Kreis came and barked, and of course he didn’t listen.

Then Encred came forward.

The black-haired, blue-eyed maniac on the battlefield spoke.

“It’s okay to kill them halfway, so make them listen to the commander. And you listen to the superior commanders. If you don’t listen, you’ll be defeated. Rem and I take turns instructing and training.”

No matter what your previous position was, if you were smart and served as a soldier and soldier, simple was better.

They followed Encred’s words.

Among them was Belle.

Bell, now a platoon leader, roared.

“Everyone, let’s go!”


“Don’t go out! Don’t go out!”

It is the cutting edge of battle. Bell, standing at the front, shouted.

Kreis did it on purpose because he told Graham,

Most of the soldiers who came out now were new recruits who were fighting for the first time.

One new recruit could not hear surrounding sounds.

All I can see is the approaching devil-like enemy force.

Spears, swords, shields, hammers, maces, flails, etc. fill the eyes.


Am I ready? Is my judgment sharp? Can I stab the spear like this? Should I raise my shield to block it?

As my worries continued, it was about time my hair bleached white.


Someone hit me on the back of the head.

I hit it so hard I could see stars. Color also came into my bleached white hair.

I began to see my surroundings.

“f*ck you bastard, why don’t you repeat your name?”

Cursing words pierced my ears. It was the platoon commander’s shout.


“Punch ten!”

“Punch ten!”

They did as they were told. Most of the new recruits thrust their spears forward.

“Back! Back! Get out, f*cking get out! Go in and see me! I’ll kill you!”

The cries of veteran soldiers and squad leaders echoed everywhere.

That’s how the first small battle passed.

The march began at sunrise, and thanks to a slow march, the enemy was encountered at noon, and the battle began.

A total of 80 people engaged in an infantry unit the size of two platoons.

Six allies wounded.

No deaths.

I stabbed fiercely with my spear and raised my shield to hold on, but I managed to adjust the distance to escape.

In reality, this was not thanks to the enemy forces, but to the leadership of our troops.

“Why are you attacking me?”

A mercenary belonging to the Black Sword said in confusion.

My blood was boiling over and I was about to start a rampage, but the enemy retreated.

Of course I couldn’t pursue it alone.

Then the Black Knife Unit was also ordered to retreat.

A similar battle took place the next day.

Instead, only the face changed. Only the appearance of the soldiers changed.

In the second battle, one unlucky soldier of the Black Knives was unable to block an attack and died after being grazed on the side of his neck by a spear blade.

He was a serf of the Viscounty of Tarnin.

It was said to be a hastily constructed unit.

Both Graham and the front-line commanders could see the enemy’s condition at a glance.

Viscount Tarnin itself is clumsy.

Still, I didn’t rush in and fight.

In the third battle, he opened the south gate and came out to start a fight with the cult.

“Are you a little immature son? Come on, did you come to have a look?”

It started with a cry from a sickbed taunting the enemy in the northern dialect.

It was another similar battle.

At most, three companies, at most, two companies took turns fighting and withdrew to some extent.

There were four, five, six, twelve small battles in total.

The total number of dead was six.

And of the remaining soldiers, most of them now knew at least a little bit about what combat was.

Above all, these were people who had survived Encred’s training.

Practical experience quickly filled in what they were lacking.

And, just as Kreis wanted, it had the effect of making the Border Guard standing army appear larger in size.

In the enemy’s opinion, their battle was not normal.

It was natural.

Who would want to conduct practical training in a crisis like this?

“Luckily, it looks like only idiots have gathered here.”

Kreiss sighed in relief and looked at Sinar and Encred.

“Now you just have to do what you really need to do.”

Sinar looked back at Encred with calm eyes and said.

“Do you think it would be too much for a pre-dinner event?”

“What way?”

“Of course it’s our engagement party.”

It was the usual silly fairy joke.

Encred grabbed a perch in the center of the lodge.

Sinar reacted. He changed the direction of his left foot. It’s outside the barracks.

This fairy was somehow sensitive to fire.

“Are you okay?”

“You’re very playful. You’re mischievous.”

The fairy said with an expressionless expression and walked out of the barracks.

Encred grinned and returned to the barracks to check the equipment.

“Uh, um, it’s a mission.”

And said: Everyone stood up.

There was a pack of beasts there that had not been able to fight for the past ten days.


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