Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 282

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282. The pain that kills me only makes me stronger.

“Everyone has gathered.”

This is where all troops, excluding those who were absent for patrol duty, gathered.

I stood on a platform on one side of the parade ground.

Encred looked at the assembled troops with a calm expression.

‘Is this going to happen?’

I have doubts. I also thought that it was half useless.

What a speech all of a sudden.

It was Kreis’ request.

At the end of the strategy meeting, Kreis asked.

“What does a group in crisis, a group facing danger, need?”

He asked and answered those questions himself.

“It’s simple. Our territory needs a focal point right now.”

He says and spreads his arms. The hand gesture was like an actor on stage in a play, but it also seemed appropriate.

It is a gesture that attracts everyone’s attention.

Encred’s gaze turned to one side at Chryce’s explanation. It is the head seat in the conference room.

The man sitting at the very end of the angled table, the person in charge of the misfortune with shadows under his eyes due to fatigue.

“Battalion Commander?”

One of the platoon commanders muttered. Even as he spoke, his tone was full of doubts as to whether this was true.

“Well, I’m sorry to Battalion Commander Graham, but currently, there is no one who is as well-known as the crazy company commander. There are also people who only look at Captain Encred and stay in the territory. I wouldn’t have said that all of them would become allies and fight.”

Kreis didn’t even give a damn and came to a conclusion straight away. He was careful not to drag the story out so that Graham’s prestige would not be undermined.

And it was just as Kreis said.

As Marcus had intended, he poured in gold coins and accepted most of the mercenaries into the army, but not all.

Some of the dogs are still half-baked.

If you make a mistake while watching, you might jump out or join the enemy army.

Are there one or two swordsmen who live like bats?

“There’s also a morale issue with our troops.”

Kreis said, raising his right index finger next to my face.

Rumors deliberately spread by cultists and black knives.

Words that Azfen is attacking right away, that Marcus is actually planning a rebellion and will be beheaded, and that cultists are bringing demonic beasts tonight.

The security forces took up clubs to suppress rumors spreading within the territory.

Is that effective?


Encred also thought it was a problem.

You can’t cover their mouths by hitting them.

You can’t stop talking with your hand.

Then how should I stop it?

Kreis folded his fingers, lowered his hand into a fist, and opened his mouth.

“Rumors can be stopped with more noticeable actions.”

So what you need is a central point.

To put it in an old saying, a familiar title that often appears in history, legend, and mythology, it is a hero.

In the last battle, more than anything, Encred might have looked like that to those who fought together.

The person who had been struggling right next to him has now become an independent company commander and a symbol representing military power.

It’s like a scene from a hero’s biography.

Some of the soldiers who knew how to play real music even composed a few songs.

It wasn’t something I could really listen to, though.

“Oh, I admit it.”

Benjens, who was listening, spoke without realizing it and quickly looked away. He noticed the battalion commander’s notice.

It was not something to say in front of the battalion commander.

But Graham also acknowledged it.

To be honest, I thought several times about what it would be like if that bastard became the battalion commander.

Did you not have a sense of publicness?

no. That’s not true.

‘In a case like this.’

Isn’t there a need for a crazy person like that?

Above all, Encred was fine. He could have handed over the position of battalion commander and person in charge of the territory.

There is no great reason. It’s just because I really want that crazy kid to do well.

If you ask whether that’s enough to give him his position, it’s ambiguous, but the crazy company commander isn’t a person who can’t do his job.

If you just look at it from the management of the territory, it might not have been a bad thing.

It was just a random thought.

“Go ahead”

Graham’s tired face straightened slightly.

These were stories that would bring such relief.

Also, there were no nobles who would normally gossip.

That was also one of the factors that put my mind at ease.

“Are you okay?”

Palto stopped him once, but all he did was talk.

He also thought that something had to be done right away.


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I don’t know if that will work or not.

So Encred stood on the podium.

“Let’s just fight hard. That’s all you have to say.”

Before going up to the podium, Krys spoke and Encred nodded.

“What we need now is to block spies coming inside as much as possible and show the outside world that we are fine. Then, we need to show the soldiers something they can trust and follow. The battalion commander should get some rest, and after resting for a while, he will give a speech with a worry-free face. Just clap your hands behind your back and you can take care of the rest.”

It was like a theater stage. It was a calculated act to raise the soldiers’ morale and break the enemy’s intentions.

Encred also decided to participate.

This is the podium that stood like that.

Among the noisy soldiers, a veteran soldier can also be seen. There are faces I know and faces I don’t know.

It didn’t snow, but the sky was still dark.

It was only for a moment, but when the clouds parted and the sun shined, Encred’s mouth opened.

“Do you think you’ll lose?”

The soldiers’ mouths cannot be opened. Everyone looked at Encred blankly.

The number of soldiers gathered is large. Even if you talk loudly here, you won’t be heard properly.

Esther, in human form, gestured from behind Encred.

It was a spell that made the voice spread widely.

Encrud thought of Kraang.

Although it was only for a moment, the impression I received from him was very deep.

Something that goes beyond listening well and takes control of the surroundings.


My heart was pounding and something hot boiled deep in my lower abdomen.

“I don’t think I’ll lose.”

A simple, clear word spread far and wide.

Those words were full of confidence.

How could that be possible?

My questions about Encred coincided with my usual thoughts.

How can we train so close to abuse every day?

How can that person do that?

“I won’t lose. Protect the border guard.”

At the third word, a soldier shouted.

“How do you hold on? How do you train like that?”

He was one of the new recruits who was struggling with training by rolling and rolling.

After living a life of stealing here and there, I joined the Gilpin Guild, and after that, I saw Encred fighting in the territory.

He served in the military as is.

I decided to become a member of the military.

Encred was beginning to think that it would be difficult for him to become a proper orator.

That’s why I just said it sincerely. So I was glad to hear the question. Thanks to this, my inner feelings came out without me even realizing it.

“The pain that kills me makes me stronger.”

Does the inner meaning of the words matter?

Silence falls. There were many soldiers pondering Encred’s words.

The sun broke through the clouds, and it seemed as if a ray of light was shining down from the dark sky.

Soldiers in the sunlight felt a gentle warmth.

That silence continued for a while.

I was at the moment wondering if I should say anything again.

One of the soldiers shouted.

“I suffer too!”

What does that mean?

I looked down at the bottom. No matter what his feelings were, Encred’s expression was calm, and the soldiers gained a strange sense of relief and confidence from that expressionless face.

“You will overcome the pain!”

Another soldier shouts.

“I can do that too!”

I shouted again.

“The pain that kills me!”

“It makes me stronger!”

A strange slogan arose.

However, fortunately, it turned out as Kreis expected.

The morale of the soldiers began to visibly boil.

Rem, who was watching from the side, blinked and then asked.

“The pain that doesn’t kill me makes me stronger, doesn’t it? I think I picked up that saying somewhere?”

That’s right, I said it wrong.

This comes from the fact that he knows that death makes him stronger.

“All you have to do is get the results you want.”

Palto muttered.

The group of soldiers cheering and screaming were different from those of yesterday.

As deserters were about to arise due to rumors and threats, Encred’s speech aroused their enthusiasm.

Pain only makes you stronger.

Pain that is enough to kill you only makes you stronger.

In fact, the crushing pain made me stronger, but it didn’t matter.

The soldiers were dyed.

The fact that I have solidified myself through training during that time also played a part.

Didn’t you face the fact that you had changed so much?

Some of these men knew Encred, and some of them also knew Encred’s Mad Company.

Even those who didn’t know about their activities heard about them.

These are the words of such a person.

While the shouting and cheering stopped for a moment, something like an ominous energy was seen among the group of soldiers.

“We can’t stop all spies. We can only kill them as much as possible.”

Suddenly, what Kreis said came to mind.

Even Encridra couldn’t find all the spies hiding among the troops.

But I thought I might be able to exert a strong influence on them.

It was a momentary wit.

Among the cheers, Encred’s voice rang out high and straight.

“My name is Encrid! I am the crazy company commander! From now on, I am going to pick off the enemy commander’s head! It is tonight! Look forward to it!”

This is a crazy thing to do.

At those words, Rem whispered again from behind.

“Are you going tonight?”

Wow, the sound of soldiers cheering rang out from the podium. Feeling the sound of his feet shaking, Saxony listened to Rem’s question, thought about it, made a decision, and came to a conclusion.

Because he also read the uneasy atmosphere that was created between our allies.

“No, I’m not going, you stupid barbarian.”

Saxony quickly realized his captain’s intention.

Rem spoke without even pretending to hear.

“Let’s leave this bastard. He’s useless, huh?”

Encred ignored what was going on behind his back and pulled out his sword.


A soft blue light broke through the sunlight and rose upward.

“All troops to their seats!”


The cheers grow louder.


“Give me pain!”

“Oh, the pain!”

The relief also grew louder.

Graham wondered if this was true, but in the end, morale improved.

It was more than I expected.

Krys sometimes thought that Encred didn’t know where he was.

If you think about it, it was natural.

The Encred seen from within the Border Guard was twice as crazy and twice as monstrous as the one seen from the outside.

And what would it be like to hear that that madman and monster is an ally and will take the lead in the fight?

You’ll be amazed.

Morale will rise.

Everything was as expected.

Graham had no idea what Kreis was up to.

However, I knew it was now.

Morale has risen, and these guys are shouting slogans with madness.

This is a moment that requires passion rather than coldness.

Be cool, the veteran soldiers ahead of you will take care of it.

exclaimed Graham.

“The whole army is a friend!”

As soon as they were inspected at the parade ground, the units moved one after another.

It was the beginning of a day and night operation.

* * *

Gilpin glanced at Frock’s face and looked very wary.

If you make a mistake, isn’t it you who gets hit and knocked down?

“It’s okay. The deal is done. I’m a guild member from now on.”

No matter what he did, the real guild leader, Kreis, accepted Frock as a guild member.

I wondered if this was right.

Isn’t this the Frock that came to the guild mansion twice and turned it upside down?

Still, I ordered it. Gilpin was faithful. Have you ever heard anything bad from Kreis? There was none.

They told me to dig a hole, so I dug it.

I was told to get a proc and I got it.

He faithfully followed Kreis’s words.

“This way.”

On the other hand, Proc Meelun showed no signs of caution.

“I’m hungry.”


Meelun came out of prison and drank bug stew while looking at a human with a bald head.

As I munched on the caterpillar, I felt happy again.

They eat fruit and human food, but there’s nothing like bug stew.

The nutrition and taste were excellent.

Gilpin spoke carefully to Meelun, who had been playing and eating for three days.

“Could you please watch the people coming and going?”

“Uh, okay.”

Meelun stood up readily.

He was quite satisfied with the terms presented by Kreis.

Above all, the point is that the covenant is not enforced.

‘Fromshell, that bastard made a covenant first.’

It was as if he knew Prock’s weakness and stabbed him.

Kreis was the opposite.

“Eat what you want and do what you want. Instead, do it within the territory.”

“why me?”

“What do you want to do? I want to be able to do it without any worries.”

Meelun did not answer easily.

Procs are a race driven by desire. Kreis was smart and had a keen sense of humor.

He read Meelun’s caution.

“Why should I tell you that?”

“You can leave as long as you let me know, but is it difficult to tell? If you tell me, I will open the prison door right away.”

Meelun’s mouth opened as she saw him take a step back first.

“My desire is to have that moment of accomplishment and victory.”

Kreis was smart. He got the point right away. It speaks of victory and accomplishment, but does not speak of the battle itself.

There are many people who want results rather than effort.

There was no law saying you shouldn’t do that just because it’s a prog.

“I wish there were more formidable opponents.”

“It cannot be satisfied by sparring.”

This is said by sticking out one’s long tongue and showing displeasure.

It was about enjoying the moment of winning a raw battle.

“Ah, that’s good. There are a lot of guys like that at the Border Guard. If you think you’re going too far, just tell them. There are people who will take care of it separately.”

For example, there are people like Rem, Rem, or Rem.

He is a person who enjoys being attacked by crazy people.

Other than that, those who have proper martial arts or sword skills will be Encred’s responsibility.

There were still quite a few swordsmen, mercenaries, and merchants visiting the village.

Half of them were those who were attracted by Encred’s prestige.

‘It could almost be used as a strainer.’

That’s what will happen if Frog beats up most of them.

“You want me to roam the territory as I please?”

“It would be better to find people who seem to be hiding their skills and beat them up, right?”

What is a raw fight? The other person was important.

So, they are the ones who seem like they will attack me properly.

It’s the satisfaction that comes from defeating those guys.

Meelun was thrilling just by imagining it.

The skin reacted and a slippery oil flowed out.

“Without a covenant?”


Kreis smiled. What does it have to do with covenant?

The reason the covenant was created for Proc was to control his desires.

So, if you prioritize desires and desires, you will be left without a covenant. Meelun was naive.

So I became a member of the guild and wandered around the territory.

Gilpin read the movement ostracizing them in the back alleys.

I saw some new faces and they said they were going to create some kind of guild.

Among them, I saw the knife holder they had brought forward.

He is a man with two thick scars on his face.

I picked up a thick mace, but if I got hit there, it wouldn’t have been at the level where I would just say it would hurt.

Just looking at the scarred man’s skills was not average.

However, it’s not like semi-knight level skills are common, so he was just like that.

You have to take a good look at it. Are you at the level of a former frontier guard?

It was not Proc’s opponent.

“Oh, really? Are you going to attack me?”

Meelun laughed. His opponent’s skill level seemed just right. It would be fun to play with him and then win.

“Why is there a frock here?”

The other person said, rolling his eyes.

“Does it matter?”

Meelun answered and raised her loop sword.

The man was taken aback by the unexpected appearance of Frog. There was no need to mention the outcome of the fight.

* * *


Bishop Wolf, who leads the cult, spoke while chewing his meat.

Pieces of uneaten meat splashed onto the table.

“Yes. Contact was lost from the side that went in to take control of the back alley.”

“Let more in.”

The bishop thought the situation was really boring, but he also didn’t think he could take the first step.

‘Are you planning on just paying attention and ending it?’

Isn’t it the order of the person who starts work first to draw the sword first?

Above all, there was intelligence that they were sending an assassination squad targeting the commander tonight.

Are you going to sit still and get attacked?

“Where do you dare aim?”

It would be fun to cut off the heads of all the guys and put them on a pole and attack them.

Bishop Wolf chuckled.

And there were no attackers that night.

However, the next morning, the Border Guard standing army came out of the castle walls.

The direction was toward where the Black Knife Unit was stationed.


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