Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 281

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281. A black sword is good at work (3)


Encred called out to Chrys, who was faltering.


This is a guy who blinks his eyes and sees himself.

What is the reason why I am consumed by anxiety?

It’s because I’ve been hit a lot since I was young. If you took one wrong step, you would fall or suffer an equivalent injury.

‘I heard that there are people who target my ass if I don’t suit up.’

Scratch, Encred scratched his cheek.

The world does not accept untainted people.

Those who are pure tend to be easily influenced.

If ink is spilled on a white canvas, it cannot be erased. The same goes for Kreis.

To avoid the worst, always expect the worst.

When Kreis is cornered to think of the worst, his brain freezes. He doesn’t run properly.

It was like that when I first stood still on the battlefield and was about to fall.

Encred knew because he experienced it. This guy’s head is broken again.

Actually, it’s all speculation, but if it wasn’t true, it would be easy to persuade.

“It’s noisy. If you fight, you fight. If you die, you die.”

Dunbakhel, who was listening from the side, said. Straightforward tone and attitude.

It must have been annoying. You said it as if everyone was going to die right away.

Well, that could have been the case.

Isn’t it all too common to die on the battlefield by being blindly stabbed by a sword?

Encred knows that too.

You may die, but you may not die.

Not everything goes as planned. I just try to make it happen as much as I want.

Wangnuni was also needed for that.

To be exact, I needed a Wangnuni that wasn’t broken.

“The cub is possessed. Put on your ears and come to your senses.”

Rem said, lying on one side of the bed like a caterpillar.

Winter turned the savages into caterpillars. It was something I saw every year.

There was no need for valid opinions or even violence.

I already tried it.

This is a guy who couldn’t come to his senses even if he was slapped in the face on the battlefield.

Next to him, Audin put his hands together and spoke.

“Pray. Everything will be possible if you pray.”

Of course, prayers cannot solve the problem.

Even if he exerted his holy power, he wouldn’t be able to do anything about Chrys’s current condition.

Fortunately, Encred knew how to do it, so he did it.

His mouth opened.

“Uh, if you don’t suit up, let’s jump out together.”


Kreis stops blinking and looks at himself in confusion. My legs stopped shaking.

“If the situation gets to the worst, it would be out of the question for me to run away without you, let alone Rem and the rest. Do you think the rest of them will die here too?”

What should be given instead of anxiety is relief.

The finger that had been hovering near my mouth, wondering whether I should bite my nails or not, moved down.

Kreis’ head turned to the side.

His eyes darted from Rem to Ragnar, Saxony, and Audin.

No matter how much I thought about it, I didn’t think they were going to die.

What about Teresa there?

Will a mixed-race giant who wears an iron mask even in the barracks and mutters that I am Teresa the Wanderer die easily?

Lastly, Dunbakhel, he looks like he’s going to die.

“Even if a prisoner dies, it doesn’t matter to you.”

Encred’s words appropriately intervened. His head, which had been spinning from anxiety and weighing and reflecting on the worst-case scenario, began to return to its original state.

My vision became clear. The fog that blocked my eyes disappeared.

The legs that were shaking and the hands that didn’t know what to do stopped. The blinking eyes also began to sparkle as usual.

The trembling pupil returned to its original position and became focused. At the same time, his light brown eyes gently curved.

:Oh, that’s right. Still, cheer up Dunbakkel. “If you don’t want to die, you have to be strong.”

This is said with a smile.

“Shall I kill you first?”

Dunbakhel grunted and pulled out his fingernails.

“Rem, Suin is harassing me.”


It’s usual Chrys again. Big-eyed Chrys scolded Rem, asking how she could do that to him, and when it looked like the caterpillar was about to wriggle out, he hid behind Encrid.

“Captain, aren’t you going to the military conference? Battalion Commander Graham’s head is going to explode.”

“I have to go.”

“Let’s go together.”


It seemed like if I left Kreis behind, I would have a cool fingernail pattern carved into my face.


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Encridi quickly left, taking Chrys with him.

Among those who remained, Audin was the first to open his mouth with a hollow smile.

“The company commander brother is truly an amazing person.”

I pray, but when did I realize that not everything happens through prayer?

It was not the time when I was working as an inquisitor.

It all started here, the battlefield and barracks. It started with one person.

He was a person who did not back down and knew how to look around at those around him.

It is not a sword just for yourself.

‘What is a knight?’

What is a priest? What is a servant of God?

A sudden realization led Audin into a world of deep thought.

Among the troops here, there was no one who was preoccupied with future battles or wars.

Who’s attacking me? Then we can fight.

Most people used this simple structure.

Just like that, Rem turned into a caterpillar and quietly took a nap.

Ragna took out his sword again.

It seemed like I wouldn’t be able to overcome it without swinging it now.

It’s not like I saw the captain training like crazy.

I saw him calm down with just a few words and leave.

That’s it. Still, I feel something. Something indescribable tickled her heart.

Everyone is lost in their own thoughts.

Teresa’s desire to fight boiled over again.

‘I want to fight.’

It didn’t matter if it wasn’t Encred right now. As her giant’s blood guided her to her battlefield, her slowly changing air tickled every single one of her hairs.

“What the heck.”

Dunbakhel still seemed mindless, but he seemed to like it now.

Saxony remains expressionless.

Of course, deep down I agreed with Auddin.

‘Amazing human being’

Esther had already entered the barracks and was lying down in the corner watching what was going on.

The person who was most surprised by Encred’s mystery at this event was none other than her.

With just one word, he perfected a person’s spirit.

If the one word I said a moment ago is not a spell, then what is a spell?


Esther licked her paw. It’s a habit that came from turning into a leopard. She lay down with her front paws outstretched. The heat rising from the warm fur warmed her body pleasantly.

* * *

Everyone in the company felt that the atmosphere in the territory was changing.

No, the entire barracks felt it.

Still, nothing changes. Those who would retreat and run away from the coming battle jumped out immediately.

As I entered the military conference room, I could clearly see it.

“It looks like the seat is empty.”

Battalion Commander Graham converted the heavy armor company into an independent company and placed it under his command.

Instead, Palto was appointed as the commander of the 1st company, and the 2nd and 3rd companies were also appointed.

Thanks to that, Benjens also became the 3rd company commander.

We hired a lot of people some time ago, so there was room for organization.

This is enough room to turn the core of a heavy armored infantry company into an independent company.

This is what Benjens, the new company commander, said as soon as he came in.

In his eyes, more than half of the people he had seen in the previous meeting were not visible.

“It jumped out.”


“He said he carried his property away in the middle of the night.”

Palto gave the answer. He is currently a company commander in charge of security within the territory.

“Did you send it to me?”

Venjens asked back. Leave it alone? Shouldn’t we kill and torture him?

A noble who abandons his territory in times of crisis.

How can you just leave such trash alone?

Vengeance is multiplied tenfold, this is Vengeance’s motto.

Palto’s eyes narrowed at those words.

Are you complaining about what you are doing now?

The air was already filled with uneasiness. It seemed like if a spark ignited, it would burst into flames.

A bright voice rang out in the air of fierce conflict.

“We should just leave it at that.”

Behind Encred. Kreis’ remarks attracted attention. Kreis thought there was no need to waste time with pointless arguments or conversations.

‘Because they said that if you fall into the suit, the captain will save you.’

You will not die yourself. At least safety has been secured.

No, even if he was not the leader, he had found a way to escape the territory.

But as I assumed the worst, my anxiety soared.

‘It’s a ridiculous idea.’

Imagine that dozens of wolf beasts are guarding the secretly dug hole in front of you.

Imagine that a spy who received secret orders from a black knife kills himself while guarding the front door.

‘It was all strange.’

But at that time, an ominous feeling shook and struck my head. now? Okay.

Thanks to this, my head felt tight.

“Will the three really join forces?”


In the story of the nobleman who ran away, the sword suddenly gets straight to the point.

Afterwards, we return to the previous story again. Encred thought that Kryce’s speaking skills were unique.

“If there is something that harms internal unity, it is right to send them away early. Battalion Commander Marcus wanted to kick them all out, didn’t you know?”

Benjens didn’t know. He wasn’t very smart. Although he is a stubborn and loyal person who knows how to return a favor.

“That is correct.”

Graeme nodded. He seemed to have trouble sleeping for several days. The area under his eyes was black. He looked at Kreis.

“You belong to an independent company.”

“This is Chrys.”

Encred’s independent company is famous for many things, but the most impressive thing is its military power.

Kreis, hidden by his powerlessness, had a face that only those in the know knew.

Graham knew too.

And that’s it. What did you say a little while ago? Graham’s attention turned to Kreis.

Kreis opened his mouth calmly.

“Azpen is not going to move right away. The damage will be too great to break down the fences and fences that have been built up at Green Pearl one by one.”

“The battalion commander stationed at Green Pearl requested assistance as he was in immediate danger?”

Naturally, Krys came out next to Encred.

There’s no Marcus, and the situation is very, very, very, very bad.

Kreis had to do his part to avoid the worst.

This is the place for that.

At the very least, I needed to know what the military leadership was thinking.

‘I guess I didn’t think anything of it.’

At least I didn’t use my head properly.

In fact, Graham did his best.

To rally troops and maintain morale, they dispelled rumors, increased patrols, and used scouts.

If the soldier in charge of security within the territory said something unnecessary or spread a rumor, he would immediately beat him with a club.

In addition to security, improvised troops in squad units were still observing the surroundings.

Other than that, it was all about waiting.

“Green Pearl Battalion Commander, you would say that because Azpen is right in front of you. But this is more urgent than Azpen. And um, I don’t think those three are close.”

Suddenly, Kreis’ words became the center of the meeting.

Encred pulled out a chair and sat down.

It was next to Venjens.

“What is he?”

Venjens asked. Encred answered with his arms crossed.


“Well, wasn’t he just a guy who sold things?”

In Benjens’ view, he was a soldier who made a fortune through black trading.


The persistent Venjens tilted his head and just looked on with a sullen expression.

Yes, I guess you want to hear what he has to say.

Most of them are like that.

The gap between Graham and Palto’s eyebrows only deepened.

The two still had their heads spinning.

“The fact that the three of us are not close means that we notice each other. What we have to do in such cases is to show off a little.”

It is time to inform the enemy of our situation.

Are you scared from the threats of the black sword, the cult, and Azpen?

If that’s the case, you’ll just become food for those who have come into metallurgy.

But what if you are grinding your fangs? What if you are holding a hidden knife?

“You can’t hit it carelessly.”

“What can I do with so much time?”

Kreis blinked his big eyes. Kreis smiled at Graham’s question.

Dimples appear and the corners of the mouth and eyes curve gently. He said with a smile that made several women cry.

“You can gain practical experience. And you might even get a chance to become a key player.”

What is Kreis thinking now?

Encred also decided that it was necessary.

Practical experience.

So, there are people who have been heated and heated by training.

The power they gathered was not weak.

Marcus didn’t just snort when he saw the full force of the black sword gathered together.

I thought it was only a matter of time before the Tarnin pig was killed.

However, many of them had no battlefield experience.

The Border Guard Standing Army is an army that rolls under Encred.

This is a strong soldier that was created through relentless training.

Kreis also knew that well.

The only drawback is that there is little battlefield experience.

Although there are veterans who survived the battle with Azpen.

Some came here while working as mercenaries, while others joined the army after hearing about the activities of the Encred Independent Company.

Among the new recruits, many have little battlefield experience.

Isn’t this a battlefield where people die easily?

‘Know your weaknesses’

How to mask your weaknesses and fight with your strengths.

It’s like swordsmanship. Encred thought so while listening to the story.

It’s natural to hide your weaknesses and fight with your strengths, but it’s difficult to put into practice.

It was rare for someone to turn their head to this extent in this situation.

Even if the continent’s tactics were to be considered, wouldn’t it be about pushing through force or inserting spies?

Kreis went one step further.

If you don’t have experience, build it up.

If there is a weakness, you can eliminate it.

“Divide the unit into two: a day unit and a night unit. The day unit fights and the night unit rests. The night unit fights again and the day unit rests. They take turns fighting, but they do not fight in earnest.”

“…Let’s just wage a small-scale local war?”

Graham asked back in the middle. It was a serious tone. I didn’t know it might look that way because I was tired.

“If you go straight into a large-scale battle, the damage will be great. You need to ‘prepare’ before that.

Kreis suddenly placed his hand on the table.

The finger stretched out and pointed to one side of the military map.

“We fight here. We retreat here.”

I just let out what was in my head. There was no hesitation in Kreis’ words.

Encred also suddenly fell in love with those words and realized what he had to do.

In small-scale local warfare, Encred has nothing to do.

To be precise, there is nothing for the independent company to do.

“The Fairy Company and the Madman Company move separately.”

Because I was sick of anxiety, because my anxiety was eating away at me, I imagined the worst, the worst.

The basis of that imagination is information. Based on information, predict what will happen and the other person’s reaction.

A strange heat began to form at Kreis’ words.

It was my first time working in earnest on operating a unit, but there were no obstacles.

“There’s one more thing the captain needs to do here.”

Cryce finally spoke to Encred.

Encred nodded.

I was planning on doing anything, whether it was cutting with a knife or going out alone and cutting down dozens of magical beasts.


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