Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 280

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280. A black sword is good at work (2)

Why should Marcus follow the central call?

“The bastards of this family should have protected me and served as my shield in times like this, but they suddenly turned me into a scoundrel. Anyway, they are the bastards who play politics.”

These are the words that came out of Marcus’ mouth.

For a moment, I thought that I might be insulting myself, but it was not the time to say it now.

“Some of the border guards and those beyond this who are raising war horses and training archers may be seen as a sign of rebellion in the center. Why are you gathering strength in the north, and that of noble families from prominent families in the center?”

“Are you from a prominent family?”

“My family.”

I didn’t really ask where my family was.

The point was this.

Marcus was planning to reorganize the North to center around border guards.

However, from the center’s perspective, the question was, ‘What are you going to do with all your efforts there?’

“I’m going to take good care of North.”

Let’s answer.

“I don’t think so? Let’s come up and talk. And aren’t you originally from the capital’s guardian family? Come up. I’ll make you a central official.”

“What if I refuse?”

“Huh? I guess you’re planning a rebellion? Are you rejecting this?”

“It’s not a rebellion.”

“Or come to the capital. Come and talk to them. Are you saying you won’t bother the neighboring territory and just defend anyway? Then they won’t touch you either.”

“I believe that and if I fall, they will attack me. So, I will just finish this and leave.”

“It’s a rebellion. This bastard is a traitor.”

“Oh, no.”

“Then come.”

Aside from the rhetoric, titles, and trivial details, it was no different from a conversation like this.

Marcus fought back, but it was useless.

He was returned to the capital.

“This won’t be the end. There will be thieves behind it.”

These are the words of Marcus, a born politician.

However, why do we bother to come and talk about this?

Before Encred could even voice his question, Marcus spoke first.

He lifted his back from the pillar he was leaning against and stood upright.

He stood upright and straightened his back as if performing a military ritual.

For a moment it seemed as if Marcus was sucking in the air around him.

He caught his breath like that.

“Help Graham and protect the territory.”

It wasn’t an order. It was a request. That’s how it sounded to Encred’s ears.


So I answered, and Marcus opened his mouth with a somewhat helpless expression on his face.

“…Your worries are meaningless.”



Marcus turned around. Battalion Commander Marcus had a few concerns on the way here.

Will Encred remain in the territory until the end? Wouldn’t it be better to give up on this place and bring it back to the capital? Or should I just go my own way?

‘Ah, those damn capital bureaucrats.’

Marcus once again wanted to curse at rotten nobles and officials.

I swear countless times on a regular basis, but now I just want to punch a hole in their foreheads one by one.

I wanted to hire an assassin so famous that his name appeared in history books.

He was nicknamed Red Dot because he killed him with a red dot on his forehead, and Red Dot because of the two of them.

Isn’t it called a red dot?

Anyway, I want to cut off the rotten thing and get rid of it.

‘okay. ‘Go, go.’

I had no intention of just going and being quiet when called.

I will find and punish those who have been fooled by the black sword one by one.

However, in order to use that much force, this place had to be alive and well. The opponent was determined and aimed for the border guard.

So what can Marcus do?

‘What can it be?’

It’s the same as usual.

Leave the fighting to those who are good at fighting.

All you have to do is go do what you are good at.

Marcus decided that he should write a few more letters before he went.

Shouldn’t we make every possible preparation before going?

In the meantime, my thoughts went to Encred, who would be the biggest variable.

‘Will there be any left?’

As a politician, I came here half to doubt and half to persuade, but the answer came too easily.

Answer obediently. There are no lies and I don’t feel a strong sense of duty, but Encred will protect this place.

This person is naturally like this.

I don’t know what the fire is in my heart, but it is burning and it is not easily revealed.

If I wanted to become a knight, I would have had to go straight to the center and the palace and struggle to join the knights.


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Why are you here even though you have the will?

This is a question that comes to mind again.

‘What article do you want?

I wanted to ask next time, the next time we meet.

I feel reassured somehow. The frustration got better. It felt like a twisted thread had been unraveled.

I don’t know why, and I don’t know everything about what will happen in the future.

‘You won’t be defeated easily.’

It was strange. Graham, no matter how hard the 1st Company Commander worked hard, it wasn’t as reassuring as Encred’s words.

‘Because of the difference in skills?’

Now I know. Encrud became a fearsome swordsman. This is the road to knighthood. I even realized ‘Will’.

Is that why?

No, that wasn’t it. Marcus instinctively knew.

When he returned to the office, he found 1st Company Commander Graham waiting for him.

“I’m sorry. A proper appointment ceremony would be impossible, and more than anything, I don’t know what the battalion commander of the Green Pearl Garrison is thinking. It would be a bit difficult if that bastard was also involved.”

“Don’t worry. The sword won’t lose to swords or anything like that.”

Graham is also a great soldier and guy.

‘How is it that I don’t have more trust than the simple word ‘yes’?’

Marcus inwardly shook his head and patted Graham on the shoulder.

Things are going crazy and you have to leave. It felt really special.

I decided to do it again.

I will definitely decapitate the person involved in this.

* * *

“A cultist has made an attack in the south of Martai!”

It was a phrase heard only when peddlers and people gathered around the estate.

A cult bishop appeared from the south, leading a group of demonic beasts.

There were widespread rumors that a well-known figure within the cult, known as Bishop Wolf, was leading the troops.

Of course, it wasn’t just a rumor.

[As winter comes, I myself will declare this place a sacred place for those who are starving and shivering from the cold.]

The bishop’s words were written on paper and spread everywhere.

That trickled down to Border Guard as well.

“Ouch? Damn?”

Some of the soldiers clicked their tongues when they saw that.

It was declared that the area around Martai and Border Guard was a sacred place for cults.

If you attack them, they will kill you all, so they told you to leave the place and get out of there.

This was a pretty big problem.

After Marcus left, the 1st Company Commander, who became the castle owner and battalion commander, broke into a cold sweat in front of the approaching wave of problems.

Why do cultists suddenly pop out? The problem is serious. The limit of the troops was clear, but the Black Blade and the cultists were attacking from different directions.

“Marcus, were you scared and ran away?”

Viscount Tarnin increased the intensity of the damn thing. Then he secretly advanced his troops.

The scent of the battlefield was spreading gently.

“I’ll have to send someone to Count Molsen and ask for support.”

Graham immediately started taking action.

The son of a great nobleman with the greatest influence in this area happened to be at the estate.

So wouldn’t it help?

He also quietly mentioned that you have two sons.

The answer came.

“There are a lot of cultists in the county, and because it’s winter, there are too many monsters. Take care of it.”


The 1st Company Commander hit the wall with his fist.

Because the wall was made of solid bricks, it did not break.

A heavy pain spread from the peripheral nerves of my fingertips, but does that matter now?

“Damn it! Your territory is next after us!”

Count Molsen’s estate couldn’t be immune to something like this, right?

Those hiding behind the Tarnin piglet are a group of black knife thieves.

No, at this level, it’s not like it’s hidden at all, right?

Several knifemen who were clearly known to be members of a band of thieves showed their faces.

It means that it was decided.

Those coming up from below to keep Martai in check were cultists, but the two did not invade each other’s territory, as if they had signed a non-aggression pact.

It seemed like a bit of a fight.

If it looked like that, it would have been like that.

So, will the two groups take over the Border Guard and put an end to it?

Should I pat my stomach and say, ‘Ah, that’s it?’ and disperse.

It’s an unreasonable thing to say, and if that happens, it will become even more violent.

Graham also flew crows and doves to the capital.

No answer came.

Instead, I heard other news.

“Battalion Commander”

Did you say you were sorry for handing over your position at such a moment?

Although the appointment ceremony was over, Graham was planning to use this incident as an opportunity to solidify his position as battalion commander. I said so.

I remembered what Marcus said as he left.

“If it doesn’t seem like it’s too much, do it in moderation and stick with it.”

I wondered if now was the time.

The news that came sent the new battalion commander into despair. Graham’s eyes seemed very depressed.

“Azpen has moved.”

There is a man who was originally a reserve battalion commander.

With the army stationed in the Pearl Plain he had drawn, he was training war horses, opening new farmland, and building a village.

Since fortification was a priority, we started by building barracks and making fences. From a village to a territory, to a barracks garrison, it is to be completely transformed into the land of Naurilia.

A messenger came from the Green Pearl.

The news is that Azpen gathered troops, broke his promise, and crossed the border.

It’s an invasion.

They weren’t the kind of guys who would just keep quiet, suck their fingers, and watch just because Azpen lost once.

But why now?

This was a problem that could be solved only with central support. There was absolutely nothing that could be done with border guards alone.

Support will come. Because Azpen moved.


‘Of course, it would only be meaningful if we were alive until then.’

As soon as he was newly appointed as the battalion commander, the battalion commander wanted to run away.

The Duke of the Black Sword became a sharp blade and began to cut through the border guard.

They kicked out Marcus, brought in cultists, and even moved to Azpen.

The sky was dark. There were so many dark clouds that the sun did not shine properly even during the day.

Dark clouds also hung over the territory.

* * *

“What are you going to do if this happens?”

The black knife executive chuckled to himself. I felt a sense of exhilaration as I poured her strong drink into her mouth.

How dare you touch us?

They used their connections and poured in gold coins.

The result was this.

Viscount Tarnin and the Black Blade Army.

To the south of Martai, the cultist army.

Azpen is in full swing in the east beyond the Green Pearl Plain held by the Bird Guard.

So, what are you going to do now?

* * *

With the news pouring in from all directions, the number of peddlers heading to the estate gradually began to stop.

“They say there’s a war?”

“I also heard that cultists are invading.”

“No, no, that’s not true. I heard that the unit in the Green Pearl changed their mind? Why would you make someone else the leader of the Border Guard instead of yourself?”

“They say the central government throws it away because it catches the eye…”

“Is that all? I heard that Count Molsen also turned away.”

When will the Border Guard fail?

Encred, this is a rumor that was passed over without much notice.

Of course, there were people who couldn’t do that.

Graham, the commander and new battalion commander, gasped.

It felt like someone was holding a knife under my chin.

Holding a military conference to block Viscount Tarnin leaves me feeling uncomfortable.

When I sent a messenger to the Green Pearl Battalion, the reply I received made me even more upset.

“The enemy has a lot of troops. If we don’t want to annihilate our soldiers, we need to send reinforcements.”

You sound like reinforcements.

I’m short on resources right now, so I’d like to create a ghoul army right away.

The jagged beard and bloodshot eyes seemed to represent his feelings.

“f*ck you, Marcus.”

In the end, Graham cursed Marcus.

What joy can there be in becoming a battalion commander and castle lord, when it looks like this.

By the time the leader of the territory was in a state of panic, there was someone in Encred’s company who was in a similar state.

“Captain, captain, isn’t it time to run away?”

What does this mean?

“Did you swear allegiance to the queen? That’s not right. I don’t think we can stop all the cultists, the Black Blade, and Azpen.”

It looks different from usual.

Encred observed Wangnuni for a moment.

His legs were shaking and he was trying to bite his nails, but then he spat and blinked repeatedly.

Even now, I blinked my eyes three or four times and looked at myself, and I could clearly see my pupils shaking.

It’s not normal.

I don’t think Encred knows the past of every member of the unit or completely understands their personalities.

However, I did know a few things.

I naturally found out that Rem hates the cold and Ragnar is a lazy person.

Saxony sometimes shows a creepy side when it has a lot to hide, and the object is unclear.

In addition, I also learned about Kreis’ habits.

This big-eyed friend’s past life hasn’t been easy.

Well, who here has lived a peaceful life?

A person like that would never have come here.

It was not for nothing that the unit was called a troublemaker from the start.

Kreis is also one of those troublemakers.

“It’s the worst.”

Kreis muttered and recited the situation that would happen in the future.

“Even if you lean against the wall and block the full force of the Black Sword from coming in, what about the cultist coming up from below? A guy named Bishop Wolf is quite famous. I’ve been collecting information on my own.”

It was said without a bitter smile and with a pale complexion.

“He’s driving hundreds of wolf beasts. A guy with a bounty on him has come out right now. What does this mean? The kingdom has abandoned this place, whether it’s Molsen or something. I don’t know what I’ll get in return, but I have everything to gain by abandoning it. That means this is the land that the queen abandoned. Azpen has lined up troops, but no reinforcements are coming right away. But what this means is that they are not coming. Could it be politics? If not, would they have at least made a deal with the cultists?

The words are long. I half understood and half ignored it.

Encred looked around.

I could see eyes looking at me. There was something I felt here.

They are going to do what they say.

For example, even if we were to abandon the territory like this, everyone would follow.

Rem, Ragnar, Auddin, Saxony, Dunbakel, Teresa, and finally the anxious Kreis.

The same goes for the leopard that sneaked in.

Eight and yourself.

There were nine members in total, a force that could have been safely lost.

But now?

The previous battlefield was said to be an easy victory because Marcus hid the company’s capabilities.

That was Kreis’s analysis.

Encred’s judgment was the same.

So, what happens if they leave now?

What happens? I’m going to end up completely ruined.


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