Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 28

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28. Surprise and Blue Eyes

Encred internally breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the staggering scout squad leader.

‘I barely succeeded.’

The trick of striking a sword with the back of one’s hand was only successful five times out of ten.

Well, as I did it, I got used to it little by little.

This is possible because I have become familiar with this friend’s unique habits.

Otherwise, it would have been a feat that would have been difficult to pull off.

But that was purely Encred’s position.

When viewed from the side, the difference in skill level only seemed superior.

He struck down the approaching blade without even blinking and hit his solar plexus, rendering him incapable of fighting.

Isn’t this a feat that wouldn’t be visible if it weren’t for the overwhelming difference in skill?

“You’re the lowest-ranking soldier?”

How many times have I heard this?

It was boring now.

“I didn’t take the promotion test. “I didn’t think it was necessary.”

Encred, who had perfectly answered the questions that would follow, bent his stiff wrists to the left and right.

There was nothing wrong.

In the meantime, I have done all the necessary training while swinging a sword.

Strength training was natural.

In terms of strength alone, Encred was well-trained to the point where he could be ranked at the top of the unit.

So this result is possible.

“From now on, I am the squad leader.”

Encred declared.

It was as if we had now climbed a mountain.

The scout squad leader didn’t say anything.

I thought he was looking at me with a blank look, but he muttered, “Uh, you, uh,” and then closed his mouth.

There was no one who did not follow.

Because, implicitly, the grumpy-looking soldier, who was the second most influential person after the squad leader, quietly followed Encred.

It was as expected.

After that, the road continued to find a way out.

“Enri, what is your dream?”

Encred changed formation, took the lead, and walked with Enri next to him.

After a lot of commotion broke out. Even though Enri felt like she was going to lose consciousness, she quickly regained her composure after hearing Encred’s words.


“Is there something you want to do?”

Enri blinked a few times, and then, perhaps in confusion, put out a fairly detailed wish.

“Eh, well, I’m going to survive well and start a life with a florist widow.”

Yes. Everyone has their own goals.

“I guess I have to go back alive first. “Then what about you?”

Immediately after that, turn your head and ask behind you.

Right behind Encred was Andrew.

The first thing Encred did after changing formation was to place Andrew right behind him.

Moreover, the armament was still provided.

Enri looked at it and thought.

Encred is truly fearless.

What are you going to do if I stab you in the back out of spite?

Encred, even if you got stabbed, you could start the day again, but Enri didn’t know that.

After receiving the question, Andrew took a deep breath.

“good. “I lost.”

he says

“So you asked what do you want to do? soldier.”

Demotion from squad leader to soldier.

No one objects. Because it showed the difference in skill so clearly.

“The revival of the family.”

They say he’s a fallen nobleman.

“Then you have to go back alive first.”

Encred says:

Everyone looked at the newly appointed squad leader to see why he was acting like this.

Afterwards, he repeated the same question and gave the same answer.

“You have to return alive to make money.”

It was an answer to the soldier’s comment that his dream was to save money and open a store.

“Your lover is having a baby? “If you don’t want to raise a child without a father, you should go back too.”

One of the gangster soldiers was already a father-to-be.

“Everyone is of the same opinion.”

Encred continues speaking.

“Then let’s go back alive first.”

Everyone really couldn’t understand why this guy was like this.

There is no one who argues that. Encred made eye contact with everyone once.


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It may be a movement that would not have much meaning in the first place, but isn’t there something I said earlier?

Each of our soldiers, including Andrew, recalled what they had left behind.

Encred wanted them to have a sense of purpose.

It started with violence and coercion, but now it had to fight well on its own.

It was a method I had tried several times.

Planting a desire for life in your heart.

This was a method that worked very well.

It was much more advantageous for ten people to go through it as one than to go through it alone.

No, at this level, they could have attempted a surprise attack rather than running away.

When the surprise attack begins, the situation may change completely.

‘I think it will work.’

If I could see the possibility, I could try it again and again.

If only I was prepared to die, I could have done that.

Through several trials and errors, Encred memorized the enemy’s location and numbers.

Today passes as I beat up the squad leader a few more times.

“What is the dream?”

Today passes as we repeat the same words. All of that might have been boring, but Encred spent the same repeated days faithfully.

What I got from this was two key points.

Blitz and flagpole.

‘Let’s try it.’

After all these days, it is now. I got enough practice today after repeating it countless times.

“Let’s all return alive.”

When Encred looked back, the entire scout squad nodded.

Everyone thinks this isn’t a very dangerous mission.

Anyway, as he kept saying that, my heart began to squirm.

“Then let’s go.”

What I learned through sparring has become familiar to me.

Now there is no need to repeat today anymore.

Encred did not move cautiously.

There was no need for that.

I already had the enemy’s location roughly memorized.

“Have you been here before?”

Enri, a former plains hunter, asked.

He was standing side by side with Encred in the lead.

“how many.”

It would be even weirder if I said I hadn’t been there.

No matter how you look at it, we are moving forward without hesitation.

“Oh, I see.”

After walking a little further, Enri asked again.

“Are you a hunter by any chance?”

“That’s not true, I learned a little from a hunter I know.”

It’s like reading traces or reading the direction the grass lies.

And of course, it was Enri who taught Encred this.

As I looked back while leading the way, I saw a nanny soldier clinging to Andrew’s side.

If I were to become a real nanny with that appearance, the kids would be freaked out and throw me out.

He would be an excellent bodyguard on the battlefield.

Encred thought as he looked at Andrew and the nanny soldier.

‘When a battle breaks out, the soldier with an unimpressed face will definitely follow Andrew.’

While walking, he drew the route he had found over and over again.

The moment they reached their destination, Encred raised his right fist and stopped the squad members.


I took a deep breath where I stopped.

Everyone’s eyes gathered as they wondered why they had stopped here. Because we are now at the beginning of the grass field.

But no one opened their mouth first.

Encred was an oppressive squad leader.

There was no discussion about the direction of movement or route.

It was arbitrary.

But that doesn’t mean it was bad.

After all, the purpose of patrol missions is to look around a certain area.

If it was an important reconnaissance mission, the appropriate personnel would have been assigned, but no matter how you look at it, the importance of this unit’s role did not seem to be that serious.

In any case, they said it was okay to just do what was necessary and then go back.


Encred ordered, pointing to one side.

Enri, holding the crossbow, looked blankly at Encred.

Enri was embarrassed and said, “Huh? “Where?” he asked.

This happened every time.

Can not help it. For them, there is no repeat of today.

“Shoot. “I don’t say it twice.”

Enri was not oblivious.

Encred’s tone was cold, and it was clear that he would not tolerate any objections.

The place he pointed to was beyond the long-legged grass.

I couldn’t see anything. I didn’t feel any sign of it at all.

Still, I did as I was told.

I saw Encred fighting. Contrary to the rumors, it was clear that he was a formidable man.

When I pulled the bowstring and hung the arrow on the string, the bowstring stretched tautly.

Enri took notice and pointed in the direction Encred’s finger was pointing.

Because the squad leader orders it.

There was a sound of the arrow flying away and hitting somewhere.

At the same time, the word ‘billion’ is also heard.

“… … uh?”

Enri was embarrassed.

At this moment, there were only two who were not embarrassed.

A veteran warrior with a dirty look and Encred.

“Follow me. “Andrew.”

The reason I had Andrew right behind me was because of this moment.

Although his actual combat experience is poor, he is still a pretty good soldier.

If your skills aren’t that bad, shouldn’t you use them well?

The mistake I’ve made so far is that I tried to solve things on my own.

Now I know I don’t need to.

As Encred ran forward, Andrew reflexively followed him, and then the grumpy-looking soldier followed him again, swearing one word, ‘Damn.’

When the three soldiers reached beyond the grass, they saw a body with a bolt stuck in the exact center of the forehead.

And a group of soldiers hanging around.

It was Azpen’s crossbow unit.

The number is approximately ten people.

Encred made a deadly move from the beginning.


He stepped on the ground with his left foot and twisted the tip of his sword to sever the neck of an enemy soldier.


Blood flowed from the area where the blade was inserted.

The guy with the hole in his neck raised his hand and tried to grab the sword.

Encred immediately kicked the dead soldier’s stomach with the sole of his foot and pulled out his sword. A black hole appeared where the sword was pulled out, and fresh blood poured out from the hole.

Meanwhile, right next to him, Andrew struck with his shortsword. When I took a quick look, the cutting of the knife was quite clumsy.

He looked embarrassed when he was suddenly told to follow me.

It was just a reflexive strike upon seeing the enemy.


The enemy soldier threw away his crossbow and drew his dagger to block.


But it’s okay.

The reason I brought Andrew here is also because of the options that come with this guy.

The grim-looking soldier moved.

He did not show any signs of enthusiasm, nor did he make any drastic movements.

He went behind the soldier who blocked Andrew’s shortsword and grabbed the enemy soldier’s chin with his right hand and his head with his left hand, then violently bent both hands in opposite directions.


The enemy soldier’s head was bent at an angle that could not be bent.

Of course he died.

The grim-looking soldier then pulled out the shortsword from his waist and spun around like a top.


His shortsword split the middle of the neck exposed between the helmet and breastplate of the soldier right behind him.

The cut skin on my neck opened wide for an instant.

Sigh. Fish shoo shoo shoo.

Blood gushes from the cut neck.

Seeing this, Encred also kicked the ankle of the enemy soldier next to him.

The enemy soldier, who was wary of the sword in his hand, fell sideways.

Encred kicked the head of the fallen soldier.

Sigh! Wow.

The victim’s neck was broken and the person who was hit let out a weird scream and fainted.

“It’s a surprise attack!”

“It’s an enemy soldier!”

Only then did I hear the surprised cheers of the enemy soldiers.

Only then did everyone join the fight, including our soldier who was a gangster who was fighting behind Encred.

“Kill everyone.”

Encred said.


As soon as those words were finished, Enri’s bolt flew.

The flying bolt hit the soldier in front of Encred in the chest.

The flying bolt pierced the enemy soldier’s Gambison and caused red blood to flow out.

“This guy-”

The enemy soldier was about to open his mouth to say something. Encred couldn’t even hear what the guy was saying.

I immediately stabbed him with my sword and made a hole in his neck.


Exhale and let the muscles that have worked too hard in a short period of time rest.

Meanwhile, a clanking sound rang out.

You don’t necessarily have to deal with everything alone.

I was about to turn around, recalling the fact that I had just realized.


There was a jarring sound three steps ahead.

It’s a sight I’ve already seen several times.

The howl of an animal full of alertness.

Look away. And confirm its identity.

I saw pitch black hair.

That existence was the reason why some of the enemy’s crossbow units stationed here let their guard down.

Encred repeated today and looked at several places to make a surprise attack.

He personally risked his life and chose this place as the most advantageous place for a surprise attack.

The reason was there.

That small animal wandering the grass must have caught the attention of our crossbow unit.

It is a worthy existence.

I already know.

It wasn’t necessarily intentional, but it was helpful.

The owner of the jet-black fur looked at Encred with blue eyes.

Encred’s blue eyes also looked at him.

Their eyes meet.

One of the enemy soldiers was seen slamming his infantry javelin with a clicking sound. It was aimed at a black-furred beast.

‘I owe you something.’

I had no intention of letting him die.

Encred ran his hand across his chest and stretched his arms forward.

The outstretched arm stopped with all fingers raised, with the hand perpendicular to the floor.

In accordance with that series of movements, the knife stuck in his chest flew through the air.

The knife flew out and stuck in the enemy’s shoulder.

Thanks to that, the guy holding the short spear hesitated.


In that gap, the beast, which was at most half the size of an forearm, let out a startling sound and bit the enemy soldier’s calf.

Flesh and blood splatter. That wasn’t the end.

The beast pawed at the spot it had bitten.

The claws and fur that had picked the wound were shiny with blood.

It stings like that and then quickly avoids it.

“A baby like this dog!”

The enemy soldier with his calf torn off stabbed the ground with his javelin, but the black-furred beast had already dodged.

‘That guy indeed.’

It is a spirit object.

He was an incredibly smart and fierce young black panther.

The enemy soldier who was hit on the shoulder with a knife died at the hands of the grim-looking soldier before he could even struggle.

Appearing from behind an enemy soldier and slitting his throat was not something he had done once or twice.

The screaming stops.

Andrew killed the last remaining enemy soldier.

When I took a quick look, it looked like he had been stabbed in the torso several times with a shortsword and knocked to the floor with pain in his face.

Andrew, who had just killed his enemy, gasped.

That wasn’t all.

Gasping sounds could be heard here and there.

“Heo-eok, heo-eok, huuuu, huuu, chew, what is this?”

A surprised friend asks. Her face was familiar to me, but I couldn’t remember her name.

Instead, Encrid found with his own eyes that one of the dead soldiers’ bodies belonged to an ally.

He dies no matter what. This time, he seemed to have been stabbed in the face by an enemy soldier’s javelin and died.

It was an ugly sight.

I tried to save that bastard several times, but he made a mess of things by running away and saying that he would live for himself if I saved him.

It was a fact I knew through repeated today.

“It’s an enemy soldier. Didn’t you know that something like this would happen during patrol missions? Don’t forget. “We must return alive.”

Encred once again led the squad by guiding their thirst for life.

“Come this way.”

Then, a grim-looking soldier grabbed Encred with words.

“It’s further inside. “Squad leader.”

“Is it disobedience? “If you want to protest, you should have done it earlier.”

Encred crushed the opposing opinions and walked silently.

It’s as if there’s no other option if you don’t follow.

It is unspoken pressure and coercion.

It had to be that way.

There was no time to explain everything.

As I ran and looked to the side, I saw the eyes of a young black panther.

Blue and deep lake-like eyes.

Encred turned his head to see eyes of a similar color to his own.

Now was the time to struggle to survive more than anything else.

This is not the time to commune with beasts.


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