Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 279

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279. A black sword is good at work (1)

“Throw it.”

As soon as Encred finished speaking, Saxony’s hand moved.

There was no time to worry about things like Pagoneum.

A sinister wild cat with reddish-brown hair standing seven steps ahead threw a rock, and what appeared to be a dot expanded before my eyes.

As my concentration increased, I recognized the trajectory of the flying stone.

This is the moment when you open your body to avoid it. Another stone was seen where he was avoiding.

It was a throwing technique that occupied space with parallax.

Encred’s body was twisted in the realm of unconsciousness.

Using your left foot as an axis, pull your body back to the right and twist your waist in the opposite direction.

It is a board that moves the body in truly bizarre shapes.

Gain momentum by throwing your back, lower your head, and roll forward to avoid all the stones.

“Weren’t you avoiding your place?”

An indifferent tone of voice reached my ears.

“It will happen later.”

Even if it’s not right now, it’s something that can be done over and over again, and something that can be known without looking into the future.

If you walk steadily, you can pass the milestones and reach your destination. I proved it with my body and found it out with my life.

Encred answered indifferently. He got up and dusted off the dust from his body.

It was the time when the blue light signaling dawn was crushed by the rising sun and turned into orange and yellow.

It was early morning, when everyone was waking up.

As if they had made an appointment, all the company members came out and were looking at Encred and Saxony.

Each one had a different look in their eyes.

Rem wrapped himself tightly in heated fur and wondered what kind of hometown custom he had from early morning on this cold day.

Audin smiled happily.

Ragna looked indifferently and twirled his wrist.

Theresa wasn’t there because she was at work, and Dunbakeel took one look at Rem and another look at Encred, then shook his head to himself.

He wanted to follow what Encred did, but he showed this attitude because he felt like if he asked Rem to do it, he would throw a rock and break his own head.

Encrud sank into his own thoughts, oblivious to the gaze.

This is a thought I had while walking, running, and fighting for two whole months.

‘The sense of avoidance is a reflex that occurs in the realm of the unconscious.’

Seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, and smelling are called the five senses.

The sixth sense is what allows you to come to a conclusion before merging all five senses into one and understanding the process.

Intuition is understanding something without going through sensation, experience, association, judgment, or reasoning.

The sense of avoidance is a skill created through intuition in the realm of the sixth sense.

I thought this was enough so far.


Thinking is Encred’s habit and everything.

He pondered and saw the path he would take.

It is, without fail, a thorny road. It is a rough and rough road. It is a path that climbs a rock wall.

Nonetheless, you will enjoy the entire walk.

‘In the realm of consciousness’

Read the trajectory of all flying stones and avoid them and make intentional movements.

That is ‘preparation’ for the next move.

What I learned through anonymous Jeonggeomsik, what I gained through experience, and what I learned from watching Saxony’s preparations.

It was a conclusion reached by putting them all together.


The goal was to achieve the intended reaction speed by dodging all stones flying at close range.

Of course, this wasn’t the only thing that happened.

After this was over, it was Audin.

“Brother, you enjoy suffering.”

“Why are you saying that with a big smile?”

“Of course, it is because the Lord said that one cannot discuss asceticism without walking the path of asceticism.”

Encred interpreted the words of this ignorant religious bastard in his own way.

So, it sounded like he was so happy that he could kill you halfway through training.

Encred smiled.

If you walk the path of asceticism and find fruit at the end, you will be satisfied, whether the fruit is withered or sweet.

For a man who never stopped walking even though he was constantly walking in place, the results, even if they were very small, would be valuable.

Whether it is a sweet fruit or a sour fruit, a fruit is a fruit.

That also made Audin very happy.

I may have said it back, but wouldn’t he laugh like this even if I killed him halfway?

“Let’s do it.”

Audin taught Encred partial strengthening training.

Since it was an advanced technique of isolation, it was truly a path of asceticism.

Previously, to improve flexibility, the body was split into segments and stretched.

This time, the method is to train different parts of the body.

I split my day into three parts: upper body in the morning, lower body at lunch, and tormented hidden muscles in the evening.

“There are muscles that can be easily felt and seen, but there are also muscles that cannot be seen. In the isolation technique, these are called internal muscles. For example, this place.”

As he spoke, Auddin poked his finger into the area around his waist.


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A terrible, stabbing pain spread throughout my body, starting from my waist and spreading throughout my body.


It was so painful that I moaned involuntarily.

“That’s right. I’m going to train those muscles.”

Next is the rebirth scene.

“It’s a rigid body.”

From the inner muscles to the outer muscles, they are trained to the point of abuse. Roll and roll again.

“Normally, it would take years of training, but the company commander brother may be a genius when it comes to body building. Physical training is also an area of ​​talent. There are many people who don’t know that. In addition, it is also surprising. Obviously, his physical talent was also negligible, but like this, “I think it’s an invisible talent to me.”

I spoke one after another, but not even half of them could be heard.

If you place three rocks tied together in a rope behind your back and sit on one leg and stand up repeatedly, you will not be able to hear the sounds around you.

Sweat poured down my face.

Isn’t it possible that things like winter weather can take a toll on the passion for training?


Audin grinned. Encred also laughed. Just because she was f*cking right didn’t mean she was bad.

This is just fun.

All training was extreme.

For example, walking at the pace of an animal while carrying a rock or audin on your back.

To improve my ankle flexibility, I stood on one foot, carried a rock on my back, and picked up fairy tales that had fallen on the floor.

All of this is repeated dozens or hundreds of times.

It’s painful, it’s hard to breathe, and it’s hard to breathe. Concentration should not be lost. It was quite boring because it was not something that would produce results overnight.

Still, I did it. If you take away consistency from Encred, what would be left?

Moreover, this was not a boring task for him.

“I do it too!”

Dunbakeel next to me challenged me to do the same, and after 50 round trips, using the animal walk – an isolation technique that strengthens the muscles by walking with the hands as feet – my face turned blue.

However, even though the broth was dripping on the floor, Dunbakel persevered.

The look in Encred’s eyes several times when he was having a hard time was very strange, but it was nothing to worry about.

Encred was busy reflecting on and refining his training.

Rolling and rolling was my daily routine.

While we’re at it, we can’t forget about swords.

Yu Geom-sik The first thing is that just because you hit it gently doesn’t mean it’s a blade.

In the end, I honed my swordsmanship, loosely named Snake Sword.

Afterwards, the unknown Jeong Geom-sik.

After returning to the medium sword method, I finally thought about speed and strength of the sword.

I refined what I had, sought it out, and repeated this countless times.


I did not forget to put what I learned and realized into practice through REM.

“Flame, is it like a battle doll that fights when I call it? It seems like they’re treating it like a human golem?”

Encred was surprised. In his heart, he was thinking about Rem like that.

Do you do mind reading?

“If you don’t want to do it, come out.”

Ragna, who was watching from the side, sharpened his sword with a whetstone and spoke.

Slurp, ting!

Seeing him handling his sword differently than before made me feel like I was seeing a child who had grown up.

“Get out of here, you lazy weasel, before I split your skull with an axe.”

Rem immediately turned his head and rolled his eyes. It’s everyday life.

“Yes, the blade is well sharpened, so it would be nice to have barbarian blood on it.”

Ragna grabbed his sword and tried to get up. As I look at it, I feel like I’m going to have a blast.

“You two can come together,”

Encred provoked them both.

At those words, Rem and Ragna’s eyes turned to Encred.

Rem blinked and Ragna sat back down.

Slurp, sharpen the knife again.

It was just one word, but it was a very appropriate way to break up a fight.

“You lose.”

Ragna spoke while sitting down.


Rem approached me, hitting my palm with the back of the axe.

Ragna stood up with his sword, took a seat on one side of the training ground, and began swinging his sword.

Sometimes slow, sometimes fast.

Encred took a look and silently raised his sword. He tried to get a glimpse into Rem’s mind by concentrating on his grip with both hands.

Sword and sword, blade and blade.

Cold air separates the two. In the past, sparring for the first time was Rem’s whim and something that wasn’t part of her pastime.

Afterwards, there was a playful Dok2.

So, now?

Even Rem couldn’t treat Encred rashly.

‘It’s a monster. monster.’

Rem thought to herself. A person who has overcome the limitations of talent through hard work would be more appropriately called a monster.

So it’s more fun.

At first, I was just going to wait and see when things would break, but it seemed like I had become a member of Lee Ja’s company and his real subordinate.

‘The humans back home will be scared when they see it.’

For a moment, Rem thought about the past, or more precisely, what she had left behind in her hometown. Then he soon forgot. He blew away everything that was in his head.

What does it matter?

Soon he moved both hands and crossed the axes.

The blades greeted each other and gave a light greeting.


Encred moved at the sound of the crossed axes.

Bend your upper body and kick the ground forward. He rushes at her at once. Rem’s eyes saw it all. Boldness arises from the heart and allows one to look the other person in the face. His visual acuity was completely different from that of an average person.

Rem turned his left foot and hurled the axe.


Even if it was originally blocked, it was a slash that was like a beam of light that pierced the sword, forearm, and torso.

It was a heavy beam of light with speed added to its weight, and Encred intercepted it with his sword.

However, because he could not take another half step, even though he dropped the ax, he could not throw the sword forward.

The snake sword was blocked.

Rem swung his second axe.

Cut twice.

It was a skill Rem was confident in.

And Encred blocked the second ax blow.

The moment Rem recognized that, she was extremely happy.


The heated leather that I had been wearing on my back until then flew backwards with a thud.

Rem exposed both arms and showed his fangs.

A smile on all faces.

After delivering two slashes, Encred stood facing him with his sword raised.

Of course, he laughed too.

If you look at them from the side, they are truly crazy.

Why are we laughing when we’re fighting like we’re going to kill each other?

Anyway, this was Encred’s routine recently.

When he returned, he focused only on training, sparring, and training.

He also did not fulfill his duties as a training company commander.

Even before we could make excuses about being busy, a new scouting party had to be formed, and the number of troops on duty had to be doubled.

The surrounding situation was very brutal.

Even though I was training, I couldn’t run outside or go kill demons or monsters.

Of course, the requests also stopped.

However, it was not possible to stop the peddlers or large merchants from walking.

This is because it is still in the process of becoming a territory that has become a center of trade.

All of this may have been blown away in one go, but for now, this was the best.

So, it was time to try our hand here and there to fix what had just happened to Marcus.

Encrid didn’t care whether it was Viscount Tarnin or the Black Sword.

He decided what to do, and he did it. He moved and acted. When it’s time to step out, you step out. He felt like not now.

Marcus would have been shocked if he found out, but in reality, it wouldn’t have changed even if Encred had intervened, so this was the right path.

Just about fifteen days had passed.

“It’s still the same.”

Marcus found Encred.

It was in front of the independent company barracks, inside a dedicated training ground.

It was a weather that would make the soldiers curse as snow fell heavily overhead.

If I left it on, it would turn the floor into ice and it would be harder to clean it up, so I could only sigh as I watched the falling snow.

We built something similar to a roof on one side of the training ground and erected pillars.

Among them, Marcus, half leaning against the pillar in the middle, smiled bitterly and said.

“I got screwed.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m going back.”

As I was staring at him, wondering what he was saying, Marcus sighed heavily and continued.

“Central, to the capital.”

suddenly? Encred also has ears. I realized that the surrounding situation had become a mess.

Without any reinforcements, we are becoming a thin light in the face of the wind.

Of course, that thin lamp will not go out easily.

But Marcus is taking a step here? No, he said he suffered, so that’s probably not true. It’s not that he pulled his foot away, it’s that someone put pressure on him.

“The next Seongju will be handed over to the company commander.”

Encred blew out his breath and put down the iron club that was as heavy as ten swords that he had made at the request of the blacksmith.

It is a good training tool that naturally strengthens your forearm muscles, forearms, and even your lower back as you swing it.

Of course, it was helpful in training swordsmanship and was a training method to acquire more precise swordsmanship.

When a thud sounded, Marcus’ gaze briefly looked downward.

I could see the blunt tip of the sword stuck at an angle into the hard frozen dirt.

What is that? Marcus reflected on what a monster this guy was.

As I was doing that, Cryce, who was inside the dorm, popped his head out.

“Uh, is the battalion commander here?”

Kreis opened the door and showed something similar to a military ritual.

No matter how you looked at it, it wasn’t a sharp gesture, it just looked like a military ritual.

“Clean it up.”

Marcus gestured roughly.

Encred put his hands together and placed them on the grip.

“Early of the year?”

Marcus asked.

“I don’t smoke.”

Marcus took a bite of the tobacco. Just when I was wondering if I should flick the flint, Kreis came up to me and handed me a small spark.

Marcus lit a candle, took a deep sip, and then spit it out.

The white here mixed with my breath and spread through the air, and an acrid scent pierced my nose.

It was a tobacco made with rolled up grass blades, and it didn’t really smell good.

The story that came after this was simple and clear.


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