Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 278

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278. It starts from Saxony

‘Cowardly, dirty baby, curse, dog!’

The Black Knife executive vomited blood and cursed Marcus.

Of course, there was some misunderstanding. This work was started by Sinar, and Encred was involved and finished it off in an instant.

However, the more I looked into it, the more I heard that the Border Guard Standing Army was involved.

So, who would have ordered it? Who is behind this? There was a name that constantly irritated me.

It’s Marcus.

He is a nobleman, has ties to the royal palace, and is rumored to be trying to take on the position of Grand Duke of the North.

“Chew to death you bastard!”

Even if I thought about it internally or shouted it out loud, my anger did not subside.

I felt unfair, resentful, and on the verge of going crazy.

I wanted to lie down on the floor and scream and struggle. That much anger arose.

Barely, really just barely, after it had calmed down a little.

The executive gritted his molars. However, he couldn’t go and kill him right away.

The Border Guard somehow got away with it, so all they had to do was send an assassin and all news was cut off.

Even if you tried to kill that guy named Encred, you never succeeded.

No, did it leave any scratches?

They sent guys armed with poison, but why did they all get killed?

Because the opponent’s skills are superior? The black knife had that in mind as well.

The executives thought so too.

At least a semi-engineer level.

There were parts of Encred’s performance that were exaggerated and parts that were underestimated.

However, none of them could easily believe that Encred had truly reached the level of a semi-knight.

It was an unbelievable story that he was swinging a sword on the ground and at some point realized ‘Will’ and used it.

Sometimes such geniuses emerge, but if they were that talented, why is it only now that they see the light of day?

I don’t know if he was hiding somewhere, but that’s not the case either.

His traces were everywhere.

He was a mercenary, and learned sword fighting from poor instructors by handing over Crona.

He is the kind of guy who became a hunter and did odd jobs for a few fairy tales.

Sometimes, when he doesn’t have to use his sword, he moves around to repair the castle walls.

He was that kind of guy, so how can you believe he became a quasi-knight?

The black knife was reasonable. I couldn’t help but think that way.

Above all, Count Molsen manipulated the information to some extent behind the scenes.

So they were unable to accurately gauge Encred’s level.

However, this did not mean ignoring it.

Because it is clear that there has been some kind of change belatedly.

That said, I didn’t really believe he had become something on Junixa’s level.

There must be a helper.

Among the names of those helpers, who is the most important?

Marcus, you must be that sneaky bastard.

“Now it’s war!”

The executive shouted alone in an empty study.

Of course, he wasn’t alone in his thoughts.

The higher-ups of the executives, the leader of the Black Knife Bandits, also gave similar instructions.

Gather your strength.

Get help from social circles too.

Burn the Border Guard.

Although they are not lords and have no territory, an abnormal group of thieves with the power of force and power decided to unleash their power.

I unraveled the black gold coins I had accumulated and mobilized my connections.

Those who were active as members of a band of thieves gathered together.

Among them, there were several mercenaries who would kill even my parents for just Crona.

A similar force gathered on a small mound west of Border Guard.

It was approximately over 500 troops. Can this force overcome the Border Guard walls?

It was not an easy task, but the Black Sword’s specialty was work, not war.

They did so.

The outbreak of a group of thieves – On the surface, it was a territorial war that occurred because Marcus was encroaching and taking over the surrounding territory. – There were not just one or two things that had an impact.

It was the beginning of a civil war, and it became an excuse for so many people to move.

This was completely unexpected for Marcus, who was in the Border Guard.

Just before the launch of Yeongjijeon, he.

“How many villages are there? Send troops to occupy them all. From now on, we will not be a standing border guard army, but a territory border guard.”

“Who is the lord?”

“The first lord is me.”

Marcus confidently raised his thumb and pointed at himself in response to the company commander’s question.

Afterwards, Viscount Tarnin the Pig, who was in charge of the territory next door and the original owner of the village, declared a territory war.

“What are you doing without the royal family’s permission? You are so greedy and shameless! I ask you, Marcus, to forgive me right away! If he does not repent, I will cut off your head and offer it to God!”

What he said when he gathered his troops was a sight to behold.

Since he didn’t even bother to hide it, it was something that quickly caught Marcus’ ears.

“I think that pig must have taken the wrong medicine.”


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Marcus complied. He just muttered while resting his chin on his desk in his office, but his meaning was clear.

It was the beginning of a civil war. Of course, that didn’t mean they started fighting right away.

As with most territory battles, Viscount Tarnin sent a messenger.

It was a normal territory war that started with an argument and then started fighting reluctantly.

“But what do you want us to do, you bastard?”

However, this time the case was a little different.

It was Viscount Tarnin who first gathered the mercenaries and those who said they were going somewhere and started a fight and provoked them.

That means they acted like they were going to fight right away.

But instead of attacking, they just hold their ground and hold on.

why? Who benefits from holding on? Who loses?

Marcus was not stupid. Rather than attacking now, it was more profitable to let Tarnin and those who supported it waste their resources.

Marcus dug deep into the opponent’s intentions. He rolled his head.

What is the specialty of pork tarnin?

– Eating.

What are the benefits of nerd tarnin?

– The leather is so thick that the blade cannot penetrate easily.

What is the power of Viscount Tarnin’s territory?

– It’s nothing.

What does that bastard believe here?

– Black Knife Bandits.

Marcus weighed things up and confirmed the situation.

But why is it like that?

When an army is gathered, it naturally costs gold coins. Because you have to take responsibility for their eating and sleeping.

Moreover, there are also mercenaries. Their allowances must also be taken care of.

If you don’t put a silver coin in his hand for not fighting, some of the mercenaries will turn around and punch a star-shaped hole in Tarnin’s stomach.

‘But why?’

Even though they had gathered their troops, they seemed to have no intention of attacking.

They just said bullshit about what kind of training they were doing.

Marcus waited for now. There was nothing I could do right now.

It is true that he invaded his territory.

After going through the process, I took a few villages, built something similar to a fiefdom, and tried to get permission from the palace.

‘I think there’s someone behind the Tarnin Pig.’

Who is that?

Afterwards, the actions carried out by the black-faced master were serious.

Enough to hit Marcus in the back of the head.


[As the confusion in the north has increased due to the territory war, I command Marcus of the Thumb Pillar family, center pole and faithful friend of the royal palace.]

That’s how the letter started.

Marcus was a competitive fighter. He knew how to capture the winning moment.

And the content of the letter was as if its hands and feet were tied before it even began. It was a scheme to prevent people from participating in the moment of victory, and there was no way to avoid it.


All I could do was laugh out loud, and it was like I was completely fooled.

* * *

“You had so much fun without me? Huh?”

As soon as I returned, Rem greeted me. Encred thought that this bastard would never change.

“I’m on a mission.”

“Ah, you were excited. I’m here, huh? I’m going to teach a prisoner that someone abandoned, huh?”

He even talked at length about sparring right away.

To one side, Dunbakhel was seen standing with his eyes swollen and blue.

It didn’t seem like he was usually harassing me.

I felt sorry for no reason. If we just skip it, wouldn’t we have fun playing Dunbakeel today too?

Above all, Encred only felt a little tired and was not injured.

“Go for it, you tongue-timing savage.”

When Encred spoke jokingly, Rem grinned.

“Let’s take revenge!”

It’s sparring with bullshit.

“Nothing has changed!”

Rem said, swinging his ax crosswise. Then he immediately showed his intimidation. He said he learned the rapier by watching a swordsman, but hearing it is just absurd.

Was that something you could imitate just by looking at it from the side?

Of course, the implementation method was completely different. I had no way of knowing that.

Encred refused to be coerced, and then spoke with his sword.


Between the two, the metal pieces met and golden sparks flew out.

Uncharacteristically, Teresa quietly sat with her legs together and waited for her turn.

So, it was everyday life.

The next sparring was Teresa’s turn. She carefully created several techniques and honed them while training with Audin.

I wondered if it would work for Encred.

My heart was pounding.

Something wasn’t happy without him during that time.

Even if you sharpen your skills and build your body, emptiness creeps in. I felt like I had become a landowner with only an empty barn.

“Why are you feeling low?”

Audin asked as he seemed to have a somewhat shabby attitude.

Teresa contemplated her mind for a moment and asked.

“Wanderer Teresa says: What happens if the captain doesn’t come back like this?”

Auddin chuckled.

“I’m coming back.”

Auddin was always the one who spoke of everything in the name of God and showed deeper thoughts than convictions, but when it came to Encred, he was strangely clear. He had no doubts.

The moment she saw Encred come back, Teresa’s heart beat even faster.

My face also turned red.

Why not?


This is the person to test it against. Someone who will accept your fighting spirit. He is the one who made me come out of a xie jiao. It’s the only one that matches my sword and shield.

Others were also good at sparring, but it was different.

Encred is something different. Teresa didn’t bother to know what it was.

What is important to her is the process of fighting him. She is in the process of sparring with him. She was herself, raising sword and shield in front of him.

For this, he could have burned his life. With that burning flame, he will cut through and kill any enemy that stands in Encred’s way.

Leave the enemy in front of him, and you won’t let him just look ahead.

I will make him turn around and face myself.

Teresa got down on one knee and prayed with an untimely realization.

I gathered my will and engraved it.

It was not a cultist way and it did not call on God’s name, but it was clearly a prayer.

“Are you sleeping? Aren’t you coming next time?”

The captain, who was awakened by Rem, quickly got up and spoke. Teresa stood up from her kneeling position.

Teresa laughed while holding up her shield to cover her face.

“Here goes wandering Teresa.”

Should I say it was a fun sparring?

At least that was Encred.

Lem did that, and it was fun to see Teresa attack him.

Dunbakel, who fought with two swords, was also a pretty interesting opponent.

“It’s still awkward.”


Even though Dunbakeel knew it, he said he would definitely use two sacks.

I was looking at it wondering why it was like that.

“You crazy bitch, you crazy bitch, go around somewhere and if you come across a high-ranking priest, kidnap her. Everyone here needs to be treated.”

This is what Rem says. Well, he was so impressed by himself that he used two weapons.

I left it. It’s not his place to say anything.

Just like that, Encred returned to his original location.

“But why hasn’t there been anything in the meantime?”

Rem asked. A sea of ​​dissatisfaction.

Are your skills the same?

It could have been so. So nothing has changed?


Encred had a lot of time to wander around and think for two months.

Climbing cliffs, riding horses, walking, running, entering villages.

The battle was short and the march was long.

In the middle, Cynar makes fairy-style jokes, Finn talks nonsense, and Saxony sometimes.

“Do whatever you wish, if you hold back you will get sick.”

He used to make strange noises.

‘I’ve never held back.’

Encred was sincere. But he might not be what other people see.

Despite his abilities, Encred was not concerned about worldly rewards.

So, what does he want?

Saxony’s question was right there.

Encred knew what he wanted and was walking in the right direction following the signpost.

And this time, as I walked and walked again, my head felt taut.

Encred reflected on his training methods.

What you have, what you need to grow, and what you can obtain by honing it.

Before, I was busy accepting and digesting what was around me, but not anymore.

Encred walked for two months and established a training method.

It was time to implement it.

“I need some help.”

It all started with the wild cat Saxony.


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