Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 277

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277. Marcus. This cowardly bastard

“I hid something in the forest. I followed the traces, and they led me there.”

Finn also had a knack for tracking people. The paths that humans take always leave traces.

It smells different and leaves footprints. Even if just one branch on the body is broken, a womb occurs.

Finn had found something like that, and Encred had also seen various types of people while wandering the continent, so he guessed that he had also worked as a bounty hunter at one time.

Of course, I didn’t know anything about the past and I just thought it would be helpful.

That’s how I found a hidden cave in the village.

It was a village built around a small forest, and was a bit slanted to the north.

I could see the Pen-Hanil River in the distance.

And they dug a burrow inside the forest to hide the beast.

Everyone was taking their medicine and talking about it. There was also a wolf demon beast with its tongue sticking out and traces of an alchemist who had previously killed it by cutting off its arms, cutting off its legs, and splitting its head.

That guy really put his hands in a lot of places.

It was a wolf beast, but its legs were like those of a deer.

When this type of synthesis is successful, the world calls the monster a chimera.

It is neither a monster nor a demonic beast, but a monster created by humans.

“Who are you!”

There were five of them who were trainers or emergency rations for magical beasts.

“If you attack, you will die.”

As soon as I said it, he attacked me. And he killed.

The guy who was rolling his eyes behind me saw that and released the rest of his magic.


A lion with a snake’s tail lunges. A half-chimera made to resemble a manticore ran towards me, but lost its balance and rolled around on the ground.

Encrid cut off the head of the unfinished chimera lion.

The blade flew out with a swish and split the head in half, causing brain drain and dark red blood to flow out.

Saxony and Cinard also made efforts.

Esther climbed a nearby tree and just looked around.

The guy who released the demon beast saw an opportunity and tried to run away, but an arrow the length of a hand was stuck in his head and he died.

It was Finn’s work.


Are you running away? This is it.

The object that the arrow was shot at was the object that Encred had previously taken from the black sword thief.

‘I use a ship better than that thief.’

I hid the ejection port with my sleeve and when the target’s gaze turned, I aimed and shot at the back of the head.

Unless he was extremely sensitive, he would have been unable to avoid having an arrow-shaped headdress stuck in his head.

The demonic beast that came out boasted of its ferocity.



The human-faced dog, which had been transplanted with a snake’s venom gland, sprayed poison on Sabah. However, it was all half a penny.

There was no reason to spend a long time killing everyone.

It took more than half a day just to kill them all, clear out the village, and clean up.

“Next time is a four-day walk.”

Encred nodded at the words of the fairy company commander.

After that, it was just like a circus performance.

Find the village, enter it, attack, beat, kill, and organize.

It was a series of things like that.

Most of the village bandits ran away when they saw that the village chief and the demon beast were all dead.

That made things easier.

“If they found out about this from above, would they leave us alone? If anyone sees this, they will think we have started a rebellion! You bastard who values ​​your life, follow me!”

The brainy thief decided like this and ran away, rallying his forces and leaving.

No matter what organization it is, there are bound to be people with ambition.

Encred didn’t necessarily chase down and eliminate them one by one.

It was a waste of time to do that.

“I feel uncomfortable. I feel uncomfortable.”

The thief with good sense jumped out while saying this.

There was only a small portion left. The village Encred invaded quickly became quiet.

The village, which had been exchanging information among itself, made preparations, but it was meaningless.

When five of those guarding various parts of the village died from their carotid arteries being cut without a single groan, the bandits were also terrified.

“f*ck! Did a ghost come out?”

The man in charge of the village as a top-notch assassin was filled with fear.

Something unbelievable happened.

The six guards guarding his side disappeared without a sound.

But I couldn’t even feel it.

No, I did see it with my own eyes.

It was a corner of the bedroom.

A hand reaches out from the darkness, grabs his escort by the neck and twists it. It was as if he had broken the necks of hundreds or thousands of people.

The scariest thing there was that no sound came out even though my neck was turning.

What was even scarier than that was that it seemed as if the guard didn’t even know he was going to die.

Far from being shocked, the guy’s expression was still looking around with fierce eyes, and his neck was twisted and he died with his mouth tightly closed.


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“There it is!”

The village chief, who had been an assassin, quickly threw a poisoned dart.

The extremely poisonous dart, which is said to kill even if it touches it, has disappeared into the darkness.

Several of the guards stabbed the spot where their colleague disappeared with a skewer knife.

When I stirred it like that, I saw a scary scene.

I don’t know when it was made, but I could see a hole in the floor behind my colleague’s body.


That was the village chief’s last words.

My neck was cut off by a single line that came down from above.

It is a string knife, an assassination tool made through alchemy.

A sharp blade, thinner and thinner than a little finger, cut off the village chief’s head and hung it in the air.


Dealing with the few remaining escorts was no task.

They panicked and stabbed each other.

Saxony hung upside down from the ceiling, watched, and finished the job by throwing two silent knives.

What should I do when something like this happens?

All the villagers were busy running away.

The residence where a group was staying became deserted, as if a ghost had appeared.

Whiiing, a ray of wind passed through the center of the village.

“It would be a perfect picture if just a wraith came out of nowhere.”

Finn said.

Encred agreed, but had no intention of slowing down.

Of course, I wasn’t going to leave it like this forever. After eliminating the village’s fighting force, Sinar flew his crow as he took the village chief’s head.


As she stretched out her arm toward the tree, a pitch-black bird flew in and sat on her arm.

The trained crow immediately flew to the border guard and reported the news.

In other words, the army was moving to take over the village that the bandits had left empty.

Meanwhile, Encred and his party continued to move. He headed to the next town.

If I needed to, I bought a horse and rode it, and if I didn’t need it, I let it go and climbed over the cliff.

It was a road where you had to cling halfway to a cliff, but it wasn’t that difficult, even though it was a rough mountain road.


Stone dust fluttered down at my feet.

If a person falls, no matter how lucky they are, the entire group is stuck on a cliff so high that they would never dream of walking on it.

Still, no one felt in danger.

Finn stuck the dagger into the crevice of the cliff and used his elbow pad to strike it deeper, then climbed up holding it. He climbed up in a very skilful manner, looked underneath him and said:

“I think it would be kind of funny if someone fell from here and died.”

Something like this could have come out.

Let’s not even start with people, what about the leopard that follows?

The claws are climbing up the cliff, poking at them like mud, as if they were some kind of invincible sword.

It didn’t seem much different from walking on flat ground.

It was natural.

Even a castle wall built at a right angle is a skill with burning claws.

There was no need to mention the rest, Encrid, Saxony, and Cynar.

Aren’t we all people who take good care of our bodies?

Encred walked up step by step, and Saxony looked like he had glue on his hands.

Sinar even joked and moved on. This is something said while skillfully climbing a cliff.

“Have you ever kissed on a cliff, fiance?”

“……Have you tried it?”

“Sometimes I wonder if my fiancé is a virgin.”

They joke as if it doesn’t matter whether it’s a cliff so high that if you’re lucky your leg will be shattered if you fall, or if it’s a parlor where you can leisurely drink tea.

Encred’s ability to receive it was also amazing.

In any case, their death from falling here would have been similar to that of a crow being bitten by an ant.

As I continued on, I reached the next village.

At a place where many slaves were gathered, Sinar found three of his compatriots.

She didn’t even frown.

“You were caught stupid.”

He criticized them bitterly, and the three did not respond.

As soon as one of them, a male fairy, was freed, he picked up a dagger that had fallen on the floor, rushed at a thief with a smooth face and a close-shaven beard, and stabbed him in the stomach.

“Four, billion! Ugh!”

The guy who was begging for his life was not prepared and was given six holes in his stomach.

I saw something similar to what the fairy wanted.

“He’s such a peach that he won’t even eat bugs.”

Encred overheard the male elf muttering and pondered what he meant.

Thanks to the fairy company commander, I became accustomed to fairy expressions.

Since it was not spoken in the language of the fairies but in the common language of the empire, the meaning was understandable.

If you just grow them, most of them will have bugs. Among those peaches, which fruit is not eaten by bugs?

It is literally a term used to refer to an extremely useless and trash-like person.

It wasn’t hard to see where his resentment came from.

It seemed like the two female fairies had suffered a similar fate.

I coveted your body. In the meantime, the male fairy was also attacked.

‘He is a man who does not discriminate between men and women.’

He has very broad tastes.

It’s not a good thing to see, but if you look at the continent as a whole, there are only one or two cases like this.

So, is it possible to slice and cut these one by one with a sword?

When I was young, I thought it was possible to become a knight.

When I left town, I realized that was impossible.

Talent wasn’t the problem.

It wasn’t a problem that I lost to a guy who was only a few years older than me.

Encred was young and short-thinking.

That changed as the concept of village expanded into territory, and the concept of territory expanded into continent.

Then I realized.

Even if you become a knight, even if you become a disaster on the battlefield, cutting down a thousand people with a single sword, you cannot cut something like this.

So are you giving up and letting it go?

Should I just remain as a flashy swordsman?

When you wanted to become a knight, was what you wanted to be wearing brilliant armor and flashing a halo? Was that all there was to it?

No way.

Encred had never made up his mind that much.

The knight he dreamed of was not just an instrument of slaughter that was good at using a sword.

Random thoughts are filling my head.

“Do you want to wipe it all out? Do you want to burn it all? That’s okay. I’ll help you if you need it.”

Saxony approached and said. His eyes burn red. He didn’t seem like he was thinking or speaking.

It just seemed like something he was saying while intoxicated.

Thanks to you, I have this thought.

‘Does it hurt a bit?’

He says strange things every now and then.

Encred gathered his thoughts and asked.


“My eyes are burning.”

At Saxony’s words, Encred closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them.

There was no fire in those eyes as before. At least the flames of destruction that Saxony had seen were gone.

“let’s go.”

Encred focused on what he was doing now.

Now that you have become good at using swords and swords, do you have any other thoughts?

That won’t be it. The fire in Encred’s heart was already burning.

It’s only visible now.

“Huh? There are dwarves too?”

I wonder if they are playing some kind of race gathering game.

It was a village where slaves were hidden by digging tunnels throughout the village.

“What the f*ck are these bastards!”

As soon as some of the thieves resisted, their vocal cords cracked open and blood gushed out to death.

It was Saxony’s workmanship.

He walked silently and used the items he had picked up, hiding his presence.

“I received a useful artifact as a gift.”

If you look at him talking so confidently while bringing back the dead man’s belongings, he was definitely not normal.

Among the thieves caught by Saxony, none of them responded.

So Saxony cut off their heads one by one with a dagger.

When the eight noisy bandits were killed, everyone trembled and fell to their knees.

The village chief was already dead.

This guy was neither a wizard nor an assassin. He wasn’t even good at using a sword.

However, they just made repeated attempts to exploit the loopholes and set up several traps in my bedroom.

Before him were Cinard and Saxony.

‘I’ve said it all.’

This time too, Encred had nothing to do.

No, I only swung the sword once.

When two guys in the village attacked me, I attacked them with a sword and struck them with a snake sword.

Knock, knock!

Two corpses were created with two crushing sounds, and no one attacked Encred.

After subduing the village using such brutal means.

He freed all the remaining slaves, and cut down those who still resisted.

Most of the villages were similar. If a few so-called skilled men attacked and cut and slashed, the rest surrendered or fled.

It took two months to wander and fight in five villages, villages that the Black Knife Bandits had managed to hide here and there.

It could only be said to have been two months.

Considering the actions they took, it was safe to say that.

Because the Black Sword executives found out about it only after half of the villages I had built were destroyed.

It was that fast.

By the time I realized it, it was already impossible to fix the other half.

‘Crazy people!’


The executive became so angry that he hit the desk with a candlestick.

A groove was made in the center of the rosewood desk, and the wood broke and pieces flew out.

“Whoop, whoop!”

The Black Knife executive’s mood did not calm down though. No, on the contrary, my anger rose even more.

In the end, he threw the silver candlestick in his hand out the window.


Expensive stained glass in three colors, red, yellow, and blue, was broken and sprinkled with powder.

The silver candlestick fell into the garden at the bottom of the three-story mansion.

The gardener who was trimming the garden trees with scissors was startled and hung his head.

He immediately took the silver candlestick that had fallen and went to find the butler.

It felt like something had happened.

Of course, they couldn’t know what.

The executive hid his identity well.

Most of the mansion’s employees only know themselves as palace nobles and officials.

Bubbling. Although his stomach was boiling, the bandit executive could do nothing.

A guild had formed within the royal capital, and they were unifying the back alleys at an alarming rate.

‘What is the Language Revival Guild?’

The purpose of the guild was also stupid.

Among the back alley groups they attacked, there were several criminal guilds that they had backed.

Because of that, I couldn’t get out.


There is nothing we can do about the guys who are targeting the oysters right now.

In reality, nothing changes even if you step up. It was natural. There were no troops left and no swordsmen to send.

The opponent’s preparation was also more solid.

These are people who are determined to attack the village.

So I had no choice but to deliver the news to the headquarters.

The thought that I might die like this filled my head.

‘f*ck, f*ck!’

All businesses were destroyed, and the business-village that they had devoted their lives to building disappeared.

The executive wanted to scream, but the servant stopped him.

“Are you going to throw away your values ​​like this? Find out the name of the guy who did this. That’s for the best.”

It was sound advice.

The executives used their courage. He poured gold coins into the intelligence guild and hired several mercenaries.

That’s how it got its name.

“Marcus you f*cking bastard!”


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