Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 276

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276. Touring performance

“Hey, what am I? My name is Laban.”

The middle-aged man said. Encred didn’t organize his thoughts.

Since when did you think and move with your head?

I got to where I am today because I followed my dreams the way I wanted to.

Encred swung his sword.

The blade rose from bottom to top, bouncing off the torch light.

A dull hum rang out.

right. It’s dull. It wasn’t sharp.

He was called a tutor, but now the extremely sharp blade of the famous sword cuts off the opponent’s arm.

Because it was not fast but blunt and slow, Laban felt and had to watch as his arm was cut off.

Since I couldn’t avoid it just because I could see it, I had to suffice with seeing it, and instead of feeling the loss of one of my limbs disappearing, I had to feel the burning pain first.


A terrible scream rang out from inside the wide cave.

A part of the body attached to the bottom of the shoulder fell to the floor.

The arm that declared independence from the human body fluttered and moved. I emphasized my point by sprinkling blood.

The man who lost his arm shouted as if he was opposing the claim.

“Ouch ouch!”

As he screamed and moved, red blood splattered everywhere.

Most of them splashed onto Encred’s armor and face in front of him, but he did not avoid them and just looked at them indifferently.

The blood that splattered on my cheek ran down and fell to the floor.

Encred, who was indifferently watching Laban go crazy from the pain of having one of his arms cut off, blurted out.

“Can you stop the bleeding? Ester.”

“It’s not difficult.”

The method of hemostasis was a bit extreme.

Esther stretched out her hand, and fire came out of her hand and burned her arm.

“Oh, ah ah! Stop it! I, please stop!”

Encred wondered how many times he had heard that crazy middle-aged bastard scream in earnest like mine. I thought about it and quit.

“Why, why, I just did what Naaahan told me to do! It was sold for a few gold coins!”

He had already lost quite a bit of blood before the fight, so he screamed in pain and was beaten down in the name of stopping the bleeding, so his voice was now hoarse. Encred raised his sword.

“It’s a bridge.”

He cut off his leg with callous words.

With a thud, the severed leg flew to the side. The bridge, which declared independence from the human body, also emphasized its claim without mercy.

Under the numerous torches illuminating all directions, bright red blood once again stained the entire area. Afterwards, Esther burned the cut area again with magic fire, and the helpless, pitiful scream rang out again.


Laban shed tears of blood as his arms and legs were barely cut off. Her tooth was broken and blood came out of her mouth. She let out horrifying screams again and again.

“It looks like you’re sick.”

“That’s what happens when you burn it with fire.”

Encred spoke and Saxony responded.

Rather than using a soldering iron, the limbs are cut and the cross section is supported.

Even though Saxony is not a master of torture, he knows how to do it. I know the structure of the human body and the parts where pain is greatly affected.

Saxony also knew well that pulling out fingernails and inserting needles underneath them was an old and excellent torture method.

In Saxony’s opinion, it was only useful that the alchemist did not give up.

The conversation between the two was indifferent.

It was like a conversation about looking at a worthless object, like a rock on the side of the road.

And the one who was either Laban or Radol, who could not overcome the pain, eventually rolled his eyes.

I felt like I was going to die soon.

Encred walked up and stabbed his forehead with his sword.

No matter how much it hurts, the sense of touch reacts sensitively to new pain.

Moreover, the pain must be maximized by slowly drawing the stabbed sword downward.

“Turn it off.”

Laban said in a hoarse voice. Encred asked.

“Is there any way for the person trapped inside to return to normal?”

Saxony thought it was a surprising question.

If you don’t open your mouth at that moment, you’re not human.

Even if he is a specially trained assassin, he will commit suicide before something like that happens, and he will not hold out.

Laban blinked countless times and looked away while trembling.

His head was still spinning, so it seemed like he was a kid whose value was in his head.

This is the answer that came later.

“This is it, this is it.”

Although the pronunciation was a bit off, it wasn’t difficult to understand.

As soon as Encred heard that,

The alchemist’s head was split in half.

He swung his sword vertically and mercilessly severed his head.

A brain that would have been of extraordinary value if it had survived poured out from between the cracked skulls.


Why are you asking and killing me? Saxony asked a question without realizing it.

“What kind of hobby is it that you ask questions knowingly?”


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After hearing Encred’s answer, Saxony nodded. He knew it too.

The alchemist named Laban talked as he could. There was no way to bring back someone who was broken like that. There is no way to do that.

Even if the priest who is said to be the best on the continent comes, it is not possible. Those who are called saints may be able to attach an arm that has just been torn off, but they cannot heal a person with a damaged head.

That is not the realm of divinity.

A drugged woman bites off her own arm, but what about a boy who is already dead?

Also, what is neither a ghoul nor a human?

If he can reverse that, he can be called a god.

“Would it have been worth it if I had taken you?”

Sinar asked. To a reasonable question, a reasonable answer came back.

“I didn’t like how it looked.”

“Yes, that can happen.”

Seeing Sinar agreeing, Esther nodded seriously.

“He was an ugly person.”

Those who walk the path of magic, mystery, and spells also walk the path of ignorance.

But at the same time, they face the real world.

I don’t forget my body, my body, and that I am a human being.

If you are a proper wizard, yes.

Whether elves, dwarves, or dragons, real bodies exist, and wizards must not forget them as well.

But that alchemist went off the rails.

His work was visible everywhere and the contents written in the research log were also similar.

They were truly rotten, stinking things.

Therefore, it is ugly. That’s what I meant. Of course, the appearance was like that too.

Esther didn’t seem to have lost anything, Encred’s anger or anything else.

So, where is the driving force that moves the sword?

Esther had a question, but didn’t ask.

We will explore, understand, observe and find out. It’s a way to find out more than just asking and answering questions.

Actually, there was no complicated reason.

Encred felt like throwing away something dirty. It was like washing dirt from his hands.

Should we punish the person holding it rather than the sword?

What kind of shit does that sound like?

This was not done by a sword, but by a human being.

I am a human being who can become the subject of my own life.

I had the ability and the will to do so.

However, I just did what I wanted to do.

Not only the person who ordered it but also the person who executed it is at fault.

By Encred’s standards, the guy who did this didn’t deserve to live.

What if the opponent is the monarch of a country? What if it was?

Still, it didn’t matter.

Even if he was chased his whole life and lived as a fugitive, even if he was treated like a bounty hunter’s bag of gold, Encred would still do it.

That’s the way you see your dreams and the way you walk the path.

If Finn had known this, he would have at least shook his head.

Because it was literally close to crazy.

“Is there only one or two people like that on this continent?”

You could have shouted like this.

That’s why. Encred wanted to cut down that guy whenever he saw him. So he also held a sword.

A knight in the past does not just mean a knight who fights well.

Of course, Finn couldn’t get into Encred’s head and read his thoughts.

“It’s a good thing. There was some stupid alchemist here, and he died. What can I do if he’s already dead?”

She said something plausible. This means there is no need to take responsibility.

Encrud didn’t think anything of it, and Saxony silently respected his captain’s choice.

Anyway, he got everything he got.

And to be honest.

‘I might have killed him.’

I didn’t want to leave him alive. It wasn’t a calculation, it was a feeling. It was a feeling.

For the first time in a very long time, this is an emotional response.

‘It’s not something I would use here.’

I can’t release the worn out and faded emotions here.

Your emotions are a prepared blade, and those who will receive them are determined.

“The company commander’s troops have entered from the outside. Let’s come in and clear them out. And it would be better to keep some of the people who are still alive locked up like this.”

Since they were under the influence of drugs, it was obvious that they would cause trouble if they left.


Sinar said that and looked at the several pieces of paper in his hand. As she looked at the common language written on her thin paper, she opened her mouth.

“There are a few more villages like this. It looks like it will be quite a long trip. What do you think?”

Many of the questions were condensed, but Encred managed to understand them.

Saxony will follow what he says, and Finn will follow Sinar’s orders.

“One village also raises demonic beasts.”

Encred could tell from what Sinar said just now.

‘It’s not that I haven’t found out anything in the meantime.’

There were too many opponents. So much so that I put in the time and effort to find out the ins and outs.

Encred’s brain naturally grasped the current situation.

‘If we don’t treat it as an elite few, the experiments and research materials will all be lost and disappear.’

‘Then you won’t gain anything after the battle.’

‘It will also give those who need to be killed a chance to escape.’

This is an opponent that must be moved in company units.

Right now, in this village alone, there was a witch who struck lightning.

Then, I had to prepare for that as well.

As for the Black Knife, the thieves were truly a formidable group.

Encred was a bit mistaken.

There were several types of oysters prepared by Black Knife.

Among them, there were places that sold slaves.

There were also places where demonic beasts were tamed with medicine.

Because this was the most important place among them, there was only a precious wizard there.

No matter how black the sword was, wizards were not common people.

The thought is over. It wasn’t something to worry about.

“Let’s go.”

Encred answered.

If there are more of these, they will need to be cleaned out.

A small number of elites, among them those whose specialty is moving in secret, have gathered together.

There are also wizards.

Even if Esther doesn’t come forward again, she will say something if she shows signs of it.

It was a good opportunity in many ways.

Above all, if you don’t hit everything now, you’ll hide again.

“Aren’t you curious who the head of the black sword is?”

Sinar asked without saying anything.

“Do you know?”

“I even found out that he was one of the kingdom’s nobles.”

Saxony was also listening to that conversation.

There was something I was aiming for.

The information that had been intentionally leaked to some parts of the kingdom was finally showing its power.

Saxony also really wanted to see the leader of the Black Sword.

Even if I had a wife whom I separated from because of the war, I would miss her more than she would.

After entrusting the village to the allies who had entered, the party moved.

“It’s terrible.”

The platoon leader who came in shook his head when he saw the devastation in the cave.

Some inexperienced soldiers couldn’t hold back their nausea. The foul smell of vomit spread throughout the cave.

Not letting these things live was one of the reasons I grabbed my sword.

The group that left went up the mountain.

If you take a rough path, you can take a shortcut.

Finn was a great guide in this regard.

* * *

In one of the Black Sword villages, the four chiefs moved as one.

They were four men who had been together since childhood, and everyone called them the Bolun Death Brother.

They were bald and had a scary look, like typical bandits. His skills were so good that he was able to bandit here and there, leaving the village behind.

Aren’t the Black Knife Bandits originally a group of people who also do banditry?

A man with black hair stood in front of the four.

It was broad daylight.

“How did you get in?”

the eldest brother asked. He ran a hand through his shaved head.

It’s a cloudy day, but it’s not snowing.

The second one narrowed his eyes.

Why was the village quiet? There are dozens of members here? Why are you so quiet until this bastard gets here?

The man silently adjusted his sword belt and placed his hand on the sword grip before asking.

“If you feel unfair, you should tell me now. I’m a bit busy.”

busy? The third rolled his big eyes.

The fourth was quick-witted. Already sensing his anxiety, he slipped behind him and grabbed the end of the hidden net.

If I made a mistake, I was going to throw it.

A net with weights attached to the edges was the fourth’s proud weapon.

In fact, the brothers benefited greatly from using nets in their fights.

The third was a dart throwing master. The third person, stroking the tip of the poisoned dart with his hand, also finished preparing.

The second and first were masters of hand-to-hand combat.

There were no words.

A snowball fight broke out between Encred and the four.

Tension filled the five of us.

The bald brother-in-law felt that the hall of the mansion, which he usually used as a palace, was narrow.

‘What is this bastard?”

This is the end of the short thought. The fourth threw down the net.

Encred stood still and saw the falling net and the two bald heads as dots.

Then, I drew a line connecting those points in my head, moved my feet, and swung the sword along the line drawn with my body and hands.

The sword that moved hit the weight at the end of the net, tangling the net in the air, and leaving long marks on the necks of the fourth and third people who threw it.

Of course, since it was a mark left by a sword, a large amount of blood poured out from there.

The second child’s eyes completely rolled back when he saw the blood gushing out.

“이 개새끼가!”

The fight wasn’t that tough.

So, it was over in an instant. Strike the approaching enemy’s thick blade in a straight line.

Evasion and attack occur simultaneously. The blade struck the enemy’s forehead.

The tip of the knife struck my forehead and dug into it.

“This guy!”

The first ax came flying out in a hurry. It was a thick and heavy weapon, and the man who used it also boasted great strength.

The first one did his best.

Encred punched a hole in the second child’s forehead and struck them together with his left foot pivoting.


A loud noise erupted.


“……What are you?”

The eldest child, who broke both arms because he could not bear the force, spoke in a dejected tone.

Encred took a deep breath, released his mighty heart, and answered.

“You know what to do.”

The guy who’s going to die soon.

Encred’s sword had no forgiveness or mercy.

That was the end.

There was no wizard, and Saxony was covered in some kind of relic he had picked up from somewhere and went on a rampage.

Saxony instantly killed the five thieves who were like guards guarding the center of the village, without any rat or bird knowing, and Encred entered them.

However, even though I searched all over the village, I couldn’t find anything hidden.

What is here? It’s just a troop gathering, right?

While Encred was wondering, Finn came forward.


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