Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 275

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275. What was in the cavity?

Esther saw Encred’s gaze sweep over Kaysella’s entire body.

Since I had been observing Encred for a while, I did not miss his gaze.

Kaysella was wearing clothes that clearly revealed her body.

The face wasn’t ugly, but that was it. It may be good for Frog, but not for you. It is below standard.

‘No, the Proc named Meelun just had particularly low eyesight.’

Encrid told her in a chattering manner when she came here, so she also knew what the Proc named Meelun had said.

What kind of place is this town?

So, she realized the prepared spell in advance and had also completed her internal preparation.

Esther’s eyes looked at the other person indifferently.

The appearance is one thing, but what kind of evil spell is there?

As expected, they used it to burn that man’s hair or something.

In reality, the thunderbolt spell could not kill Encred.

Although it was a prepared magic, Encred’s body was now able to withstand it.

Above all, Esther herself had made several preparations for her newly acquired armor.

But should we forgive the person who did this?

Esther was originally far from the word ‘forgiveness’.

No matter what the opponent did, she interfered and destroyed each and every way the spell world was implemented. Mana gathered and then dispersed.

This is an opponent whose internal organs have already been twisted due to the reverse summoning of a spell using ‘Vanna’s Mirror’.

As the spell failed repeatedly, her complexion turned pale.

As he got closer, Kaysella took out the dagger hidden in his waist and stabbed him.

Then he shouted.

“Shoot it!”

The crossbow beast that had stopped awkwardly reacted.

Without any worries, Esther struck Caisela’s wrist as she held the dagger.

He revealed the most useful thing he got from the curse. In other words, it was a hand blade strike using the strength of a leopard.

The moment the upright hand blade struck the opponent’s wrist, a sharp, bone-breaking sound was clearly heard.

Kaysela’s wrist was bent by a force that could not have come from a slender hand. She rattled.


The person who ruled and ruled the village with fear screamed.

Encred, who had already moved, blocked the bolt that the crossbowman fired in surprise.

I struck down two with my sword and snatched one out of the air.

The moment they saw the flying arrow being caught, the faces of the thieves who were watching turned pale.

Isn’t it at a level where I can’t do anything about it?

“It would be better to stay still while we save him.”

Encred said silently. All the bandits dropped their weapons. Some of them were quick-witted and retreated.

There were too many to chase them down one by one, so I left them alone.

Esther took the dagger from Kaysella’s hand and made it into a brooch for her heart.

As the dagger pierced through her heart, Kaysella groaned and groaned.

“Why why?”

Why is there a wizard as big as you here?

“It’s none of your business.”

Esther recited with a smile.

Although it was a little bit, I felt satisfied. Encred, who had been watching, approached.

“Are you fighting well?”

“It’s kind of like that.”

In response to the silent answer, Encred nodded and looked around.

The wizard appeared, I clenched my molars, and just as it was time to fight, Esther appeared and ate it all by herself.

That wasn’t bad.

Isn’t it a problem to come forward because you want to?

Encred thought that Ester was also a member of his command.

No matter what I do, it will be better than Rem.

Those who lost their will to fight, those who were startled by lightning, and those who stared blankly.

And behind there.

“Everyone, drop your weapons!”

A unit under the fairy company commander was also seen entering the village and surrounding it.

How did they know to come at this time? I can’t believe I’m watching.

A person who appeared to be a platoon leader quickly approached.

As I glanced around, a look of confusion was evident.

“Everything, uh, everything, huh? Have you, um, thrown away your weapons already?”

As I passed by, I said something out of embarrassment.

I was embarrassed. Even if you ask the enemy, will you get an answer?

“… They told me to throw it away.”

There is an answer.

One of the guys with his right arm charred muttered.

I saw a little girl with her eyes glaring as she tried to survive.

“Are you throwing it away?”

The platoon leader asked back.


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Encred wondered what kind of question and answer that was. All I could do was stare at the side of the platoon leader’s head, which was cut short and showed some skin.

To the platoon commander, it was just absurd.

The village they were watching from afar suddenly saw an increase in torches and the atmosphere in the village was judged to be unusual, so they voluntarily advanced their troops. On the way, lightning, presumed to be magic, struck several times within the village, so they hurried to enter the village.

When I came in, I didn’t even start anything and everything was finished.

The village was ruined by just a few people, and there seemed to be a thief using some sort of magic, but the person presumed to be the wizard was lying on the ground with a dagger stuck in his heart, and those who survived had lost their will to fight and the rest were dead.

That was all that was visible.

The platoon leader didn’t know the situation, but there was just one thing.


I felt unusually scary for my company commander.

There are people here who are even worse than that.

“Do you want me to take your eyes out?”

This is what I hear when my eyes are drawn to the skin that can be seen subtly through the robe.

Black hair, red lips, blue eyes. The mysterious atmosphere, the moonlight falling on it, the curved body.

Everything catches your eye at the moment. It was natural for men.

However, even though I only glanced at him for a moment, the words that came out of his mouth were harsh.

“It’s an ally. You shouldn’t pick it.”

“Then what about losing?”

“That doesn’t work either.”

“Then, let’s just blind one eye.”

“Isn’t it okay if you cover it well?”

“I’m disappointed. Are you saying it’s not the author’s eyes that are the problem?”

In reality, Esther was awkward about human affairs and everything else.

Encred thought as he spoke.

I would go through some trouble to teach him too.


“I saw it too, are you going to take my eyes out too?”

“You are an exception.”



Esther spoke, pretended to think for a moment, and then shook her head.

Then he nodded that he would leave the eyeballs alone.

Encred sighed lightly, winked at the platoon leader and said.

“Fix it up and tie them all up.”

“…Huh? Yes. But where are you going?”


Neither Finn nor Saxony nor Cynar returned.

It must have gone in there. The village chief’s house in the center of the village was quite large.

It seemed like a good idea to hide something.

“I smell the order.”

Esther spoke, and Encred also felt that there was something there.

Esther moved confidently first.

Encred stood next to him.

“Do you know the way?”

I asked because I was worried that he might be similar to Ragnar.

“Are you looking at me like a fool and a fool who can’t even find his way around?”

That’s how I always thought of Ragna.

Encred thought to himself and answered.

“No, you’re not that kind of idiot.”

Then the two entered the village, and the platoon leader shouted as he looked around at the remaining enemies.

“If you behave carelessly, I will rip out your eyeballs.”

Taking control of the area, he and his men began to capture the remaining bandits.

At that point, Cynar, Saxony, and Finn were already in the cave they had dug under the center of the village.

There were a few things left inside that the wizard had prepared.

For example, things like ghouls and werewolves.

And of course, they were no match for them, so they were all sliced, cut, cut, and killed.

The three who arrived inside saw a tragedy that was difficult to express in words.

“Grrr. Give me medicine, medicine.”

One person who was part of the tragedy muttered.

A person whose fingernails are all lifted and blood is dripping from scratching the wall.

Among them, a little boy collapsed, drooling.

There was nothing to say other than the two words: “It was a tragedy.”

* * *

There were the corpses of ghouls, werewolves with their heads and arms cut off, and a couple of other human-faced dogs.

Seeing that it had a leash around its neck, it seemed like the guys here had used it as a watchdog.

The face dog was also split in half.

Should I say that it is a path led by the blood of monsters? The village chief’s house had a unique structure.

When I went inside, there was a ramp.

It was a cave leading downwards.

It felt like a huge cave. Although the wind wasn’t blowing through, it seemed quite spacious inside.

‘Wide but closed cave’

It would be perfect to do something strange inside.

Encred and Esther went inside.

A torch was placed next to the wall, so the view was clear.

Looking at the monster’s body, Encred saw traces of Sinar and traces of Saxony.

‘It looks like you cut it well.’

The place we arrived at was a fairly large cavity.

Cinard, Finn, and Saxony were already there.

“You’re early.”

Saxony said. Encred felt a little awkward in his tone of voice.

There were several more caves inside the cavity, and one that was blocked off with iron bars was also noticeable.

And the people inside it.

They looked like they were half out of their minds.

Encred approached.

Meanwhile, I saw an old man I had never seen muttering.

It was a face that looked stubborn. He had a hooked nose, sunken cheeks, prominent cheekbones, but small eyes.

His personality didn’t seem to be normal either.

“I told you to shut up.”

Even though Finn, holding a dagger and fiercely reflecting the light of the torch right in front of him, spoke, he still just pouted his lips.

Light did not penetrate well inside.

Encred picked up a torch hanging on the wall.

illuminated the inside.

“Do you have medicine, medicine, medicine? Huh? Give me medicine. I will take care of you, okay?”

She was a skinny woman whose breasts looked like they were sunken inward.

I knew it just by looking at his eyes. It wasn’t just that I was drunk, I already had no reason left at all.

If you leave it like this, you will spend your whole life looking for medicine and then die.

“Huh? Do you have any medicine?”

This was a better case.

I saw a man scratching the wall even though his fingernails were broken and crusted.

Whoever did it had his eyes gouged out.

Next to him, a little boy was lying drooling, and Encred knew that the little boy was already dead.

I didn’t feel any vitality, which is evidence of being alive.

My chest didn’t rise and fall. I couldn’t even hear her breathing.

“I was alive until just now.”

Finn muttered behind him.

Sinar was busy looking around.

She was a fairy, and she did her job faithfully, no matter the tragedy or anything else.

She found things hidden everywhere.

“Hey, if you know what it is, touch it!”

An old man with a hooked nose shouted.

Meanwhile, Encrid inspected the cave.

Everything, one by one, silently.

“Leave it alone!”

Sinar ignored him, and the middle-aged man could not go any further after seeing Finn’s eyes sink.

No matter what, how can you fight when a knife is going to fly at you?

As if he had some confidence, he let out a small snort, crossed his arms, and turned around.

Sinard still tinkered with this and that.

Encred saw something strange in the next cave.

Although he is human, half of his eyes are a strange color. These are dull, colorless eyes with no pupils.

Black eyes, thighs with clearly visible split muscle lines.

“What is this?”

Encred asked without looking away.

“Oh, that was a failure.”

The middle-aged man answered indifferently.


“It’s over.”

“Were you originally human?”

“What are you asking?”

Encrud looked at it silently and swung his sword.

The sword that went through the bars killed the half-ghoul human who was wheezing and breathing.

There were many such things in the cave.

“The werewolf I saw on the way was similar.”

I heard Saxony’s words sound indifferent, and therefore colder than usual.

Encred’s head turned back. The feet also moved.

He neither expressed anger nor was he sad.

Finn looked at Encred.

Are you not angry because you have passed the path and can no longer go back?

Or is it a reaction similar to that of a fairy?

Are you keeping what happened separate from you and not accepting it as a tragedy?

Through this incident, Finn saw that Sinar was particularly different from humans.

She showed no emotion at this tragedy.

“This is someone who will tear you to death.”

After that one word, I did what I had to do. I checked one by one the original purpose of coming here and whether it was related to the medicine and any nobles.

It would be good if there were some clues here.

Then, the object of punishment will be decided.

I don’t know if you can kill me just because I’m looking for you.

Encred trudged on.

Finn looked at him with his sword in hand.

Saxony was behind him, but he had no intention of killing his opponent.

As soon as he first came, he asked a few questions, listened to the answers, and then stepped back.

It seemed like he thought it was nothing to do with him.

Finn was heartbroken.

I felt the same way when I saw the dead child, I felt the same way when I saw the drugged woman, and I was distressed because I was reminded of the screams that must have rang out here and the horrible events that occurred.

I felt like cutting down this alchemist, but that was something Finn couldn’t do.

This person was quite famous. He was a man whose name spread throughout the kingdom.

Alchemist Laban.

A human being who cannot create gold from nothing, but has literally no one who can compete with him when it comes to making reagents.

“Hey, I was forced to do it too. The black knife told me to do it.”

Laban muttered. What did you feel?

This is what Encred said as he approached us.

Esther, who changed from a leopard to a human, silently observed Encred.

No, it wasn’t just Esther.

Everyone turned their gaze to Encred. Saxony and Sinardo stopped what they were doing.

What to do?

Even if you capture him and send him only to the kingdom, it will be a great achievement.

The author’s value lies not only in his body but also in his mind.

What if we erase grace because of this incident? He is truly an alchemist.

They might give you something like a healing potion that could be considered an extra life.

He experimented with humans, but is that wrong?

Of all the alchemists on the continent, how many of them have not used human bodies as test subjects?

And wasn’t that also something that the black knife ordered?

So, if a person is killed by a blade, is the object of revenge the blade? Is it a person with a knife?

Encred looked into the other person’s eyes.

There were rotten eyes without the slightest trace of guilt.


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