Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 274

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274. Was that all there was to show on the outside?

“I don’t think it will be a problem.”

Finn answered. He was upset to see what was going on, but would that be a problem? I don’t think so.

Who came here with me?

It’s Encred and Saxony?

I think Encred’s ignorant knife skills would just chop up half of the thieves here, right?

What kind of loyalty would a group of thieves have to watch this?

If you watch, half of the people will run away.

Is it dangerous?

Probably not. Finn could see the attitude of the human crowd, especially the bandits. It was predictable.

In the worst case, even if each and every one of them attacks him, he is Encred.

There was no way I could be treated calmly.

“I smell the spell.”

Fairy Sinar said. Her senses were clear.

Finn frowned.

As a wizard, that was a bit of a pain in the ass.

I didn’t know what kind of variable it would act as.

Even so.

‘I don’t think I’ll win.’

Encred is not alone.

Finn had a history of living within a company of lunatics. She knew that Saxony was also unusual.

That’s why the words came out.

“That’s it. It seems like less attention is drawn to this area.”

The intention is to leave them to their own devices and let us mind our own business.

Her eyes scanned the village’s central rim. This is where Encred is in full swing. There was a place where torches were lit everywhere, giving light even in the dark of the night. It is the central square of the village.

I could see people, more accurately a group of thieves, gathering one after another.


“Wouldn’t it be right to find out what we need to know first?”

Finn thought. No matter how dangerous it is, it is Encred. He would know how to pull himself out.

Sinard also nodded.

There was one problem, but she was clear about what needed to be done first.

In the center of the village, thieves have dug a tunnel.

The first thing to do was check what was happening inside.

It was worth it. Sinar and Finn have been following the trail for some time now.

* * *

It’s only been a month since I joined this village. His name was Bond.

While he was acting like a mercenary, he got greedy and stabbed his colleague in the back.

Well, it was a common occurrence.

That kind of greed that wants to gulp down the rewards for oneself.

If there was a mistake here, it would be that the cub that got stabbed didn’t heal well.

His brother was a member of some noble’s guard.

The only thing that happened was that he was immediately chased by the security guards and jumped out.

‘There is no such thing as bad luck.’

He had a pr****ute as his mother.

“You’d rather go out and die, die!”

It’s been a twisted life ever since I couldn’t resist my mother’s bullying and ran away to wander around the back alleys of the estate.

He became known as Bond, a man who stabbed people in the back, and turned into a mercenary, but even here he was not able to give up his habits.

He stabbed his colleague in the back, and the situation pushed him into a corner. How many places can you go to like that?

This is because I have trusted myself with the black sword and am now slowly getting used to it.

And the most important things he learned throughout the month here were two.

One was that if you were to be picked up by the village’s ruler, you would be burned to death without even having a chance to do anything.

The second thing was that you should not attack the guard who slurred his words or the woman who used claws.

After seeing the guy who made a mistake and got his tongue cut out, I really didn’t even look at that woman’s thighs.

I avoided face-to-face contact as much as possible.

Still, I recognized the face. Isn’t it important to know to avoid it?

In Bond’s opinion, those two were symbols of the force that protected this village.

And now those two symbols have truly become symbols. It is a symbol that can be treated like an immovable statue.

Of course, it wasn’t left in a good shape.


In reality, all Bond saw was something that seemed to be moving and flying.

Among them, there were some who looked on blankly, like him, holding rusty shortswords, hammers, slingshots, blackjacks, blunt weapons filled with sand, and clubs with nails on them.

There were more than ten archers who took a quick look and threw daggers or darts, or held crossbows.

Anyway, there was no time for any of them to react.

“Bwak, whing.”

My attention was focused on the two symbols who were screaming or moaning.

The guard, who slurred his words, wore a short, forearm-length short spear.

He was said to have been a mercenary before, and I heard he was quite good at it back then, but as soon as the tip of the sword and spear blade came into contact, he was decapitated.

It’s real. The moment you touch it, huh? When I looked at it, I saw that my neck had been completely cut off.


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It was incomprehensible through Bond’s eyes.

All I could see was that as soon as the swords met, the black-haired guy’s blade struck the opponent’s neck.

‘No, when the swords meet, shouldn’t there be at least a clicking sound?’

It wasn’t. The swordsmanship created by Yu Geom-sik and Encred trampled the opponent.

This happened because the enemy was struck by a sharp blade that did not turn into a ball of cotton even if struck gently.

After that, the woman with the claw scratched her back, but something flew from the bottom to the top, and the woman was cut in two.

So the second symbol was divided into two bodies.

That was the end.

What did they do?

I think I’ve heard somewhere that he was a swordsman with ghost-like skills, but it was like he was truly possessed by something.

The ridiculous difference in skill makes swordsmanship look like a spell.

Bond stiffened.

Can I attack you? Then it will fall off right away, right?

Instinct cried out. Run away, run away immediately.


It’s when an archer holding a crossbow spits out one stupid word.

“Get out of the way.”

The real ruler of this village emerged among the band of thieves.

Bond started to take a step back but then stopped.

This is the moment when the woman who stepped forward became visible. The woman’s name was Kaysela, and she had curly brown hair, gently arched eyes, thick lips, and ample breasts and buttocks.

Kaysella frowned as she placed one hand on her waist, which looked slim thanks to her chest and buttocks.

This was after seeing two bodies.

As soon as it saw her, the monster that split the symbol of force into two waved its hand.

The opponent literally pulled out his hand in an instant and threw the knife.

Of course, Bond couldn’t see every single movement. It was too fast.

I just saw, associated, and judged scenes that went beyond the results and process.

The blade he threw was blocked by a thick, transparent film.

The furrow between Kaysella’s eyebrows deepened.

Every time something like that happened, a villager would disappear, or a group of people who happened to enter the village would disappear altogether.

Either that or someone dies.

“There is no hesitation.”

She said. The voice was brilliant.

Next to him, the leopard’s eyes began to glow blue, but Bond could not see them either.

Bond still didn’t know what, but he knew something was going to happen.

There was no thought of running away anymore.

I couldn’t move as if someone had grabbed my legs.

The tip of Kaysela’s finger pointed at Encred.

The other person didn’t move. At least that’s how it seemed to Bond.

He simply faced Kaysella’s fingers with the sword in his right hand.

“I will hit you.”

At the same time, Kaysela’s voice came out.


There were no omens, no signs.

A blue thunderbolt struck the sky with a roar.

It’s exactly above the man’s head.

Bond could not see anything because of the flashing light that filled his eyes.

Then, the light threw me back and pushed me away.

The shock wave sent my body flying backwards, but I didn’t even feel like I was floating.

No, I didn’t remember it.

When Bond came to his senses again, there was only a dirt floor in front of him.


A moan was heard in my ears.

It wasn’t his own voice, but he soon realized that he was moaning similarly to me.

Then Bond twisted his body halfway. It was a struggle to get up.

In his eyes, he could see that half of his body had been burned.

There was also a colleague who turned into a black lump.

‘what? ‘What was it?’

Pain is not yet properly recognized by the body. It was quite a shock. The memory of the moment I was hit was lost.

Bond moved his body steadily. Fortunately, he was better off.

The whole body did not burn up. The moment I became aware of my body, the pain started to increase from my right arm.


Without realizing it, I clenched my molars.

I turned my gaze to the lower right.

The area from my right arm to the approx. thigh was pitch black. The outside of the skin seemed cooked and burnt.

It was difficult to come to my senses due to the burning pain.

‘It was a thunderbolt, a thunderbolt.’

When I was young, I once saw lightning strike quite close by.

A white fire, a strike of some invisible light.

At that time, the light of the lightning came to mind.

I was still dazed. That was actually fortunate.

Otherwise, I would have screamed because of the pain.

Just being nearby made my hair burn, and it felt like someone had shoved a fireball down my throat.

Bond blinked a few times. My eyes were fine.

As I came to my senses a little, the pain swirled through my body more vividly.


Bond screamed inwardly, unable to do anything and stumbled around in cold sweat.

It felt like a rat was running towards me and eating my body.

He thought he was standing, but that wasn’t the case. He stepped back. He crawled on his butt.

My back touched the wall.

The feel of the cold wall seemed to lessen the pain. Only then was I able to cast my gaze forward.

The distance between myself and the black-haired assailant was roughly fifteen steps.

Still, it’s like this.

What happened to the guy in the center who was the subject of this spell?

He must have died. Even if it had been horribly burned while standing and reduced to ashes, I would have done so.

This is how confident I am.

Those who were a little closer died, charred to death.

In Bond’s eyes, he saw a normal guy.


And I also saw a new person standing next to him.

It was a woman with long black hair and a gray robe.

Her mouth opened with one hand in the air.

“The lightning spell is useful.”

How can I describe the youthful feeling in that tone of voice?

It was like an adult watching a child perform a trick.

Look down on them and look down on them. Evaluate the other person’s level mercilessly. I was struck by lightning and felt it, whether it was youthful emotion or feeling in that tone of voice. There was no way the person who wrote the spell would not notice this.

“One crazy guy and one crazy bitch.”

Kaysela opened her mouth again and moved her fingers.

Incomprehensible words began to flow from my mouth.

It was the beginning of an order.

Nevertheless, Bond forgot the pain for a moment and could not take his eyes off the black-haired woman.

She is a beauty with a unique charm that attracts all the attention and recognition around her.

Each strand of her black hair was as smooth as silk, and her lips were red and her eyes were blue.

It was full of mystery.

If Kaysela had a body that aroused lust, this one had an appearance that aroused awe.

While Bond was thinking these thoughts, he thought that he was an idiot for turning his eyes away from the woman.

Of course, it wasn’t just that.

* * *

As soon as Encred recognized the wizard’s presence, he tightened his thighs.

The throwing blade is blocked, so now I’m going to cut it myself and that’s it.

At that moment, something fell on my head at a speed that the human body could not keep up with.

The moment I recognized and felt it, my body reacted to that destructive flash.

We took our time and prepared our defense. He covered his head with both arms and tried to hold on.

It’s the same time.


Whispering and mumbling heard from the side.

No, to be exact, he spoke before the light flashed above his head, but Encred recognized the light first and the voice later.

Before I knew it, Esther had turned into a human wearing a gray robe.

She stretched out her right palm and held it out in front of her.

That was the end.

Two magics collided with Encred’s sixth sense, which went beyond his five senses.

Something similar to the intangible membrane that had blocked his dagger blocked the destructive light-thunderbolt overhead before it could reach him.


Afterwards, lightning struck. In the aftermath, the surrounding bandits flew in all directions.

Encrud saw the curtain of the tongue that blocked the light.

It is a translucent film with a faint blue light flowing through it.

When it encounters lightning, the light is scattered and scattered. The newly born light bounced around and did not return.

The prodigal son of light who left home burned and penetrated the bodies of those around him.

This is because Esther blocked half and deflected half through a spell.

“Vanna’s mirror?”

The other person muttered. Her eyes showed a bit of surprise.

Esther didn’t even shrug.

The attitude is that it doesn’t matter what comes out of your mouth.

Arrogant and haughty.

But that doesn’t look bad. Of course it seemed like it had to be that way.

Encred was once again struck by the mystery of Esther’s appearance, but that did not make him shake.

If I had been swayed by a woman’s appearance in the first place, I wouldn’t have been able to walk my own path with integrity.

Once again, the other person chanted something, and Esther muttered something unintelligible as well.

Purr purr.

A sound like a bug crying was heard from somewhere, and a blue light appeared in Kaysella’s hand, which immediately turned into a thunderbolt.

However, rather than coming down from above like before, he lunged at me by extending his fingers in a zigzag motion.

Esther raised her hand in front of him. Soon the lightning came, but it was blocked by a transparent membrane and returned as it was.

The flash of light left traces on my retina.

“It’s gone!”

Kaysella quickly shouted. The reason is unknown, but blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

“Tsk, tsk, kid. What if I turn back the spell I just pulled out? What if I can’t even take the aftereffects of that mana?”

Kaysella’s complexion hardened as she listened to Esther’s teachings.

She was embarrassed. She deserved it.

If her opponent was a swordsman, she would not lose. There were things she had prepared in this town.

A prepared wizard can kill a hundred people and block a thousand by himself.

However, there was nothing he could do for a wizard with a higher rank than him.

This was orthodoxy.

Kaysella glared at the woman who suddenly appeared, more precisely, in the form of a leopard.

“Who the hell are you?”

Esther did not give her name.

I just looked down on my opponent. She did it anyway. She deserved it.

There was at least three levels of difference between my spell world and the owner of that curly hair.


Kaysella chanted. How could a wizard like that appear in a corner of the countryside like this?

What more can there be to gain from this?

He’s a wizard because he’s arrogant. He is also a wizard because he is selfish and narrow-minded.

Kaysella began to mumble something unintelligible again.

This is a spell that brings your spell world into reality.

Esther stared blankly and took her steps away.

She also went ahead and chanted a spell.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on those steps.

No one dared to fire a crossbow or attack while watching that.

There were more than five crossbow beasts that were intact in the aftermath of the lightning, but they really didn’t move.

Encred also became a spectator.

‘You’re hitting a bit.’

He just thought about it absentmindedly.

I knew that Esther was a wizard. However, he didn’t know what the level was.

Looking at it now, it seemed much better than the voluptuous woman named Kaysella in front of me.

That was enough.

You never wanted anything from Esther in the first place, right?

In reality, Encred never wanted anything from anyone around him.

He walks his own path, which is so amazing that I just watch him and follow him.


Kaysela shouted.

Encred had no idea what was going on between the two.

However, no magic, no spells, no mysteries occur.

All I knew was that the air between them trembled and something happened, but I couldn’t see it.

Soon Esther stood in front of Kaysela.

Kaysela was taller. Thanks to her voluptuous figure, Esther’s body looked slim.

However, Encred had already seen that she was naked inside her robe.

As I raise my hand, I see everything through the gaping cloth.

Encred’s vision and senses were already extraordinary, and he was able to embody the whole thing by seeing a part of it and picture it in his mind.

Ester was also covered, so her body was not inferior to that of her voluptuous counterpart.

“Is that all you had to show on the outside?”

Esther spoke while standing in front of Kaysella.

It was clearly a look and tone of voice that looked down on the other person’s body.


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