Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 273

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273. Not everything goes as expected. (4)

Saxony turned as soon as the blade that stabbed his side pierced his collar and touched his skin.

North, boom!

The blade only pierced the clothes. He grazed the skin, but only left a small scratch. However, I felt something tingling from the area where I brushed against her.

‘It’s a paralyzing poison.’

There was no meaning. I trained myself with various poisons since I was young, but this was of no use.

It is simultaneous with thoughts.

Saxony gently stretched out his hand and grabbed the other person’s wrist.

From the opponent’s point of view, it was as if he had been caught in the jaw before he could retrieve his outstretched arm.

All movements were carried out in one breath as if promised.

The guy who grabbed my wrist gave me strength. Saxony did not rebel.

I followed wherever he led.

The guy who was even more embarrassed by that reflexively swung his other hand.

It is a short sword with only one edge sharpened and the weight placed on one side for cutting purposes. Of course, it was a poisoned sword.

As the blade aimed at Saxony’s cheekbone, Saxony tilted his head back, and the blade slashed across his nose.

There were no scratches this time.

It is a short gap that can be considered a moment.

Originally, it should have been a moment of amortization to recognize the current situation, but Saxony’s sixth sense dismissed all the calculations as one.

It is the realm of intuition, intuition, and sensation.

You have to look and react, figure out what the other person has, and decide what to do, but all of those processes have been surpassed.

It is an abbreviation of a cognitive process armed with intuition, which Encred has done several times.

It makes no sense that Saxony, who taught it, couldn’t do it.

So he did what was needed now.


The voice of an invisible partner rang through the air.

It was natural.

While blocking and dodging the two sword strikes, Saxony also moved.

That foot stepped on the other person’s foot, and the blade in that hand pierced the invisible air.

He held the sword in his left hand and stabbed it diagonally from bottom to top, and red blood spurted out and sprayed in the air.

Only after Saxony had finished all the moves did he realize what his opponent had.

‘It’s an artifact that helps with hiding.’

You can’t completely escape your senses unless it’s something magical.

No, there may be an assassin with skills that deceive my senses.

For all that, my skill in stabbing with a blade was poor.

Of course, all of this was relative.

The opponent was also used to stabbing at the back, but the opponent was too bad.

Blood sprayed into the air and splattered onto Saxony’s hair and face, but he didn’t even blink.

It seemed as if the hair was sucking blood.

Her reddish-brown hair appeared a dull dark red in the moonlight.

Blood pouring into the air, my wrist caught.

In that state, Saxony snatched the weapon out of the opponent’s hand and casually threw it on the roof. He traced the face of the guy who was aiming at him, then quickly took off the hood.

It was natural that his hands were covered in blood, but Saxony’s attitude remained calm.

It’s like touching an inanimate object. It was a strangely creepy sight.

If the people around me were ruthless, they made me feel that way even though they were ruthless.

Saxony paid no attention and checked the items the other person was wearing.

‘Hooded robe worn over the entire body’

It was an item so valuable that it was worth asking for.

I took it off and took it off. A string was tied on the front to secure it, and there was a string on the inside that wrapped around her waist.

‘The hood is just for use.’

When you put it on, there will be some parts you need to be careful about so it doesn’t come off.

I knew because I also had strange things.

After silently untying the strap and taking it away, the body that had served its purpose was laid out on the floor like a stone being thrown away.

“……You bastard.”

One after another, black shadows appeared on roofs everywhere, centered on Saxony. It was surrounded on all sides in the form of a siege.

There were several people under the roof holding daggers, and in addition, there were several assassins who were clearly skilled in technical skills.

And the guy standing at the front, who seemed to be their leader, opened his mouth.

The leader watched in bewilderment and only then opened his mouth.

He had experienced all kinds of things, but this was something strange, like seeing a different species of creature.

It was a murder and a battle that felt like disposing of an emotionless and worthless object.

Saxony looked at the other person silently. Since Zakrais was not here, his eyes only shone faintly.

The feeling of moonlight would be different depending on the situation, but right now, the moonlight was like a knife, symbolizing the cold and cold winter.

The dark red-looking hair showed no trace of blood, even though it was soaked in blood.

That made the other person look even more demonic or alien.

However, if you are afraid, the reputation you have built so far will suffer.


There was a sound of wind squeezing between my front teeth.

The leader, who was pretending to be a stall vendor, widened his eyes. He strained and bit his molars.

Those eyes were bloodshot. She didn’t wear a mask or anything. Everyone around me was the same. There was no reason to hide her face.


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Saxony also naturally acquired information and recognized several facts.

Of course, that wasn’t apparent on the outside.

He was still holding his sword like an inanimate object.

“Kill me.”

said the leader.

There was no need for long words. This person was a trainer who raised assassins, and he himself belonged to the ranks of first-class assassins.

He sent the relics to the ‘doll’ he had raised.

The doll moved faithfully when told to kill the opponent.

But can you stop that?

No, it’s not just blocking, but killing with a counter attack and taking the relic?

What is that? Why do you move around so casually even in this situation?

He seemed like he had something going on from the beginning. That’s why I hit him first before making any moves.

It was a valid operation. Because it was an unexpected blow from the opponent.

Neither Encrid nor Saxony nor Cynar nor Finn could have predicted it.

However, they simply could not estimate the skills and abilities of Saxony.

At best, I thought he was a nimble swordsman.

Saxony stood upright without a trace of laughter.

He was holding a rolled up relic in his left hand.

It felt like it was originally his.

They were thieves because they stole something from someone else.

But then it gets taken away? As I stared at the scene, my stomach twisted.

“Don’t take your things proudly!”

The merchant and assassin’s teacher shouted as if he were chewing.

Those words quietly rang in my ears. That was also part of the operation.

It is a voice that hides the sign of an attack. A sudden shout catches the other person’s attention.

Saxony naturally read the strategy. I don’t know why, it’s his favorite method.

Three of them aimed at Saxony’s back, and the one who killed them moved to seize the opportunity.

The toothless merchant who trained assassins laughed at his opponent.

‘Where have you ever climbed on a roof? What an idiot.’

There were also ranks of assassins. He was surprisingly able to avoid the stabbing knife from earlier, but it seemed like he was lucky.

The second time won’t be so easy.

Saxony did not move.

Three sharp, skewer-like assassination swords stabbed in from behind.

Only when it was almost behind his back did Saxony move.

He suddenly disappeared from his seat.

The foster carer widened his eyes. He swallowed fairy blood when he was young and acquired some of the unique sensitivity of fairy enemies.

However, the other person’s presence and movements were beyond my senses.

So I missed it. It didn’t even bother his sensitivity.


Puff puff!

I heard the sound of a meat being broken, and before I knew it, a sword landed behind me.

The nurturer dodged and even counterattacked. In his head, he did.

He turned around, kicked the shin area, and pulled out his hidden secret sword.

It is a thin needle-like skewer that is struck from the bottom up.

It is a unique weapon made by modifying the needles possessed by the fairies.

The head reacted and moved, but his body did not.

Everything was already over. My body doesn’t move as I expected.


The leader thought for a moment, but did not continue.

It just spun around three times. His decapitated head lived only a moment longer.

The optic nerves of that severed head contained something.

I saw a doll wearing the second blade I had prepared and a belt relic that suppresses sound.

This is a real second doll in case the first doll fails.

He stabbed his opponent properly. But what was expected did not happen.

The opponent, who suddenly disappeared and cut the three assassins to death, struck down his sword. A simple movement blocked the ace’s blow.

The skewered sword broke, and the assassin who had attacked the relic immediately retreated.

This is the attitude of a great assassin who never attempts anything other than a surprise attack.

Then, there was a sound of something collapsing and falling from somewhere.

That was it. The sight before his eyes turned black.

He was once the most notorious assassin in the area among the Black Knife Bandits, but death was fair to everyone.

‘Direction, position, tremor of the air.’

I don’t feel it.

It is an enemy as troublesome as Hooded Robe.

He’s a bit of an assassin. His skills weren’t bad.

So this is the method I used. Block the incoming attack.

It orients itself with that and determines the opponent’s location through vibration.

After that it’s easy. I threw the Silent Knife before the opponent could dodge, that is, exactly at the moment when the swords clashed.

The Silent Knife was less powerful than the Whistle Dagger.

The blade was barely as long as the index finger.

However, blocking it was more difficult as it flew silently at close range.

Therefore, it is also called a silent bido, a close-range throwing weapon and art.

It was an example of combining weapons and technology into an art.

By painting the blade black and applying several chemicals, it becomes an invisible and inaudible throwing knife that does not reflect light, so it was one of Saxony’s representative weapons.

That was the end of it. The flying bullet was lodged so deeply in the center of the opponent’s forehead that it couldn’t even be seen.

There were a total of six attackers.

It was a battle that took place in an instant and was decided in an instant.

This is what an assassin’s battle is all about.

When Saxony lifted up the dead man and checked, he saw a belt.

‘This is something that kills the sound.’

I recognized it at a glance and took it.

At the same time, Saxony thought.

If it were me, I would have driven these two to one guy.

‘Oh, isn’t it?’

So, do you think the guy who has it can snuff out the higher-ups?

Was it for the purpose of keeping each other in check?

I didn’t know it might be so.

In fact, it was like that. The dead leader used the two dolls to keep each other in check.

However, no words came out of the mouth of the person who was already dead.

Saxony opened his senses on the roof.

I felt a shady atmosphere here and there.

‘There are a lot.’

The entire village was a den of thieves.

So it wouldn’t be a problem.

The Black Knife Bandits didn’t know. Their combat capacity exceeded a hundred, but they could not handle the quasi-knights.

If I had known the identity of Encred and his party, I would never have attacked them.

If you didn’t know what to do, you had to suffer.

* * *

As soon as Finn kicked the sword, he rolled to the side and raised his wrist forward.

The short sword flew away awkwardly, but once the blade flew, the opponent dodged it.

I moved my body to the side. The guy dodged, but didn’t take his eyes off him and glared at his pin.

In the meantime, Finn used the short arrow-throwing machine he wore on his wrist – which he had previously received from Encred.

A short arrow flew out with a ping, but the opponent swung his club and blocked the arrow.


The arrow flew to the side with a noise. The eyes of the guy wielding the club were filled with murder.

‘Holy shit.’

It’s pretty dark now, isn’t it? Even with the moonlight shining through, it’s quite dark, isn’t it?

But shoot that short arrow in this darkness?

This means that they fight well, at least at the level of a border defense unit.

They were pushed back by Encred and the Independent Company, but in Finn’s opinion, they were a formidable opponent.

And Finn knew his strengths and weaknesses well.

If you stick close and use martial arts, you have an advantage, but if you stick with a weapon, you are at a disadvantage.

There are many skills outside of combat, but when you go into the realm of personal tactics, it’s the same.

So, what should I do?

As always, we had to create gaps and stick together.

Finn, who ended his decision by rolling on the floor, honestly thought it was quite dangerous.

“You’re being damned.”

The bastard with a rag in his mouth tapped my groin and said.

“You prepare yourself.”

If caught, the end will not be auspicious.

f*ck, somehow it splatters.

He even planned to run away if he got caught, but Finn was immediately relieved.

‘I asked when you would come.’

Sinar, who had disappeared without a trace, was soon seen picking off the crossbow archer who was aiming for the pin.

The hand of the fairy that approached without a sound was extremely cold and extremely harsh.

Phuoc, blood gushes like a fountain in the air. The light disappeared from the eyes of the crossbow archer whose carotid artery was cut.

Behind the fallen archer, only dark green eyes seemed to be floating in the darkness along with a short dagger.

Darkness surrounded her body.


The remaining one swore. My mouth is still dirty. Finn left the guy and ran towards the third guy, who was completely entranced by what had happened.

There are three people waiting for him here, one of them was separated from this world by Sinar’s dagger, so there are two left.

The last remaining one clumsily held up a dagger, showing an opening. It was a very big gap.

Finn lowered his posture and rushed at me.

The opponent lowered his sword. Because it was an expected movement, I turned to the side.

It kicked the ground in a twisted position and rose upward from below.

It was an Aelkaraz-style tackle.

As soon as the guy who was watching in a daze caught his wrist, his wrist was bent, and his arm was twisted at a strange angle.

Crump patter!



Finn said, cracking his finger bones one after another.

Tears flowed from the other person’s eyes, snot and saliva dripped down, and the pain caused the eyes to roll back.

Finn grabbed the opponent’s neck and turned him to the side.


The guy with a broken neck fell forward.

It was all a series of actions that took place in a short period of time.

Meanwhile, I could hear people next to me saying, “Are you f*cking crazy?”, “Are you crazy,” or “What a bitch.”

While he was destroying one man’s joints and eventually breaking his neck, Sinar used his dagger to make two holes in the heart and the back of the neck of the man who was swearing.

The guy had collapsed and was stumbling around.


Instead of words, blood flowed from my mouth as I tried to say something.

Thick, red blood flowed, soaked in moonlight.

In front of him, Sinar indifferently looked away without replying once. Pigashinar’s face was covered in spots splattered from his body.

A white face and human beauty, a few red blood drops falling on it, and the moonlight shining white on the face again.

It was a face like an unknown work of art.

said the work of art, turning its attention to Finn.

“Things went wrong.”


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