Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 272

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272. Not everything goes as expected. (3)

Encred muttered briefly and moved.


Tap, put pressure on your left big toe and lower your waist. Lean forward from a low posture.

In one short movement, the two daggers passed by and became lodged in the wall of the inn at the back.

Encrud unsheathed his sword.

The inn room was not large enough to wield a long sword.

In particular, there was a wall blocking the entrance.

They also believed that.

If I pulled out a sword here, how would I cut it?

It seemed like he could hear the servant’s words.

Encred pressed the sword sheath with his left hand to create an angle.

Instead of a horizontal slash swinging to the side, he switched to a vertical slash.

When he used his strength to cut the sword drawn from bottom to top, the servant was cut from his crotch to the middle of his chest.


The sound of the fibers of the clothes, the leather underneath, muscles, and bones being cut was like a soft whisper.

The sword was that fast.

Encred measured the distance to the opponent and cut to a depth of just one finger.

At this level, people die.

All preparations, including adjusting the position of the sword belt and removing the feet, were for this one sword strike.

I was satisfied.

“Knock, knock!”

The servant, who let out a short scream as his lungs and vocal cords were not damaged, collapsed, spilling blood and internal organs.

“You bastard!”

The bar owner and thief behind him shouted as he drew his shortsword.

However, I didn’t go inside.

Didn’t you see him kill a servant a little while ago?

At that time, a black shadow came down from above and hit the bar owner on the head.

Pububuk, boo!

The thief and bar owner’s neck was broken in half, three claw marks were carved on his face, and his nose and eyeballs were cut and exploded.

It was because he was hit by a wild beast’s paw.

Although normally calm, the Lake Panther’s power was extremely frightening when fighting.

Esther, who killed the thief with one blow, stepped down next to Encred.

I got off with a tap and my steps were light. Looking at Esther’s movements, he seemed to be more agile than usual.

Encred felt the state of his body with just one stroke of his foot.

‘It’s really easy.’

I was in good physical condition. It was very good.


When Encred raised his gaze with a light exclamation, he saw the wide-open eyes of the bushy beard behind him.

After that, he opened his mouth.

It was a cry mixed with tension, fear, fear, and excitement.

“Suck it!”

With those words, there was a crackling and breaking sound.

Encred’s keen intuition quickly found the source of the sound. It was at the back.

“What the f*ck is this!”

There was another bastard’s shout that followed.

It was a sound coming from above the bed. There were two beds, and to be exact, the sound came from the bed that Saxony had chosen.

Soon, the sound of tearing fabric was heard.

Saxony tried to do something, but it seemed blocked by the fabric on the ceiling.

As soon as it was torn, something fell out.


Esther saw that and screamed. What fell was like a bead made of leather, and it immediately exploded.

It was difficult to say it was an explosion.

There was no pressure or light. Green smoke just puffs out and spreads out.

I didn’t even smell it, but I felt dizzy. It was poisonous smoke.

In addition, an arrow pinged and flew from the window.

Encrid swung his sword briefly and struck down the flying arrow.

With a thud, the middle part of the arrow split and bounced to the floor.

Blind arrows are always dangerous, but you can also avoid daggers flying in front of you.

This level could not be considered a threat.

But the poisonous smoke was a different story.

That’s when my eyes were drawn to the back.

The scraggly beard slammed the door behind the dead servant and the barkeeper.

‘Are you going to block the door and kill me with poison?’

Encred held his breath. He then turned to the side without hesitation. An arrow is aiming outside the window, and a bushy beard is standing outside the door.

Would it be right to break down the door and leave?

No, as long as things went wrong, it seemed like they would be ready for anything on the other side.

It was intuition, a sixth sense.


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That was right.

As soon as the thick-beaked beard thief saw Encred’s sword skills, he exploded the poison ball he had prepared.

It was poisonous that if you drank it two or three times, your intestines would twist and you would vomit.

However, the spread was narrow and it had no effect unless inhaled.

If Encred pushed through the door, he planned to spray the same thing in the hallway.

The bushy beard thought.

‘Stupid bastard. How dare you tell me where this is.’

I didn’t know who the other person was. I thought he was just an idiot who came here without any sense.

This is a town where the Black Knife Bandits do business, but are the people guarding this place just wanderers?

Even though the executive bastard recently gathered together a top-notch assassin and took them out, there were still some who said it was not possible.

Above all, this was one of their bases.

Despite his appearance, he was a strategist who knew how to double-down on things.

He anticipated, judged, and limited his opponent’s actions.

I believed so.

Encred didn’t care about what Shabbybeard did or what happened now.

All of that could be done later.

Just by looking at Esther’s reaction, I knew that the poisonous smoke was dangerous.

However, the speed of spread was not fast. It was heavy smoke.

If there was any weight to the smoke, it seemed that way to the eye.

It is a smoke that spreads heavily rather than spreading far.

The problem is that that spot overlaps where Encred was.

In that case, just make sure they don’t overlap.

Encred turned around. He didn’t even have to catch his breath.

The inn was a hastily constructed building. It was made of wood and the walls were thin.

So much so that I could hear Sinar and Finn talking.

This was because the thieves deliberately made the sound easy to hear so they could keep an eye on them. Of course, this was also something Encred had no need to know.

He turned and swung his sword at the wall.

Even Ragnar’s dismemberment was not necessary.

The blade cut right through the wall.

After cutting him twice more, he kicked the wall with his foot.

Several pillars and the boards that made up the wall cracked and broke, leaving room for even one person to move.

So I went through the wall and into the next room.

It was a room where the fairy company commander and Finn were supposed to be, but there were only three men with shiny eyes.

“What the f*ck?”

One of the men muttered. Everyone had a foul mouth about her.

Encred did not hesitate. Since the smoke did not reach the next room, he exhaled comfortably and swung his sword.

Slurp, rattle, slurp!

With two short swings, he decapitated two people and pierced the heart of the remaining one.

Frog will be shocked if he sees this.

Leaving behind a brief thought, Encred hit the wall near the window with his gloved fist.


The window frame and part of the wall were broken.

Even if the foundation was made of wood, there were bound to be bricks in various places, but Encred broke it all down with force.

A few more arrows flew at me from outside, but I easily dodged them, destroyed them, and ran outside.

I rolled onto my side, going down to the roof of the house next to me.

While he was rolling, an arrow hit the spot where Encred was. One flew in, anticipating the spot where Encred was rolling.

Encred, who was rolling on the floor, hit the roof with his palm.

The roof collapsed with a pop, creating a hole, and Encred’s body bounced faster to the side due to the rebound force.

The arrow still stuck where he had passed.

After that, Encred gently rolled down from the roof and leaned his back against the wall.

A hand came out of the window as if waiting.

Of course, because he knew everything, Encred didn’t hesitate to grab Nao’s wrist and break it. He didn’t need any skill to break his wrist. He did it by force.

A cheerful sound and a scream rang out together.



They were less patient than the assassins who came before. It’s this loud.

Encred pulled his broken wrist forward with all his might.

A crash and a whimper were heard at the same time from beyond the wall.

He must have fainted or collapsed.

Encred let go of his broken wrist and stood in the wide open space in front of the inn.

Things always get messy.

Not everything goes as expected.

That was natural.

So what should I do next? I just worked accordingly.

The Black Sword Bandits guarding the village didn’t know, but with Encred’s abilities, stamina, and skills, there was actually no need for the troops prepared by the fairy company commander.

The bandits didn’t know that.

“What is that bastard, kill him!”

someone shouted.

Encred once again thought that these cubs were amazing.

There were more than one person who showed up.

At least twenty. And it was increasing further.

Guys with shiny eyes and blades began to appear out of nowhere.

“No, you fight too well…”

Among them, there was one who blocked the front. He was a guard who slurred his words.

Encred was the person who caught my eye the most when I entered the village.

So, in his judgment, the guard who slurred his words was the most skilled person in the room, who was the best at using weapons.

“Ugh… Just let it go….”

The way he spoke didn’t seem like acting.


Before we knew it, Esther had run out of the inn and landed next to Encred.

“The rest of the party is probably already dead…”

Encred did not laugh or react to the other person’s words.

I just took a look around.

Then he asked.

“Was it the whole village?”

“You’re quick to notice.”

The answer came from behind me.

It was accompanied by a clanking sound. I saw a person with claws in both hands.

To be exact, it was a young woman. The claw with three jagged blades was shiny.

Encred looked at her face and thought.

‘Is that what you hid in your thighs at that time?’

The claw’s blade was truly long enough to pierce a person’s torso.

She was a woman whose movements I saw while walking around were extraordinary.

So, Encred was the second person who paid attention.

The third person who paid attention was nowhere to be seen.

“Where are you from? Looking at your behavior, I think you were a soldier. It doesn’t look like you were a mercenary. Whose orders were these? Some idiot gave them those orders?

The woman asked again.

Encred opened his mouth.

“Every single one of you? Is there even a pot of honey hidden here?”

The woman’s brow furrowed in response. It was as if they were only asking questions to each other instead of giving answers.

“You don’t understand the situation right now, do you?”

“If it wasn’t a pot of honey, I would have hidden a pot of medicine.”

Encred said while looking around. Although the question was not answered, the situation was roughly understood.

The number of people surrounding them was over thirty or fifty. Everyone’s movements were light.

They all belonged to the axis that used a bit of a sword.


‘I think everyone’s level is lower than the kids who came to play at Border Guard?’

There were also a few clumsy people. These are people who have just picked up the blade.

Some of their movements looked familiar.

It smelled similar to the assassin who came before.

That was such an obvious thing to say. Where would a Black Knife executive get a top-notch assassin?

It was all in the base created by the Black Knife Bandits.

These were also places called caves.

Of course, among them, a few outstandingly talented people were left behind to protect the village.

Two of them surrounded Encred from front to back.

“From poor acting to awkward attitude. What are you really?”

The woman wasn’t angry. She tried to gently scrape the inside out, but it didn’t work for her. It was quite a task to capture her spirit.

“If you kill me or capture me and ask me…”

The guy who was a guard behind me said. Encred still thought they were great.

The increasing number of them, their current behavior, and the current situation.

What is the conclusion?

This village is entirely a group of thieves.

‘You turned an entire village into a group of thieves.’

This was proof of the great power of the Black Knife Bandits.

Where on earth are the number of thieves increasing like this?

So should you be scared?


Encred grinned without realizing it.

Esther glanced at him from the side.

‘Why is that guy smiling?’

Encred was happy on the inside. This is because the black sword seems to have extraordinary power.

Difficulties, predicaments, difficulties, crises, obstacles, walls, death, boatmen, and even blindness.

Encred knew how to enjoy ‘difficulty’.

It was fun because it was difficult. It was fun and I felt like moving again.

So, if you ask whether those who take the lead are a threat.

‘That’s not it.’

Encred decided that.


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