Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 270

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270. Not everything goes as expected. (One)

The Black Knife Bandits were large enough to be considered a small fiefdom.

Therefore, it is safe to call it the biggest disease and evil that Naurilia and the kingdom have.

That’s how dangerous they were.

The cheese that had entered the mouth of one of the executives oozed out.

Because I heard something absurd.

He took a linen napkin, wiped his mouth roughly, and then opened his mouth.

“All assassins get killed?”

I sent a swallow knife, and it flew away.

I sent a mercenary unit and they were destroyed.

Afterwards, the leader of the Black Knife Bandits unpacked his bundle.

A number of unit units consisting of first-class assassins were sent.

And it’s a failure.


The executive slammed the table with his fist and screamed.

“Are you going to throw the Black Sword’s reputation into the trash?!”

So, you fight well, right?

Well then, take this too.

He recruited assassins from the branch. He gathered all the best assassins and sent them away.

No matter how great a warrior or warrior he is, there is nothing wrong with a sword stabbing him from behind.

What if there is even poison in there?

There were over fifteen assassins who were good at using poison and swords.

If they were sent like that, wouldn’t they have to at least seriously injure them, let alone kill them?

“Are you okay? Are our kids okay?”

“Everyone is dead.”

“What about the eyes left for reporting?”

“He’s dead too.”

This information would not have been obtained if another pair of eyes had not been left behind to watch from afar to clean up the mess.

“If I had come any closer, I think I would have been hit too.”

The member spoke while kneeling on one knee, dripping with sweat.

The sweat he shed fell on the flat stone floor, staining it.

As sweat dripped onto the light gray floor, the color changed to dull.

The sweat staining the floor increased.

He couldn’t see Saxony. He only saw the end of his eyes as he was closer to the group of assassins than he was.

‘I couldn’t even see it.’

All I saw was a dead colleague struggling in the air as if something had caught him.

He just threw it away.

Even though I didn’t feel any signs of popularity, I did it as soon as I saw him dead.

If I hadn’t done that, I would have died.

His instincts told him so.

“What on earth are they doing?”

The executive’s tone contained a sense of desperation.

All the assassins who had saved their lives were dead.

It was there, but it’s gone. has disappeared. Now we can’t meet again without breaking up.

‘What are they really doing?’

My mouth opens and no words come out from the absurdity. Does this make sense? I asked the member who was reporting visually.

The member lowered his head. He also had nothing to say.

Because all they said was that all the little people who were reporting were dead.

“What do we do now?”

The servant standing behind asked.

“What should I do?”

While answering, the executive pondered over the words of the member who acted as an attendant.


The situation reached its worst.

If you fail, you will be eaten by the guy coming up from below. There were many, many people who coveted this position.

Of course, it won’t be possible to replace it right away.

Is there one or two things I have done here?

‘Starting with business.’

The reason why his position was solidified here was clear.

It’s thanks to the medicine being sprayed. Because of what he did, there were few nobles in the kingdom who did not know medicine.

Crona, earned by selling the drug, immediately became the fund for Black Knife’s activities.

“I will request help from the headquarters. Until then, I will leave it alone.”

Now there is no one to send to. It was true that they could not be touched until someone from the headquarters arrived.

“In the meantime, we focus on the dug ‘oysters’.”

There was a lot of slang mixed in, but no one here couldn’t understand it.

As long as the ‘oyster’ is intact, his foundation is solid. He decided to forget whether it was Encred or a demonic asshole for the time being.

Of course, that resentment will soon be rekindled.

I had no intention of leaving it alone.


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“Where is he now?”

“He will be swinging his sword again within the territory.”

He is a servant with bright eyes and good intelligence. He said. He was a handsome man, notable for his smooth facial appearance and lack of beard.

His judgment was trustworthy.

There was a detailed investigation into his daily life some time ago.

‘Geomchin bastard.’

He was a guy who could easily be said to be crazy about swords.

Marcus hid Encred and his party’s departure for a mission.

It was more like a habit rather than something I was aiming for.

Marcus knew very well that the more limited the information, the better.

Above all, Encred is a guy who is good at hiding.

He’s the type of guy who often doesn’t come out of the training ground or the dorm for days.

Of course, as time passes, it will become known that it is not there, but it could have been seven days without anyone noticing.

Because of this, the Black Knife executive did not even know that Encred was in his ‘den.’

Sinar entered the room and stood quietly concentrating.

The sounds coming from the next room are faint and passing by.

Judge the situation through surrounding sounds.

I looked to see if there was any surveillance.

There wasn’t.

As soon as I realized that, I lifted my right index finger and pretended to draw a small circle in the air.

It was a sign language that only some of the fairy company knew.

“This is the last time, right?”

Finn asked.

“It seems so.”

The fairy company commander sat diagonally on the bed, stretched out his legs, and said.

I could see soft, flexible muscles stretching out.

He was only wearing leather pants, as if he wasn’t too cold, so his movements seemed to be less restricted.

Everything else was calm.

However, there was a small brazier in the inn room, but the brazier was rather inconvenient and was pushed to one side as soon as we entered.

I asked him why he did that.

“There might be a fire.”

He said.

“But can I kill time here like this?”

Finn, who was adjusting the front of the armor and leather clothes he wore underneath, asked again.

It is an armor made of hardened leather between fabric, but the quality of the leather is not good and it is a bit stiff, so the front of the garment keeps opening.

Still, it was warm and sturdy.

Sinar said without a trace of laughter.

“This work is important.”

“That’s right.”

Finn brought a chair in front of the window and half leaned back on it.

I had to look outside and oil the tip.

That way, you’ll be able to go out at night.

Finn is a former ranger who was involved in various operations.

She was good at this. Of course, it wasn’t as bad as Saxony.

“It’s the seventh time.”

Finn muttered. That was the number of things that had been accomplished by recruiting some of the Shinar and Fairy Company members.

* * *

Saxony did not miss a single detail.

He was very meticulous.

Encred looked at Saxony like that and felt like he was going to catch something.

It seems almost impossible to reach. She might have been frustrated, but she wasn’t impatient.

No, it was just more amazing now.

When did you see something like this and a thought occurred to you?

This is also proof of growth.

As he was looking at that, Saxony opened his mouth.

Kreis’s soul has gone out, these were purely Saxony’s words.

“Little things come together to create something big. This is how small streams gather to become rivers, lakes, and the ocean.”

It seemed like a random thing, but Encred seemed to have taken a step forward, something that seemed out of reach earlier.

Now it seemed like a whitish shape was visible.

“Swordsmanship and training are all good, but even a little preparation can mean the difference between victory and defeat. What if it’s a battle where your life is at stake?”

Encred lacked pure physical talent.

Now that what I lacked is now vaguely in place, my head, which wasn’t bad in the first place, started to spin and I thought about it again and again, ruminating on the process, and came up with something.

Especially when it comes to swordsmanship and fighting.

In some ways, Saxony said, it is closer to a Valenian mercenary sword.

Even Encred was now able to classify sword techniques.

For example, the nameless swordsmanship, which is a formal swordsmanship, is the method of swinging a sword. It is a swordsmanship that builds up and builds up.

On the other hand, the Valencian mercenary sword has a different arc.

‘It’s more of a personal tactic.’

– Those who fight must use their head.

This is what I wrote when I first learned the Valenc mercenary sword.

The words themselves were helpful, but after realizing it again.

‘I guess I should say that I survived thanks to you.’

Since knowing and learning that phrase, how many times has it saved my life?

The thoughts continue. It was a series of small realizations.

This will not lead to any advancement in swordsmanship or any drastic changes.

I knew that instinctively, but the experience and learnings I had accumulated over the years mixed together and left something meaningful for Encred.

What if the opponent uses a long sword?

What if your waist is thick? What if you hid something inside?

What if you wear a sword that bends like a swallow sword instead of a belt?

Wouldn’t it be possible to infer habits by looking at the direction of the sword belt?

Before that, how about taking a position that makes it easy to move around and an advantageous position?

Anything is possible, and even Encred himself will be able to prepare for it. It was the realm of personal tactics.

So, the whitish thing clearly changed and touched my hand.

Joy and the joy of growth fill me up again. However, he didn’t start drooling or giggling.

‘I’m not even Rem.’

Encred sometimes drools because he’s so focused, but he doesn’t admit it to himself.

“Let’s eat dinner first.”

Saxony said. Encred nodded.

The first floor of the inn also served as a restaurant. As he sat there, Saxony brought Kreis back to his body.

Sinar played the role of a silent elf guard.

In fact, there was no need for acting. All I had to do was leave out the usual jokes.

“A fairy, this is a very precious guest.”

The innkeeper said as he personally brought stew and roast pork.

This was something he said while glancing at Company Commander Shinar several times.

It was a really strange observation.

When Company Commander Sinar entered the village, he covered himself with a robe and did not show his face properly.

So, I would have found out that she was a fairy only when I entered the inn.

Otherwise, it would have attracted the attention of everyone passing by.

When the owner saw the fairy, Saxony spoke subtly and arrogantly.

“Oh, don’t talk to her easily. She’s a guard given by her father, but she has a rather sensitive personality.”

With these words, Saxony showed that he belonged to a certain group and revealed a part of his personality.

So, I became the unlucky son of a superior.

Seeing him swaggering around, it’s more than just casual, it’s natural. I felt like a child born and raised unluckily like that.

‘It seems like things have changed a bit at Chrys?’

At that time, a servant following behind the master suddenly lost his footing and dropped the glass he was holding.

The wooden cup fell with a crash, and the wine spilled all over the floor.

“This guy?”

The master approached as if he was about to get angry, and the servant repeatedly bowed his head.

“Sorry Sorry.”

There was no fuss.

The gazes of a man with a thick beard like a bush who was drinking wine or fruit liquor, and a man with plain brown hair that could be seen anywhere, turned towards that direction, but quickly returned to their original state.

“Well, scold me gently, gently.”

Saxony saw that and said something. At this level, it is at the level of Kreis, which is about half-baked. It seemed like that was the way he would join in with those around him and say something at a time.

Sinar was standing like a doll, looking at one side of the table indifferently, without looking anywhere.

Finn stood next to him, saying, ‘Master, you must return to business in two days.’

He said something like this.

Of course, it was all promised.

It was a simple play written by Saxony.

“It might buy you a day or so.”

It was a simple principle. I’m leaving in two days, so I can wait until then.

The reason the fairy was brought up was to warn people not to do stupid things or do stupid things because she was there. It was the same reason that her harshness was emphasized.

If we make the enemy realize that we are a difficult opponent without knowing who we are, we will gain time for a day.

“This is all I need.”

Sinard also showed himself to be faithful to his role.

He showed the dried fruit he was holding in one hand and said he didn’t need to eat.

“You don’t know the joy of eating!”

Saxony spat out a word there and put a wooden spoon into the stew.

Encred also ate comfortably. Saxony’s behavior now was a sign that there was no poison.

Meanwhile, the bar servant brought the wine back. As I watched her walk in a cautious manner, it seemed like she had no intention of tipping over again.

“You guy, you have to be careful.”

The servant glanced at Encred’s waist while looking at Saxony, who had comforted the servant only with words without giving him a single coin.

I was looking at the sword belt and sword hanging neatly there.

Saxony saw that and said with a smile.

“This is my friend, and the person who decided to help me with this matter. He’s not that tough, so you could ask me to show you the sword.”

Among the swordsmen, there were those with eccentric personalities, like the servant in front of them, who threatened to sell out their eyes or pulled out their swords just by looking at them.

“Yes? No. No. It’s okay.”

“I’ll just show you the blade.”

Encred calmly drew his sword halfway.


The sight of Encred drawing his sword was awkward.

So he showed some minor preparation.

He deliberately hid his proficiency. It wasn’t that difficult.

All I could think about was when I first pulled out my sword.

Because Encred climbed up from the bottom, it was easier for a beginner to imitate than anyone else.

All I had to do was do everything others told me not to do.

For example, showing a person holding his left hand close to the scabbard and pulling out a sword would be a truly brilliant act of assholery.

This was something you should never do, as you could accidentally cut yourself with the blade.

The rest was made to look plausible. Isn’t that the basics of a pretentious swordsman?

“Wow, the blade was green.”

The servant said with surprised eyes.

I thought Encred was a truly reckless guy.

He was obviously disciplined, both in his gait and in his actions, but he dropped his glass and made a fuss about it being his first time using a sword like this.

Anyway, Encred played the role of an immature swordsman who followed his son-in-law, and it seemed to work quite well.

That night, when everyone was asleep, the window opened silently thanks to its greased hinges.


Saxony went out for a night out.

And in the next room, a pin moved.

The two met on the roof of the inn.

They dispersed, ignoring each other.

We decided to figure it out on our own and get together to sort it out tomorrow morning.

Saxony went out and climbed over the two houses on the roof of the inn, while Finn climbed down.

And Saxony suddenly saw a blade sticking out from the side.

There was no sign or sign.

It was a blade that could not even be sensed.

The sharp blade pierced my clothes.


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