Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 27

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27. Why is this the lowest level soldier?

The scout squad leader’s name was Andrew.

Full name is Andrew Gardner.

He once held the title of Baron, but is now the only heir to the fallen family.

His wish was one. To re-establish the Gardner family in his own generation.

“Andrew, you are hope.”

The last words of my mother, who was dying of illness, were still vivid in my mind.

My mother saved money by sewing and working as a maid in other people’s homes.

And I spent all that money on Andrew.

From the swordsmanship academy to what you wear and eat.

I can’t say that I had a prosperous growth period, but I also couldn’t say that I was lacking.

My mother, who was so busy with work, suffered from anguish and died.

My mother’s wish was also one thing.

“Please continue the family and become a great person.”

He decided to do so.

There was only one way for Andrew to revive his family.

Isn’t this the era of war?

All I had to do was fight and fight and prove my abilities.

Training and connections were available at the right time when I needed them.

Before she died, my mother once asked for help from a man who was no different from her husband’s brother-in-law.

“You have talent.”

These were the words of a man who was my father’s biological brother.

Afterwards, Andrew underwent arduous training and served in the army.

He started out as a career soldier and was given the rank of squad leader at a young age.

‘I need merit.’

Andrew’s head was filled with such thoughts.

I was also confident in my skills.

This is the confidence I gained after going into battle and killing several soldiers.

“You have to be careful in everything you do.”

My advisor and helper often nagged me. My ears were almost pounding.

However, Andrew did not listen to that in vain.

‘Surviving is also important.’

First of all, you have to survive for your family to recover.

However, we cannot give up on a challenging life.

What happens to someone who gives up on a challenge?

My father, who lost his family’s prestige, was a good example.

My father, who had no talent since childhood, swung a sword every day, but his talent was mediocre.

In the end, my father never dreamed of reviving the family. Because I quickly gave up.

All he had in life was squandering his remaining assets.

Then he was stabbed to death by a gambler with whom he had an argument.

‘Life without a future is bleak.’

Therefore, while he dreamed of the revival of his family, he also valued his own life.

Of course, something bad was bound to happen.

Among them, the troublemaker squad leader caught Andrew’s eye.

I am in this position because of my skills.

He is working tirelessly toward the great feat of rebuilding his family.

But what is that guy?

The skills are for the lowest level soldier.

Isn’t he a salary thief who was lucky enough to become a squad leader?

Is this person worth living as a professional soldier?

Traces of his father were also visible in his appearance.

‘How can I just get paid and settle for today and then die?’

To train, I will pretend to swing a sword.

It was also funny that one soldier came wearing a sword belt and a sword, saying he was training his sword.

It might be impossible to think if you knew Encred, but Andrew didn’t know him.

And now, since morning, the troublemaker squad leader was staring at him.

Their eyes met.

An unpleasant sensation flows through each other’s eyes. At the end of that sensation, Andrew’s brows narrowed.

‘It bothers my eyes.’

Just as I was about to open my mouth, the troublemaker squad leader spoke first.

“Are your eyes unpleasant?”

hmm? Who are you talking to now?

Andrew narrowed his eyebrows. His frown expressed his state of mind.

Then one of the soldiers who followed him steps forward first.

“What did you just say?”

A soldier with a knife wound on his forehead. Did you say he was originally a friend who wandered around the fighting scene?

Andrew said to him.

“Follow me. “I will give you a better life than a thug.”


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He later became Andrew’s confidant.

Although his skills are still poor and he hasn’t completely shaken off his habits from when he was a gangster, his fighting skills aren’t bad.

That’s why I brought this friend.

There were three such soldiers.

The three quietly stood up and surrounded the troublemaker squad leader.

* * *

Encred concluded by repeating today several times.

‘As expected, I can’t be in the position of a squad member.’

They must faithfully follow what they say and act on orders. That was the minimum condition.

Then what should I do?

How does an article gain people’s trust?

Why do they make people go crazy as soon as they enter the battlefield?

The reason is simple.

It’s a skill.

This was possible because he showed his ability.

So what is needed to make ten people, including yourself, move as one body?

What is needed to gain trust?

Because you can’t become closer and build friendships in just one day.

All that remained was violence based on coercion.

“Do you think that mouth is the problem? Would you like me to at least give you a pretty tattoo?”

A soldier with a scar on his forehead said. My eyes were shining. It was a face that a few people had seen soaked in.

Why is this guy’s lines so consistent?

Encred thought and looked at where the three were standing.

Although this is their first time, this day has already happened several times.

Why repeat? There was only one.

The more overwhelming the violence and coercion, the better.

For that, experience was needed.

Apart from their skills, I had to know their reactions and patterns.

For that reason, the Valencic mercenary sword was excluded.

He had to be subdued with pure skill.

The first step to overcome the repetitive today was to subdue the three gangster soldiers.

“Are you speechless?”

A soldier who was a gangster made a fuss.

Encred thought there was no need to say anything.

So I did that.

One step without a word.

The other person reacts. He flinches and tries to raise his fist. Take a fighting stance.

One of the three had his hand on the short sword handle.

Encred lifted his left foot off the floor first, and the step was very slow.

Even if you look at this with bewildered eyes and wonder what it is, the timing is unclear to say anything about it.

Encred’s right foot quickly kicked the ground.

By mixing slow and fast movements, the ship seemed to be fast.

It was a simple trick, a move to attack first.

And it was quite, no, incredibly useful.

“Use it!”

A soldier with a scar on his forehead took a deep breath and tried to raise his fist.

Of course, sooner than that, Encred kicked the opponent’s shin.

rice cake!

If you kick the shin as if pushing it to the side, the opponent’s posture will be disturbed. Immediately, using the back of his hand protector, he struck the opponent’s temple, which was tilted to the side.

It was an exciting swinging blow.



The opponent stumbled and fell to the side with a short scream.

Encred’s subsequent movements were also fluid.

As I turned to the side, a shortsword aimed for an opening and cut through the air. As if it were a promised action, he grabbed the soldier’s wrist holding the short sword and broke it.

The key was to apply moderate force to avoid injury.

Wow. Just right.

As he twisted his wrist and hit his chin at an oblique angle, the second soldier also fell unconscious.

He held the fallen soldier’s chest and placed him gently on the floor.

I stand up and pick up the fallen shortsword. Encred asked without any change in his breathing.

“Are you going to do more?”

Among the soldiers who came out, my friend, who was left alone, broke into a cold sweat.

It was the other person who drew the sword first.

Even if you stab me like this, I won’t have anything to say.

“What are we going to do?”

The scout squad leader who had been watching up to that point came out.

“I didn’t like it from day one. “A little friend who can barely walk.”

Encred turned towards the scout squad leader instead of the scared guy.

If you don’t need to blush, you can tolerate most things. I don’t particularly attach much meaning to what the other person says or does. That was the case until now.

But what if you need to blush?

All you have to do is say everything you want to say.

“I feel like if I’m led by someone like you, I’ll be killed even on a trivial reconnaissance mission, so let’s use our skills to separate us.”

Resistance is a great sin.

However, the situation was strange now.

Encred originally held the position of squad leader.

I wouldn’t know if the other person respected that.

He completely ignored it and showed unpleasant feelings.

It was impossible for anyone to say that I couldn’t bear it.

In fact, the higher-ups would have said that it didn’t matter which of the two led the reconnaissance squad.

When the reconnaissance platoon leader left, didn’t he tell the young squad leader to work hard and keep an eye on him?

Now was that time.

When you can’t stand looking back and have to step forward.

“… … “Whoever wins the fight should take command of the squad?”

The scout squad leader frowned and asked back.

“That will do. “I have no intention of bowing down to someone weaker than me.”

In fact, in the Troubleshooter Squad, with the exception of Cryce, there are only monsters that fight better than Encred.

Excuses are just excuses.

If possible, it was better to get the other person angry and attack them.

“Go for it. A little boy with a wet smell. Have you ever slept with a woman? Oh, haven’t the peppers grown yet?”

Andrew’s expression hardened.

He hasn’t had his first experience yet.

I saved that time and trained my body.

I felt like the other person was insulting the time, the effort, and everything I had done to get to this point.


The squad leader pulled out a short sword.

“You may draw your sword. “Because the length of the blade does not represent skill.”

“Well, um.”

A grumpy-looking soldier next to Andrew tried to stop him, but he shook his head and stepped back with a sigh.

He worked as a mercenary for quite some time. I have seen cases like this not uncommon.

There was dissonance from the beginning. It might have been better to solve it now and move on.

What’s more troublesome is when your emotions become deeply entrenched.

Boys tend to let their emotions out after a fight.

Moreover, he knew Andrew well. He even taught swordsmanship himself.

In some ways, it looks like a naked baby.

He knows how to use a knife and has a down-to-earth side.

Above all, I know how to distinguish between right and wrong.

‘It won’t be easy, though.’

If you make a mistake, you will get involved.

However, one thing.

Looking at the troublemaker squad leader’s posture and foot position, he didn’t look like an average person.

I could see thick, hard calluses that had hardened from the stamping on my palm.

It was not a medal made in one or two days.

“done. “I do it with my bare hands.”

“This bastard?”

Andrew was excited. That’s a drawback.

Showing emotions easily.

I have something to point out later.

The man thought about it and decided to enjoy it in peace.

It didn’t seem like it would end quickly.

Neither of them had outstanding skills, but neither did they look like a mess.

But deep down, I thought Andrew would win.

Just because you’re excited doesn’t mean your basic skills will go anywhere.

He was talented.

The troublemaker squad leader gestured. Andrew rushed at the hand gesture telling him to attack.



“… … “In one room?”

No, what is this?

The grim-looking soldier’s eyes suddenly widened.

The moment Andrew rushed in, the troublemaker squad leader pretended to extend his left hand.

Andrew sensed this and drew his short sword.

Then, the opponent, who had perfectly read the sword’s trajectory, struck the blade of the flying shortsword with the leather gauntlet on the back of his left hand.

As a result, Andrew’s heart opened for a moment.

The troublemaker squad leader rushes into Andrew’s wide open arms. Afterwards, his body moved dynamically in the narrow space.


He kicked the floor, twisted his body inside, stretched out his elbow, and hit Andrew’s solar plexus exactly.

That one shot was the end.

“Turn it off.”

Andrew groaned. His legs were shaking. For a moment, your breathing will become difficult and your limbs will feel weak.

Because a critical place is that kind of place.

Andrew let out a loud moan and arched his back like a shrimp.

If it had been a real battle, it would have been dead.

‘What, power.’

Does it transmit shock through thick cloth armor?

His skills were better than most mercenaries.

One question after another came to mind.

Why is this the lowest level soldier?


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