Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 268

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268. Imitated Kreis.

“Are you going to leave me behind? If you’re going to do that, step on me!”

Encred moved quickly at Rem’s words. He put his left foot forward and gently pushed himself off.

His body seemed to disappear for an instant.

Of course, no one in the dorm missed Encred’s movements.


‘My steps?’

Saxony was a little surprised when he saw Encred’s steps.

‘Snake walk?’

The same goes for Amuddin.

It was a form of mixing the two steps into one and digesting them as his own.

What is a sword and what is swordsmanship?

In a series of enlightenments, Encred created a sword technique that utilized the whole body, which of course also included the use of the feet.

In fact, for anything that uses the body, such as dancing or martial arts, the feet are important.

Using your feet accounts for more than half of everything.

Of course, Encred paid as much attention to his walking as he did to his sword skills.

That has become clearly evident now.

The walking step in which the pushing left knee was bent and extended with even force was similar to Saxony’s silent walk, and the smooth bending of the joint of the right leg afterwards was the snake walk that Audin had taught me.

In fact, I mixed the two in moderation.

So much so that to someone who doesn’t know them, it looks completely different.

As he tried to stomp on Rem, the barbarian snorted and rolled over.

As if by some kind of trick, my body turned sideways to avoid it.

Encred asked, hitting the floor with his right foot with a thud.

“In times like this, isn’t it right to avoid it?”

“Who said you wouldn’t get stepped on? Would you like to learn this too? This is a vision skill called dung beetle that doesn’t get stepped on.”

I felt like I just made it up.


Encred refused, and after that, Rem went crazy a few more times, but could not be taken away.

Just because it was a village where medicine was produced, it was not possible to immediately lead troops to attack it.

“What’s the point of saying this to someone named George, but we are part of a kingdom. You know that, right? The way people look at us these days is not nice.”

Why not?

If it’s wrong, Count Molsen will play a trick.

Is it just Count Molsen?

I knew that other nobles were also drooling over this place.

I also heard that while Encrid was away in Martae, a nobleman escaped.

“He went to entrust himself to another nobleman. He must be planning to sell information about this place to get a piece of the cake. What a fool.”

Marcus spat and swore, but when I heard Kreis speak based on the general rumor,

“I heard you made a lot of trouble, right? If you don’t handle things properly, you’ll get beaten up, even if you’re a noble.”

If you try to do it roughly, they say you’ll get beat up if you get caught, but if you do it properly, you’ll end up with a mountain of work. Some of the nobles used their cunning and escaped.

I must have tormented you so much that you had to leave behind all the foundation you had and run away.

Of course, what Marcus said makes sense, so I think the two reasons overlap.

And Kreis.

“If it were Marcus, he would want all the nobles to run away. He may have harassed them under the pretext of not having enough manpower, but he could also try to replace all the manpower in the territory with his own people. But if this happens, well, I don’t know if it’s okay.”


“No. Just.”

Kreis, he was a guy who worried a lot. Encred didn’t ask any more questions. The immediate task in front of me came first.

The bottom line is that you can’t stab someone just because you have suspicions.

The enemy can send assassins and knifemen along the way, but the border guard standing army cannot do that. No, you can do it secretly, but not this time.

The first thing to do is to gather evidence to see if the village is guilty.

There had to be at least some evidence of fabrication, and more than anything else.

“Aren’t there some innocent people in the village?”

What Marcus said seemed reasonable. Even if some of them committed mischief, they couldn’t catch and kill all the innocent villagers.

There could be people who make medicine without knowing anything.

That’s why.

“Only me, Company Commander Shinar, Finn, and Saxony are going.”

I decided that it was best to infiltrate and find out first, so I decided to do that.

The fairy company commander also said that he had been looking into this for quite some time.

Did you say you chased him for almost a year?

“That being said, it’s true that you didn’t know the location of even one village. Did you go out to work and snoop around in a gambling place?”

Kreis heard that and tilted his head.

That fairy at the gambling table? It’s something that doesn’t really suit me. But what Kreis said also made sense.

I think it’s close to sabotage.

Of course, Meelun’s proc may have a unique talent, but if it is a place that is so shabby that it is known to travelers passing by, it is right to have noticed it early on.

“He’s good at fighting, but he seems to have no talent for chasing things, so I took Finn with him.”

“Are you protecting me because I’m your fiancé?”

Encrid learned many techniques from Auddin, but of course the Balaf style martial arts was the key.

Among those martial arts, there were several joints that inflicted pain without destroying the opponent’s body.

As part of his training, Encred demonstrated joints on Kryce’s body.


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The key was to stand side by side with the opponent, hold hands as if clasping one’s fingers, and have the tip of the opponent’s elbow touch the bicep area of ​​one’s forearm so that the arms are entangled.

Just grab it like that and pull it back and that’s it.

It wasn’t torture, but if you applied too much force here, you could have broken your wrist.

When Cryce offered his hand without thinking, Encred just pulled his clasped hands.


“Are you sick?”


Kreis screamed.

Encred indifferently pulled it and released it.

“I almost became an asshole!”

“Oh, maybe I should have just cut it?”

Kreis ran away in a hurry. Encred didn’t chase. It was a joke after all.

And I soon regretted it.

‘A little while ago, I looked like Rem.’

It was bad. It wasn’t something I thought twice about.

After shaking off the bad thoughts.

Feeling a presence behind his shoulder, Encred turned his body halfway and saw Ragna.

“Why can’t I come with you?”

Ragna asked. He says this while munching on an apple, wondering where he got it from.

After that, Audin and Teresa also appeared.

It’s a very obvious reason, but I couldn’t take the big two with me.

The same was true for Dunbakeel, who outwardly said that I was a prisoner.

And Ragnar.

“If we don’t suit up, we may have to split up. Then we have to gather at the agreed upon location.”

“Does that matter?”

It is such a scary thing to have a habit of not being aware of it.

“There is no need to use your sword.”

Instead of giving a long explanation, Encred patted Ragnar on the shoulder and spoke.

Ragna agreed. He wasn’t the type of guy who came forward easily. He’s been feeling a little motivated lately, but he hasn’t been able to do anything other than train.

When Encred said he would be gone for a long time, almost a week, he just reacted that way.

If you think about it, they only seem to be so active in things they themselves do.

So, what happens if you don’t have confidence?

It was just a useless thought passing through one side of my mind.

“I, Rem, will be crooked from today! Bwaaeaeaeak!”

This is what I say while wearing heated fur and holding a heated seat in my arms, saying it’s winter.

It seems like it would be hot at that level, but I am persevering. It was surprising to see someone who hated the cold so much ask to be taken with them.

Of course, I ignored it. If you reacted one by one, you would only end up talking too much.

Encred did his job, leaving Rem squealing.

The location of the village was identified and the weapons were checked.

Two swords and six whistle daggers recovered from the assassins.

There were several bottles containing poison powder and poison, but if you did not know how to use the poison properly, it was bound to harm you. I was about to throw it away without any hesitation, but Saxony took it all.

After completing personal maintenance and other tasks, we gathered in the fairy company commander’s room for a strategy meeting.

The fairy company commander decided to station some of his company nearby.

There were roughly two platoons of troops, so it seemed like they had to be a bit far away to avoid getting caught.

However, you won’t be able to wait for long.

Because it’s winter, we can’t fight indefinitely against the rampant hordes of monsters and beasts.

Surviving outside the village without a fence can last at most a week.

Also, if there is too much commotion, the village will notice.

“I think two days would be enough to find out.”

Company Commander Shinar said after unfolding the military map. Seeing the unusually serious appearance of the fairy, En Creed nodded his head.

“If it’s too late, I think we can send them back or surround them altogether?”

Finn, a former ranger and a very talented person, was also there.

Finn, whom I met after a long time, was still the same.

“Hey, are you still walking around spewing demonic energy?”

There was even a greeting exchanged.

Encred passed it off without notice.

“We will leave at dawn tomorrow.”

The operation was led by Sinar. En Creed nodded his head.

After the meeting was over and he was about to leave the room, Sinar spoke to Ecrid’s back as he was leaving.

“Oh, your fiancé can sleep here.”

Of course, Encred went out just like that. When I saw that, I heard Finn giggling behind me.

‘Is this fun?’

Even while thinking that, Encred also chuckled. Saxony saw that and opened her mouth.

“That fairy.”


“If this is the case, please just respond.”

Is this a joke? Or is it sincere?

Encred didn’t bother to ask for an answer.

After Saxony, who had spoken, realized what he had said, he turned his head and said not to worry about it.

By the way, what’s going on with this friend?

Normally, even if I thought about something like this, I’m not the kind of person who would say it out loud.

I can’t control my tongue while concentrating on other thoughts.

In addition, Saxony’s expression looked heavier than before.

It was something we could feel purely because we were together.

He also had the virtue of having his sensory skills trained to be extremely sensitive.

If someone else saw it, it would be the same expressionless expression, but in Encred’s view, it would be the same.

‘I think I lost my concentration a bit.’

It didn’t seem like I was going to waste the work in front of me, but it felt like I was looking at something else.

When you take them to an open plain to see the scenery, their eyes only glance at the plain and look to see what lies beyond.

At the same time, there was also a glimpse of a sharp edge.

He seemed like a person preparing for something.


It’s just a mission. Do you hate taking medicine?

That won’t be it. Saxony usually dabbled in various drugs.

Although he didn’t take his own medicine or even burn cigarettes, he did distinguish things when Kreis brought him something.

So, there must be another reason.

Encred didn’t ask again.

Even if you ask, there doesn’t seem to be an answer, and if you listen, nothing will change.

As I turned around, I saw Esther.

A wild horse could also be seen next to it. The two somehow ended up together.

The wild horse looked at Encred and let out a hissing sound.

It seemed like he was asking where I had been.

Encred thought that was what he was going to ask.

As soon as I brought him to the Border Guard, he started running around like crazy.

“That’s what I’m going to say. Eyes apart.”

In the end, I couldn’t come up with a proper name, so I was just calling it roughly.


Esther heard that and let out a small cry next to her.

“Oh, I’m going on a mission.”

When I said that I would be away for about seven days, Esther pretended to go with me.

He raised his front paw, pointed at Encred, pointed at himself, and then tapped the floor.


This leopard is naturally good at hiding. He seemed upset after being away for a long time before, so it wasn’t unreasonable for him to follow me.

It was awkward for Encred to see this leopard transform into a woman with long black hair and blue eyes.

Even though I saw it change before my eyes, it was difficult to see it as a woman rather than a leopard.


“Rest your eyes too.”

The wild horse was very curious. And he understood some, if not all, of what humans said.

He was very angry at the words referring to him.


As he pounded the ground with his foot, Encred asked him if he didn’t like the name, and the horse nodded.

Encred looked at the wild horse for a moment and immediately named it again.

“Let’s call it indomitable.”

In the continental language, indomitability could also be interpreted to mean a will of steel.

Indomitable was a word from the eastern continent, and it was surprising that Encred knew that, so Ester stared at him.

I thought he was a guy who bites, sucks, sleeps, and only looks at the sword, but he shows a side of knowledge I never expected.

Encred loved ancient stories. If there was a storyteller who knew about chivalry and stories related to it, he would not hesitate to hand over a few silver coins to listen.

So, I heard a lot of things here and there.

“The eyes are different colors, so pair eyes are perfect.”


The wild horse neighed wildly. Actually, the name is Encred. I didn’t pay much attention to it.

The next morning, Encred and his party departed from the territory.

“I will give you directions.”

Finn took the lead. Following Meelun’s words, I decided to walk for two days.

After walking like that for two days, I came across the village that Proc had mentioned.

They decided to play wandering merchants near the village.

Encrid was a guard and Saxony decided to become a merchant.

The fairy Cynar was also a guard, and Finn decided to become the merchant’s subordinate.

“Is that okay?”

After deciding that, Finn asked with concern. It was a meaningless worry.

Saxony changed as soon as I set foot in the village.

“What village is this? Can you buy and sell things here? It’s a nice village!”

What, yeah I’m scared.

Encred was surprised to see Saxony change in an instant.

The transformed Saxony looked back and continued.

“No, you know it when you see it, right? Look. The people have bright faces and you don’t easily see skinny people, so of course it must be a good village to make a living, right? Then there will be a lot of things to sell and the people will be generous! Isn’t that right?”

While saying this, he slapped Encred on the shoulder. It was a careless attitude and an unstoppable gesture.

It was a familiar speaking technique. A magical snout technique that keeps talking.

Saxony imitated Kreis.


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