Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 267

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267. You are not the only ones who can hit.

As soon as I opened my eyes, what I saw was a stone ceiling covered in mold.

Meelun recalled the moment before losing her memory, and Proc’s strong mind remembered it all clearly.

So he realized that he was in a situation where, to put it bluntly, he was like a horse’s penis.

“Give me some water. If possible, give me something to eat. I like fruit.”

Meelun stood up halfway and said.

The arm was regenerated, and both arms and legs were shackled, and the shackles were connected to a pillar with iron chains.

Even if it was a proc, it was impossible to break through the force.

So, what is left?

All I had to do was wait. Perhaps because of the medicine I took in my last struggle, my head felt like it was going to split, and my heart felt numb.

‘Do you think you can escape?’

Like most Frogs, he was more disappointed that he had strayed from the path of his own needs and desires than death.

‘Strange bastard.’

As a result, he naturally thought of the guy who knocked him down.

‘It looked easy.’

Why is it not easy? He was definitely worth it, but he was weaker than he was, in my eyes.


Frog’s combat sense allows him to judge advantage or disadvantage in an instant.

He fought according to the intuition that appealed to his fighting sense.

Then at least it should be a whistle, why did it burst and break by being unilaterally squeezed?

Their fighting sense was an extension of their eye for seeing and interpreting talent.

In that respect, Encred was the type of human that Frock could not understand the most.

A person with little talent, but who has risen to the top even by crawling.

This is a phenomenon that occurred because we did not give up through repetition today.

Encrud was a human who could not be read by Proc’s fighting sense.

In particular, Meelun was not very confident in her talent.

Of course, there are different specialties among procs. If there are procs who specialize in deciphering talents, there are also those who specialize in combat.

Among them, Meelun had an excellent walking talent.

‘They were targeting the joint area with great severity.’

My regenerated forearm was slightly sore.

My arm was cut off before, and it was cut off again this time.

No, this time I was even stabbed in the eye.

‘He knows how to fight.’

Simply being good at using a sword and fighting a bit were two different things.

The idiots who were confined to their families to learn swordsmanship would swing their swords elegantly.

On the continent, people like that are disparaged as noble swordsmen.

The person who laid him down was not like that at all.

I was well aware of the weakness of Frog’s slippery skin.

They stabbed and cut the eyes and joints.

Was it like this when I saw it before? Did you always fight this well?

To be honest, I didn’t remember much. He was a bit of a jerk, but I knew he would dominate when we met again.

‘All the seaweed leaked.’

I have no energy and I’m hungry.

“Water and dried fruit. It’s winter now, so it’s hard to get fresh fruit.”

The guard obediently brought him food. Are you kinder than I thought?

Meelun thought as she drank water, chewed dried fruit, and swallowed it. There was also well-baked bread and marmalade.

“Hey, this is delicious.”

“Fortunately, the.”

The guard answered without a smile. It was revealed that he looked nervous, but that didn’t mean his limbs were stiff.

‘The training went well.’

Because it was a prog, you could roughly tell by looking at it.

Of course, my perception of talent is not that great.

‘Anyway, that bastard is a bit unusual.’

It was no different from what countless talent readers who saw Encred said.

Two days like that.

Meelun realized that it was not possible to escape by force and tried to bribe the guards, but that also failed.

“If I lose you, I’ll die.”

“I don’t think you’ll immediately kill the soldier who made a mistake, right?”

As I began to tease him, the soldier showed a self-deprecatory expression on his face, something akin to lamentation.

Of course, Meelun did not recognize that. However, he just wondered what the soldier said next.

“You will be fired from guard duty and sent to eternal training hell. It might be better for you to die.”

What does that mean again?

Anyway, the guard wasn’t strict, but it didn’t seem like he would be bribed. Even if you gave him a piece of gold, he would still shake his head.

“If I get caught, I’ll really die, and I have no complaints about what I’m earning now. I don’t want to be greedy about earning more and then end up leaving behind rabbit-like children.”

“Are you married?”


“…Then what is this rabbit-like bastard?”

“Future child, future child.”


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Is this territory even one of its soldiers has a sharp tongue?

As another day passed with that thought in mind, Meelun began to wonder if he had been trapped and forgotten.

Being trapped underground, not knowing whether it was day or night, I felt a little sad.

‘I got involved in something that would be harmful for no reason.’

Two more days passed again.

Meelun became impatient.

If he left it like this, he might be trapped here for the rest of his life.

Cut off your limbs and get out?

It seems that the shackles can be solved by tearing off limbs with force, but no matter how procs are, I don’t think they can collapse the iron bars in front of them while bleeding like crazy with their limbs cut off.

‘Oh, what is this?’

Nervousness enveloped Meelun. Every day was painful. When will Frog, who is faithful to his desires and desires, die?

When your head is cut off? What if you have an incurable disease? When an arrow gets stuck in the heart?

It is a foregone conclusion that if your heart bursts, you will die, but there is a more cruel way.

Frog is a species that cannot withstand being dried to death.

Aren’t we a species that lives driven by our own curiosity and desires?

“Hey, have you forgotten about me?”

Meelun woke up from a nap or a night’s sleep and asked the guard outside the cage.

As I spoke, I looked towards where a small table and two chairs were placed, and I saw someone other than the guard.

To be exact, there were four people in total.

One person who knocked him out, one person with big eyes and a weak-looking appearance, and one person standing in the dark with half his body clad with only half of his face visible through the light of the torch.

There are no guards. It has finally arrived. I came without forgetting myself. Meelun was secretly happy because it was a time when change was needed, even if it meant dying.

“Where did you get the powder?”

Even after eating that, my intestines were so throbbing that I almost passed out.

Since he was not asked about his identity right away, Meelun answered obediently. Because the wait was long, I didn’t want to let them go away with useless words.

“I came and picked it up.”


“It was a small town.”

The person who asked was a fairy. There is no expression and the atmosphere is cold. Just looking at it, he wasn’t lower than me.

‘Are only pure monsters gathered here?’

Are there a lot of these guys in the border territory?

Meelun continued. He had no intention of hiding it in the first place.

“You can go west from here. It will take me two days on foot, or a little over a day and a half in words, but there is a village with a fence on a small plateau. I don’t know the name, but the village chief was a young and pretty woman. Her name is Kaysella.”

Frock’s aesthetic preference is for beautiful humans.

“Did you send it from Black Knife?”

“A thief? A black sword? No?”

Mae’elun was trapped for several days, and for Frog it was more painful than pulling out fingernails or gouging out eyes.

If you are trapped like this forever, you will wither away and die while suppressing your desires until you die.

Alas, nothing could be more painful to Proc than that.

“This is it.”

As Encred muttered, Chrys murmured behind him.

“It’s working better than I thought.”

Encred nodded while sitting in the chair.

As Encrid played with Ruagne, he had a rough idea of ​​what kind of race the Procs were, but Chrys was different.

‘It’s an amazing head.’

What Kreis said came to mind again.

“The Frock follows my desires. What kind of desire does a Frock that wanders around like that have? If you keep it locked up, it might respond more easily than you think.”

Although Kreiss did this with only half confidence, he was unique in thinking this way in the first place.

I did so because I was told that if I left it for a few days, there might not be a need for an interrogation.

That judgment was correct.


“Do you know a merchant named Fromshell? He was in charge of distributing ears all over the continent. I was hired by him. To put it simply, he runs an information guild.”

I never thought I would say it all like this. Although I couldn’t read Frock’s expression, it was obvious that what he said was not a lie.

The opponent is Proc.

If you’re going to lie about something like this, you’re a race to keep your mouth shut.

Therefore, it has nothing to do with the black knife.

The powdered medicine was obtained by chance, and the person who asked him to do this was a certain merchant.

So, he’s the guy who runs the information guild.

It seemed plausible. That made it even more memorable.

‘From shell, from shell.”

Encred repeated the name a couple of times to memorize it.


“I know it’s not.”

“Is that all?”

“If what I just said is false, I will be punished by the God of Impulse and Waves.”

“Can we make a covenant?”

“of course.”

For Proc, a covenant is a promise, an oath, something that must be kept.

“I was fooled too. Fromshell, by that bastard.”

Meelun snorted and said. Encrid decided that he had heard everything.

No, I heard more than I needed to.

First of all, didn’t you hear the location of the village where the powdered medicine was obtained?

“I went through all the trouble of finding it, but it was hidden in the village.”

The fairy muttered.

“How many people are available for combat?”

the fairy asked. Since he had already said everything he had to say, Mae Elune had no hesitation.

“As far as I can see, it’s almost half of the village population.”


“There must be more than 50 people on the continent.”

Frock said, and Encred nodded.

“Are you going to release me now?”

Encred nodded again, then got up from the chair and approached the iron bars.

“I saw it.”


“I will take a look and release you.”

“You bastard, you promise!”

I’ve never done anything like that. Of course, Encrid was planning to release him, but didn’t he ask for a request from Chrys before coming here?

“Can you leave it to me?”

In response to that earnestness, Encred said yes.

“Wait, please talk to me for a moment.”

Frog is about to stick out his long tongue and swear at Encred. Kreis stepped in between them.

His large eyes and good looks made him attractive to Frock. However, Meelun was not interested because he was a man.

Still, it didn’t look as bad as the big eyes.

The larger the eyes of Maeelune, the more conspicuous the face tended to be.

“Now, Meelun?”

Kreis smiled with full innocence. As she looked at En Creed’s face, she knew that Mae Elune would be defeated.

The only time Kreis smiles like that is when he turns his back on a bully.

* * *

I was leaving the dungeon and heading towards Marcus’ office.

In order to rush it, I was about to finish interrogating Frock and go to report.

The battalion commander Marcus was just as busy.

Watching Yeongji move, it seemed like even three or four pieces of his body were not enough.

In the meantime, some kind of cult came in and was caught?

I heard that this and that happened at the estate when you were away.

The underground tree was in the corner of the barracks, and as soon as he came out of there, Encred opened his mouth.

“I’d like to hear an explanation.”

The fairy company commander has something to do with this. Didn’t he say enough things to infer?

He said things like Manet looking for a village.

I just passed it on the spot, but now there was no prog to listen to.

So I asked.

“It was a secret mission.”

The fairy turned her head and said. Green eyes looked directly at Encred.

Then I guess I’ll have to listen to Marcus.

Just as I was thinking about that, the fairy spoke again.

“But what’s the point of secrets between us?”

“It means a lot. Let’s keep it a secret.”

Encred spoke quickly.

“No, that’s enough. It’s a story about a demonic beast known as the Black Sword that has taken root in the kingdom.”

“Let’s keep it a secret.”

Encred spoke again, but the fairy did not even seem to listen.

“They kidnapped an alchemist and made a medicine.”

“I don’t think you can hear me?”

“Of course, it’s not an ordinary medicine. It’s a medicine that is banned by the kingdom, and the Alchemy Guild also opposes it. Of course, they may act like that on the outside and receive research results, etc. behind the scenes.”

Encred gave up.

After listening to the explanation, I realized that it was not an ordinary medicine. Frock ate and his eyes turned back.

If an ordinary person eats it, he or she can fight like a berserker for a moment, but when the drug’s energy runs out, the reaction causes it to collapse.

The fairy said there were many external missions to find its home base. It was for a similar reason that he recently took Finn away.

I heard there was something that would suit Finn.

Encrid listened silently and asked Saxony.

This person also seemed to know something.


“I needed something, so I was looking for it, and it seemed to be related to the black sword. While I was looking around, I found traces of alchemy in the medicine used by the black sword messenger I met in Martai.”

Saxony’s answer was completely consistent with Encred’s expectations.

blast furnace.

‘There’s something to hide.’

I only said what the other person wanted to hear. It was just a hunch, but it seemed like it would be the case.

I didn’t question it though.

I just passed on. I’m not the type of person who will answer if you ask.

If they were going to hit me in the back with this, I was willing to just get hit at least once.

Even if it wasn’t a lot of trust, I owed a lot to Saxony.

Especially since the basis for the newly acquired Yugeom style swordsmanship was gained through sensory skills.

“Okay, let’s say so.”

“It looks like you don’t believe me?”

Saxony asked back with an expressionless expression.


Encred answered, thinking of Audin. So, he answered with faith.

“Is that correct?”

Saxony asked back.

“that’s right.”

By then, they had arrived at Marcus’ office, and the three went inside. The guard guarding the outside showed military respect.

There are only two company commanders, one of whom is a fairy and the other is the commander of an independent company.

Marcus’s guard stood to the side with a stiff stance.

As we entered, Marcus looked up from between the piles of papers and parchment and asked.

“How does it feel to be assassinated in the middle of your territory?”

Encred spoke with sincerity and sincerity.

“It’s like a dog.”

“so do i.”

Well, they didn’t say anything, but it seemed like there was something connected between them.

Encred deals with assassins and searches their chests to collect their belongings.

I’ve been thinking about this ever since I interrogated Froc.

‘Why do I have to suffer?’

So I asked Kreis.

“If you were the leader of the Black Sword, where do you think it would hurt the most to get hit?”

“I think it would hurt if someone took my bag of gold coins.”

I heard that if it weren’t for someone like you, there wouldn’t be any damage.

“It is painful for any group to have empty pockets.”

The answer came back.

It was valid.

Well, isn’t there a way to do that?

Half of it was a report, and the other half was visiting Battalion Commander Marcus to talk about it.

“This is not a request or revenge. It is a mission given by the person in charge of the territory.”

After a brief report, Marcus’ eyes lit up.

Afterwards, an order was issued from the man in charge of the territory and his superior.

“Screw you.”

Encred decided to stick to his words.

So, let’s throw away the black knife.

Why do you have to suffer?

That thought kept lingering in my head.

“I give you independent operational authority for the time being. Sinar, you too.”

“I understand.”

The fairy company commander responded in an extremely cold tone, unlike when dealing with Encred.

That sight was very awkward for Encred.

I also had a sudden thought.

‘Why only me?’

It’s unknown. It might look good to make fun of. Even when he was in a group of mercenaries, he sometimes heard things like that.

Anyway, Encred was going to tell Black Sword.

You are not the only ones who can hit.


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