Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 266

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266. A premonition that is close to certainty

The assassin disguised as a middle-aged noblewoman’s saliva dried.

He felt eerie every time the blue eyes of the black hair that followed indifferently from behind turned towards him.


As soon as she entered the reed field, she tried to hide herself.

It was her turn to show off her talents.

That’s the moment.


A loud noise was heard. what? She instinctively pulled out her dagger. It is a posture in which a dagger coated with poison is pointed forward.

And suddenly a shadow appeared in front of me.

It was right after I heard a sound like a leather drum exploding or a thunderbolt.

Her reaction as soon as she heard the loud noise was admirable, but that was all.


The woman raised her head in response to an unknown question.


Lightning struck above him.

The woman’s thoughts stopped there.

Because a person with two heads cannot naturally think.

Activating the heart of strength, he spurted the ground, narrowed the distance, and slashed his sword vertically, splitting the assassin’s head.

It’s simple, but it’s an action that none of the assassins expected.

Wasn’t it time to take a breath, be on the lookout for hidden assassins, and worry about the traps that had been prepared?

At that moment, he rushed in and cut off his head.

Hooded, blood spread around the area and even Encred’s clothes were splashed red.

Encred was once again impressed by the sword in his left hand.

‘It was just a sword you carried?’

I once again realized that the dwarf’s skills were extraordinary.

Although it does not have the elegance of a famous sword, it is hard and moderately sharp.

Moreover, I like that the blade is thick.

It’s enough to bounce off most things with the blade.

Beyond just liking it, it was overflowing with practicality.

There is no need to carry a separate guard sword. This means,

It was a sword that could be used in a wide variety of situations.

Encred stood in a field of reeds, admiring his sword, and let down the hand holding it.

At the same time, he drew a sword and held it in his right hand.


A blue-colored sword was pulled out.

I heard from a tutor that it was a magic sword, but is now a famous sword that is harder and sharper than any other sword.

I looked around with my hands hanging down like that.

They hid so well that the people hiding among the reeds were not even visible.

So is that a problem?

It wasn’t like that.

I was just curious.

What do these guys believe in and attack like this?

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Three round balls flew overhead, and they all exploded above Encred’s head.

Bubble bubbling!

What looked like a dull gray powder fell onto the dried reeds below, causing them to fall and become disheveled.

It was poison powder.

And Encred had already moved from that spot.

The reason why he kicked the ground so loudly and killed the middle-aged female assassin was for this reason.

In terms of individual tactics, Encred was already at a high level.

Why not?

The Valencian mercenary sword is a type of sword based on personal tactics.

There were physical abilities and cognitive abilities that had developed in a way different from before, combat experiences, and things I had learned through repeated days.

More than anything.

‘It’s clumsier than Saxony.’

Among his sparring opponents was a famous assassin from Saxony.

His sword always strikes quickly, silently, and without warning.

Because the past days of trying to properly capture it in my senses were not in vain.

Encred’s terrifying sense encompassed everything around him.

At least he instinctively sensed signs of popularity within his cognitive range.

It seemed like there was an enemy out there.

If it looked like something was flying from there, it actually flew.

So I gently stepped on the ground and launched myself.

All the stars poured down where he was, but they were useless now.

Jack, a black sword thief who had just held two whistle daggers in his hands, opened his mouth in surprise.

When did you come?

Encred stabbed his sword.


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He pierces the assassin’s throat, removes it, and briefly returns the sword to its scabbard.


He grabbed the opponent by the collar and threw him to one side.

Blood flowed in a long arc from the neck of the guy who flew away with a bang.

It was far outside the range where the poisonous smoke spread.

Encred jumped as if bending to the side.

His body raced fearfully without making any noise.


The sound of reeds lying down echoed like a tremor.


One of the assassins shouted. The assassin, who must keep his mouth shut and carry out his mission no matter what happens, suddenly opened his mouth.

Why not?

That was a homemade monster.

Even if they were the first-class assassins that the Black Sword boasted about, this was no match for them.

To kill such a monster, wouldn’t it be necessary to come from Geor’s Blade Master, the greatest assassin guild on the continent?

His question was short.

Before he knew it, the wide blade came and cut off his neck.

Swoosh, swoosh!

The severed head floated in the air.

Among the reed beds that covered the waist below, the group of assassins felt fear.


But the hand didn’t stop.

If you want to live, you must kill the author. That fact hasn’t changed.

He burst into flames and threw poison darts, throwing knives, and throwing axes.

Several sacs that exploded poisonous thorns through pressure also burst.

Everything was prepared to kill one person.

Encred hit what needed to be hit and avoided what needed to be avoided.

His senses surpassed the human level and could tell him in advance what he was going to do.

‘Half a step back.’

Before I knew it, I whirled my waist and cut off the head of the guy who approached me without making a sound and hit him with my elbow.

Phew! And the sound of a blow rang out.

The head of the assassin, whose specialty was silently grabbing the back, exploded.

Unable to withstand the pressure, his eyes pop out and roll on the floor, and his head splits, bleeding brain fluid and blood. The pink brain shyly reached out its hand through them.

Encred didn’t even turn his eyes to the guy who hit him with his elbow.

I knew that the opponent was dead just by hitting him.

Encred swung his elbow and threw the gladius forward with all his might.

The moment Encred’s left hand drew a semicircle in the air, the sword, which looked like a disc when viewed from the side, plunged into the head of one of the assassins.

Thinking it was an opportunity, the two assassins worked together from the left and right and threw the net.

The moment the net blocked the sky, Encred had already pulled out the sword I had thrown.

It is a combination of a heart of mighty strength and a forward step.

It is a step called a lunge, and when used in swordsmanship, it is a step forward.

The slope staff was mixed in there.

Originally, it was a large step taken forward diagonally to avoid the opponent’s attack.

I just mixed it all together.

In addition to that, passing staff and gathering.

There was no need to choose.

That was combined with the incredible strength and thigh muscles that held it together.

Then the forward steps became sprinting and thrusting.

The slash swinging sideways created a long line that cut down the entire reed field.

To put it more simply, Encred was using his sword against the entire group of assassins.

However, the scope has been expanded much further.

Although he didn’t know it, this was a tactic used by a semi-knight-level swordsman against a large number of people.

It is a means of carrying out massacres based on swordsmanship.

And this was a very natural result.

In the first place, Encred reached the present through the means he had learned.

Therefore, he fought based on the various sword techniques he had practiced and learned from people around him.

Here, he mixed in the Yugeomsik he had learned.

The lack of power was made up for by the excellence of the weapons.

Of course, strength is relative.


As an assassin caught by his gently advancing sword, it was only a blow from the Shinigami.

Even though he was wearing armor with a shock-relieving spell on his chest, one of the assassins noticed that he had broken a couple of his ribs.

I broke the spell with force. It’s so powerful that it’s hard to even call him ignorant.

Encred’s power has increased day by day, and now he also has a heart of great strength.

I didn’t envy Proc.

‘What ignorance.’

What kind of power is this?

Encred continued his second attack without notice.

With the combination of his steps and his ‘heart of strength’, his body disappeared from the assassin’s sight for an instant.

What would normally have been a simple step of turning sideways and occupying the side became an instantaneous movement that made the opponent feel like a ghost.

After he flicked and disappeared, a blue thunderbolt struck the top of the assassin’s head and passed by.

With that, another assassin died.

Poisonous haze spread everywhere, but Encred paid it no mind.

No, he held his breath and went through the poisonous smoke in one go, killing an assassin with a Zimmer style stab.

“Ugh, this mi, crazy.”

You break through the poisonous smoke by force and do something like this?

The assassin, who had been holding on to the poison with the antidote in his mouth, left behind a crazy will and headed to God’s side.

Encrud placed his two swords on the floor and continued to move.



The reeds caught on the blade were cut countless times. He was clearly indicating where he was.

It didn’t matter. She rather wanted to be seen and pounced on. It was much easier to pinpoint the location of something if it was thrown than to just hide.

The outcome of the fight was clear.

Out of a group of more than fifteen Black Blade assassins, only two remain.

“You stepped on the wrong foot.”

The first-class assassin and their leader spoke.

His name was Barcelo, and he came from the Eastern Continent to the Black Sword.

At one time, he was called an assassin comparable to the guild called Geor’s Secret Service.

It is first-class among first-class.

His specialty was grabbing the opponent from behind with his claws and ripping off the back of his head.

Barcelo could not find a gap in Encred.

Every time he moved around and changed places, Encred’s eyes slowly turned towards him.

‘Do you see me?’

What a ridiculous feeling.

Recognizing the presence of a first-class assassin? how?

Barcelo was stranded like that.

The remaining one was already running away.

So, he was the one who had the obligation to distance himself and report what was happening.

While he was running away, something suddenly got caught in his throat, and with a whimper, his cervical spine broke and he died.

Oil is fed to the tanned leather, heated over a fire, and a special medication is applied. After repeating this a few times, it became a thin but strong tool.

The guy who was running away got caught in it by the neck and his body fell apart, breaking his neck vertebrae as he couldn’t bear his weight, and the person holding the leash grabbed the leash and twisted it and pulled, breaking his neck vertebrae.

This is an assassin whose body floated and then collapsed.

A man appeared as if rising from the shadow of a fleeing assassin.

It was a Saxony with auburn hair.

“It’s a little late.”

Saxony said that and moved.

It was towards the place where Encred was rampaging.

And there was also a fairy who arrived here one step before Saxony.

“Am I late? Is my love too fast? Love is always fast, passing through my heart without a sound. I don’t think I’m late.”

The fairy company commander stood on one side of the reed field and spoke.

Encred sensed the presence of the Fairy Company Commander, but left it alone and stood towards the last remaining opponent.

Unsurprisingly, he is a good leader.

I looked into it from the beginning. This bastard was different from other assassins.

The way they move and their knack for hiding their presence are all different.

It wasn’t difficult to find a partner. His intuition was already beyond the normal level.

Even though I couldn’t hear anyone breathing or feel any presence, I had a sixth sense that there might be someone there.

Well, there it was. I could feel it just by spraying life on myself.

It’s purely a realm of intuition, though it’s a skill called sensory arts. Only from the other party’s perspective was it worth wondering what kind of fraud this was.

But what can you do? Saxony, who was by Encred’s side, was truly a crazy genius who went beyond his natural ability to do this.

The things I learned from such a genius through repeated daily routines were now ripe in Encred’s body.

“It’s mine.”

Encred said to the fairy. I left it on purpose.

It was like the last special meal.

The opponent is an assassin who is a bit skilled, isn’t his skill set special?

The leader of a group of assassins who had been slaughtered put a weapon in his hand.

With a crackling sound, a man with claws in both hands stepped forward.

“Promise me that if I kill you, you’ll let me live.”

Barcelo knew that there was no way for me to survive after hearing the answer that came out without even taking a breath.

Nevertheless, the last move was hidden.

Will that guy really stop that too?

Thump, thump, thump.

Barcelo started running through the reeds.

To the left was full of poisonous smoke, and corpses and metal objects were visible on the floor.

The target put a relatively short sword back into its scabbard and began to approach while holding a long long sword with both hands.

It wasn’t that fast.

There is no such lightning-like step as before.

Just close the distance with your sword in hand.

Crack, clap, clap!

The sound of the reaper’s steps.


The sound of the reeds being crushed by the reaper forming a duet.

Barcelo picked up the pace. Then he lowered his waist halfway.

The surrounding reeds whizzed past behind me.

With that attitude lowered and Claw at the forefront, the game was put on the line from the start.

A single blow will determine victory or defeat!

He thought to himself and played his trump card.

Pot! Crunch!

A third hand rises from his chest. It’s a hand coming out through the collar. I felt like my chest was thicker than others and my hands stuck out.

It was the moment when Encred’s sword and claws met.

This was truly a trump card.

The third hand was something planted with mystery, and the moment the long metal object in that hand pierced Encred’s chest.


Barceló felt that his clawed right hand was not moving as intended.

The moment I collided with the opponent’s sword, the opponent’s strength pressed and pushed my claw, forcing a certain movement.

The dagger in his hand and the claw met for the third time.


At the same time, the left claw slashed at the opponent’s head, but the opponent lowered his head and dodged.

The other person, who had suddenly become lower than me, raised his head.

Barcelo saw a blue light. They are two blue lines that leave a long line as if you were watching a falling meteor.

A black mass with two blue lines wrapped from above passed by him.

I tried to pull my arm in protest, but I couldn’t.


The opponent’s sword that struck the claw had already severed both of my arms, and even my third hand.

Afterwards, something like a hot poker hit the body and it rose upward.


Barcelo screamed. But it was a scream that no one could hear.

His head screamed, but it was only a whisper.

Encred was appalled when he saw the third hand.

‘What is this?’

Fortunately, his body and senses moved on their own.

So, as soon as I saw the third sword, I used my claws to block the opponent’s dagger and lowered my head.

It seemed simple, but the process of this movement made my eyes feel like they were burning and my head felt hot as well.

It’s an overload that comes from the brain’s process of accepting and judging all the information that comes in at the moment.

Encred raised the spilled sword from bottom to top and drew.

It was an extension of the first sword style in the form of a sword made by looking at snake steps, swallow swords, etc.

The flowing sword does not have extreme power, but it is supported by the sharpness of a famous sword.

He split his three arms and advanced, stamped his toes on the ground, took a step, and whirled his body around to stab his sword.

Encred moved without hesitation, even slashing upward with the sword that pierced the opponent’s abdomen.

The subsequent movement was extremely smooth, but to the opponent, it would have been nothing more than a monstrous sword strike that cut off the arm and sliced ​​through the body like a thunderbolt.

After killing the last opponent.

“What is this?”

There was my soldier, Saxony, who approached.

“Bloody engagement ceremony?”

There was a fairy company commander who was talking crazy things.


Encred took a long breath and spoke after catching a glimpse of the people he had killed.


“It’s cool to treat a customer once.”

Saxony muttered and approached.

A small leather pouch appeared in his hand, and he held it in his arms as he searched the body of the dead body.

Out of that hand came something I had seen before.

It is the same type of pocket on both hands. When I untied the string and let it slip, sparkling powder flew out.

So, it is powdered medicine.

“It’s a familiar drug.”

Saxony said.

At this moment, Encrid remembered the powder he found in the arms of the Black Sword messenger in Martae.

I also remembered the medicine that Frock bastard took.

From Encred’s memory, the two medicines were almost identical. A strange feeling and smell.

What I learned from my habit of not easily ignoring anything around me.

And if you know, the company members in front of you will also know.

You’re a sensitive friend who doesn’t take anything lightly.

“Have you interrogated Frock?”

Saxony asked.

It was known to everyone that Frog was beaten down and captured. Of course, Saxony also knew.

They would have known that he went on a rampage after taking medicine.

I wonder if Kreis, who likes to make fun of his mouth, would have stayed still.

And it seemed like all of this was related. It was just a feeling, but it was a premonition that was close to certainty.

With that premonition, Encred shook his head.

It’s an interrogation, that’s what I’m going to do from now on.

“This is something I want to join in on. I will get upset if I get left out.”

The fairy company commander intervened from the side. En Creed nodded his head.

She showed interest right away. Her tone of voice was light and joking, but the temperament radiating from her green eyes was not light at all.

It seemed like proof that this was not a normal problem.


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