Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 265

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265. Illusion is sometimes like the messenger of death.

There was no mess like this.

People pushed each other. A worker who was building a building was hit by people, pushed to the ground, and rolled toward Encred. He grabbed her head and desperately rolled her body. She was doing it for him to survive too.


“Shut up and move!”

A few patrolmen were seen swinging spears and getting angry beyond the crowd.

Encred’s senses became more sensitive than ever before.

A mixture of sensitivity and concentration sharpens the blade to an infinitely sharper level.

What did you do when you captured the centaur leader?

Everything around me felt like I could grasp it, and I could see how to use it all, where to step, and how to do it.

Encred stopped in that position.

With his eyes half-open, he seemed to be quietly catching his breath.


That seemed very unsettling, so Chrys called Encred.

In addition to the worker who was rolling on the floor, a middle-aged woman and a young child were also pushed to the ground by the crowd.

Everyone was busy walking away because they didn’t want to be around Encred and get stabbed.

As a result, everyone, including workers, middle-aged women, and even young children, had to hang around near Encred.

As the crowd tried to move away from Encred, an empty circle naturally formed, and three people entered the circle.

Among them, the child was blue and trembling. The clothes covering her arms were torn, and blood was dripping from her scraped elbow as she rolled on the floor.

“You’re hurt.”

Kreis looked at the child and said.

However, he didn’t come forward. The other person might have been a girl, but it was a boy, and at this moment, Kreis knew that it was not a good idea for him to make a hasty move.

Even though I couldn’t fight, I knew what I needed to do.

Now was the time to trust the captain and persevere.

The child with his head down couldn’t even whimper and just looked left and right with frightened eyes.

Encred quietly took a breath and threw the dart he had held in his hand earlier.

The arm was moving so fast that I couldn’t even see the hand properly. The moment his arm cut through the air, the dart had already flown, and it was aimed at the worker’s thigh.

And the worker twisted his ankle to avoid it.

The dart grazed the thick cloth pants that fit well and wrapped around the thighs and stuck on the floor.

In some ways, you could say that I avoided it by accident. It was such a clever move.

But is it a coincidence that I avoid it like that at a moment like this?

It was a reflexive and instinctive avoidance, but it was the same as admitting his identity.

The worker might have been startled by the sudden dart that flew out, but the worker immediately shook his hands off.

Six darts left his hand.

Three aimed at Encred’s chest and stomach.

Three were aimed at Kreis’ forehead, chest, and thighs.

It was a manipulative act.

Before the dart left, the gladius in Encred’s left hand moved.


Six darts bounced helplessly in the air.

Then, a little boy came up behind me and suddenly stabbed me with a sword.

It was so stealthy and quick that I didn’t even know when I got this close.

Where did he hide such a sword in his small body, and where did the short sword the length of his forearm come from?

The child grabbed the grip with both hands and stabbed with all his might. She was fast. It was also a powerful attack aimed at a gap.

As soon as Encred hit the dart, he gently turned around.

That posture seemed to predict an attack from behind.

When I turned around and held out my sword, a short sword was caught on the end. As soon as they collided with each other, the short blade was pushed aside, and Encred’s gladius, which had pushed away the short sword, hit the boy in the chest.


Maybe it was wearing sturdy leather armor, so it wasn’t easily cut.

Just because it was soft didn’t mean it didn’t have strength.

The little girl’s breastbone caved in with a single blow from the shortsword.

Encred’s physical strength was now at a level where he could so-called arm wrestle with Frog, so even if he missed, it could be a fatal blow.


As if it had been hit correctly, the little boy coughed violently.

Still, he put his hand into his bosom. I was persistent. But the kid couldn’t achieve his goal.

Before I knew it, the small leopard had moved, swung its front paw, and hit its chest.

Wood clatter!

The sound of bones breaking was loud.

The kid groaned and stopped moving.

This was because the child’s wrist was broken with a single strike from the front foot and a second decisive blow was inflicted on the chest bone.

As soon as I put my hand in his arms, the kid stopped breathing.


“You damn bastard.”

Only then did one of the assassins’ mouth open. He was disguised as a middle-aged noblewoman.

Encred heard it, but it was already moving. No, after I finished the action I was thinking about.

So, after knocking away the flying dart and breaking the breastbone of the kid who surprised me from behind, I just stopped with my right hand stretched out in front of me.

A total of three movements were done in one breath.

After hitting the dart and pushing the sword behind him, he stretched out his right hand.


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The place where the fingertips were headed was the worker who threw the dart.

The knife was stuck in the forehead of the guy who was just about to take something out.

The worker, whose head had been thrown back sharply as he was hit, fell to his knees and dropped his head forward again.

It was instant death.


When Encred finally answered, a middle-aged woman dressed in nice clothes threw something at my feet.


It was a smoke bomb. Starting from the floor, white smoke billowed everywhere.


Encred asked for Chrys just by speaking and listened.

I read the opponent’s movements based on my sixth sense and hearing.

I could tell that it was heading out of the territory, running furiously in one direction.

At the same time, she knew she was not alone.

‘How many people came?’

For some reason, I was reminded of a mixed-race fairy I came across before. The assassin left after giving himself a whistle dagger.

Just like the fairies, they probably have some hidden weapons, secret techniques, and means, and many useful items for killing people.

I had seen countless times when fighting the mixed-race fairy assassin.

So, what about today?

Enkry was confident. He assessed the level of his opponent and recognized himself as he was.

Above all, they are not the kind of people who will go away quietly if you leave them alone.

It was not appropriate for him to just let go of the blade aimed at him.

Therefore, Encred also moved immediately.

“Kreis, take care of it.”

There was only one order left.


A stupid question came from behind, but that big-eyed operator had a good head so he would figure it out.

Encred chased after the moving group of assassins.

* * *

‘Take care of this board?’

Kreis stood among the people screaming through the smoke bombs.

‘Is it true that all the assassins are gone?’

Wasn’t there someone who threw a dart at you earlier?

As I stayed calm, the wind picked up and the smoke began to clear.

It didn’t seem like a poisonous smokescreen or anything.

‘I don’t think it would have ended easily if poison had been mixed in.’

“Falm! Everyone, shut up and put your heads down!”

An uncontrolled crowd was no different from a mob. It was violence to subdue the mob.

While people were busy pushing each other, a patrolman hit the person who was struggling next to him on the head with a spear.


The man who was hit hard enough to see blood stumbled to the side.

“100 million!”

Screaming was also natural. One resident who was hit like that was pushed aside.

The patrolman raised a blood clot to his neck.

Public safety is one of the things Marcus considers important.

The soldiers did their job.

Assassination here? Attack here? What the f*ck here?

If they handled this sloppily, they would all be screwed.

‘That’s right.’

Then they will calm down the confusion on their own.

Kreis looked away, picturing his task in his head.

I saw a dead kid.

I looked closely and found that it was not a child. Her face was so pale. Wrinkles were visible around her eyes and mouth.

Just like the hunchbacks, they all have a unique appearance.

Kreis’ eyes turned to the shortsword he was holding.

The knife that fell on the floor was shiny from what it had been applied to.


It was already predicted before.

What is the black knife trying to do?


If that fails, the next threat is.

What are those threats?

The first was an attack on the way home.

They would have found out only after sending in a mercenary, that is, a swordsman bought with gold coins who did not belong to them.

‘Can’t it be a swallow knife or a group of mercenaries?’

Should I give up though?

‘What if it were me?’

I don’t do it. If I leave like this, the name of the thief called Black Sword will be crawling on the floor.

they seemed to be asking.

Then what, did you think we would leave it alone?

Assassination, I didn’t know they were going to do it on such a large scale.

Kreis lifted his hand and scratched his head. While he was scratching, he looked around at the audience, which was much quieter than before.

“Ester, please take care of me.”

That’s what I said. If the assassin remains, wouldn’t he be dead?

However, I can’t just leave what the captain ordered me to do here.

The other person’s intentions were clearly visible. There will be no assassins left here.

What they were targeting was Encred.

If it had been an attack on territory, it would be a completely different story.

He decides to massacre the kingdom’s provincial citizens?

In that case, the Knights might step forward. No matter how hectic and busy you are and how much work you have to do, you can still move around to cut down a few thieves.

‘A way to handle it neatly without going there.’

I’m only targeting one person.

So what they did now was an inducement. Did Encred go without knowing that?

‘No way.’

“Okay, everyone, calm down. Don’t step on other people’s things. First of all, take care of the belongings of those who damaged the stall, and the workers just need to gather to one side and keep their heads down. The patrolman over there, where does he belong?”

“We are under the 2nd Platoon of the 2nd Company.”

Under Venjence.

Kreis nodded and spoke to the two.

“Let’s stop beating and patch things up.”

Surrounding soldiers, including patrolmen, gathered. With more than a squad of troops and Kreis’ keen eye, the situation was quickly resolved.

“With this, my things, my things.”

“Well, what are you talking about when you take a few wooden arrows and sell them? Even though only a few of them are broken.”

“Did you see it?”

The merchant, who was crying as if he had lost the world, quickly changed his expression.

Kreis overpowered several shameless merchants with words.

He scolds the rest who have suffered real losses.

“Do you know what our battalion commander’s advantage is? It’s that he has an abundance of gold coins. It won’t compensate you for the things you’ve lost, but there are a lot of places that need human help right now, so work as a laborer for a month or two. You’ll make a lot of money. You’ll earn more than selling the things you brought. “Wouldn’t it be better to earn money?”

Kreis knew how to turn a crisis into an opportunity. Anyway, the highways have to be widened and watchtowers have to be built.

Are you saying they’re going to sell even the moat?

Then, we need to build a drawbridge as well.

Therefore, more than one hand is needed. The more manpower, the better. There are plenty of Crona to cover them.

“Now, please select those who have experience in architecture and let us know.”

This is Kim. I decided to move in a direction that would be helpful to the territory.

People quickly adapted to sudden changes.

An attack is an attack, a smoke screen is a smoke screen, cold is cold, and Crona is Crona.

At the glance of Kreis, who quickly changed the situation into a labor market, two soldiers collected the body.

Kreis shouted as everyone gathered together.

“I’ve built some buildings, Son!”

* * *

You can’t seduce him with Crona.

You can’t gently cajole them into getting out of the way.

There is a guy blocking his way, so he puts a piece of metal in the hand of the guy passing by.

“Go and stab him.”

If you could solve it in one word, what would you do?

It is a simple but clear method.

The black knife did that.

Encred knew this was an inducement.

As I ran, I was hit with darts more than five times.

In between.


I also heard some good news.

Assassins using whistle daggers wouldn’t be common.

Encred reflexively recognized the location of the guy using the whistle dagger.

Hiding and chasing the opponent is not a skill, so I ran resolutely.

Of course, it was easy to become a target. All sorts of things flew out of the hands of the assassins who were running together.

He personally proved that this was a substitute for a shield by striking down all flying projectiles with the sword in his left hand.

And some of the assassins were scared when they saw Encred like that.

‘What is that bastard?’

‘Didn’t the people around you say it was a problem?’

‘Why aren’t they even brushing against each other?’

They are all coated with poison, so you can just brush against them.

But it really didn’t even touch me.

Moreover, when he throws the whistle dagger, he catches it without any hesitation and throws it into the product.

It’s the only one that wasn’t poisoned. Did they do it knowingly?

But how do you do that? Grab a whistle dagger out of the air?

There were several known assassins inside the Black Knife, but even they did not have the confidence to pull off such a stunt.

I flicked my eyes around the surrounding area as I struck down the flying bolt with my sword, but all my eyes were focused on the direction I was secretly hiding.

The group of assassins still headed to the agreed upon location.

So, in the northeastern part of the territory, between the upper garrison and the territory, it was a field of reeds that rose up to waist level.

I didn’t know about the black knife.

So I didn’t know exactly.

I knew that there were many dangerous people around Encred, but I didn’t know that Encred itself was a threat.

Illusions can be dangerous and threatening.

At least for them, illusions, misunderstandings, and lack of information were synonymous with death.


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